Memoirs of William Hazlitt
Ch. XX 1821
The duel between Mr. Scott and Mr.
Christie—Difference between Mr. Hazlitt and Mr. Leigh
‘Blackwood’s Magazine’ had been originally
established by Mr. Pringle, but its management fell
into the hands of Professor Wilson, Mr. Lockhart, and a few others, some months after its
commencement, Blackwood and
Pringle having disagreed. This change led to the insertion of a
series of articles, some of which contained serious personalities.*
As Mr. Hazlitt’s name has
been mentioned in connexion with a duel which arose out of these attacks on persons of the
day, connected with my grandfather’s side in politics, and as the accounts of it
found in some books are not accurate, the contemporary narrative from the ‘Annual Register’ is here given entire:—
“A duel was fought on Friday, Feb. 16 [1821], at nine
* Lockhart wrote under
the signature of Z. The first article which was printed in
the magazine of this character was one by Hogg, called ‘The Chaldee MS.,’ but which was in fact so altered by
Lockhart and the rest before insertion, that it
retained very little of its original form. Lockhart was
the writer of the attacks on Leigh Hunt,
which was of course an aggravation in the eyes of Mr. Hazlitt. |
o’clock at night, between two gentlemen
of the names of Scott and Christie. The parties met at Chalk Farm, by moonlight,
attended by their seconds and surgeons; and after exchanging shots without effect, at
the second fire Mr. Christie’s ball struck Mr.
Scott just above the hip on the right side. Mr.
Scott fell, and was removed to the Chalk Farm Tavern. The meeting took
place in consequence of the following circumstances:—Mr.
Lockhart, the reputed author of ‘Peter’s Letters to his Kinsfolk,’ having
been personally and violently attacked in the ‘London Magazine,’ a work professedly edited by Mr.
Scott, came to London for the purpose of obtaining from Mr.
Scott an explanation, apology, or meeting. Mr.
Scott, as we understand, declined giving anything of the sort, unless
Mr. Lockhart would first deny that he was editor of
Magazine.’ This Mr. Lockhart did not consider it
necessary to do; and their correspondence ended with a note from Mr.
Lockhart, containing very strong and unqualified expressions touching
Mr. Scott’s personal character and courage. To meet this
Mr. Scott published his account of the affair, which differed very
little as to facts; but a circumstance occurred subsequently which placed the matter on
a different footing. Mr. Lockhart, in his statement, which was printed, says that a copy
of it had been sent to Mr. Scott; whereas it appears that the
statement generally circulated contained a disavowal of
Mr. Lockhart’s editorship of ‘Blackwood’s Magazine,’ which the copy of his statement actually sent to Mr. Scott did not.
Mr. Scott therefore says, that in ![]()
withholding from him the disavowal he asked, he
prevented the meeting; and that, in affixing to the statement the declaration that a
copy of that statement had been forwarded to him (Mr. Scott), Mr. Lockhart had been
guilty of falsehood. The other party say, that though Mr. Lockhart
would own to the world that he was not the editor of ‘Blackwood’s Magazine,’ he never would say that he was not the
editor to Mr. Scott; because Mr. Scott had no
right to demand such an explanation.
“It appears that the error arose in leaving the paragraph
standing, which states that a copy of the statement had been sent to Mr. Scott. Mr.
Scott’s attack produced a reply from Mr.
Christie, Mr. Lockhart’s
friend, which reply produced a challenge from Mr. Scott, which
Mr. Christie accepted; and at Mr.
Scott’s suggestion, agreed to meet him at nine o’clock at
night. Mr. Christie did not fire at Mr. Scott
in the first instance, a circumstance of which Mr. Scott was not
apprized; but on the second shot he levelled his pistol at him, and too truly hit his
mark. Mr. Lockhart is one of his Majesty’s counsel at the
Scotch bar, and son-in-law of Sir Walter Scott,
Bart. Mr. Scott expired at half-past nine, on the night
of Tuesday the 27th, without a groan. He was between thirty and forty years of age, and
has left a wife and two children. An inquest was held on the body, and a verdict of Wilful Murder given against Mr. Christie
and the two seconds, Mr. Trail and Mr. Patmore.* The coroner’s
* The incident brought Mr.
Patmore into great discredit at the time, not because he was
concerned in the duel, but |
warrant was accordingly
issued for their apprehension; but the parties have for the present
Now, it remains to be seen how Mr.
Hazlitt was indirectly implicated in the matter. Mr. Redding, in his ‘Recollections,’ says:—
“[Horace] Smith thought
and said* that I must be under a mistake, when I stated some years afterwards that
‘Campbell declared to me that
Hazlitt had been a means of irritating
John Scott to such a degree, that he was
one cause of his going out in the duel in which he fell.’ The remark of
Smith is: ‘[Thomas] Campbell was
too prone to believe whatever he might hear in disparagement of
Hazlitt, and in this instance I have reason to think he
was misinformed.’
“I believe I also stated the manner in which I was informed
Hazlitt spoke. Not with the intention of
provoking Scott directly, but in a mode which
had the same effect—for it would appear that it was a point upon which
Scott was sensitive—a sort of taunting. ‘I
don’t pretend [said Hazlitt] to hold the principles of
honour which you hold. I would neither give nor accept a challenge—you hold the
opinions of the world—with you it is different—as for me it would be nothing. I do
not think as you and the world think.’”
A sequel to this sad catastrophe, more striking than
appropriate or agreeable, was the
difference which arose a few months afterwards between Mr.
Hazlitt and Mr. Leigh Hunt, owing to some
remarks upon Mr. Shelley in ‘Table Talk.’ The passage occurs in
the essay ‘On Paradox and
Common-place.’ Shelley is characterized as a philosophic fanatic; and there were other points to complain of.
This attack on Mr. Hunt and his friend brought the following letter
from the former:—
“Hampstead, April 20 [1821].
“I think, Mr.
Hazlitt, you might have found a better time, and place too, for
assaulting me and my friends in this bitter manner. A criticism on ‘Table Talk’ was to appear
in next Sunday’s Examiner, but I have thought it best, upon the whole, not
to let it appear, for I must have added a quarrelsome note to it; and the sight
of acquaintances and brother-reformers cutting and carbonadoing one another in
public is, I conceive, no advancement to the cause of liberal opinion, however
you may think they injure it in other respects. In God’s name, why could
you not tell Mr. Shelley in a pleasant
manner of what you dislike in him? If it is not mere spleen, you make a gross
mistake in thinking that he is not open to advice, or so wilfully in love with
himself and his opinions. His spirit is worthy of his great talents. Besides,
do you think that nobody has thought or suffered, or come to conclusions
through thought or suffering, but yourself? You are fond of talking against
vanity: but do you think that people will see no vanity in that very
fondness—in your being ![]()
so intolerant with everybody’s ideas of improvement but your own, and in
resenting so fiercely the possession of a trifling quality or so which you do
not happen to number among your own? I have been flattered by your praises: I
have been (I do not care what you make of the acknowledgment) instructed, and I
thought bettered, by your objections; but it is one thing to be dealt candidly
with or rallied, and another to have the whole alleged nature of one’s
self and a dear friend torn out and thrown in one’s face, as if we had
not a common humanity with yourself. Is it possible that a misconception of
anything private can transport you into these—what shall I call
them?—extravagances of stomach? or that a few paltry fellows in
Murray’s or
Blackwood’s interest can worry you into such outrageous
efforts to prove you have no vanities in common with those whom you are
acquainted with? At all events, I am sure that this sulky, dog-in-the-manger
philosophy, which will have neither one thing nor t’other, neither
alteration nor want of it, marriage nor no marriage, egotism nor no egotism,
hope nor despair, can do no sort of good to anybody. But I have faith enough in
your disinterestedness and suffering to tell you so privately instead of
publicly; and you might have paid as decent a compliment to a man half killed
with his thoughts for others if you had done as much for me, instead of making
my faults stand for my whole character, and inventing those idle things about
‘. . . . .’ and hints to emperors. If you wished to quarrel with me
you should have done so at once, instead of inviting
me to your house, coming to mine,
and in the meanwhile getting ready the proof-sheets of such a book as
this—preparing and receiving specimens of the dagger which was to strike at a
sick head and heart, and others whom it loved. There are more things in heaven
and earth than are dreamt of even in your philosophy; and if you had a little
more imagination, the very ‘cruelty’ of your stomach would carry
you beyond itself, and inform you so. If you did not wish to quarrel with or to
cut me, how do you think that friends can eternally live upon their good
behaviour in this way, and be cordial and comfortable, or whatever else you
choose they should be—for it is difficult to find out—on
pain of being drawn and quartered in your paragraphs? I wish you well.
“P.S.—Since writing this letter, which I brought
to town with me to send you, I have heard that you have expressed regret at
the attack upon myself. If so, I can only say that I am additionally sorry
at being obliged to send it; but I should have written to you, had you
attacked my friends only in that manner. I am told also, that you are angry
with me for not always being punctual with you in engagements of visiting.
I think I have always apologized and explained when I have not been so; but
if not, surely a trifle of this kind, arising out of anything but a sense
of my being necessary to others, ought not to make you tear one to pieces
in this way for the sport of our mutual enemies; and I must say, ![]()
that since I got
any notion of your being annoyed by such things, I have come to see you
sometimes when I have been ready to drop in the streets with illness and
“William Hazlitt,
“Southampton Buildings, Chancery
Mr. Hazlitt hereupon saw Mr.
Hunt, or communicated with him, and evinced a conciliatory tendency. The
probability is that a letter passed, for Mr. Hunt wrote what he had
further to say; and by an accident this second document is also before me:—
“Monday, April [ , 1821].
“Dear Hazlitt,
“If you do not want to quarrel with me, I certainly
do not want to quarrel with you. I have always said, to my own mind and to
those few to whom I am in the habit of speaking on such things, that Hazlitt might play me more tricks than any
man; and I conceive you have played me some.* If I have teased you, as you
* There was always a little feeling of jealousy
between my grandfather and Leigh
Hunt. The former saw in his friend all those social
qualities which he himself was not possessed of, and many elegant
accomplishments to which he could not pretend. On the other hand,
Mr. Hunt was apt to take umbrage if Mr. Hazlitt happened, in any company
where they might both be, to attract more than a fair share of
attention by the interest awakened in his remarks on any subject in
which he was versed. But apart from these foibles, I believe sincerely
that Mr. Hunt had a real friendship and regard for
my grandfather, and that the latter reciprocated the sentiment—to a
certain extent, valuing Mr. Hunt as one who had
been, and |
say, I have never
revenged myself by trampling upon you in public; and I do not understand you
when you say that there is no difference between having an ill opinion of one
in private and trying to make everybody else partake it. But I am not aware how
I can have teased you to the extent you seem to intimate. How can anybody say
that I talked about the collusion you speak of? It is impossible. I both spoke
of your lectures in the
Examiner, and came to hear them; not indeed so often as I
could wish, but
Mrs. Hunt knows how I
used to fret myself every evening at not being able to go. It was illness, and
nothing else, upon my soul, that detained me; and in this it is that I accuse
you of want of imagination. You have imagination enough to sympathize with all
the world
in the lump; but out of the pale of your own
experience, in illness and other matters of consciousness, you seem to me
incapable of making the same allowance for others which you demand for
yourself. I attribute your cuttings-up of me to anything but what should make
me resent them, and yet you will put the worst construction on anything I do or
omit—I mean the unhandsomest construction towards yourself. I think I have
consulted our personal feelings,
always where I might
was, an earnest champion in the
Liberal cause, long since deserted by Coleridge and Southey, and wanting all the support its true friends
could lend to it. It will be remarked that in the first letter which
Mr. Hunt addressed to Mr. H., he reproved him—not without
reason—for betraying any, the slightest, symptom of disunion in the
Liberal ranks. |
revenged myself
publicly, and sometimes where I have publicly praised you. I imagined, for
instance, I had selected a good moment for doing the latter, when I called upon
you in the
Examiner to hear
the hisses bestowed upon the
Duke of
Wellington. But these per contra accounts are
unpleasant. I am willing to be told where my attentions to a friend are
deficient; nor could you mistake me more when you say I should have
‘laughed’ at you for complaining. On the contrary, let but the word
friendship be mentioned, and nobody is disposed to be graver than myself—to a
pitch of emotion. But here I will let you into one of the secrets you ask for.
I have often said, I have a sort of irrepressible love for
Hazlitt, on account of his sympathy with mankind, his
unmercenary disinterestedness, and his suffering; and I should have a still
greater and more personal affection for him if he would let one; but I declare
to God I never seem to know whether he is pleased or displeased, cordial or
uncordial—indeed, his manners are never cordial—and he has a way with him, when
first introduced to you, and ever afterwards, as if he said, ‘I have no
faith in anything, especially your advances: don’t you flatter yourself
you have any road to my credulity: we have nothing in common between us.’
Then you escape into a corner, and your conversation is apt to be as sarcastic
and incredulous about all the world as your manner. Now, egregious fop as you
have made me out in your book, with my jealousy of anything bigger than a leaf,
and other marvels—who is to be fop enough to suppose that any
efforts of his can
make you more comfortable? Or how can you so repel one, and then expect, not
that we should make no efforts (for those we owe you on other accounts), but
that it could possibly enter our heads you took our omissions so much to heart?
The tears came into the eyes of this heartless coxcomb when he read the passage
in your letter where you speak of not having a soul to stand by you. I was very
ill, I confess, at the time, and you may lay it to that account. I was also
very ill on Thursday night, when I took up your book to rest my wits in, after
battling all day with the most dreadful nervousness. This, and your attack on
Mr. Shelley, which I must repeat was
most outrageous, unnecessary, and even, for its professed purposes, impolitic,
must account for my letter. But I will endeavour to break the force of that
blow in another manner, if I can. As to the other points in your letter, if you
wish me to say anything about them—everybody knows what I think of
Godwin’s behaviour and of your
magnanimity to boot, in such matters. But in sparing and assisting
Godwin, you need not have helped him to drive irons
into Shelley’s soul.
Reynolds is a machine I don’t see the meaning of. As to
Lamb, I must conclude that he
abstained from speaking of you, either because you cut so at
Coleridge, or from thinking that his good word
would really be of no service to you. Of the ‘execution’ you may
remember what I have said; but I was assured again on Saturday that
Bentham knew nothing of
it. How can you say I ‘shirked’ out of
Blackwood’s business, when I took all the
pains I could
to make that
raff and coward,
Z,* come forward? But I
will leave these and other matters to talk over when I see you, when I will
open myself more to you than I have done, seeing that it may not be indifferent
to you for me to do so. At any rate, as I mean this in kindness, oblige me in
one matter, and one only, and take some early opportunity of doing justice to
the talents and
generous qualities of
Shelley, whatever you may think of his mistakes in
using them. The attack on me is a trifle compared with it, nor should I allude
to it again but to say, and to say most honestly, that you might make five more
if you would only relieve the more respectable part of my chagrin and
impatience in that matter. You must imagine what I feel at bottom with regard
to yourself, when I tell you that there is but one other person from whom I
could have at all borne this attack on Shelley; but in one
respect that only makes it the less bearable.
“Yours sincerely,
“L. H.”
The next tidings we get of the business is in the correspondence of
Hunt and Shelley. In a letter from Leigh Hunt to his friend, of
the 10th May, 1821, the subject is thus touched upon:—
“You may have heard also that Hazlitt, after his usual fashion towards those whom he likes, and gets
impatient with, has been attacking Shelley,
myself, and everybody else, the public included, though there
his liking stops. I
wrote him an angry letter about S.—[these italics are
mine]—the first one I ever did, and I believe he is sorry: but this is his way. Next
week perhaps he will write a panegyric upon him. He says that
Shelley provokes him by his going to a pernicious extreme on
the Liberal side, and so hurting it. I asked him what good he would do the said side by
publicly abusing the supporters of it, and caricaturing them? To this he answers
nothing. I told him I would not review his book, as I must quarrel with him publicly if
I did so, and so hurt the cause further. Besides, I was not going to give publicity to
his outrages. I am sorry for it on every account, because I really believe Hazlitt to
be a disinterested and suffering man, who feels public calamities as other men do
private ones, and this is perpetually redeeming him in my eyes. I told him so, as well
as some other things; but you shall see our correspondence by-and-by. Did
Shelley ever cut him up at Godwin’s table? Somebody says so, and [that] this is the reason
of Hazlitt’s attack. I know that
Hazlitt does pocket up wrongs in this
way, to draw them out again some day or other. He says it is the only comfort which the
friends of his own cause leave him.”
In a later letter to Shelley
(August 28, 1821), Leigh Hunt returns to the topic, in
consequence seemingly of something or other that Shelley had let fall
in reply. He says: “I took an opportunity, a few weeks back, of mentioning you in
one of my political articles [in the Examiner] in company with Hazlitt, [and in such a way as showed how I valued your heart and
genius, as well ![]()
as his talents. It
was nothing of a comparison. I was only mentioning the authors who would and who would
not be in a new Literary Royal Academy, which they talk of getting up. But those who
know Hazlitt’s book (not a great many, for he is not popular) will
see how little effect these idle fightings with his side of the question have upon us.
As to the rest, if he attacks you again, I have told him in so many words that he must
expect me to be his public antagonist. But I think it pretty certain that he will not,
and that, if he speaks of you again, it will even be in another manner. The way in
which you talk of him is just what I expected of you.”
It happened, however, that Mr.
Hazlitt was not in the slightest degree deterred by Mr. Leigh Hunt’s representations from expressing in print what his
opinion was of Mr. Shelley as
a writer. It was not in my grandfather’s character to draw back or recant
under such circumstances, and in the ‘Edinburgh
Review’ for July, 1824, was a criticism on
Shelley’s ‘Posthumous Poems,’ not harshly or unfairly
written, but written in a spirit of dissent from the school and class of poetry of which
this author was the archetype. I cannot find that any notice was taken by Mr.
Hunt of this, but in the ‘New
Monthly Magazine’ for August, 1826, Mr. Hazlitt
attacked Shelley in a manner which led to a correspondence between
Mr. Hunt and the ostensible editor, Mr. T. Campbell. This latter individual, of whom Mr.
Hazlitt, regardless of his (Campbell’s) notorious
dislike to him, had spoken most handsomely ![]()
in the ‘Spirit of the Age,’ had no real responsibility or
control, it seems, in the conduct of the periodical with which his name was connected. He
probably never took the trouble to look at any article before it appeared, and
Mr. Hazlitt’s business communications, if any, were
addressed to Mr. Colburn himself. On the present
occasion, in a letter of August 11th, 1826, Mr. Campbell expressed his
regret for the “detestable passage in Mr.
Hazlitt’s paper,” and pleaded guilty to “culpable negligence in
not rejecting what related to Mr. S.” He supposed,
however, that he was “stupefied by the fatigue of reading over a
long roll of articles.” He concludes: “The oversight,
nevertheless, I expect, was blamable, and I am justly punished for it by finding myself
under the catspaw of Hazlitt’s
Now, if anybody desires to qualify himself to appreciate this tissue of
nonsense and falsehood, he may go to two books, of which one is well known, and the other
deserves, with all its faults, to be better so—Mr.
Redding’s ‘Recollections,’ and Mr.
Patmore’s ‘Friends
and Acquaintance.’ There he will see to what amount of fatigue Mr. Campbell was exposed in
“reading over a long roll of articles.”
I have permitted myself to anticipate events, and to show in one view
the commencement and termination of this controversy, because Mr.
Leigh Hunt’s name is not one which will occur again very often or very
prominently in these memoirs. What I have further to observe of the relations between these
distinguished contemporaries, I must reserve for another opportunity.
316 |
The temporary and private soreness of feeling on Mr. Hunt’s part did not affect Mr.
Hazlitt’s connection with the Examiner, to which he was still a contributor from time
to time, though much more sparingly than of old. An essay on ‘Guy Faux’ from his pen appeared in the paper this
very year of the short-lived rupture.
It was Lamb who suggested this
subject to him, and he says, “I urged him to execute it.” As
Lamb would not, he entered on the task.
The writer’s object was to make something more than a
fifth-November puppet out of Guy: to set his hero
before the world in more respectable colours. It was a subject which had been started years
and years before at Lamb’s. There is a
description of one of the celebrated Wednesday Evenings, as early as 1806, at which the
theme was broached; and Lamb is made by my grandfather to instance
Guy Faux and Judas Iscariot as two persons
“he would like to have seen.”*
The articles in the Examiner, however, were the first to appear in print, and from the
novelty of the thing, and the sort of reputation the writer had for casting new lights on
old theories, it promised well.
Curiously enough, a few months afterwards (Nov. 1823) Lamb capped the Examiner ‘Guy Faux’ with a London Magazine ‘Guy
Faux.’ The subject had been allowed to sleep thus far, and now in the same
year two of the principal authors of the day emptied out their thoughts about this
redoubtable and not improbably much-maligned individual upon paper.
Lamb was, no doubt,
* See p. 289 of this volume. |
led to employ his pen on this
service by reading Mr. Hazlitt’s observations
in the Examiner, for he commences with
these words: “A very ingenious and subtle writer, whom there is good reason for
suspecting to be an ex-Jesuit, not unknown at Douay some five-and-twenty years since .
. . . about a twelvemonth back set himself to prove the character of the Powder-Plot
conspirators to have been that of heroic self-devotedness and true Christian martyrdom.
Under the mask of Protestant candour he actually gained admission for his treatise into
a London weekly paper. . .”
But my grandfather’s ‘Guy Faux’ has never yet been reprinted (a fault to
be amended), nor was Lamb’s ‘Guy Faux’ till very lately, and then in
America. It was an ungenteel topic. It smelled of Jacobinism. It might have been perhaps
thought, if the two ‘Guy Fauxes,’ coming out so close one upon the other, had
been reprinted in octavo with ‘Elia’ and ‘Table
Talk,’ that Mr. Lamb and Mr.
Hazlitt were in the pay of the Catholics.
Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)
The founder of Utilitarianism; author of
Principles of Morals and
Legislation (1789).
William Blackwood (1776-1834)
Edinburgh bookseller; he began business 1804 and for a time was John Murray's Scottish
agent. He launched
Blackwood's Magazine in 1817.
Thomas Campbell (1777-1844)
Scottish poet and man of letters; author of
The Pleasures of Hope
Gertrude of Wyoming (1808) and lyric odes. He edited the
New Monthly Magazine (1821-30).
Jonathan Henry Christie (1793-1876)
Educated at Marischal College, Baliol College, Oxford, and Lincoln's Inn; after slaying
John Scott in the famous duel at Chalk Farm he was acquitted of murder and afterwards
practiced law as a conveyancer in London. He was the lifelong friend of John Gibson
Lockhart and an acquaintance of John Keats.
Henry Colburn (1785-1855)
English publisher who began business about 1806; he co-founded the
Monthly Magazine in 1814 and was publisher of the
Gazette from 1817.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)
English poet and philosopher who projected
Lyrical Ballads (1798)
with William Wordsworth; author of
Biographia Literaria (1817),
On the Constitution of the Church and State (1829) and other
Paul Colnaghi (1751-1833)
Born in Italy, he was a print dealer in Paris, and from 1785 in London where he attracted
an aristocratic clientell.
Guy Fawkes (1570-1606)
Catholic conspirator in the Gunpowder Plot, for which he was ritually burned in effigy on
November 5.
William Godwin (1756-1836)
English novelist and political philosopher; author of
An Inquiry
concerning the Principles of Political Justice (1793) and
Williams (1794); in 1797 he married Mary Wollstonecraft.
William Hazlitt (1778-1830)
English essayist and literary critic; author of
Characters of
Shakespeare's Plays (1817),
Lectures on the English Poets
(1818), and
The Spirit of the Age (1825).
James Hogg [The Ettrick Shepherd] (1770-1835)
Scottish autodidact, poet, and novelist; author of
The Queen's
Wake (1813) and
Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified
Sinner (1824).
James Henry Leigh Hunt (1784-1859)
English poet, journalist, and man of letters; editor of
Examiner and
The Liberal; friend of Byron, Keats, and
Marianne Hunt [née Kent] (1787-1857)
The daughter of Anne Kent and wife of Leigh Hunt; they were married in 1809. Charles
MacFarlane, who knew her in the 1830s, described her as “his mismanaging, unthrifty
wife, the most barefaced, persevering, pertinacious of mendicants.”
Charles Lamb [Elia] (1775-1834)
English essayist and boyhood friend of Coleridge at Christ's Hospital; author of
Essays of Elia published in the
Magazine (collected 1823, 1833) and other works.
John Lockhart (1761-1842)
The son of William Lockhart of Birkhill; he was minister of Cambusnethan (1786) and the
College Church, Glasgow (1796). He was the father of John Gibson Lockhart.
John Murray II (1778-1843)
The second John Murray began the
Quarterly Review in 1809 and
published works by Scott, Byron, Austen, Crabbe, and other literary notables.
Peter George Patmore [Tims] (1786-1855)
English writer and friend of Charles Lamb and Leigh Hunt; an early contributor to
Blackwood's, he was John Scott's second in the fatal duel, editor of
Court Journal, and father of the poet Coventry Patmore.
Thomas Pringle (1789-1834)
Scottish poet, journalist, and abolitionist, who after a brief stint as one of the
founding editors of
Blackwood's Magazine emigrated to southern
Cyrus Redding (1785-1870)
English journalist; he was a founding member of the Plymouth Institute, edited
Galignani's Messenger from 1815-18, and was the effective editor of
New Monthly Magazine (1821-30) and
Metropolitan (1831-33).
John Hamilton Reynolds (1794-1852)
English poet, essayist, and friend of Keats; he wrote for
Champion (1815-17) and published
The Garden of Florence; and
other Poems (1821).
John Scott (1784-1821)
After Marischal College he worked as a journalist with Leigh Hunt, edited
The Champion (1814-1817), and edited the
Magazine (1820) until he was killed in the duel at Chalk Farm.
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
English poet, with Byron in Switzerland in 1816; author of
Mab (1813),
The Revolt of Islam (1817),
The Cenci and
Prometheus Unbound (1820), and
Adonais (1821).
Horace Smith (1779-1849)
English poet and novelist; with his brother James he wrote
Addresses (1812) and
Horace in London (1813). Among his
novels was
Brambletye House (1826).
Robert Southey (1774-1843)
Poet laureate and man of letters whose contemporary reputation depended upon his prose
works, among them the
Life of Nelson, 2 vols (1813),
History of the Peninsular War, 3 vols (1823-32) and
The Doctor, 7 vols (1834-47).
James Traill (1794-1873)
Of Hobbister, Orkney; educated at Balliol College (Snell Exhibitioner) and the Middle
Temple, he was a police magistrate in London. Traill was John Christie's second in the duel
with John Scott.
John Wilson [Christopher North] (1785-1854)
Scottish poet and Tory essayist, the chief writer for the “Noctes Ambrosianae” in
Blackwood's Magazine and professor of moral philosophy at Edinburgh
University (1820).
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. (1817-1980). Begun as the
Edinburgh Monthly Magazine,
Blackwood's assumed the name of its proprietor, William Blackwood after the sixth
number. Blackwood was the nominal editor until 1834.
The Examiner. (1808-1881). Founded by John and Leigh Hunt, this weekly paper divided its attention between literary
matters and radical politics; William Hazlitt was among its regular contributors.
The London Magazine. (1820-1829). Founded by John Scott as a monthly rival to
Blackwood's, the
London Magazine included among its contributors Charles Lamb, John Clare, Allan Cunningham,
Thomas De Quincey, and Thomas Hood.
New Monthly Magazine. (1814-1884). Founded in reaction to the radically-inclined
Monthly Magazine,
New Monthly was managed under the proprietorship of Henry
Colburn from 1814 to 1845. It was edited by Thomas Campbell and Cyrus Redding from
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley. (London: John and Henry L. Hunt, 1824). Edited by Mary Shelley, and suppressed at the request of Sir Timothy Shelley.