For a considerable period previous to this time, much of
Mr. Roscoe’s attention had been devoted to
the improvement of his mansion at Allerton. The older portion of the house having become
dangerous from the decay of the timbers, he determined to pull it down, and to rebuild it
on an uniform plan, so as to correspond with the centre and wing, which had been erected
about sixty years previously. This alteration was necessarily attended by a change in the
disposition of the grounds round the house; the gardens, which had been well laid out in
the old style, being converted into pleasure grounds, ornamented with shrubberies and
plantations. Until this time Mr. Roscoe had possessed very inadequate
accommodation for his library, and for his collection of pictures, prints, and drawings,
which year after year continued to accumulate upon his hands; but, in the construction of
the new building, he secured for himself a handsome and capacious library, while the walls
of the other new apartments were ornamented by his collection of paintings. The alterations
being finished in the autumn of
His taste for the study of bibliography led him at this time into a correspondence with Dr. Dibdin, whose magnificent volumes were frequently the subject of his admiration. In one of his letters he notices the suggestion of Dr. Dibdin as to his writing a Life of Erasmus:—“I am too well acquainted with your entertaining volume of the Bibliomania to be ignorant of your recommendation to me to undertake a Life of Erasmus. That such a work is much wanting I admit, and I think it one of the finest subjects that could be undertaken; but you do me too much honour in thinking that I am competent to it. To execute it properly, a knowledge of the German language and literature would be indispensable. Much, I believe, has been done in Germany towards elucidating this important period of their literary history, and I trust it will not be long before some of our countrymen, fully qualified, will repair the defects of Knight and Jortin, and give us such a view of the subject as may gratify reasonable expectation.”
The task of forming a catalogue of his library suggested to Mr. Roscoe the idea of a publi-
* The following inscription was intended to be prefixed to the volume:— Hæc Monumenta Artium
Literarumque Renascentium Prjecipue Sub Auspiciis Cosmi
Laurentiique Necnon Leonis X. Pont. Max. Diuturno
Studio Conquisita Collegit Disposuit In Deliciis
Habuit Atque Posteritati Commendat Gulielmus Roscoe.
mdcccxv. |
The rheumatic affection from which Mr. Roscoe suffered, prevented him from visiting Norfolk, a disappointment which he notices in the following letter to Dr. Smith, in which he also gives some account of the manner in which he passed his time during his illness.
“If I could have entertained the least hope or prospect of being able to undertake my promised excursion into Norfolk, I should not so long have delayed apprising you of it; but after having protracted writing from day to day, and from week to week, I am at length under the necessity of relinquishing, for the present, the pleasure I had so warmly anticipated, and consoling myself as well as I can under the pains of the rheumatism, which have of late left me little relaxation either by day or night.
“My spirits are, however, pretty good; and as I am
fortunate enough to be able to sit up, and even walk about a little, I am
seldom unemployed with objects either of business or amusement. Of the former,
my operations at Chat Moss have engaged a great share of my attention, as I
have promised some account of them to the Board of Agriculture, which this long
confinement has given me the opportunity of drawing up. I have also done
“You must, in all probability, have seen one of them, although you have not mentioned it in your travels, and will be able, perhaps, to clear up my conjectures.
“Another picture which I long to show you is a Madonna and Child, with St. Helena and St. Francis, by Don Ghirlandajo, the master of M. Angelo, painted, according to his custom, in distemper; but what constitutes its value is a freize, or history piece, below; the work of M. Angelo, when young; with strong indications of the great manner by which he afterwards distinguished himself.
“I hope before this time you will have received a copy
of my review of Mr. Canning’s
speeches; if not, be so good as to say so when
“Throughout this troublesome complaint I had many sleepless hours at night, in some of which I strung verses together, which I wrote down in the morning, and of which I send you a specimen; which I beg you to present to Mrs. Smith with my kind remembrances. Should she approve of them, she will perhaps do me the favour of sending a copy to Miss Coke, whenever she may have an opportunity.”
The fair face of morning when sudden clouds cover,
And tempest and darkness envelope the day,
Shall the gloom of the moment deter the true lover
Who hastes to the home of his mistress away?
When heaved from its base proudly swells the vast ocean,
And danger rides high on the crest of the wave,
Undaunted the mariner views the commotion,
And bares his bold bosom the sea-storm to brave.
Then say, shall the Patriot e’er prove a recoiler?
Shall the champion of freedom e’er stoop to
Shall he basely resign to the hands of the spoiler
The prize that high Heaven has consign’d to his
No! still to his task with fresh vigour returning,
He shall wage the bold war with corruption again,
As the lion, that, roused by the beam of the morning,
Shakes off the light dew-drops that hang on his mane.
If he falls—like the warrior he falls in his duty,
Whilst his country shall hail him and angels approve;
If he conquers—he wins from the bright hand of beauty
The wreath wove by Liberty, Friendship, and Love.
The design of writing the Life of Dr. Currie continued to engage the attention of Mr. Roscoe, as will appear from the following extract of a letter (May 22, 1814) addressed to Dr. Wright of Edinburgh:—
“It is true, my dear Sir, that a combination of circumstances,
which it would be irksome to explain, but which, as you rightly judge, have chiefly
arisen from my other importunate avocations, have hitherto prevented me from giving a
memoir of our excellent friend; but it is no less true, that I have never for a moment
faltered in my resolution of taking the first opportunity in my power of accomplishing
it, and I am truly happy to say, that I have now a fair prospect of being shortly
enabled to devote myself to it, with less interruption than at any former period. In
the course of my narrative, and particularly on
The paper adverted to in the above letter to Dr. Wright, was published in the 11th volume of the Linnæan Society’s Transactions; and in the same volume is inserted another communication from Mr. Roscoe, under the title, “On artificial and natural Arrangements of Plants, and particularly on the Systems of Linnæus and Jussieu.”
In referring to the latter paper, he says, in a
Another literary project entertained by Mr. Roscoe at this time, was a translation of the excellent work of Lanzi, “Storia pittorica della Italia.” At his suggestion, his intimate friend, Dr. Traill, undertook the version of the work, which was to be accompanied by notes, and an introductory dissertation from the pen of Mr. Roscoe. This work was afterwards executed by one of his sons; but the preliminary dissertation is not appended to it.
During the present year, Mr. Roscoe was gratified by receiving intelligence of his having been elected an honorary member of the New York Historical Society.
It was about this period that Mr. Roscoe had an opportunity of frequently
meeting and conversing with Mr. Robert Owen of
Lanark; upon
“A perusal of your fourth essay, which you were so good as to leave with me last night, has confirmed in my mind the justice of the remarks which I took the liberty of making to you on the nature of your plans for public improvements, and the best method of carrying them into effect.
“There is in them so much practical excellence that I cannot without great regret see them united with projects, which, to many persons, must appear in the highest degree extravagant, and supported by arguments, which, to say the least, are often of questionable validity, and which cannot fail to offend all those persons upon whom your plans must depend for support.
“I have already stated to you, in explicit terms, where I conceive you must fix your boundary, if you expect success. These are,—
“On all these points your writings contain many
excellent remarks, and if you should be the means of establishing such
improvements, you will have done the greatest good that ever any man conferred
upon his country. But, when
“I have endeavoured to compress what I have before said on this immense subject into as little space as possible, and have now only to entreat that you will excuse the freedom of my remarks, and will believe me, with real esteem,” &c.
The interest which Mr. Roscoe felt in the improvement of the natives of Africa, was awakened this year by the appearance at Liverpool of one of that race, who had devoted himself to the extension of education amongst persons of his own colour. To talents of no ordinary kind Prince Sandars united considerable information, and exhibited a remarkable proof of what might be effected amongst the natives of Africa by due cultivation.
On his departure for London, Mr.
Roscoe gave him letters of introduction to the Duke
of Gloucester, as President of the African Institution, and to some others
of his friends who were favourable to the cause of the Negroes;
“Dear Sir,—It is with much heartfelt pleasure that I improve a moment for the acknowledgment of your kind attentions, to inform you of the convalescent state of my health, and also to let you know that I have relinquished the idea of going to Sierra Leone the ensuing fall, but shall go to the Island of St. Domingo, for the purpose of introducing the British system of education. I am inclined to think the climate equally favourable for the confirmation of my health, and the field for usefulness quite as extensive as that of Africa.
“I was very much pleased with your friend the Duke of Gloucester. It is extremely gratifying to
find a person of his illustrious rank so habitually disposed to acts of
benevolence and kind affection, as he appears to be. His Highness seemed very
desirous that I should go out under the patronage of the Institution to Africa,
and so did several other gentlemen; but others, who were members of the Church
Mission Society, immediately introduced me to that society, as it were, before
I was apprised of it. They have uniformly been, and still are solicitous in the
extreme that I should engage with them for at least five years, which is a
“Messrs. Wilberforce, Macauley, and Stephen, have very cheerfully fallen in with the St. Domingo proposition, and seem disposed to give their most hearty encouragement. As there is no society organised for that object, they propose making up the money for the outfits and establishment of the school by voluntary contributions and subscriptions.
“As King Henry is so very desirous of having his subjects improved and instructed, we are very sanguine in the hope that he will immediately take it under the patronage of his government. Messrs. Wilberforce, Clarkson, and one or two other gentlemen, will give me letters to his majesty King Henry; and, if it would not be asking too much, I would solicit one from you, Sir, as a well-wisher to all mankind; and as one whom, I trust, will ever be numbered among the most indefatigable and zealous advocates for the emancipation, the moral and religious improvements and elevation of the characters and lives of the African race.
“I am, dear Sir, with sentiments of the highest consideration, &c.
“N. B. Please to give my best regards to Mrs. Roscoe and family.”
Nor was this the only instance which occurred to Mr. Roscoe of the intelligence displayed by
In the autumn of the present year (1814) the family of Mr. Roscoe derived great gratification
—‘pomp and feast and revelry, With masque and antique pageantry.’ |
The celebration here alluded to was the performance of a little dramatic poem, in the form of a masque, written by various members of Mr. Roscoe’s family*, and to which he contributed the part of “Peace,” represented by his youngest
My big House I been bilded. I not done yet but I am Short for Glass becous all the Glass I have all very small, the no will fill for that House there. I am very much oblige you to Bring me three very Large Looking Glass 4 foot Long, and Marked my name. 3 fine Red Ensign 8 yard Long, Marked my name, if you will bring me that, first I do I will pay you for them thing before, and do tother thing. I have no more to Say but Give my Complement to all you family and all you friend “Remain you friend “Toby Tom
Narrow.” * Published in the second part of “Poems for Youth, by a Family Circle.” |
“Joy, joy to earth, and joy to these Who round my favour’d altar stand; With chosen rites my presence grace, And form for me the chosen band; For well I know full many a sigh From these green shades ascended high That once again on earthly ground My guileless footsteps might be found. And lo! I come the world to bless With lengthened years of happiness. Nor shall my partial love disdain For thee, fair nymph, to raise the strain, But ever o’er thy favour’d head My wings of guardian power I’ll spread; And pleased from thee no more to part, Will place my altar in thy heart.” |
Amongst the strangers who occasionally visited Allerton, there were many whose attachment to art led them thither for the purpose of examining Mr. Roscoe’s collections. Of the impression made upon their minds by these visits some idea may be formed from the ensuing letter addressed to Mr. Roscoe by a Roman artist.
“Allow me the honour and liberty of this, in order to thank you particularly for your politeness and liberal hospitality, that you were so pleased as to use to me, on Sunday the 19th inst.
“Sir, that day has been to me one of the finest day of my life: it was many years that I had n’t experienced a such one!
“On Wednesday the 22d inst. I came in town, and I went to Mr. Douce, to whom I gave the best description, that was in my power, of your large collection of painting, sculpture, and prints, of which he was highly pleased and delighted.
“Sir, allow me to wish you joy and delight, and a long life to enjoy it, for you deserve it. And I hope your children will inherit from you the same taste for the Fine Arts, and the same kindness for the artists that you have to such an eminent degree; that even in your lifetime makes your person beloved and respected by every one.
“Sir, excuse the intrusion that I commit on your time that is too precious, as well as to excuse my poor English.
“I wish that you would have the goodness to remember me to all your amiable family, for their obliging politeness, and all your friends.
“Sir, I hope that you will favour me with an introduction to Mr. Othelly, as you were so kind as to tell me, and if you have something to send him, I shall be proud to be the bearer of it. And with the greatest esteem and respect,
The taste of Mr. Roscoe for agricultural pursuits, which has been already alluded to, induced him to keep in his own hands the whole of the land surrounding his house at Allerton. The superintending of this farm afforded him much amusement and a healthful relaxation from his sedentary employments. He became a member of the Agricultural Society of West Derby, and occasionally communicated, to that body, papers connected with the objects of their meeting. It is interesting to observe how, even in these technical dissertations, the liberal and extended views which distinguish his other writings may be traced, and with what felicity he applied those principles of honesty and good faith which he had contended for in the intercourse of nation with nation, to the humbler relation of landlord and tenant. The following observations are extracted from a paper on “Farm-leases” read before the Society in the year 1810:—
“We must not, however, suppose that the conferring of such
rewards is the sole, or even the chief object which an Agricultural Society should keep
in view. Its efforts ought to be of a still higher kind: to inculcate just and liberal
sentiments amongst those whose rank and influence in society are of the first
importance; to introduce new and improved modes of cultivation suitable to the
district; to discover in what
“In order to accomplish these desirable objects it is evident
that one of the first measures would be to ascertain the true nature of the connection
between landlord and tenant, and to endeavour to establish such a basis as would be
consistent with their mutual interest. * * * That the proprietor of an estate has a
right to prescribe such conditions as he pleases as to the occupation of his land must
be admitted, but at the same time a due regard to his own interest should lead him to
consider the welfare of his tenant as inseparably connected with his own. He will,
therefore, ask himself whether the conditions he prescribes are reasonable, and such as
may enable a tenant to pay him the rent, which he stipulates to receive, and whether he
has made it the interest of the tenant to improve the land by granting him a reasonable
term of years, and allowing him proper facilities. If this has not been done, he may
please himself with the idea of having stipulated to receive a rent for land, of the
use of which he has deprived his tenant; but in the event he is the actual sufferer,
the loss is finally his own, and
The cultivation of Trafford and Chat Moss, which Mr. Roscoe had commenced in the year 1793, still continued to require his superintendence, and his occasional visits to that place for the purpose of witnessing the effect of various experiments he was making, were a source of much interest to him. The expense with which this undertaking was attended, rendered its success a matter of considerable importance to him, and he gladly availed himself of all the information which he could derive from persons who had been engaged in similar labours. Much of his correspondence with Sir John Sinclair referred to the improvement of moss lands; and he was induced, at the solicitation of that gentleman, to transmit to the Board of Agriculture an account of his mode of cultivation, which he accompanied with the following letter to Sir John, as President of the Board:—
“Herewith I have the honour to transmit you some account of my proceedings towards the improvement of Chat Moss, which I have to request you will have the goodness to lay before the Board of Agriculture, whenever it may suit your convenience.
“I confess I have not ventured to make the communication without
considerable hesitation, being apprehensive that I may appear, in the
For this communication Mr. Roscoe received the thanks of the Board; and also of Sir John Sinclair:—“It does great credit,” says the latter, “to your skill and zeal in the cause of agriculture, and will, I have no doubt, promote similar exertions in other public spirited individuals.”
Several copies of this paper having been transmitted to Mr. Roscoe by the Board of Agriculture, he distributed
them amongst his friends, from many of whom he received a very encouraging judgment as to
the merits of his plan:—“I beg leave to return you my best thanks,” says
General Dirom, a gentleman who had been
Mrs. Barbauld, in her beautiful poem of “Eighteen Hundred and Eleven,” has alluded, in the following lines, to the attempt made by Mr. Roscoe to bring this barren tract of land into cultivation:—
“Oft shall they seek some peasant’s homely shed, Who toils, unconscious of the mighty dead, To ask where Avon’s winding waters stray, And thence a knot of wild flowers bear away; Anxious enquire where Clarkson, friend
of man, Or all accomplished Jones his race
began; If of the modest mansion aught remains, Where heaven and nature prompted Cowper’s strains; Where Roscoe, to whose patriot breast
belong The Roman virtue and the Tuscan song, Led Ceres to the bleak and barren moor Where Ceres never gain’d a wreath
before.” |
In acknowledging the favour which Mrs. Barbauld had conferred upon him, by presenting to him her poem, Mr. Roscoe says, “I cannot avoid intruding on you with a few lines, to thank you for the present I lately received of your very beautiful poem, which I really fear is but too prophetic of the doom which awaits this infatuated country. If any thing could rouse the people from their lethargy it must be remonstrances like this, addressed to their feelings and their fears, for as to all appeals to their reason and judgment, they are entirely disregarded, or seem rather only to harden them more in their iniquities. It is with great pleasure that I perceive in this poem the same spirit of benevolence, the same extensive and enlightened views, and the same true poetical feeling that uniformly distinguish your other writings; but the conclusion of it from the passage beginning, ‘There walks a spirit,’ is peculiarly new and grand, and has not, in my judgment, been exceeded by any poetical personification that I have met with. To have my name recorded in such a poem is, in my estimation, the greatest honour that could have been conferred on me, and will be more durable than any that brass or marble could bestow.”
Amongst the various persons to whom Mr.
Roscoe’s agricultural tastes were the means of introducing him, were
G. Tollett, Esq., of Betley
“I went from hence,” says Mr. Wilbraham, in a letter dated 17th Dec. 1811, and addressed to Mr. Roscoe, “with Mr. Coke to Mr. Tollett’s, and was in great hopes of meeting you there, as was Mr. Coke, who has commissioned me to say he shall be very happy to see you at Holkham, when his meeting takes place, generally about the 20th June. Indeed, the various and excellent husbandry that is seen there cannot fail to be highly satisfactory to a lover of farming improvements, and the communications obtained from the variety of persons who attend the meeting are a most pleasing addition to the practical part.
“I think you would have been much gratified
The invitation from Mr. Coke to visit Holkham, conveyed to Mr. Roscoe in the preceding letter, was repeated through several of their mutual friends. Sir J. E. Smith, in a letter dated 7th September, 1812, adds his own anxious solicitations, and thus endeavours to prevail upon Mr. Roscoe to accept the invitation, by recounting the literary treasures of Holkham:—
“We have been spending ten days at Holk-
“And now, my dear friend,” says Mr. Roscoe in reply—“for your last letter—
“So cunning was the apparatus, The powerful pot-hooks did so move him, That, will he, nill he, to the great
He went as if the devil drove him. |
“It would not, however, be so much for the sake of the great house, nor for all it contains, though nothing in its way could be more attractive, that I wish to visit Holkham. It would be with the view of paying my respects to its excellent and distinguished owner, and of meeting you under his roof,—temptations which I feel I shall hardly be able to resist. At present, however, I cannot speak very decisively. Neither my wife nor myself are at present very well, and when I shall be able to venture abroad so far before winter, I really dare not say. Mrs. Roscoe and I ought to have gone to Hafod this year; but the same causes rendered it impossible.”
Two years afterwards he was again urged to visit Mr. Coke, and with better success.
“I had intended,” says Sir James Smith (October 3. 1814), “writing to you a few days since, but many things have prevented me. I hope I am still time enough for the main purpose of my letter, which is to make another attempt, at the desire of Mr. Coke, to induce you to visit Holkham. We have spent a delightful fortnight there lately, and two hours almost every day were devoted to an examination of the manuscripts. I am going there on Monday with our good bishop, for a few days, for the express purpose of looking further into these treasures, and if you would join us, you would complete the joy of the whole party.
“I must tell you a part of our discoveries: besides beautifully illuminated MSS. on vellum of many of the Latin classics, a most exquisite Boccacio, a very fine and old Dante, a Chronique d’Henault, in two immense folios, richly illuminated, and other valuable things of that kind, there is a very valuable collection of historical Italian MSS., fairly copied at Florence, Venice, &c, for Lord Leicester; and there are partial or local chronicles, memoirs, &c., very curious. Amongst others is a complete copy of Burchard’s Diary. This delectable treasure will surely tempt you of itself. I think you know nothing of it but what Gordon has printed:—am I right in this?”
There is one original monastic chronicle itself of the date of 1300 or 1400. There are also many things which we want you to tell us the value of. The printed books are inestimable in value and number.”
At length, no longer able to resist his own inclinations and the kind solicitations of his friends, he paid his long wished for visit to Holkham in the autumn of the year 1814. His reception was most gratifying to his feelings, and the society which he found assembled there most congenial to his taste. In addition to Sir James Smith, Dr. Parr had been invited to meet him; and some other persons, distinguished by their literary attainments, were of the party. With several of the latter Mr. Roscoe now, for the first time, became personally acquainted, and contracted with many of them a sincere friendship. This was the origin of his intimacy with Mr. Dawson Turner of Yarmouth, for whom he ever afterwards entertained the highest esteem, and who, in the latter part of his life, was one of his most frequent and valuable correspondents. In the society of this gentleman and his family, at Yarmouth, he some years afterwards passed a few days; a visit to which he always adverted with lively expressions of pleasure.
No sooner was Mr. Roscoe
established at Holkham than he entered upon the most in-
These inestimable treasures had been collected chiefly in Italy in the early part of the last century, by Thomas Coke, Lord Lovel, and afterwards Earl of Leicester, the great uncle of the present possessor of Holkham. With much trouble and expense he amassed, while abroad, a great collection of works of art, manuscripts, and early printed books; but unfortunately, after their arrival in England, the MSS. were never properly arranged. Their value was little known, nor indeed were they in a fit state to be placed upon the shelves of a library. Few of them had been consulted by scholars, with the exception of seven remarkably fine manuscripts of Livy, which had been lent by Lord Lovel to Drakenborch, who has given an account of them in his edition of that historian, dedicated to his lordship. A partial examination into the manuscripts had been made by Sir J. E. Smith and some other gentlemen, before Mr. Roscoe’s visit; but the greater part of them still remained undisturbed.
In the course of his inquiries, Mr.
Roscoe was delighted to find many volumes of extreme rarity and value.
Amongst these the most remarkable was a volume of original drawings, by Raffaelle, of the architectural remains of ancient Rome,
executed at the desire of Leo X., and mentioned by
Camolli, in his life of the painter, as having
been in the possession of “Tomaso Coke, Lord
Leicester.” Of this inestimable treasure some account had been given
by Mr. Roscoe, in his life of
Leo X. “That I should have had,” he observes in a letter to
Mr. Coke, “the good fortune of seeing and
turning over at my leisure such a book, is almost incredible.” Another
manuscript of nearly equal value was a treatise, written on paper, by the hand of Leonardo da Vinci, alia
mancina, or from right to left, so that it can only be read with
ease by the assistance of a mirror. The subject is a dissertation “on the nature,
weight, and force of water,” explained by numerous drawings on the margin,
from the pen of the artist himself. But the production which most interested Mr.
Roscoe was a superb copy of Livy, which
had been the property of Alfonso, King of Naples, to
whom it was presented by Cosmo de Medici,
pater patriæ, on the establishment of
peace between Florence and Naples. Alfonso’s physicians
insinuated that the volume was poisoned; but the king, disregarding their suspicions, began
Mr. Roscoe was gratified beyond expression at the
opportunity of examining at his leisure so rich and various a collection of literary
treasures, and immediately offered his services in arranging them. It was necessary,
however, that the whole of the volumes should pass through the hands of the binder, and he
therefore recommended that they should be placed under the care of the late Mr. John Jones of Liverpool. By this arrangement the
volumes would again come
The manuscripts, many of which had been stripped of their covers previously to their importation from the continent, and some of which had been considerably injured, required the greatest skill and care in the binding. Fortunately, they could not have fallen into abler hands. The taste and ingenuity displayed by Mr. Jones*, to whom they were confided, could only be equalled by the zeal with which he devoted himself to the task. Many of the manuscripts being defaced with creases, he invented a very simple but ingenious mode of restoring the pages, by stretching them in a frame, and covering the injured parts with a solution of vellum.
The judicious, tasteful, and solid style, in which Mr. Jones executed his task, excited the admiration of all Mr. Coke’s literary friends. Amongst others, Mr. George Wilbraham thus
* Mr. Jones, after having given up his laborious occupation of a bookbinder, was appointed librarian of the Athenæum at Liverpool; nor is it possible that a more diligent and efficient person could any where have been found. The library under his superintendance was a model of order, neatness, and arrangement. He had been long acquainted with Mr. Roscoe, and entertained for him feelings of the most devoted attachment and respect. He was a man of strong natural powers of mind, and of an original character. His son, Mr. William Roscoe Jones, has succeeded his father as librarian, and is an excellent officer to the institution. |
“From no other place could I with more propriety address you, than from one which you are so eminently contributing to distinguish and adorn, by arranging and new clothing the precious MSS. which belong to it; and thus adding a new honour to the possessor of it, already raised above his fellows by so many eminent and amiable qualities. It has been the wish of my life, for these last twenty-four years that I have had the good fortune to live with Mr. Coke in habits of the closest intimacy and friendship, to have this object set about. Judge, then, of the pleasure I have, in seeing this great desideratum in a way of being speedily accomplished, and so as to reflect the highest honour on the very intelligent superintendant to whom it has been confided. The cheapness with which you do it astonishes not me alone, but Lord Spencer, perhaps the most conversant person in England in the price of bookbinding. There is no binding that we should not have estimated at one half more; and many at double what you have paid for the nice repairing, mending, and binding.”
The gratification which. Mr. Coke felt on seeing his valuable collection thus, as it were, restored to him, is expressed in the following letter to Mr. Roscoe:—
“Without compliment, I verily believe, there
“I did not delay a moment after my arrival in looking them over, and the moment I had done so, I mounted into the upper library, to select as many as would refill the box, which I sent, addressed to you at Liverpool, yesterday, containing thirty-two books, many of which you will find it necessary to divide into separate volumes.”
Nothing can give a more pleasing picture of Mr. Roscoe’s visit to Holkham than the following little poem, in which he has celebrated both the literary and social pleasures with which that celebrated mansion abounds:—
“Where Holkham rears in graceful pride
Her marble halls and crested towers,
And stretches o’er the champain wide
Her lengthened suite of social bowers;
“Where, led by Leicester’s forming hand,
To Nature Art her succour gives,
Touches the desert with her wand,
And sculpture breathes, and painting lives;
“There, ’midst the tomes around me spread,
The spoils of learning’s prosperous day,
As once I prest my sleepless bed,
I heard a voice that seemed to say—
“‘Yes, days, and weeks, and months have past,
And on thee closed the changeful year,
Yet still the powerful motives last
That led thy willing footsteps here;
“Delighted, thro’ the fleeting hours,
The mouldering volume to explore,
And waste thy time, thy health, thy powers,
On the dull page of ancient lore;
“Resolved, by all his threats unaw’d,
With Time the warfare to renew,
And with officious zeal defraud
Thy brother book-worm of his due.
“And wouldst thou to this cultur’d age
Restore the school-man’s endless theme?
Recall the bigot’s fiery page?
The jurist’s web, the statesman’s dream?
“Far happier, if the useless toil
A darkling age so long admired,
Had served to add to Omar’s pile,
And in the general blaze expired.’
“‘Cease, slanderer; cease that voice profane,’
(Indignant thus I quick replied),
‘Nor dare to wake the honoured train
That silent slumber at my side.
“For though they breathe not, yet they live,
Though tongueless, mingle mind with mind,
And through succeeding ages give
One great censorium to mankind;
“A power divine, that still shall last
Beyond the brutes’ precarious doom,
Combines the future with the past,
And bids us live beyond the tomb.’
“Then blest the hand, and blest the day
That led me to your haunts divine,
To share your loved retreat, and pay
My homage at your sacred shrine.
“Shelter’d beneath this friendly dome,
Far from the world’s tumultuous rage,
I ope the venerated tome,
And read, and glow along the page;
“Or, wrapt in dreams of ages old,
O’er time triumphant seem to stand,
Whilst I th’ historic volume hold,
Once held by great Alfonso’s hand;
“Or, sunk in learning’s calm retreat,
Midst scenes remote from vulgar eyes,
I trace the weakness of the great,
And mark the follies of the wise;
“How Poggio’s tale attention drew
From pontiffs proud and grave divines,
Or Cosmo smoothed his wrinkled brow
O’er Beccatelli’s playful lines;
“With joy the rescued volume see,
Where Sarpi wakes the patriot soul,
And the bright glance of liberty
Shot from beneath the monkish cowl.
“—But when the studious hours decline,
And tired attention wakes no more,
Then, idly busy be it mine
Upon the pictured page to pore!
“Where rude designs of earlier days
Their bright unchanging hues unfold,
And all th’ illumin’d margins blaze
With azure skies, and stars of gold;
“Where on the solemn page intrude
Figures grotesque, and emblems quaint,
And monsters of infernal brood
Grin scornful at the preaching saint.
“But see, where Giotto’s purer ray,
Emerging from the gothic night,
Drives the fantastic shapes away,
And brings his chaster forms to light;
“Forms, worthy in devotion’s eye,
The sacred volume to adorn,
Where, wondering, we may yet descry
The dawn of Raffaelle’s brighter morn.
“Nor yet let him, whose love of art
To Holkham’s halls his steps has led,
Refuse his homage, or depart,
Till here his pilgrim vows are paid;
“For here the sacred leaves expand,
That once (such mighty Leo’s
Have rested under Raffaelle’s hand,
And bear the impress of his skill.
“And here Da Vinci’s genius strives
Through nature’s works to trace the cause,
The water’s rapid course describes—
Its weight, its current, and its laws.
“But happier far the moments fly,
When, resting from my lengthen’d toil,
I meet with Coke’s benignant eye,
And share his kind approving smile;
“Friend of his country and mankind,
To more than titled honours born;
Who looks with independent mind
On all the venal tribe with scorn.
“His the firm soul to freedom true,
The open heart, the liberal hand,
That from the rock the waters drew,
And bade the bounteous stream expand,
“To clothe the plain with brighter green,
The soil with richer harvests bless,
And pour on all the cultured scene
The glow of life and happiness:
“—Not with scant hand the pittance small
To starving industry to give;
But grant their general rights to all,
And as he lives, let others live;
“And sees, with all a parent’s pride,
His healthful village train display’d,
To heal the wounds in nature’s side,
By tyrants and by heroes made.”
The feelings of affectionate regard and sincere esteem which Mr. Roscoe’s visit to Holkham created in the mind of Mr. Coke, may be best learned from the letters of the latter to Sir J. E. Smith:—
“I cannot,” he says, “forward the enclosed, which reached me by yesterday’s post, without acknowledging all your friendly assistance, and expressing the great pleasure afforded me by your own and Mr. Roscoe’s visit.
“The more I saw of him the more I was delighted with the benevolence of his mind, the rectitude and liberality of his principles, as well as with his superior acquirements.”*
Soon after his visit to Holkham, Mr. Roscoe presented to his friend a large paper copy of his “Life of Leo X.,” in which he inscribed to him the following sonnet:—
“Though, clothed in varnish’d vest and trick’d with gold, To Holkham’s splendid halls
thou take thy way, Think not, my book, that this thy proud display Will aught avail thee. There shalt thou behold The speaking train of bards and sages old, Immortal sons of Learning’s happier day, And own that thou amidst their bright array Art all unworthy to be there enrolled. There, then, abashed, at modest distance lie, Till he, the master, with benignant eye Shall o’er thy leaves in pleased attention bend; Enough, if, firm to truth and freedom’s cause, He find thee worthy of his kind applause, And in the Author recognise the Friend.” |
* Life of Sir J. Smith, vol. ii. p. 354. |
In the following letter to Sir James Smith, Mr. Coke thus expresses his gratification on receiving the volumes:—
“‘Leo X.,’ most magnificently bound, made his appearance yesterday, and will be more highly prized than any manuscript in my possession. To you I may fairly say I am more particularly indebted for this most inestimable gift; I should probably never have known Mr. Roscoe, if it had not been for your kindness in bringing us together; it has established a mutual regard between us, which I am satisfied will be pleasing to us during the remainder of our respective lives. To say the truth, he is a most extraordinary personage; such a head, such a heart, such suavity of disposition, such courage in the pursuit of what is right, such pure philanthropy are seldom combined in one individual; imagine, then, my dear Sir, the store I shall set by the present of his book. How preferable such a testimony of esteem from such a man, to the baubles which may be derived to a cringing sycophant from a profligate court! If I live and have my health, I will do myself the pleasure of passing a few days with him at Allerton in September or October next. Could not you accompany me? I will not keep you from home more than five or six weeks.”
Amongst the distinguished persons with whom his visit to Norfolk made
Mr. Roscoe acquainted
“I feel, if possible, more proud of being indebted to your friendly partiality for the favourable opinion which Mr. Roscoe is so good as to entertain of me, than I do even of his approbation; and yet the esteem of such a man is a source of higher gratification than any which it is in the power of kings or ministers to bestow. Many thanks for your kind invitation. To wait on you, and to meet Mr. Roscoe, are certainly very great temptations; for men like him are rare beings:—
“‘Numero vix sunt totidem quot,
Thebarum portæ, vel divitis ostia Nili.’
But amidst all the literary pleasures and splendid hospitalities of Holkham, the recollection of his own tranquil home was still present to the mind of Mr. Roscoe, and the joy which his restoration to it afforded him is expressed in the following stanzas, addressed to Mrs. Roscoe, on his return:—
“December 17th, 1814.
“In search of amusement abroad if we wander,
Novel scenes for a while may the senses decoy,
But short the delight their attractions can render,
If wedded affection partake not the joy.
Without the loved bosom to share each transaction,
’Tis in vain that to distance for pleasure we roam;
For the magnet still turns towards the source of attraction,
And the heart, tho’ long travelled, still points to its home.
“O Home! how delightful thy tranquil enjoyments,
When again on thy hearth the tired limbs are reclined;
When wearied no longer with restless employments,
We resign to calm pleasures the indolent mind!
O! moments of bliss, when all thronging around me,
I see the bright faces with pleasure more bright;
Whilst one ’midst the rest more rejoiced to have found me,
Glows with warmer emotions, with deeper delight.
“Thus, down from the mountains some rivulet gushing,
O’er the precipice steep gives its current to flow,
In eddies now swept, now in cataracts rushing,
Till it reaches at length the calm valley below;
There, tormented no more by its vagrant meanders,
Its fugitive waves seem delighted to rest,
O’er its placid expanse not a breath of air wanders,
And heaven smiles serene in the calm of its breast.”
The visit to Holkham was repaid by Mr.
Coke in the autumn of 1815, when several of the distinguished persons who
had assembled at Holkham in the preceding year were invited to meet him at Allerton.
Amongst these was Dr. Parr,
“And now, dear Sir, I must entreat you and Mrs. Roscoe to accept my warm and unfeigned thanks for the hospitable and friendly reception with which you honoured me at Allerton. To the latest hour of my life shall I remember my tour with joy, and even triumph. Within the same space of. time never was so much happiness, intellectual and moral, crowded upon my mind. Within the same circuit of space I never met with so many enlightened and interesting companions. As I lay great stress on all the little courtesies which endear man to man, I beg you will remember me, in strong terms of tenderness and respect, to Mrs. and Misses Roscoe, and your sons; to Mr. and Mrs. Martin, and their little ones; to Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd; to Dr. Bostock, Dr. Traill, &c. &c. &c.”
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