The Life of William Roscoe
Vol I. Contents
Family of Mr. Roscoe—his birth—loses his mother at an early
age—his own narrative of his childhood—his reluctance to the discipline of a school—quits
school at twelve years of age—assists his father in gardening—is placed with a
bookseller—articled to an attorney—his attachment to reading and to poetry—imitations of
Shenstone—attention to his profession—his early friends.—Memoir of
Francis Holden—Robert Rigby—Miss
Done.—Causes which led to the formation of Mr.
Roscoe’s poetical character—his early poems.—Ode on the formation of a
society for encouraging the arts of design, &c.—Mount Pleasant.—Letter from
Sir Joshua Reynolds—smaller poems—other studies—“Christian
Page 4
Is admitted an attorney, and enters into partnership at Liverpool—his
acquaintance with Miss Jane Griffies, and correspondence with her—his
marriage with her—visits London—his taste for collecting prints and books—his
love of art.—“Society for promoting Painting and Design”
established at Liverpool—his lectures there—his first acquaintance with
Fuseli—writes “The Origin of
Engraving,” a poem—reference in that poem to Lorenzo de’
Medici—his collection of prints—his correspondence with Mr.
Strutt, author of the “Dictionary of
Engravers”—his contributions to that work—is elected an honorary member of
the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester.
Page 41
Early opinions of Mr. Roscoe on the subject of the African
slave trade—his allusion to it in the poem of “Mount
Pleasant.”—Publication of “The Wrongs of
Africa”—translated into German.—Publication of the “General View of the African Slave Trade,” his pamphlet in
answer to the Rev. Raymund Harris—Thanks of the Abolition
Committee.—Publication of the “Inquiry into the Causes of the
Insurrection of the Negroes in the Island of St. Domingo.”
Motives which led Mr. Roscoe to take a part in
politics—Celebration of the Revolution of 1688—song on that occasion.—Commencement of the
French Revolution.—Publication of the “Ode to the People of
France,” “Unfold, Father Time,”
“O’er the vine-cover’d
hills.”—Progress of the Revolution.—Execution of the Brissotines.—Letter to
Lord Lansdowne—Publication of “Strictures
on Mr. Burke’s Two Letters.”—“The Life, Death, and wonderful
Achievements of Edmund Burke.”—State of parties at Liverpool—public meeting
Address written by Mr. Roscoe—Singular
proceedings.—Publication of “Thoughts on the Causes of the present
Failures.”—The Literary Society—forced to abandon their meetings.—Letter
to Lord Lansdowne.—Sonnet by the Rev. W.
Shepherd—Visit to London.—Domestic correspondence.—Count
Rantzau—correspondence with him and with the Countess
Rantzau.—Removal of Mr. Roscoe from the town of
Liverpool “Inscription.”—Removal to Birchfield.
Page 99
First idea of writing the Life of Lorenzo de’
Medici—want of materials—assistance rendered by Mr. William
Clarke at Florence—progress of the work—printing of the inedited poems of
Lorenzo—the Life sent to press.—Mr.
M’Creery.—Lord Orford’s opinion.—Letter to
Lord Lansdowne.—Publication of the Life—its popularity Letters
from Lord Orford and Lord Bristol.—Opinions on
the work—Lord Lansdowne, Dr. Aikin, the author of
the “Pursuits of Literature”—correspondence with the
latter.—Letters from Mr. J. C. Walker and
Fuseli.—Dr. Parr’s criticisms, and
correspondence with him.—Favourable reception from the periodical critics—review by
Fuseli in the Analytical Review—success
of the work abroad—opinions of the Italian scholars Fabroni and
Bandini—translation into Italian by the Cav.
Mecherini, and correspondence with him—criticism of the Abate
Andres—opinions of Morelli and
Moreni—translation into German by
Sprengel—letter to him—translation into French—republication in
America. 143
Mr. Roscoe, dissatisfied with his profession, relinquishes it.—Letters
to Mr. Ralph Eddowes—Mr. Rathbone.—
Visits London—becomes a member of Gray’s Inn.—Society in
London.—Letters to Dr. Currie, Mr. Rathbone, and
Mr. Daulby.—Lord Orford’s
death.—Sir Isaac Heard.—Washington’s
genealogy.—Return to Liverpool Translates the “Balia”
of L. Tansillo.—The Duchess of Devonshire—Sonnet
to Mrs. Roscoe.—Letter from Lord
Holland—Dr. Currie’s criticism.—Letter to
Dr. Wright.—Visit to Mr. Daulby at Rydal
Mount—his death—sonnet addressed to him—lines on his death.—Establishment of the Athenæum
at Liverpool.—Letters to Mr. Edwards respecting Mr.
Coleridge.—Robert Burns—letters respecting him—monody
on his death—letter from Dr. Moore.—Publication of third edition of
Lorenzo de’ Medici.—Letter to Dr.
Page 203
Mr. Roscoe purchases Allerton Hall, and retires thither—his projected
mode of life—his studies Inscription—letter to Fuseli—Change in his
prospects—becomes a partner in the bank of Messrs. Clarke—letters to
Dr. Parr and Lord Lansdowne—his studies
suspended—his opinions on political affairs—letter to Lord
Holland.—Establishment of the Botanic Garden at Liverpool—prospectus of that
institution—address delivered previously to the opening of the garden.—Letter from
Dr. Rush of Philadelphia.—Correspondence with Dr.
Smith—visit of the latter to Allerton—dedication by him of “Exotic Botany” to Mr.
Roscoe.—Mr. Roscoe becomes a Fellow of the Linnean
Society.—Fuseli visits Allerton—letter from him.—Mr.
Mathias—his Canzone, addressed to Mr.
Roscoe—correspondence with him.—Dr. Currie—his friendship
for Mr. Roscoe—his character and death.—Letter to Mr.
Macneil.—Death of Mr. William Clarke—his character and
correspondence with Mr. Roscoe—lines addressed to him at Lisbon—letter
on his death.—Death of Mr. Fox.—Letter to Lord
Holland.—Visit to
London.—Political affairs—Letters to
Lord Holland and Dr. Parr—visit of the latter
to Allerton.
Page 241
Histories of the age of Leo X., Paulus
Jovius, Fabroni—Collins’s
Roscoe urged to undertake it.—Letters to Lord Bristol
and Lord Holland.—Motives which influenced Mr.
Roscoe.—Progress of the work.—Materials procured by Lord
Holland—letter to him.—Assistance rendered by the Italian
scholars.—Mr. Johnson’s offer—correspondence with
him—documents procured through him Information obtained at Paris by the Rev.
William Shepherd.—Letter to Fabroni.—The progress of
the work interrupted—Sonnet Letter to Dr. Smith.—Publication of the
work.—Letter to President Jefferson, and answer.—Letter to
Dr. Smith—Letter from Mr. J. C. Walker, and
answer.—Letter from Mr. Mathias—Other opinions in favour of the
work.—Sonnet by Mr. Hayley.—Letters to Lord St.
Vincent and to Dr. Parr.—Criticisms upon the work in
the Edinburgh Review—in other publications.—Mr.
Roscoe’s feelings on the occasion—his answer to the Edinburgh
reviewers in the preface to the second edition.—Letter to Professor
Smyth.—Prepares, but does not publish, an answer to his critics.—Letter from
Mr. Mathias.—Reception of the work abroad—in Germany—is translated
there—is translated in Italy by Count Bossi—French
translation—American edition.—Effect of his literary labours on the health of Mr.
Roscoe.—Letters to Fuseli and Lord
Requisition to Mr. Roscoe to become a candidate for the
representation of Liverpool—commencement of the elec-
tion—state of
parties—his return—celebration of his election—his speech on that occasion—leaves Liverpool
to attend his parliamentary duties—his feelings on his change of situation—letters to
Mr. Rathbone and to the Rev. W.
Shepherd.—Mrs. Roscoe joins him in London—letter from
her.—Debate on the Slave Trade, and Mr. Roscoe’s speech.—Letter
to Mr. Shepherd.—Speech on Sir S. Romilly’s
Bill for subjecting Real Estates to simple Contract Debts.—Dissolution of the Ministry.—His
speech on Mr. Littleton’s motion.— Speech on Mr.
Whitbread’s Bill for the Education of the Poor.—Parliamentary
patronage.—He assists in founding the African Institution—his speech on that
occasion—termination of his parliamentary career—riot on his return to Liverpool—declines
to come forward again as a candidate—his address—address to him.—Letter from Dr.
Parr.—He is nominated without his concurrence—his address on the conclusion
of the election—address to the freemen.—Letter to Dr. Smith, and
answer.—Refuses the appointment of Deputy Lieutenant.
Page 353
Mr. Roscoe’s Tracts on the War.—Publication of the “Considerations on the Causes, &c. of the War with
France.”—Character of Mr. Pitt in that pamphlet—The
attack upon Copenhagen.—Poem of “Copenhagen.”—Letter
to Mr. Wilberforce—Success of the pamphlet.—Letter from Mr.
Whitbread.—Letter to Mr. Wilberforce.—Impression made
by the pamphlet.—Publication of “Remarks on the Proposals for
Peace,” &c.—Letter from Mr. Rathbone.—The
pamphlet submitted to Mr. Whitbread—letter from him, and
reply.—Mr. Roscoe’s defence against his critics.—Letter to
Professor Smyth.—Opinions on the pamphlet.—Letter from
Mr. J. Graham.—Letters to the Marquis of
Lansdowne and to Mr. Whitbread.—Some of his political
friends differ from Mr. Roscoe on the subject of peace—he proposes and
a pacific address at a public meeting at Liverpool.—
Letter to Mr. Mathias.
Page 411
1809, 1810.
Mr. Roscoe resumes his literary studies—letter to the Rev.
W. P. Greswell—meditates a Life of Dr. Currie—assists
Mr. Cromek in preparing his Relics of
Burns—writes the preface to the Gallery of British Portraits—his enquiries into
the History of Art during the middle ages—projects a History of the Progress and
Vicissitudes of Literature and Art—Death and character of Mr.
Rathbone—Mr. Roscoe an active member of the African
Institution—communications to that Society—controversy with Mr. George
Harrison—letter to the Duke of Gloucester—Essay on the
Right of Great Britain to compel Foreign Nations to abolish the Slave Trade—Letter to the
Duke of Gloucester.—Liberation of nine negroes at Liverpool—thanks
of the African Institution.—Publication of “Occasional Tracts on
the War.”—Letter to Mr. Whitbread.—Letter to
Mr. Wilberforce.—Letter from Sir Philip
Francis.—Publication of “Observations on the Speech
of Earl Grey.”—Letter from Mr. Whitbread.—Letter to
Lord Erskine—Letter to Dr. Aikin.—Letter from
Sir S. Romilly—Mr. Roscoe’s general
opinions on peace.—Early writings on the subject 453
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