It seldom happens that persons whose lives have been devoted to
active mental labours reach an extended age without a failure of their bodily health, too
frequently accompanied with the loss of the high intellectual powers by which they have
been distinguished; but this was not the case with Mr.
Roscoe. He had, late in life, engaged in a variety of literary undertakings;
which, notwithstanding the infirmities of age, and the temporary disabilities of sickness,
he had prosecuted with such vigour, that the termination of his labours appeared near at
hand, and he had now the prospect of enjoying that repose which had become so essential,
not merely to his comfort, but to his health, and, indeed, to his very existence. He began
at length to feel the pressure of years, not only in the failure of his bodily strength,
but in the increasing difficulty of mental exertion. His intellect was, indeed, as
unclouded as in its zenith; but the fatigue which literary studies occasioned had become
painful and oppressive to
“I venture to address this to you at Holkham, where I
hope you and Lady Smith are now enjoying
the society of our excellent friends; and where I deeply lament that my infirm
health and increasing personal debility prevent me from being of the party. The
time seems to be approaching, when I must possess my soul in patience, and not
add to the unavoidable evils of life those which are the result of a fretful
temper and ill regulated passions, happy if those evils be not increased by
painful and distressing complaints, which, thanks be to God, have not hitherto
been my lot. I am well aware, that the powers of my mind have in some degree
partaken of the infirmities of my body, but not in such a degree as wholly to
deter me from my usual studies and pursuits, although I can only devote to them
a much smaller portion of time than formerly, and am some days obliged to
abstain from them altogether. The consequence of this is, that I am
endeavouring to bring them to a termination with all reasonable speed, being
unwilling to leave to be terminated by others that which by my own efforts I
may finish myself. I am now revising for the last time the Catalogue of the
MSS. at Holkham, with Mr. Madden’s
numerous additions, which have more than doubled the size of the work. I have
The completion of the Catalogue of the Holkham manuscripts, mentioned in
the foregoing
It might have been said of Mr.
Roscoe at this time, in the words of Pope when speaking of the old age of Dryden, that “his fire, like the sun’s, shined clearest
towards its setting.” The active duties of life were now nearly terminated.
Not only had he retired from every kind of business, but he had at length, with much
patient toil, accomplished the laborious literary tasks which necessity, and the desire of
exerting himself while he was still able, had imposed upon his age. Nothing remained but to
give the per-
It was at this period, when those who loved him were congratulating
themselves on the happiness and serenity of his decline, when, with the labours of his
hands finished, and some of the first hopes of his heart accomplished, he was sitting down
to pass, as he hoped in peace, the short remainder of his life,—it was at this period that
a calamity overtook him, which at first threatened to destroy all the hopes of his family
and of his friends, and to render the remnant of his existence a scene of suffering and
distress. On Sunday, the 16th December, 1827, while he was engaged in conversation with one
Prompt medical assistance was obtained, and he submitted to be copiously bled, an operation to which he had some aversion, and which he had not undergone since his youth. The judicious treatment to which he was subjected soon produced a beneficial effect; and in the course of a few days the use of his hand was restored to him.*
* The following is the account given by his excellent medical friend, Dr. Traill, of this attack:—“My acquaintance with Mr. Roscoe commenced in 1806, and I had soon the felicity of being received as an intimate friend. From 1810 I was further honoured by being consulted as his physician, in which capacity I watched with much anxiety over his declining health. From the time of the first derangement of the affairs of the bank, the immense mental and bodily exertions which he made produced great inroads on a constitution naturally good. He then began, on much application to any subject, to be seized with occasional faintness; and once, in 1816, he was attacked at the bank with a slight loss of memory, which speedily wore off. His habits of intense study, after this period, produced similar effects; and whilst engaged in the controversy on prison discipline, after writing |
A tendency to this complaint had existed for many years. A loss of memory and a difficulty in enunciating, which occasionally occurred after he had been much engaged in mental labour, were symptoms which gave uneasiness to his family, but which were only regarded by himself as slight nervous attacks. The severe mental labours, too heavy for his age, in which he had been long engaged, contributed to increase the disposition to this attack; while the high degree of excited interest felt by him with regard to his controversy on prison discipline operated most unfavourably on his health. The latter may especially be said to have been the immediate cause of his attack.
It not unfrequently happens in the case of persons who, in the decline of life, have the misfortune to suffer from paralysis, that the temper becomes irritable and morose, and that the blighted remnant of their life is rendered a scene of misery only to be terminated by death. From
for the greatest part of a night, to overtake a ship about to sail for America, he was affected in the winter of 1827 with partial paralysis of the muscles of the mouth and tongue. I was immediately called in: the patient was freely bled, on which he recovered his speech; and the introduction of a seton in his neck removed the paralytic affection of the mouth. Intense study was forbidden; and after a period of perfect relaxation from his literary occupations, he recovered sufficiently to be able to complete his botanical work,” &c.—Dr. Traill’s Memoir. |
It unfortunately happened that, at the time of his attack, he was engaged in preparing for the press the “Letters to Mr. Stephen Allen of New York” (which have been already mentioned) on the subject of the American system of prison discipline. So deeply had his feelings become interested in this discussion, that notwithstanding his illness, and in despite of the injunctions of his medical attendants, and the entreaties of his family, he persisted in the publication of the “Letters,” which were read to him by one of his sons, and received his alterations and amendments previously to their being sent to the press. So occupied was his mind with the subject, and so deeply was he persuaded of its importance, that, even at the imminent chance of inducing a second attack, he thought it his duty, at all hazards, to complete what might perhaps be his last contribution to the cause of human improvement.
The discipline which his state of health required produced a considerable
change in his mode of life. His diet was restricted; he was ordered to abstain altogether
from the use of wine; and he was confined for some months to his bed-room, and to the
sitting-room adjoining it. The latter apartment was one which he had fitted up for his own
use, and which bore in every part of it the marks of his peculiar tastes. Near the easy
chair in which he was accustomed to sit stood an ornamented pedestal, the inside of which
was fitted up with shelves, containing the various works which he had used in preparing the
“Life of Pope.” On the
pedestal rested a statue of Psyche, modelled by
Gibson, before his departure for Rome, and
presented by him to Mr. Roscoe. At the end of the
room were two bookcases, containing the remnant of his library, almost entirely consisting
of presentation copies; and between these cases, a number of shelves, placed in the recess
of a window which had been closed up, held the collection of his own works, with the
translations and editions of them which had appeared abroad. The publications which had
proceeded from various members of his own family were also honoured with a place on these
shelves. On each side of the fire-place stood an ebony cabinet, manufactured from wood
presented to him by one of his sons, and containing a few drawings and prints, chiefly the
In this pleasant scene his latter days were passed with a serenity and cheerfulness which neither age nor sickness could overcloud. Relieved from all compulsory studies, he amused himself with turning over the leaves of his books, rather than in studying them, and in replying to the letters of the very few friends with whom he was still able to keep up some correspondence. For many months he found a delightful employment in illustrating, with the heads of the painters, and with the engravings of their works, “The History of Painting in Italy,” by the Abbate Lanzi, which had been translated into English by one of his sons. The large paper copy of this work, which he thus illustrated, forms a beautiful memorial of the taste which did not desert him even in his latest days.*
* In the closing years of his life he bore testimony, in a very delightful manner, to the truth of the sentiment contained |
In the following extract from a letter to Mr. Dawson Turner, Mr. Roscoe has given a picture of his own situation, when in some degree recovered from the consequences of his alarming attack:—
“If I have been too long silent, I hope it will be attributed to its true cause, an inability to keep up my usual correspondence. At the same time, I am happy to say that my health appears to be somewhat better than when I had last the pleasure of seeing you here; that I am no longer troubled with continual noises in my head; that my pulse is remarkably equal; my appetite good, and my sleep tranquil. That I do not seem to improve in strength is not surprising in a person in his seventy-eighth year; but situated as I am, in the midst of my family and friends, and surrounded by my books, &c. (the shadows of my former collections), I still continue to enjoy as much happiness as usually falls to the lot of human
It has been said by one of our most celebrated authors, that “life, after the first warm heats are over, is all down-hill.” In many cases this assertion is but too correct; and we see the generous sentiments, the high tone of feeling, and the benevolent dispositions of youth, yielding gradually to the influence of the world, and chilled, if not destroyed, by the coldness of age. It was a remarkable and a most happy feature of Mr. Roscoe’s character, that he retained throughout life the warmth of feeling, the animating views of human nature, and the benevolent purposes, which had distinguished his early years; and that he never, under the pressure of misfortunes or the weight of years, lost his lively sympathy in the welfare of others. Even his sensibility to the beauties of poetry remained unimpaired to the last, and indeed acquired additional strength by that tenderness of mind which sickness and ill health induce. But this susceptibility of feeling was unattended with any thing like depression; and there probably never was a period of his life when his spirits were more uniformly cheerful than the three last years of it, during which he was awaiting its close.
The prospect of that change, which, even in the common course of nature,
was impending,
Permanently confined though he now was, both by the infirmities of age and the effects of sickness, to the narrow limits of his study, his mind was yet actively alive to those great subjects of
* “It has served to convince me that pain and sickness, the prospect of a speedy deprivation of the enjoyments of life, and the near approach of death itself, are not objects of terror to a well regulated and blameless mind; and that, amidst all the evils and misfortunes to which our nature is incident, it is yet in our power, by a life of innocence and virtue, to secure to ourselves that consolation and peace of mind which will blunt the stings of pain, and throw a gleam of joy even on the dark precincts of the grave.”—The Recluse, No. XI. |
In the summer of the year 1830 an event took place on the Continent which
excited, in the highest degree, his sympathy and interest. The Revolution of July, which
once more freed the French nation from the heavy yoke that had oppressed them, seemed to
waken in their freshness all the feelings of his youth; and those of his family who
witnessed the powerful emotions which the narrative of these transactions pro-
“I cannot allow the small space which my daughter has left me to
remain totally unoccupied, particularly as I think you may wish to know my opinions and
feelings on the astonishing events which have occurred in France since you left us.
They strongly remind me of the tremendous events of the last century, but are attended
with better hopes and expectations. In fact, this is the first time that I can console
myself with the idea, that the cause of liberty and justice has been truly successful,
the former contests being, like those of two wild beasts, intended to decide which of
them should devour the people; but the present noble and spontaneous expression is of a
moral character, and an incident not only unparalleled in history, but an entire
compensation (if any thing can be a compensation) for the dreadful loss of human life
with which it has been accompanied. I dare not
Nothing in the course of these transactions excited so warmly the
admiration of Mr. Roscoe, as the forbearance
manifested by the people of France towards the members of that family who had again
forfeited the crown by their folly and wickedness. On the apprehension of the ministers he
was anxious to see the same magnanimous line of conduct adopted towards them, and he
deprecated the idea of their blood being shed, even for the heinous offence of which they
had been guilty towards their country. He thought that it became the French nation to
exhibit, in this instance, an example of mercy and moderation to the rest of Europe; and to
show that, while despotic sovereigns are compelled to guard their power by measures of
severity and cruelty, a great and a free people can afford to be magnanimous and merciful.
So strongly were these sentiments impressed upon his mind, that he resolved, without delay,
to address a representation to M. La Fayette, whose
friendship for him might induce him, at all events, to listen to the
“I have just had the pleasure of receiving your obliging favour of the 18th May last, introducing to my acquaintance the Rev. Dr. Kirkland and his highly accomplished lady, with whom I have just spent a very pleasant hour in my library, and have been much gratified with the accounts they have given me of their travels on the Continent. But, my dear Sir, I can speak on no other subject till I have returned my earnest thanks to God, and congratulated you on the wonderful events which have taken place in France since your letter was written, and in which you have yourself acted so noble a part—an incident on which I may truly say, ‘Lord, now let thy servant depart in peace.’ This, indeed, is the first time in my life, although I am now fast approaching the eightieth year of my age, when I have seen the triumph of liberty complete, and a foundation laid for the perpetual extirpation of slavery and oppression from every part of the civilised world.
“On occasions of this kind the chief difficulty is to
prevent the great objects so happily accomplished from being defeated by too
violent a re-
“An attack of paralysis, which I experienced upwards of two years ago, has prevented my joining my friends and fellow townsmen at a public meeting a few days since, to celebrate the late glorious event in France, and to subscribe towards the sufferings of the heroes who have bled in her cause, when your name was referred to in a manner which the occasion required. All the world acknowledges that you have confirmed, in your later years, those principles of liberty to which you were so generously and so early devoted in youth. I will send you one of our Liverpool Journals, by which you will see what occurred. I am truly happy to say that such meetings are taking place in all the large towns of the kingdom.
“It is not unknown to my friends here that I have the honour of corresponding with you; in consequence of which some of them, who form a society here, under the name of the Antislavery Society, of which I have been president many years, met together yesterday, and have to-day favoured me with a copy of a resolution adopted by them, which they have desired I would send to you; which I now do in compliance with their wish. It is expressed in the following terms:—
“‘Resolution passed unanimously by the Liverpool Anti-slavery Society, William Roscoe, President. In his absence, James Cropper, Esq., in the Chair.
“‘That the president be respectfully requested to write to General La Fayette, soliciting his powerful influence with the French government to enforce the laws against the slave trade, and to bring forward others, if those already existing are not sufficient to abolish this dreadful blot on humanity.’
“I presume you have heard that the legislators of
Pennsylvania, after having erected two immense penitentiaries, intended to
contain convicts to be punished by solitary confinement, both by day and night,
without being permitted to labour, have thought proper, on the recom-
“I will take an early opportunity of sending you a description of one of these penitentiaries, with a copy of the Report alluded to, which you possibly may not yet have seen; and I am glad to be able to add, that the system of productive labour for criminals is now the general practice of all the United States of North America.”
In a letter to Mr. Coke he thus touches on the same subject:—
“I can scarcely express to you how sincerely I rejoice with you
on the great triumph which has just taken place in France, where the victories of an
age have been comprised within the compass of a few days, and a foundation laid for a
better system of things than I ever expected to live to see. I have already written to
congratulate my friend, General La Fayette, on
this most happy event, in which he has acted so important a part, and have taken an
opportunity of saying a few words to stay the violence of that reaction which destroyed
the good effects of the last revolution, and to induce the present government to
terminate the contest, as it was begun, with magnanimity and humanity. That the
ex-ministers are deserving of death I by no
The event proved that, in suggesting this humane and high-minded course
of conduct, Mr. Roscoe had not miscalculated the
character of the new government. The ministers were tried and found guilty, but,
notwithstanding the furious opposition of the populace, their lives were spared. What
impression his representations produced on the mind of M. La
Fayette he never learned, nor indeed did he expect that the sentiments of
that distinguished person on a subject of so much delicacy and importance should be
disclosed, even in the confidence of private friendship. It was enough for him that the
On the formation of Lord Grey’s ministry Mr. Roscoe looked forward with eagerness to the accomplishment of the great improvements which had long been the objects of his political exertions. In the projected measure of Parliamentary Reform he more especially rejoiced, regarding that question as one of the most vital that could engage the attention of the legislature and of the public. From the elevation of his friend Mr. Brougham, also, to a station of such high rank and influence, he anticipated the most happy results, and he addressed to him, soon after that event, the following letter:—
“Although I have not yet made my appearance amongst the fifteen hundred friends, who (as I understand from the daily papers) have already congratulated your Lordship on your having attained the highest honours of your profession, you will, I am sure, do me the justice to believe that there is no person who rejoices more sincerely in that event, or who looks forward to the result of it with greater expectation than I do.
“That one, who has hitherto unceasingly devoted himself
to the greatest and most generous pursuits, should be placed in a situation
where the greatest facilities are afforded for benefiting
“My attention was recalled a few days ago to the period of our more frequent intercourse, by the receipt of a small pamphlet from Mr. George Forwood, who is now stipendiary superintendant of the poor in Liverpool. This pamphlet is upon the subject which now occupies the entire attention of the nation,—the extension of suffrage,—and is written (as he tells me in a note) for the purpose of exemplifying one of the principles upon which (in my letter to you, addressed to you now upwards of twenty years ago) I proposed my plan of reform;—namely, ‘to extend the right of voting to all, who, as householders, are heads of families, and contribute to the exigencies of the state; as well as to some others of the community.’
“As the pamphlet just sent me enters somewhat more
particularly into the subject, and as the author has requested that, if I
should think favourably of his attempt, I would bring it more immediately under
your notice, I have sent your Lordship a copy of it; not doubting that all
“A few of my friends here having thought proper, on the present occasion, to republish my letter on Reform, addressed to your Lordship in the year 1810, I venture to trouble you with two copies of it; and as I do not recollect, at this distance of time, whether I ever gave you a copy of my neighbour Mr. Merritt’s letter to me on that subject, and of my answer to him, I also send copies of each of these,—and am on all occasions, with the sincerest respect and attachment, my dear Lord,” &c. &c.
Most of the laborious literary undertakings in which Mr. Roscoe had engaged, at a period of life which in most men is necessarily devoted to repose, were now happily concluded; and he was enabled to look back upon them with that satisfaction which may be allowed to attend the completion of long and useful labours. Notwithstanding a dangerous and often incapacitating illness, he had persisted in the task to which his mind had been previously devoted, and he was now rewarded for this painful exertion by attaining that undisturbed and needful repose which his age and his infirmities required. The following letter to Mr. Coke contains the pleasing retrospect of labours completed, and the happy picture of a contented spirit:—
“I was never more delighted than by your last letter, expressing in so kind and affectionate a manner your approbation of my labours in arranging your manuscript library at Holkham, or, rather, of the time I have spent in a most pleasing and instructive employment.
“Of the various works which I have of late undertaken,
and which, to say the truth, have been rather too much for my latter years, I
have great reason to be thankful that I have been able to bring them so near to
a termination, that I have now some hope of seeing them all accomplished. The
catalogue of the Holkham MSS. being deposited in the shelves of the library,
and having received your kind and friendly approbation, I now consider as
complete. The edition of
Pope, a work of great labour, has now been finished for some years;
and although it has been much abused by those whom it justly censured, I have
received the approbation of all whose good opinion is worth having. My tracts
on prison discipline, particularly as far as regards America, you will be happy
to hear, have been attended with all the effect I could reasonably have
expected; the system of solitary confinement, without labour, for which prisons
were built at Philadelphia, and others were extending over the United States,
having been rejected, and the opinions of M. La
Fayette and myself having been referred to in express terms in
the report of
Within a few months after this time, he was enabled to send to the press the fifteenth and last number of his work on Monandrian Plants. In completing this splendid volume, he gave a proof of the undiminished powers of his mind, by prefixing to it the following poetical inscription:—
“God of the changeful year!—amidst the glow Of strength and beauty, and transcendant grace, Which, on the mountain heights, or deep below, In shelter’d vales, and each sequestered place, Thy forms of vegetable life assume, —Whether thy pines, with giant arms display’d, Brave the cold north, or, wrapt in eastern gloom, Thy trackless forests sweep, a world of shade; Or whether, scenting ocean’s heaving breast, Thy odoriferous isles innumerous rise; Or, under various lighter forms imprest, Of fruits, and flowers, thy works delight our eyes;— God of all life! whate’er those forms may be, O! may they all unite in praising Thee!” |
Many of the scientific friends to whose assistance Mr. Roscoe was indebted during the progress of the work communicated their congratulations to him on its termination. From Dr. Hooker of Glasgow, whose high scientific acquirements are so well known to the public, he had the satisfaction of receiving the following letter:—
“Our friend Mr. Shepherd leaves Glasgow to-day, and I am anxious to charge him with a few lines to you, though only to congratulate you, as I do most cordially, upon the completion of your great work on the scitamineous plants. It is, indeed, a national work. My copy came home from the binder last night, with the plates all arranged according to your synoptical table, and I cannot tell you with what pleasure I again looked it through. I am much gratified at the kind and handsome manner in which you have mentioned my name. Of all the work, however, I am not sure if the lines which stand in lieu of a dedication, do not please me the very best.
“I am glad to hear from Mr. Shepherd that your bodily health continues as good as your friends could expect, though I lamented to hear that you still, as when I had last the happiness of seeing you, suffered from weakness.”
Dr. Maton also, whose correspondence had afforded Mr. Roscoe much pleasure and information, thus expresses himself with regard to the work:—
“Having lately perused the last part of your excellent and splendid work on the Scitamineæ, I am anxious to convey to you my cordial acknowledgments for the very flattering manner in which you have been pleased to make mention of me in your remarks on the Cardamom plant. To be spoken of as the friend of Mr. Roscoe, and to receive his approbation of any humble endeavours of mine in the paths of science, will be ever a subject of pride and satisfaction to me.”
But the person whose approbation Mr. Roscoe was most anxious to receive was Dr. Wallich, whose intimate acquaintance with the tribe of plants figured in the work, and whose celebrity as a botanist rendered his opinion of the highest value. That approbation was conveyed in the following letter, accompanied by the warmest expressions of friendship:—
“God be thanked for having enabled you to finish
successfully the arduous but noble and classical work on Scitamineæ, on which you have
been so long engaged, and which must have required the most vigorous exertions
of the mind, especially under the severe bodily sufferings which you have of
late years undergone. I beg to offer my sincerest felicitations on the
consummation of this anxiously looked for event, which will be hailed by all
sound botanists of the Linnæan as well as the modern school, and
“Your charming sonnet I know by heart; and am charged by Mrs. Wallich to thank you a thousand times in our joint names for the honour you have done us both by inscribing a separate copy to her; an honour that we acknowledge with warm gratitude. We are going to have it framed against our return to India, where, in the botanic garden at Calcutta, it will have a place among our dearest and most valued friends.
“I do glory and pride myself, as most justly I may, in all the generous expressions with which you have honoured me, and in the frequent mention of my humble name, especially in conjunction with those of my munificent masters. Your approbation and satisfaction is of indescribable value to me; to have had the distinction of being numbered amongst your friends, will always be to me a source of solid and substantial benefit, and will preserve me from that oblivion which would otherwise befal me when I shall only be a shadow—a name.”
Mr. Roscoe might now almost be said to be ultimus suorum. He had survived not only the companions of his youth, but most of the friends of his maturer years. More than half a century had elapsed since he had lost Holden and Rigby, the associates of his youthful studies, and half that portion of time since the grave had closed over the remains of Currie and of Clarke. Their loss had been followed, at no distant period, by that of his beloved friend, Mr. Rathbone; and in later years he had to lament the deaths of many of his most esteemed correspondents—of Dr. Parr, of Dr. Aikin, and of Fuseli; another was now to be added to the list.
The friendship between Sir James
Smith and Mr. Roscoe was not formed
until after the middle period of life, but it was accompanied by all the warmth of youthful
feeling. The admi-
The pleasure derived by Mr. Roscoe
from a personal acquaintance with Sir James Smith,
has been already adverted to. From the period of their first acquaintance to the death of
the latter, a frequent correspondence was maintained between them, relating chiefly to
scientific subjects, but often touching upon other matters of public and of personal
interest. Of this cor-
Though the health of Sir James Smith had been for some time declining, his death was unexpectedly sudden, and the intelligence of it, for which Mr. Roscoe was unprepared, considerably affected him. He was just about to express in the preface to his “Monandrian Plants,” the affectionate regard and high esteem which he entertained for his friend—expressions destined never to meet his eye. “I cannot,” he says in the preface, “dismiss the present publication without expressing my obligations for many favours conferred on me. Of the pleasure I should have had in performing this duty, I have, however, in one instance, been deprived by the lamented death of that great promoter of botanical science, Sir James Edward Smith, president of the Linnæan Society, with whom I have enjoyed many years of literary communion and unbroken friendship, the memory of which will never be effaced from my mind; an event which has occurred precisely at the period when I should have had an opportunity of expressing my obligations to him for his numerous and
* Vol. ii. p. 306. |
In a letter to Lady Smith, written immediately after the distressing intelligence of Sir James’s death had been communicated to him, he says,—“This great and irreparable loss I, too, must remember as one of the weightiest misfortunes of my life; for though I was sensible that the health of my dear friend was precarious, yet I had flattered myself that being younger by so many years than myself, I should have left him my survivor. I cannot, however, but rejoice in his calm and happy departure, his great worth fully understood, his fame established, and his most valuable work just finished. When I consider these circumstances, together with his pure and pious mind, I cannot repine at the result, and if it were not presumptuous, I would express an earnest wish that my latter day might be like his.”
Although Mr. Roscoe had been
deprived of many of those literary friends and associates
“Friend of my youth! Thou whose approving smile Cheer’d me whilst toiling up the steep ascent Of knowledge—from whose breast I caught the glow Of mental independence, and whose hand Led me through virtue’s peaceful paths—to thee I consecrate these tributary lays. What though thy setting sun, bedimm’d with clouds, Nears the horizon, and the hour draws on When it must sink beneath the western wave; Yet, in high musings, faithful memory dwells With transport on the time when erst it shone In noontide lustre;—and in steadfast faith In Him who died on Calvary, we await The advent of that morning when its beams Shall be relumed; and, never more obscured, In ever-glowing splendour shall advance, Nearer and nearer to the empyreal light, That blazes, ceaseless, from the throne of God.” |
In making his acknowledgments for this volume, Mr. Roscoe says, “Accept my best thanks for the honourable, and I hope durable, memorial which you have raised to our long and uninterrupted friendship, and for the gratifying and affectionate terms in which it is expressed. I am also highly pleased with the tribute you have paid to the memory of our lamented friend, Johnes, and his charming daughter, whom you have embalmed with richer than Sabæan odours. With respect to myself, I cannot feel sufficiently grateful for the degree of strength which I yet enjoy, and in having been able to finish, since my illness, my Holkham catalogue, and my large botanical work, to which I have prefixed my inscription as I threatened, and of which I send you a copy with thanks for your emendation. I shall also avail myself of the present opportunity to return your books, which I have detained so unreasonable a length of time, and to which I have added two volumes of the Italian translation of my ‘Illustrations of the Life of Lorenzo,’ which I am sorry to say is not so well done as your ‘Poggio,’ by Tonelli, which is in every point of view a first-rate performance.”
It was the good fortune of Mr.
Roscoe to retain, even to the close of his life, that power of attracting
the friendship of others, which had been from his youth one of his most marked
characteristics. Amongst these, the friends of
“This is intended to be delivered to you by my highly
valued friend, Signor Antonio Panizzi,
professor of the Italian language in the London University, who lived some
years in Liverpool, whence he is now returning, after visiting the numerous
friends whom he has made during his residence here. He is probably already
known to you by his literary works,—particularly his edition of Bojardo and Ariosto, now publishing; in addition to which I beg leave to
add my testi-
Of Mr. Rogers’s singularly beautiful edition of his “Italy,” a copy of which was presented to him at this time, Mr. Roscoe expresses his high admiration in the same letter:—
“I do not consider this, your obliging remembrance of me, merely as an interesting and truly original poem, decorated with exquisite engravings, but as a production, in which the sister arts of poetry and painting are united to produce a simultaneous effect, as brilliant jewels are only seen to full advantage when set off by a beautiful face. The art of engraving has hitherto aimed only to please the eye, but it may now be said to have arrived at its highest excellence, and touched the deepest feelings of the mind. We must now acknowledge, that the finest effects of the pencil may be produced by the simple medium of light and shadow.”
Many hours during the winter of 1830 were agreeably passed in the perusal
of the Life of Dr. Currie, a work which
he had long been desirous of executing himself, but which he was ultimately obliged to
relinquish. The pleasure
“A reluctance to writing, which is incident to my complaints, and a continual course of avocations to which I am obliged to attend, have so long prevented my replying to your several kind and affectionate letters that I am almost ashamed of recalling myself to your friendly recollection. The approaching publication of the life of his father by our friend Wallace Currie, induces me, however, to address a few lines to you to express my approbation of that work; the first volume of which I have just read with deep interest and great satisfaction, and which has relieved me from an uneasy sensation, which I have always felt, at not having undertaken the work myself, owing to my numerous and unavoidable avocations, and has convinced me, that, on many accounts, I could not have accomplished it so well as it has been done by his son.
“This work, which is to be immediately published, will,
I trust, not only be acceptable to the numerous friends of Dr. Currie, but a favourite with the public at
large, as it gives a faithful representation of an individual of a lofty and
magnanimous character, uniformly devoting his energies to the highest objects
of human
“I have frequently intended to congratulate you on the wonderful events that have taken place in Europe, and particularly in France, in the course of the last six months; but I have been scarcely less interested in the struggle which is now taking place in Poland, respecting which ill-fated country we both of us took so active a part upwards of thirty years ago. We cannot but wait with great anxiety the result of the present struggle between despotism and liberty in Europe, of which I hope you will live to see the happy result, which is more than at my time of life I can have any reason to expect.
“Since writing the foregoing I have received from Wallace Currie a complete copy of the Doctor’s life, which he has done me the honour of dedicating to me in a kind and friendly address. From the short survey I have hitherto been enabled to take of it, I think it will do great credit both to his father and himself. The Doctor’s letters are particularly valuable.”
It had long been the intention of Mr.
Roscoe to publish a selection from his own poems, and also from those which
had at various periods
He perused about this time, with much interest, the Life of De Witt Clinton, by Dr. Hosack, of New York, to whom he expressed his opinion of the work in the following letter, written in the summer of 1830:—
“Some time previous to the receipt of the letter with which you honoured me, dated the 29th April, 1829, and accompanying the present of your valuable Memoir of Governor Clinton, I had an attack of paralysis, which interfered with my usual occupations, and for some time interrupted my correspondence; and although, by the blessing of God and by the aid of repeated depletion and other remedies, I have been restored to such a state of health as to be able to devote a prescribed portion of my
* The following is the title which he intended to give to the selection:—“Poems, Original and Fugitive; written between the years 1770 and 1830: by William Roscoe. To which are added, Poems by some of his Children. Liverpool, 1831.” |
“At the same time, I have imbibed a very distinct idea and favourable opinion of the truly great and good man whose character you have so admirably depicted; and whose great and various merits you have so ably illustrated and explained.
“Writing, as I now do, under the immediate impressions derived from the perusal of your noble tribute to the memory of your friend, it would be unjust in me to suppress the feelings with which I have been actuated, or to deny that, highly as I estimate such a character in a nation abounding in great men, I consider your production as having shown you worthy to have been his biographer, and whilst you have raised an imperishable monument to his fame, to have given the surest earnest of your own.
“In addition to the regret I feel in not having been
able to reply sooner to your letter, I am sorry not to have transmitted you the
few documents requested by you respecting my late highly esteemed friend
Thomas Eddy, of whom
It will be recollected that at a very early period of his life Mr. Roscoe had collected the moral precepts of the New
Testament into a small volume, to which he gave the title of “Christian Morality, as contained in the Precepts of the New Testament; in the Language
of Jesus Christ.” In the decline of life this youthful attempt was
recalled to his mind by a work of a similar character proceeding from a very unlooked for
quarter. This was “The Precepts of
Jesus,” collected, arranged, and published at Calcutta by a learned
Brahmin, Rammohun Roy, who having become a convert to
Christianity, endeavoured in this manner to recommend the religion of Christ to his
countrymen. The character and history of this extra-
It is not surprising that with a man of this high and enlightened
character Mr. Roscoe should be desirous of
communicating; and accordingly he took advantage of the opportunity of one of his friends
(the late Mr. Thomas Hodgson Fletcher of Liverpool)
proceeding to India, to transmit to Rammohun Roy a
“Although I have not the honour of being known to you, I am no stranger to your writings, nor to the uniform and noble manner in which you have asserted the cause of true and genuine Christianity, against the sophisms and absurdities of those who would persuade us that they are the only objects of the benevolence of the great Creator and common Father of all His offspring. It seems strange even to myself that so long a time has elapsed, in which I have been aware how nearly my opinions on religious subjects have agreed with your own, without introducing myself to your acquaintance. The fact is, that within the first twenty years of a life which is now verging on its seventy-eighth year, I had devoted myself to the task of forming, as far as possible, a complete code of moral conduct, from the precepts of Jesus Christ as given in the New Testament, in his own words; in which I had made a considerable progress; and although circumstances prevented my completing it, yet the impression which the attempt made on my own mind convinced me, that true Christianity consists alone in doing the will of our Father which is in heaven, which will is not only sufficiently, but most powerfully and beautifully enforced in that sacred volume.
“In my riper years, as the affairs of the
“Some of these works I would even flatter myself may, perhaps, have occurred to your notice; but at all events, that I may not suffer the little that remains to me of this life to pass away without being better known to you, and having at present a favourable opportunity of sending you a few volumes on various subjects that may give you a tolerable idea how I have been employed, I have made up a specimen of my writings, which I have to desire you will accept as the gift of one friend to another; in order that, if they should be received in the same spirit in which they are sent, they may in fact diminish the barrier which Providence has placed between us, and introduce us to the society of each other, to be united, during our future lives, as true and faithful followers of our common Master.
“The opportunity to which I have above alluded is that
of a young friend who is about to depart
from hence on a voyage to Calcutta,
“We have, for some time past, been flattered with hopes of seeing you in this kingdom, but I fear I am not destined to have that pleasure. At all events, it will be a great gratification to me if I should survive the attacks of the paralytic complaint, under which I have now laboured for some years, till I hear that you have received this very sincere mark of the deep respect and attachment which I have so long entertained for you, and which I hope to renew in a happier state of being.
Before this letter could reach its destination Mr. Roscoe had the unexpected gratification of hearing
that the extraordinary person to whom it was addressed was already on his voyage to Europe.
This intelligence was quickly followed by his arrival at Liverpool, where his character and
striking appearance excited much curiosity and interest. The interview between him and
“I have the great honour and very singular pleasure of
introducing to your Lordship’s kind notice and attention the bearer of
this, the celebrated and learned Rammohun
Roy, who is just arrived here from Calcutta, and of whom you
must already have frequently heard as the illustrious Convert from Hindooism to
Christianity, and the author of the selections from the New Testament of
“The Precepts of
Jesus;” by the publication and diffusion of which amongst
During the spring of the year 1831 there was little alteration in
Mr. Roscoe’s health, though it was obvious
that he was becoming more and more feeble, and that any fresh attack of illness must prove
eminently dangerous. He still continued to enjoy the society of his family, and of the
friends who occasionally visited him; and when the weather permitted, he sometimes walked
for a few minutes in his small garden, where he watched, with much pleasure, the progress
of his few favourite flowers. He was fully sensible how very frail the tenure of his life
had become; and as he stood, a short time before his last attack of illness, admiring the
beauty of a border of white lilies, he remarked that, perishable as they were, they would
probably survive him. But no feeling of dejection was mingled with these thoughts. A few
weeks before his death, in a conversation with his friend and physician, Dr. Traill, he spoke calmly of his increasing feebleness
and probable early dissolution. “He thanked the Almighty for having permitted him
to pass a life of much happiness, which, though somewhat checkered by vicissitude, had
been, on the whole, one of great
In this tranquil and happy frame of mind he continued to the last. Towards the conclusion of the month of June he suffered from a severe attack of a prevailing influenza, from which he appeared to have partially recovered, when, on the evening of Monday the 27th of June, while listening to a letter which one of his sons was reading to him, containing an account of the progress of the Reform Bill, he was suddenly seized with a violent fit of shivering, accompanied by an almost total prostration of strength. He was, with difficulty, conveyed to his bed, from which he never again rose. At this trying hour that confidence in the goodness of God, and that submission to His will, which had supported him in every vicissitude of his life, did not desert him, and he resigned himself, without one murmur, to the change which he well knew was near at hand. While yet able, with difficulty, to make himself understood, he said to Dr. Traill,—“Some people suffer much in dying; I do not suffer.” On the morning of Wednesday he indistinctly enquired from his highly valued medical attendant, Mr. Bickersteth, his opinion with regard to his situation;
He has himself described, in speaking of the death of Mr. Reynolds, the feelings with which it became his family to regard their loss. “If ever there was an occasion on which the tears we shed are tears of affection and tenderness, rather than of grief and distress, it is when a good man, full of years and honour, goes to receive the reward of his labours, leaving to those who are dearest to him the benefit of his example, the credit of his widely respected name, and the delightful hope that, by following in his track, they will finally be admitted to his society again in a happier state of being.”
He was interred in the burying ground attached to the Unitarian Chapel in
Renshaw Street, the service being performed by his valued and long tried friend, the
Rev. William Shepherd. His funeral was attended
by a very considerable body of his private friends, and of those whose esteem for his
character induced them to show this voluntary mark of respect to
Mr. Roscoe left a family, surviving him, of six sons and two daughters. He had lost one daughter in infancy, and a son in mature age. His eldest daughter was married, in the year 1825, to Thomas Jevons, Esq., of Liverpool.
Soon after his death a subscription was opened at Liverpool, for the purpose of raising a monument to his memory.*
* See Appendix, No. I. |
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