No mortal ever from that bourne departs;
Yet many oft unto that land repair—
Some with crush’d hopes, and some with riven hearts,
And most in anguish deep and fill’d with care;
And some, who on their lofty brows do bear
Great scorn of that false world they did forsake,
Who hither came to battle with despair,
And with high gods the nectareous draughts partake
And breathe the breath of fame—and die, for glory’s sake.
My acquaintance with the Abbé
Angel Denis M’Quin commenced in a review of his volume entitled
“Tabella Cibaria,” and
one of the happiest jeux d’esprit of my time—playful, facetious, and witty, and
evolving many ingenious hits of humour. My brief critique brought me the favour of a notice
from the author, thanking me for my “flattering encomium,” and justifying the
classicality of the title, which I had slightly questioned; as follows: “The
author begs to observe that he also doubted the propriety of joining the adjective
cibaria to Tabella, so far that the very stamina of the work stood
originally under the words (you suggest) Tabella
Cibariorum; but that, having found sufficient authority to
support him, and particularly that ‘Lex
Above a year after this, my unknown correspondent wrote to me that he was preparing a work under the title of Etymological Gleanings, interspersed with curious anecdotes, historical explanations, et cetera, and intended as a Supplement to the last edition of Johnson’s Dictionary, and enclosing me some of the manuscript. As was to be expected from the author of “The Bill of Fare,” I found the specimens very learned and very entertaining; the production of a wonderfully well read classical and mediæval scholar, and as full of point as of learning. From time to time I printed selections from this delightful store, and all the while attributed it to my friend Archdeacon Nares, whom I was then in the habit of meeting frequently on the formation of the Royal Society of Literature, and supposed that he sported the anonyme only to give more zest to the jocular vein of the communication. That no more of this matter than forty-two columns in the “Gazette” has been preserved, is a great loss to the public; for my extracts ceased with the letter A (122 quotations) and a portion of B; and the whole Alphabet, treated in the same manner, would have formed one of the most pleasant and instructive works of its class that ever was published. It is impossible to afford any adequate idea of the merits without occupying more room than I can spare (under a modification of the plan of publishing my memoirs); but I will offer a few of the shortest extractable passages, and such as do not require the types of Hebrew, Greek, Saxon, German, et cetera, not to mention Chinese, French, and other languages in our usual typography:—
“Abstemious, adj., [abstemius, Latin, from abs without, and temetum, strong wine]. Pliny
tells us that Cato Major
‘Narratur et prisci Catonis
Sæpe mero incaluisse virtus’ Od., lib. iii., xxi.) |
“The reader may not have remarked that in the word abstemious the five vowels of the alphabet stand in their grammatical order a, e, i, o, u. The word facetious offers the same accidental singularity; and facetiously brings in the y.
“Absurd adj. [absurdus, Latin, from ab and surdus]. Meaning something as foolish as might be the answer of a deaf person to an unheard question—Ab surdo responsum absurdum est.
“Beet-root. Beet is in general derived from the Latin Beta, or Bœta, analogous to the name of the river Bætis in Spain (now Guadalquivir) on the fertile banks of which this olus spontaneously grew, and whence it was transported to Italy about one hundred and fifty years before the Christian era.” [There is a much longer and amusing illustration of Beet, and the French Bête, and the Latin Betizare, (Suetonius, Aug. 87), and the French Betizer].
The derivation of Beef-eater, from Buvette, Buffet, (from boire, buvons, buvez, to drink,) a sideboard or place
to take refreshments, is curious, and thence the conversion of Buvetiers or Buffatières, gardes de la buvette, who had the
keys and charge of the liquors there administered, into Beef-eaters, where there was no
beef, is an easy transition.
Bark, the name of a ship, is derived from the earliest of vessels, constructed of the bark of trees; and some connection with the Ark is hinted at.
Such scraps must here suffice for the taste of the rich banquet, respecting which I never could gain any satisfactory information; and I will only quote one passage more of a general and philosophical nature, though it be to augment our regret at losing aught, and especially so much, from the pen of so accomplished a writer:—
“Of all animals man is the only one that has not been gifted with
a natural language. I explain:—The roaring of the lion, neighing of the horse, braying
of the ass, barking of the dog, warbling of the bird, hissing of the serpent, croaking
of the frog, etc., are understood by every individual of their species in all parts of
the world. The cricket of London would answer the call of the cricket of Paris, and the
owl of the abbey ruins of Scotland might condole in vernacular strains with the owl who
mopes and ‘to the moon complains’ on the remains of the Colosseum at Rome.
But man, thrown away by accident from the identical spot where he has been educated, is
deaf and dumb to the rest of mankind. Why this difference between him and the brute?
Did Nature frown on his birth, as romancers would say, and wantonly refuse him what she
granted to the lowest individual in the creation? God forbid that we should insult the
unerring wisdom of His providence. By way of compensation for the lack of some natural
or innate faculties which other animals possess, such as the knowledge of making nests,
the distinguishing, at first sight, between good and bad food, and the native
THE ABBE M’QUIN. | 107 |
At a later date a letter from Mr. Beckford of Fonthill, informed me that my anonymous correspondent was a personal friend of his. He farther gave me a brief sketch of him and his history; which letter, interesting on other accounts, I hope to meet with in my paper-hunting hereafter; but all I recollect now is, that he was before the revolution one among the wealthiest of the French ecclesiastics, who barely escaped from the guillotine with his life. That though an epicure, of the most exquisite taste (and his Tabella Cibaria bore witness to it), he would avail himself of only a moderate assistance to enable him to enjoy his refined gourmetism on the cheapest fare, would rarely accept the invitations of the few friends who knew and appreciated him, and sojourned in an obscure lodging in Southwark, generally his own caterer and always his own cook. After a long exile, cheered by occasional visits to the gorgeous palace of Fonthill,* the contrast of contrasts to his abode
* From Fonthill, in the autumn of 1822, he contributed an able essay on the Satyricon attributed to Petronius Arbiter, and a series of papers giving an historical account of the Abbey, a biography of the family of Beckford, the author of “Vathek,” and a fine description of the place and its contents previous to the grand sale. The second paper was illustrated by a drawing, of which I published a neat engraving. The fifth is in verse, and concludes with the following tribute:
* I ought not, in justice, to allow the portrait of a Gourmet to be received as a likeness of this remarkable man, a short serious poem by whom, at this period, is enough to prove his depth of religious feeling, reverential awe, and holy aspirations.
I might have mentioned that his habits were extremely studious, and that he seldom retired to rest till three or four o’clock in the morning, and always rose at eight o’clock. An anonymous correspondent, signing himself A. Z., wrote to me, after his death, that “his papers were locked up;” but I never could ascertain more, nor what became of them. The following are the last two letters I found of his among my masses:—
“Had it not been for a temporary numbness in the fingers of my right hand, which prevented my writing, and for the certainty that you were not in want of matter, especially at this time, I should have sent back ‘Pope and Mademoiselle Dacier’* several days sooner. Although the proof was not faultless, considering the quantity of Greek, Latin, and French it contains, I think it was tolerably clean in the state it came to me. Make use of it how and when you think proper.
“If I could persuade myself that the removal of the veil which still hangs between you and me could afford you the least gratification, it would be done instantly; but I am convinced you would find yourself disappointed. This adoption of the anonyme is more owing to a whim of mine than to anything else; yet, until the ‘Gleanings’ have
* An interesting disquisition published in the Literary Gazette, No. 314. |
“Having no doubt but the annexed paper will amuse some of your readers, I place it entirely at your disposal.
“Pray, is my ‘Man of Brass’* gone to the Refuge? Alas, poor man! if you cannot give him a better place, leave him there, or return it, if not inconvenient, to
The return of Captain Parry from the Expedition of the Hecla and Griper to the Arctic regions, stimulated me to much exertion; and I not only procured very interesting accounts of the voyage for the “Gazette,” which raised its circulation, but formed intimacies with several of the officers, and enabled my journal to establish itself almost as an official organ for all future Expeditions, having the first and most authentic intelligence of their proceedings. This was an essential benefit to the publication; but far greater pleasures arose out of the friendships emanating from this source, and so cordially enjoyed with our most distinguished navigators. Among the foremost I may mention the gallant Sir James Clark Ross, and after him Beverley, the surgeon, and Alexander Fisher, of the Hecla (of whose
* In “Literary Gazette,” No. 333, June 7. |
In October, 1823, upon a similar occasion, when the Fury and Hecla reached home, from Captain Parry’s second voyage, I made one of those stirring exertions which, as I have stated before, used (for I do not think they do now produce such striking effects) often to contribute to the marked success of any newspaper or periodical publication which got the start with intelligence of national interest. In consequence of my former intercourse with the officers, I was received on board the vessels then lying at the Galleons below Woolwich, on Wednesday forenoon, and came up with them to Deptford dockyard (off which they moored). I had only a few hours to acquire, in the midst of much bustle and interruption, the information I sought; and it was late on Wednesday night when I reached home, tolerably tired. But I set to work “with a will,” and had a good account of the Expedition in the “Gazette” of Saturday morning, which was followed by a second on the ensuing Saturday; and the circulation of the journal rose seven hundred, getting it, before the end of the year, to print four thousand copies.
Thus buoyant, I made an attempt to relieve myself from the pressure of the barren past; but the riddance could not be achieved; and it was still Hope and the Employment I delighted in, which cheered me on, and covered troubles and vexations, as bees enclose offensive matters with sarcophagi of wax.
Parties hostile to the “Gazette,” and imitators and rivals, as they sprang up, never ceased to
represent it as a tool of the publishers connected with it, and not conducted on
independent principles. Nothing could be more untrue than this libel: from first to last I
never admitted one whisper of control. Even so early as the time I am now treating off, I
see a letter from Mr. Orme, alluding to an offence
taken by Mr. Colburn at my review of one of his
books. “Our co-partner may be sore; but the lady deserves all she has got; and
these independent articles do us a world of good. Alexander
Chambers told me, on Saturday, that he was induced to take in the
‘Gazette’ from what he heard of the article
on Dibdin, to every word of which he
subscribed.” So far so good; but, some time after, I happened to write a
notice of Mrs. Graham’s (afterwards Lady
Callcott) work, which gave no less offence to Mr. Longman; and I did not visit Hampstead for two years after.
Mr. Longman tried to compromise matters; and only desired that if
I could not commend in certain cases where he felt a personal interest, I would abstain
altogether from noticing; but even this modification I refused to accede to, as it would be
dishonest in a publication which professed to give a fair report of all the literary
production of the passing time. The falsehood was, nevertheless, pertinaciously repeated
till it was a good deal believed; and it was small comfort to me that I had frequent proofs
in my possession where the very parties who spread the report
In 1820, Mrs. Bray, then Mrs. Stothard, and since so distinguished as a novelist, first appeared in print as the author of “A Tour in Normandy,” &c.; and Mr. Payne Collier commenced his literary career with the “Poetical Decameron,” indicating the entire route he has since so diligently pursued. Accum’s “Death in the Pot” showed the way to Aunt Margaret’s papers on the adulteration of food, which ran through a year of the “Gazette;” and a course which the “Lancet” has recently followed more systematically, and with more effect. It is one of the utmost importance to the population of the metropolis, the very air of which is saturated with frauds perpetrated to an enormous extent on every branch of the provision trade. Of the infamous practices resorted to I had plenty of demonstration during Aunt Margaret’s researches; and some so vile as to be absolutely unfit for publication, and some almost farcically amusing. The shopman of a grocer not far from Fitzroy-square, whose master had kicked him out from jealousy of his wife helping to mix the teas in the cellar, had in revenge agreed to reveal the whole process of manufacturing privet leaves and thorn into congous and hysons. But he failed to come to appointment and earn his fee; and when asked the reason, he excused himself on the ground that a friend was about to enable him to open a shop in the same line, and, of course, it would not do to let the public know anything about it!
Bernard Barton was hailed by the
“Gazette” on his debut with a volume of poems in the spring, and also on the appearance of a
slighter performance, “A Day in
Autumn,” though published in November. A Quaker bard needed encouragement,
who dared to vindicate the rights of
“An individual taking upon himself to address, in his
own undisguised name, one whom he can only designate officially, starts with
vast odds; because he has no idea how he may most effectually further his own
views; how far candour may be construed impertinence, or a prudent reserve
imply distrust. I can have no other data to go on, in
this case, than a consciousness how I should myself be most easily induced to
give my attention to an unknown corres-
“I am engaged just now in superintending a volume of poetry through the press, or, in other words, expect shortly to have one out. As soon as it is ready for delivery, and if possible, a few days before any copies are laid on a bookseller’s counter, I could wish to have one transmitted to thee. This is all in the usual course, certainly, and could hardly require any previous address; but as a thousand things may prevent me at the time from explaining my views as to the claims of this volume on public notice, and as I have a leisure half hour this evening, I feel quite disposed to avail myself of it. Indeed, I could wish, before I actually present my production to thy critical inspection and consequent verdict, to have some grounds for hoping, not that it will be praised, but that it will be fairly and fully examined. Without some such encouragement, I might naturally doubt whether a volume of poems coming out neither from the Row, Albemarle-street, Conduit-street, nor any other birth-place of equal celebrity, but from Grace-church-street, and having in the title-page a name never before in print, would be ever looked into.
“But now for a word or two as to the book itself, and
its claims on public notice. Its author is certainly not the most suitable
judge of those claims; though I believe, judging from the occasional comments
in the ‘Literary Journal,’ we should not
differ very materially on the merits of the volume. I have read too much excellent poetry to over-rate my own very egregiously;
but waving this part of the business, I may be allowed perhaps to know more
than any one can of my own views in publishing, and my own feelings in
composing these poems; and perhaps I may be
“P.S. If not requesting too great a favour, I would add that I should have great pleasure in paying the postage of a few lines in reply to this. I have no improper curiosity about who my correspondents may be, so, if most agreeable, keep up thy impersonality and address me officially. A letter will find me addressed Bernard Barton, Woodbridge, Suffolk.”
This letter of the 26th of February, not having been promptly acknowledged, was followed by another of the 19th of March, in which the subject is resumed, and from which the subjoined are extracts:—.
“The ‘Literary
Gazette’ has now assumed a feature so different, and I should think to
most readers and lovers of literature, so much more interesting than most of our
literary journals, that the attention of authors, readers, and publishers is turned to
it with accelerated and increasing force. I have certainly long been of opinion that a
journal frequent in its appearance, copious in its selections, brief in its criticisms,
and enabling the public thus to judge for itself on the merits of new claimants for its
favour, would soon obtain an extensive circulation. People begin to get tired of seeing
so much of the critic, and so little comparatively of the author, and the ‘Literary Gazette’ is now a rising paper, and its
successive numbers are looked for with interest, simply because it is what it professes
to be,—a mirror of the literature of the age. Of late the value and interest of the
publication has been not a little increased by
Upon this ground he promises to send me an early impression, and adds:—
“Do not let me be misunderstood. If this rough copy, on candid inspection of its contents, should appear to thee not deserving of being thus introduced to the public, yet if any inclination on thy part exist to have a fair copy of it for thy personal and private gratification, it is equally at thy service, trusting that thou wilt, in such case, give me thy private and personal opinion on its merits.
“I must acknowledge I feel no small solicitude respecting this publication, for the reasons stated in my last. I am anxious to know, in the opinion of accomplished and adequate judges, how far we, members of the Society of Friends, have a just and legitimate right
“‘To sport in syllables and play with song,’
I answered this appeal by return of post, and a number of letters were interchanged; but the main subject does not appear to need further illustration, and it may be sufficient to say that my review of the volume in the “Gazette” was so satisfactory to its author, that his immoderate and subsequent correspondence was subscribed by my, i. e. “Thy affectionate and respected friend, B.B.”
In the controversy which I have unwittingly provoked respecting the perils
that beset a life dependent upon literature, no less eminent authority than Mr. Justice Talfourd
* The alliance of great wit to madness is not always a fiction; and in an inferior degree of development, it is always adverse to business habits. |
“I am here (he writes me in the cold month of January) struggling with a consumptive disorder, and the north-east gales are trying my frail constitution. If, therefore, dear Sir, you can say anything in favour of the ‘Tamar,’ it would materially brighten the gloom of my prospects at this trying moment.” Over such a statement not unmanly tears might be shed; and I have seen but too many similar pictures! I did my best for the author, and had the year before done him a slight service in procuring admission for minor effusions to the “Bijou” and other annuals; for some of which he was never thanked and from none of which did he reap reward. But to continue my painful story. In the lovely and glowing month of May, when the Nature so admirably painted by Carrington was effulgent with beauty and gushing with life—how is it with him? Listen!
“I am unable to creep into the sunshine without assistance. I am reduced to a skeleton. I have had no school for the last quarter, and subsist entirely from my son’s scanty income.”*
I will not dwell longer on the theme. I had the satisfaction to obtain a grant of money from the Literary Fund for the Poet. He received it and—died.
* Let me add, a good son whose filial affections sustained and comforted the last days of his honoured parent. But he, too, must embrace literature. Fortunately the editing of respectable provincial newspapers has (as in Mr. Deacon’s own case, as a literary contributor to the “Sun”) proved sufficient for a competency. The periodical press, I repeat, is an excellent refuge for the destitute, and but for it the calamities of authors would be much greater and more numerous! |
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