The history of Mr. Roscoe’s life affords an encouraging picture to all, but especially to those who, like himself, have to contend with the disadvantages arising from the want of education and of fortune. All that he became was the result of his own exertions. Without the assistance of rank, or wealth, or powerful friends, or accomplished instructors, he raised himself to a station in society, and to an eminence in literature, which few persons, with every adventitious aid, have attained. Nor must it be forgotten, that this was accomplished, not so much by means of extraordinary talents, as by energetic and diligent application, and by an ardent desire of rendering himself useful to mankind. In the highest and the best parts of his character he is open to the imitation of all:—in his integrity and sincerity; in his attachment to freedom and truth; in his earnest endeavours to do good; in the purity of his public principles; in the beauty of his private life; and in his serene submission to the will of God.
Much of the respect with which Mr.
It is proper to point out this consistency in right principles and right
conduct, as the true source of the high personal reputation which Mr. Roscoe enjoyed; to show, that it was not to the
possession of great talents, nor of brilliant qualities, nor to the merit of public
services, though to these he had some claim, that he was
In taking even a cursory review of Mr.
Roscoe’s life, the striking coherency of his opinions and conduct at
every period of it will be visible. In politics his course was truly uniform and
undeviating. Never, for a moment, in periods of disaster and of danger, when even brave men
hesitated, did he abandon the open assertion of those liberal principles which then marked
out their professors, not only to the jealousy of the government, but to public odium.
Throughout the whole course of the French war he never ceased to oppose it, in public and
in private, in his speeches and in his writings, as unjust, impolitic, and destructive.
While he deeply lamented over the excesses of the French revolution, he did not, as many
did, abandon the principles and the feelings which had led him to rejoice at its
commencement. He knew that the crimes and the wickedness of man could not affect the
immutable principles of justice and of freedom. In his attachment to parliamentary
Even in his tastes and favourite occupations, the same spirit of constancy
was evinced. That love of literature which was the joy of his youth was also the solace of
his age. His attachment to works of art continued at every period of life to afford him
pleasure:—the few prints he possessed at the close of his life, and the small collection
which he had made in his youth,
In friendship, also, the unchangeableness of Mr. Roscoe’s affections was most pleasingly manifested. The friends of his youth were only lost to him in death, and he seemed to inspire in others the same abiding attachment. Nor was it the name only, but the warmth of friendship, which remained; and which was continued to the descendants of the early friends of whom the grave had deprived him.
The reward of consistency is great. Mr. Roscoe lived
to see the justice of almost all the leading principles which he had advocated fully
acknowledged. He lived to witness the adoption of nearly every measure of importance for
which he had laboured, through good report and through evil report. He was permitted to
partake of the triumph which the friends of liberty obtained in the abolition of the Slave
Trade. He saw the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts, and of the laws which disabled
the Roman Catholics. He beheld peace restored, and he saw the rise of a better system of
things in France. He flattered himself that more correct views on the great subject of
Penal Jurisprudence were ex-
Another of the most amiable and striking traits of Mr. Roscoe’s character was, “that spirit of humility and modesty which ought to be inseparable from the consciousness of human imperfection, and which softens the asperities and corrects the pride even of virtue herself.”* During a long life he had occupied, in various ways, a distinguished situation. From being the first person in his family, he had become one of the first amongst his townsmen; his fame was then extended not only in his own country, but to foreign nations, by his literary works. He was, without any solicitation on his part, returned as the representative of his native town to parliament. He had acquired the personal friendship of men celebrated for their station, then character, and their talents. The letters of his correspondents were filled with the most flattering expressions of respect and admiration; and upon all hands he met with a consideration and observance which would have induced many men to exaggerate their own importance. It is an expression of Burke’s, which he makes use of in his will, that, “in his lifetime, he had had too much of noise and compliment.” He felt that the purity
* Life of Pope. |
On the love of fame, as influencing the literary character, he has himself made some remarks, in an unpublished work, from which the following passages are extracted:—
“Another passion is excited, and the love of fame becomes the
stimulating principle. ‘As life is short,’ says Sallust, in assigning the reasons for undertaking his
history, ‘we ought to use our endeavours to prolong our memory as much as is
in our power;’ hereby avowing that the motives of his work were
concentrated in himself, and that the desire of posthumous reputation prompted him to
his undertaking. Gibbon, without denying the
influence of this sentiment, has modified it with that of the desire of utility.
‘I would despise an author,’ says he, ‘regardless of
the benefit of his readers. I would admire him who, wholly attentive to their
utility, should be totally indifferent to his own
In conformity with these principles, it was Mr. Roscoe’s constant endeavour to make his literary powers
subservient to the improvement and happiness of his fellow-creatures, regarding the
exertion of his talents with satisfaction, only when they contributed to the public good.
It was the influence of these feelings which led him to take so much pleasure in the
reflection that his writings on the subject of Prison Discipline had not been without
effect. “When he learnt,” says Dr.
Traill, “from various quarters, that the change which was taking
place in the prison discipline of America was, in no small degree, attributed to his
expostulations, I heard him repeatedly declare that no literary distinction had
afforded him half the gratification he received from the reflection on the part he had
taken on this great question; and he expressed his satisfaction that he now might be
It was the same spirit which led him (deeply persuaded as he was of the truth and justice of the views which he had taken) to engage in the distasteful labour of political discussion,—to interest himself in the public occurrences of the day, and to devote to controversy the hours which he would gladly have dedicated to the pleasanter pursuits of literature. He has himself, in some lines already given, beautifully expressed these feelings in the prayer,—
“That when removed from grief and pain, This fragile form in earth shall lie, Some happier effort may remain To touch one human heart with joy; |
“One nobler precept to bestow, One kind and generous wish reveal, To bid the breast with virtue glow, To love, to pity, and to feel; |
“To soothe the ills it cannot cure, The sufferer’s injuries redress; And through life’s varied channels pour The living stream of happiness.” |
Another modification of that feeling of benevolence which existed so strong within his breast was his humanity to animals. He practised and he taught to those around him the lesson,—
“Never to blend our pleasure or our pride With sorrow of the meanest thing that feels.” |
He has himself related the pain he suffered on witnessing the dying agonies of a bird which he had shot on his first and last fowling excursion; and his “Elegy to Pity,” written in his early youth, displays the same tenderness of feeling:—
“Devoid of fear, the fawns around thee play; Emblem of peace, the dove before thee flies; No blood-stain’d traces mark thy blameless way, Beneath thy feet no harmless insect dies.” |
Not to have possessed these feelings would, indeed, have been totally at variance with the rest of his character, which was strongly marked with an aversion to cruelty and oppression of every kind. He has noticed, with much commendation, the existence of similar feelings in the breast of Pope*,—“feelings which are, indeed, inseparable from a humane and generous character, and which are founded on a sense of compassion and kindness towards the lower orders of animated being.”—“Of this,” Mr. Roscoe adds, “he gave a decisive proof in an excellent paper in the Guardian of the 21st May, 1713, in which he has endeavoured to inculcate just notions of the relations that subsist between man and the inferior animals, and to rescue them from those persecutions and cruelties to which they are so frequently and so inconsiderately exposed. I cannot think it extravagant,” says he, “to ima-
* Life of Pope, p. 569. |
The disposition of Mr. Roscoe to assist those who might stand in need of his aid, and the readiness with which, in the midst of his numerous engagements, he was accustomed to listen to such applications, afforded him frequently an opportunity of rendering important services at a small expense of time and attention. His name, also, being very generally known, he was applied to, not only by persons in Liverpool, but in remote parts of the country, soliciting his advice and assistance; sometimes upon matters of literature, and sometimes with regard to their own private affairs.* Many of these requests manifest the great confidence generally felt in his judgment and in his benevolence;—a confidence which his conduct on these occasions proved to be not undeserved.
* See Appendix, No. II. |
Of his devotional feelings some idea may be formed from various passages in the preceding narrative. “He had,” says Dr. Traill*, “deep and solemn feelings of devotion, which it was not his practice to obtrude on his acquaintances, but which he occasionally expressed to his intimate friends, in the language of heartfelt piety. The beautiful invocation to the Deity, which he substituted for the intended dedication of his great botanical work, breathes the deep fervour of his adoration to the Supreme Creator.” In nothing did the depth and sincerity of his religious impressions more strikingly manifest themselves than in the patient, uncomplaining submission with which he yielded to calamity. A perfect confidence in the goodness of God supported him through many trials, and enabled him to regard with feelings of cheerful hope the approach of death itself.
The spirit of submission and trust which governed his conduct is expressed in the following letter, written to a lady for whom he entertained a high degree of respect and regard, immediately after the loss of one of her daughters:—
“I was not disappointed in the idea I had formed of the firmness with which you would sustain the heavy loss with which you have been afflicted, because, I knew, that such firmness
* See Dr. Traill’s Memoir. |
At an early age he had diligently and seriously studied the Sacred
Writings, and had collected from them, as the rule of life, the moral precepts of
Jesus Christ. Towards the close of his life he began to revise
this youthful effort, and had his health permitted him, it is probable that he would have
prepared it for the press. The result of these enquiries may be stated in his own
words:—“The belief in Christ and in Christianity, so strongly and uniformly
inculcated in the Holy Scriptures, is not the embracing or holding a particular
doctrine, but a belief which results in action, which evinces itself in all the
relations and concerns of life,
In the year 1820, a lady of Liverpool, with whom he had little personal acquaintance, presented to him a copy of the Bible, accompanied by a letter expressing her respect for his character, and her concern for his spiritual welfare. His reply will give some idea of his opinions on religious subjects.
“On my return home, after an absence of four months, I found the copy of the Holy Bible, which you have been so good as to present to me, and which is rendered still more acceptable by the expression of friendly regard by which it is accompanied. In thus availing myself of your kindness, you will not, I am sure, suppose that I have remained till this late period of my life unacquainted with its contents. The recommendations in your letter were impressed on my mind in my earliest days, and I sincerely join in the opinion of Sir W. Jones, and yourself, in the character he has given of the sacred writings.
“Allow me to add, that I have, on more occasions than one, borne
my humble testimony to their excellence, and have endeavoured, as far
“The same sentiments which I have myself imbibed have descended to my children, and will, I trust, produce richer fruits. May I hope you will perceive some earnest of this in the little volume by which this is accompanied, the production of my younger daughter, expressing those religious sentiments and feelings, which, I hope, you will yourself approve.”
His devotional feelings were, at every period of his life, occasionally poured forth in the language of poetry; and the depth and purity of those feelings are sensibly manifested in the following hymn, written in his early youth, and displaying perhaps a too sensitive consciousness of his own imperfections. Many of his other devotional pieces are already before the public.
Heavenly Father! in whose sight
Darkness flashes into light,
Gracious, from thy throne on high
Cast on me a pitying eye:
See my soul in anguish tost,
Lost to peace, to virtue lost,
Struggling with its weighty chain,
Struggling ever, but in vain;
As some wretch, the tempest o’er,
Labours to regain the shore,
So, my God, my spirit tries
From the sea of vice to rise.
Still my powers are weak to save,
Still pursues some stronger wave,
And, with a resistless sweep,
’Whelms me in the foaming deep.
Long, the dupe of human pride,
Have I on myself relied;
Long sustain’d th’ unequal strife
That defended more than life;
By such weak allies betray’d,
Now no more I trust their aid,
But to safer refuge flee,
Resting all my hopes on Thee.
God of love! my faults forgive,
Bid me hope, and bid me live;
Let some dawn of light control
This long darkness of the soul;
From the temple of my heart
Bid each grovelling thought depart,
And to guard its peace supply
Steadfast faith and holy joy:
Meek repentance, in whose eyes
Tears of true contrition rise;
Gratitude, whose hands are prest
Duteous on her feeling breast;
These shall in Thy sacred way
Guide my feet, long prone to stray,
Till, each meaner passion o’er,
I may tempt thy frown no more;
Nor, of youth and vigour vain,
Sow in sin to reap in pain.
Swiftly fly the rolling year!
Till that happier morn appear
That my noblest hopes shall see
Centred, O my God! in Thee!—
That shall teach my thoughts to rise
O’er the world and all its joys;
Bend obedient to thy laws;
Feel the worth of self-applause;
Nobly scorn each meaner care,
And in conscious virtue dare
All that comes in misery’s train,
Sickness, poverty, and pain,
Heedless of the hour of fate,
And prepared for either state.
On the subject of freedom in matters of religious opinion he has
expressed his sentiments in a letter to the Rev. Dr. Butler, thanking
him for a copy of his installation sermon. “The assertion and defence of
truth,” he says, “is incumbent upon every one, and particularly upon
every teacher of religion; but there is one truth, paramount to all the rest, which is
the very basis of religious enquiry, without which all discussion is absurd, viz. that
every person, in his spiritual concerns, has a right
It was in his political opinions, more especially, that the character of
Mr. Roscoe developed itself. Those opinions were
founded upon the principles of truth, justice, and generosity. Rejecting altogether the
narrow and mistaken doctrines by which statesmen have suffered themselves to be governed,
he applied to the intercourse of states, and to the government of nations, those rules of
morality and those maxims of honour, integrity, and good faith, upon which the safety and
happiness of individuals depend. He deprecated the policy which seeks to exalt one nation
at the expense of another, and he resolutely resisted that system of government which aims
at benefiting a portion of the community, to the exclusion of the rest. He ab-
He had a lofty and generous confidence in human nature, which led him to believe that mankind might be best governed through their judgment and their affections, and that the dominion founded upon force, or fear, or fraud, was at once unstable and noxious. Integrity of purpose, and a sincere desire to do good, were, he well knew, the true bonds which unite a government to the people. He felt the same trust in the character of nations. “What,” he asks, “would be the condition of private society, if envy, jealousy, fear, distrust, and hatred, were the only feelings by which mankind were actu-
* Life of Lorenzo, vol. ii. p. 305., last edition. |
His great desire was to witness the removal of those restraints upon the freedom of thought and action which subject one set of men to the caprice, the ignorance, and the malice of another. He therefore opposed, to the utmost of his power, the continuance of negro slavery, the disabilities imposed on the ground of religious opinions, and the injurious restrictions by which the commerce of this country has so long been crippled. To the complete removal of these evils, and to the establishment of a truly patriotic government, he clearly saw that a reform in the representation of the people was essential; and to this, as to the instrument of great and beneficial changes, he was ever anxious to lend his assistance. But, while the country was struggling with a sanguinary and expensive war, he well knew that it was in vain to look for political improvement, and he therefore devoted all the energies of his mind to the cause of peace. Of the effect produced by his political writings, it is difficult to form an opinion; but from the popularity of some of his pamphlets, it is not unreasonable to conclude that his arguments were not without their influence on the state of public opinion.
The strong political feelings with which the mind of Mr. Roscoe was often excited were not unfrequently expressed in verse. Of these poems several specimens have been given in the preceding pages, and the following lines are now added, written at an early period of his life:—
Hired slave of greatness! servile tool of state!
Thy bosom labouring with thy country’s hate!
Whose tongue would lick the dust where tyrants trod!
And, whilst thou felt the power, would’st kiss the rod!
The abject friend of Stuart’s perjured line,
And the mean advocate of right divine!
Go, fawning wretch! from Albion’s freeborn land;
Go, seek, with trembling steps, some southern strand,
Where kneeling slaves around their sovereign wait,
His smile their transport, and his fury fate;
Where freedom from the nerveless clime is flown,
And the dear name of property unknown;
Where love connubial dreads a tyrant’s lust,
And man, a reptile, grovels in the dust.
There, in thy native clime, thy toils pursue,
And bind with weightier chains the patient crew;
Teach them that Heaven, in wrath to man, design’d
That one should reign, the lord of all his kind;
That God for him the feast of nature spread,
And screen’d from justice his anointed head.
Soon shall thy various merits stand confest,
Thou the first minion of the tyrant’s breast;
Till one, more mean, if any such can be,
Shall snatch the golden meed design’d for thee;
And thou, dependent on thy master’s breath,
Shalt from the bowstring meet a silent death.
O glorious day! O heaven-directed hour!
When injured justice crush’d the pride of power,
Spurn’d the thin covering of exterior things,
And dared to punish perjury in kings;
Taught sceptred pride in nearer view to scan
The rights of nature, and the claims of man;
Bade earth’s proud Tyrants dread their Country’s hate,
And fix’d the base of England’s future state.
The acquaintance of Mr. Roscoe with the classical languages was made entirely without instruction from others. Early in life he acquired a knowledge of the Latin language, and had rendered himself familiar with its best writers. Of these Horace and Cicero were his peculiar favourites. Nearly at the same period his attention was directed, by Dr. Aikin, to the study of the Italian poets, who, on the revival of learning, almost rivalled their great models in the beauty of their Latin verse. Although Mr. Roscoe cannot be said to have acquired that refined and critical knowledge of the language, to which in this country so large a portion of time is devoted, or rather sacrificed, he was yet fully capable of tasting and appreciating the higher excellencies of style, as his selections from, and observations upon, the writings of the modern Latin poets sufficiently demonstrate.
With the Greek language Mr. Roscoe
did not become acquainted until the middle period of life, when for some time he studied it
with much diligence. In this task also he received no as-
“To the abstruser parts of learning, and particularly to the nicer distinctions of the Greek language, I have no pretensions. I have not, indeed, lamented, like Petrarca, over the books of Homer, which remained silent to his ardent entreaties, but my acquaintance with them has been a sort of illicit intercourse, uncontrolled by system, and unsanctioned by authority. Αυτο-διδακτος, and consequently ill taught, it has been my lot to pursue the same system to the present day, and I may say with the philosopher—γεραςχω δάει πολλα διδαςκομενος.”
His acquaintance with the modern languages was confined to the French and
the Italian. In the former he conversed with considerable fluency, and of the latter he had
acquired an ex-
It was chiefly in the earlier part of his life that English literature
engaged his attention. With the works of the poets he was particularly conversant; and his
memory was stored with many of the most beautiful passages from their writings. Among the
elder poets, Chaucer, Shakspeare, and Milton held, in his
estimation, their deserved and pre-eminent place. But the writer to whose works he recurred
with most pleasure was Pope; whose genius he has
vindicated in the dissertation prefixed to the second volume of his Works. Shenstone was the favourite of his youth, and in later life Cowper won his warm admiration. Amongst the poets of his
own day, he
His general knowledge of botany was more extensive than, considering the great attention which he bestowed upon one particular order of plants, he might be supposed to have possessed. His study of the science had commenced at a very early age, and it never ceased to be the recreation of his leisure hours. He had diligently studied the best botanical works, many of which his library contained; and he frequently figured plants with great freedom and truth, though not with the finished pencil of an artist. Sir James Smith, on his first introduction to him, expressed his surprise at finding him “so good a practical botanist;” and afterwards approved of and adopted his views in the arrangement of the Scitamineæ.*
* “Mr. Roscoe, in a most excellent paper to the Linnæan Society, first led the way to a true knowledge of the genera |
He was also attached to other branches of natural history, but had never devoted much study to them, with the exception of conchology, to which, as appears from some of his papers, he had at one time paid considerable attention.
The attachment of Mr. Roscoe to works of art contributed greatly to his happiness. When fatigued with business, and with the literary employments which generally succeeded to the engagements of the day, he was accustomed to amuse his mind with turning over the leaves of his portfolios,—an occupation which always seemed to beguile his fatigue, and to revive his spirits. His knowledge of art was considerable. In his collections he endeavoured, not merely to bring together beautiful specimens of the pencil or the graver, but to form materials for illustrating the rise and progress of the various branches of art, and thus to form, as it were, a school of art, in which its history might be studied with pleasure and advantage. He freely
of these difficult plants.”—Sir J. E. Smith to the Rev. Dr. Goodenough. “Life of Sir J. Smith,” vol. i. p. 555. * Ibid. vol. ii. p. 261. |
The love which he felt himself for intellectual pursuits he delighted to
communicate to others; and nothing afforded him higher pleasure than to assist in the
establishment of the various literary and scientific institutions, which have, in the
course of the last forty years, been founded at Liverpool and in other places. The part
which he was known to have taken on these occasions produced many applications to him from
quarters where similar institutions were projected, and he thus enjoyed opportunities of
extending his usefulness, of which he gladly took advantage. His correspondence on these
subjects was not confined to England. The founders of the Botanic Garden at Philadelphia
were indebted to him for the plan upon which they proceeded to form their establishment.
“With the information which you have had the goodness to give me,”
says Mr. Short, an American gentleman, “and
which I communicated to one or two friends, and particularly to Dr. Barton, our most able botanist, we determined to
make an attempt at Philadelphia, towards what you had so happily effected at Liverpool.
I made use of your name
Similar services were rendered by him in the founding of the Hull Botanic Garden. On this subject he entered into a correspondence with Mr. Spence, of Drypool, who, in a letter dated 13th August, 1811, thus notices the assistance derived from Mr. Roscoe’s suggestions:—
“I feel very much indeed indebted to you for your polite
attention to my request. I had the pleasure of reading the letter with which you
honoured me to a general meeting of the subscribers to our proposed Botanic Garden
(Dr. Alderson in the chair), which took
place on Friday last, when a vote of thanks to you for your valuable information and
friendly offers of assistance was unanimously passed, which I was commissioned to
communicate on behalf of the meeting. Your encouragement to proceed, though on a
smaller scale than at Liverpool, was of no small service to our cause. Coming from such
authority, it at once silenced the few who were disposed to throw cold water on the
project, with the plausible objection of the impossibility of our raising any thing
like your
The most valuable quality of Mr. Roscoe’s mind was the rare and inestimable faculty of generalisation—the power of applying great principles, on a large scale, to all the most important transactions of life. Following out all the leading truths of religion, of morals, and of politics, to their ultimate results, he was able to detect the errors of those who have shaped their schemes of human conduct upon more narrow and confined views. Yet, in upholding only that which was strictly correct in principle, he never abandoned the expedient, being well convinced that Providence has not disjoined the useful from the good, and that the true interests of man can never be served by a deviation from rectitude. These views guided him in safety through every difficulty, giving strength and confidence to all his opinions; and it is from the exhibition of the same principles that his life and his writings must derive their real value.
In reviewing Mr. Roscoe’s
literary character, it is impossible not to be struck with the sum of exertion which it
displays. With the exception of the last few years of it, and of the interval between his
abandoning the profession of an attorney, and becoming a partner in the bank, he was
incessantly engaged in the management of
The same spirit must be regarded as the instrument of all that he
accomplished in other ways; of his continued and resolute exertions in attempting to
inculcate his own political opinions, of his constant endeavours to promote education and
liberal institutions in his native town, of his ardent labours in penal jurisprudence, of
his eager pursuit of botanical science. Each of these objects he prosecuted with a zeal
which seemed to engross his whole mind, and by its very ardour to promise success. This
active employment of his energies had become so habitual to him, that, instead of being
inimical, it appeared to him to be necessary to his health and life. “I
rejoice,” he says in a letter written in 1826, “in the disposition
you feel for the continuation of your labours, it being a strong impression upon my
mind, that nothing is more conducive to life and health, than some employment which
calls for our continued attention, and prevents a moment from being irksome on our
hands. For my own part, I feel as if my existence were twined round my employments, and
that, when those have finished, I shall have finished too.” The latter years
of his life verified this sentiment; when released from his literary engagements, he still
found employments
It is the advice of the Abbé Maury, that in relating the history of an eminent man, the writer should add to the interest of his narrative “by surrounding the subject of it with his contemporaries.” Few persons have been more highly favoured than Mr. Roscoe in the possession of a numerous body of intelligent and attached friends, many of whose names have been mentioned in the course of the present narrative. Yet it may not, perhaps, be uninteresting to present in this place a more connected view of those amicable associations, which, while they added so greatly to the happiness of his life, enabled him, at the same time, to perform much, that, unassisted and alone, he could never have accomplished. How sincerely he valued the pleasures of friendship the whole tenor of his correspondence shows; and he has himself expressed this feeling in the following passage of a letter, written, in the decline of life, to Sir James Smith:—“Above all, I delight to preserve and cultivate those feelings of friendship and affection which have been the charm and happiness of my life, and few of which have returned me so ample a harvest as those in which I am at present employed.”
In his early youth he was particularly fortunate in the selection of
companions whose tastes
As he grew into manhood, additional friendships were formed,
distinguished, no less than those of his youth, by the strength of their ties and the worth
of their objects. That mutual interchange of opinion, and that association of mental
powers, which had before been directed to individual improvement, had now a higher aim, and
Mr. Roscoe and his friends, in maturer life,
united their efforts to promote the public good. Amongst those whom he more particularly
regarded as his associates in these labours, were Mr.
Rathbone, Dr. Currie, and the
Rev. William Shepherd; to these names may be
added that of the late Edward Rushton, a man of high
moral qualities, of great intellectual endowments, and of the most inflexible strength of
In the promotion of institutions of public utility in his native town, Mr. Roscoe acted not only in conjunction with his own personal friends, but gladly co-operated with all who were willing to lend their assistance. On these occasions he never suffered party feelings to prevent him from combining his efforts with those of others; and all the most useful institutions of the town have been erected by the zeal and resources of individuals of the most varied political sentiments.
As his character became more generally known,
The exertions of Mr. Roscoe in the
abolition of the slave trade, in the reformation of crimi-
But it was to his literary character that Mr. Roscoe owed the greatest number of his friends. Having first admired him as an author, they afterwards learned to love him as a man.* To enumerate all the friends whom his literary reputation created would be to name nearly all the most distinguished men of his day.
Of his extensive correspondence on literary subjects, it is impossible in the present narrative to give any thing like an adequate idea. It includes the names of Lord Orford, Lord Carlisle, Lord Holland, Rogers, Campbell, Sotheby,
* “An innate love of sincerity and truth; simplicity combined with a playful vivacity, yet suavity of manners; a generous belief in the integrity of others, the consequence of his own rectitude of purpose; an anxiety to do justice to the merits of others; a liberal and judicious patronage of modest talent struggling to escape from obscurity, joined to a natural cheerfulness of disposition; all united to convert into devoted and enthusiastic admirers those who first sought his friendship from his literary reputation.”—Dr. Traill’s Memoir. |
One person there was, who, in the latter part of Mr. Roscoe’s life, may almost be said to have stood alone in his regard, and his attachment for whom partook of all the enthusiasm which distinguishes youthful affection. The character of Mr. Coke was no sooner known to him than it won his warmest admiration. His sincerity and manly frankness, his ardent love of liberty, the consistent tenor of his long public life, his attachment to agricultural pursuits, his open hospitality, and his truly friendly heart, were qualities which could not fail to attract Mr. Roscoe’s regard. He seldom spoke of him
* To Sir Walter Scott Mr. Roscoe was, unfortunately, only known by a short but very interesting interview, in the year 1823, at the house of Mr. Thomas Campbell. He was much struck with the appearance and animated conversation of that celebrated man, and often recurred with pleasure to the circumstance of their meeting. With Mr. Southey, Mr. Wordsworth, and Mr. Coleridge, his acquaintance was imperfect, nor was it kept up by letter. Jeremy Bentham was one of the few very distinguished men with whom Mr. Roscoe was not so fortunate as to have had any intercourse. |
The constant resort of intelligent foreigners to the house of Mr. Roscoe was a striking testimony to the estimation in which his character was held abroad, and afforded him many opportunities, by the friendships which these casual visits often created, of extending, in other lands, the influence of his principles and opinions. Men of science and of letters, from Italy, from Germany*, and from France, seldom visited the
* “An Englishman would not readily forgive me, if, when speaking of Liverpool, I were to pass over altogether in silence the banker William Roscoe. His histories of ‘Lorenzo de’ Medici’ and of ‘Pope Leo X.’ have procured him general consideration in the British empire. In Liverpool he is distinguished as the patriot and the man of taste. A stranger who has an introduction to him may certainly esteem himself very fortunate; but the polite hospitalities of the merchants of Liverpool gave me but too few opportunities of |
In addition to these there were many distinguished foreigners, with whom Mr. Roscoe’s intercourse was only by letter. With the principal scholars of Italy he thus maintained an occasional communication; and amongst his correspondents in that country are to be found the learned names of Fabroni, Bandini, Morelli, Moreni, Bossi, Mecherini, and others. But the person whose correspondence he most highly esteemed,
availing myself of the kind invitations of this excellent man.”—P. A. Nemnich’s Neueste Reise dutch England, Schottland, und Ireland. Tubingen. 1807. |
His attachment to botany and to agricultural pursuits procured him the friendship of Sir James Edward Smith, Sir Joseph Banks, Sir John Sinclair, Dr. Wallich, Dr. Carey of Calcutta, Dr. Maton, Dr. Hooker, the Hon. W. Herbert, Lord Mountnorris, Mr. Colebrooke, Mr. Lambert, and other scientific persons. It would be unjust to omit in this place the name of Mr. John Shepherd, the excellent and intelligent curator of the Botanical Garden at Liverpool, in whose agreeable society Mr. Roscoe took great pleasure, and who was indefatigable in assisting him in his botanical pursuits. To Mr. Henry Shepherd, also, the sub-curator of the same establishment, he was under great obligations, for the friendly services rendered by him in the publication of the Monandrian plants.
As the friendship of the distinguished and exalted persons whose regard
he had won, was acquired by no unworthy arts or mean compliances, so it was never made use
of by Mr. Roscoe for any sordid or selfish ends.
From the rank, the wealth, or the influence of his friends, he never looked for benefits
either to himself or his family; but, on the contrary, he scrupulously refrained from
taking advantage of those oppor-
In society Mr. Roscoe displayed a
cheerfulness and vivacity, which, coupled with the courtesy of his manners, rendered his
conversation very generally acceptable. He expressed himself with much force and fluency,
and entered with eagerness into the passing topics of the day, as well as into those graver
discussions in which he felt so sincere an interest. Though he frequently took a prominent
and decided part in conversation, it was not the result of an exaggerated idea of his
self-consequence, but the effect of that natural ardour which distinguished him on all
occasions. The benevolence of his heart led him to treat with kindness and observance the
feelings of all; and the humblest person in company received, in proportion to his claims,
the same courtesy and deference as the most distinguished. It was this spirit of social
impartiality and justice, which rendered him so popular in society; and which
The picture of Mr. Roscoe’s life would be very imperfect, unless it represented him as he appeared in the society of his family, and in the numerous endearing relations of private life; and yet, when that picture is traced by one whose chief happiness was derived from these sources, it will be difficult to persuade others that it has not been overcoloured. Of his character as a husband something has already been said;—of his never-failing affection and goodness to his children, none but those children can judge; and to such feelings it is difficult to give expression. The attachment, gratitude, and respect, with which every member of his family regarded him, were occasionally manifested in the language which he loved; and some of these memorials of filial attachment are now introduced, to record, however faintly, the feelings which gave birth to them.
The following sonnet was addressed to him by one of his sons, soon after the publication of “Lorenzo de’ Medici:”—
Stay thy o’ershadowing wings, relentless Time! Nor shade those auburn locks with falling grey, That o’er my father’s frownless forehead stray, Graceful and fair, as in youth’s golden prime. Stay thy rude hand; and he through many a clime Shall teach thee to retrace thy distant way, To the bright regions of historic day; Or he shall charm thee with prophetic rhyme, Swept from the strings of Freedom’s holy lyre; Or call the Muses from the Ausonian land, And with the strains their breathing lips inspire, Win thy cold ear, and check thy ebbing sand! Vain is my prayer!—already o’er my sire Thou, ruthless Power! hast stretch’d thine iron hand. |
Mr. Roscoe had adopted, on his seal, the motto of Lorenzo de’ Medici, “Stassi il lauro lieto” with the emblem of the laurel. In allusion to this legend, the following sonnet was addressed to him by another of his sons in the year 1816:—
Favour’d beyond each tree of field or grove, Glad and for ever green the laurel stands; Not to be pluck’d but by heroic hands, And sacred to the majesty of Jove. No lightning flash may smite it from above, No whirlwinds rend it from its rooted bands; Obedient to their Master’s high commands, They spare the chosen plant he deigns to love. So, ’midst the tumults of this mortal state, Whilst thunders burst around and storms assail, The good man stands with mind and brow serene; In cloud or sunshine still inviolate; Confiding in a trust that cannot fail, A sacred laurel, glad and ever green. |
But it was from the pen of one of his daughters that these effusions most freely flowed, and were most warmly welcomed. No anniversary of his birthday passed without its due and accustomed offering from her hand,—that hand which ministered with devoted tenderness to the infirmities of his age.
Full seventy years, my father, on thy head Have shower’d their aged honours; yet thy sun Is bright and fresh as when it first begun, And on th’ admiring world its influence shed. O! long, and glad, and genial be its light, And calm and blessed be its setting ray; For thou hast in the labour of the day Obey’d thy Master’s call; and in the right Thy voice was ever heard, from youth’s green prime; And foremost was thy bosom in the strife, For all the good that can ennoble life, Against oppression, tyranny, and crime: Yes! freedom, virtue, and the good man’s fame Shall to the world descend with Roscoe’s name. |
In his habits Mr. Roscoe was
temperate, and was attentive to the regular observance of domestic arrangements. He did not
rise unusually early, and the periods he devoted to study were those which remained after
concluding the more serious labours of the day. He had no stated times set apart for his
studies, which were often carried on in the midst of his family. He was seldom in the habit
of intrenching upon the
“In person Mr. Roscoe was
tall, and rather slender. In early life he possessed much bodily activity. His hair was
light auburn, almost inclining to red; his full grey eye was clear and mild; his face
expressive and cheerful. As he advanced in life the benevolent expression of his
countenance remained; but the vivacity of the
Various representations of him have been given to the public, and others exist in the possession of his family and friends. The portrait prefixed to the first of the present volumes, painted about the year 1791, by Williamson, an artist of considerable ability at Liverpool, presents a very pleasing idea of him at this period of his life, and has been selected to illustrate this work from its not having been before engraved. The profile at the commencement of the second volume is from the medallion executed by John Gibson in the year 1813, and is generally esteemed the best representation of him in later life. Three busts of him, by the same artist, exist: the marble bust already mentioned, executed for Mr. Watson Taylor, and now in the possession of Mr. Joseph Strutt of Derby; the marble bust presented by Gibson to the Liverpool Royal Institution; and a small bust modelled by him previously to his leaving England, from which many casts have been taken. Other busts have also been modelled,
About the year 1822 Mr. Roscoe, at the request of his friend Mr. Coke, sat for his portrait to Sir Martin Archer Shee; and the picture, a whole length, now ornaments the Manuscript Library at Holkham. At the solicitation, also, of several of his friends at Liverpool, he was painted by Lonsdale, in the year 1825; and the picture was presented to the Liverpool Royal Institution. From this painting an engraving has been published. Two miniatures of him, by Haughton and Hargreaves,—the former in the possession of Mrs. M’Creery, and the latter of Mr. Coke,—have also been engraved. They represent him a little beyond the middle period of life.
Several notices* of Mr. Roscoe appeared, soon after his death, in the public prints and in various periodical works, of which by far the most interesting and authentic is that published by Dr. Traill, in the Twenty-sixth Number of “The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal,” from which many valuable passages have been extracted in the course of the present work.
* See Appendix, No. III. |
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