Nothing can be more unjust and natural than the conduct of parents in placing their children. They have recourse to ten thousand advisers, and appeal to each as if their whole confidence were placed in him.
Somebody has now advised Mr. B—— that Mr. —— is the best tutor in Edinburgh; and to Mr. ——, I presume, his son will go. I am extremely sorry for all the trouble I have given you, but as my residence in Scotland is so well known, appeals to me are made from intimate friends; and what can I do? The same thing may happen to you about English schools, and then you may take your revenge upon me.
If ever you find yourself in an idle mood, I wish you would
send me an accurate account of what is done in the High School at Edinburgh.
Jeffrey descanted
Jeffrey has thrashed —— happily and deservedly;—but is it not time now to lay up his cudgel? Heads that are plastered and trepanned all over are no longer fit for breaking.
M ——, I see, retires from his present situation, to sit in judgment upon the lives and properties of his fellow-creatures. When a man is a fool, in England we only trust him with the immortal concerns of human beings.