Memoir of John Murray
Scrope Davies to John Murray, 17 May 1837
May 17th, 1837.
My dear Sir,
Nimrod* informs me that it is your wish
and intention to present me with a copy of Byron’s works. I need not remark how much flattered I am
by this mark of your recollection of one who has been so long and so entirely
secluded from the world. The pleasure I feel too is not a little enhanced by
hearing that, like the Thane of Cawdor, you
are a “prosperous gentleman,” and I pray that good fortune may long
attend you and yours. You deserve it; your conduct towards
Byron when, in the autumn of 1816, I put the third
canto of ‘Childe
Harold’ and the ‘Prisoner of Chillon’ into your hands, was noble, as your
previous conduct during his difficulties was beyond all praise. Does he still
look down with a temperate scorn on the dissecting-table of your Inquisition
Chamber? Of him and many others I have some notices which I much wish you to
see. They are original, and I think interesting, nor am I willing that they
should die with me. There was
| BYRON AND SIR R. PEEL. | 421 |
scarcely a man of any
celebrity during my time that I had not the good fortune some time or other to
meet. With some of these beings of a finer mould I was on terms of friendship,
with many familiar, and more or less acquainted with nearly all. Barring the
(which I read because you recommended it to Nimrod) and
Washington Irving’s works, I
know but little of modern publications, and that little causes no regret at not
knowing more. I was seduced into reading Washington Irving
by accidentally stumbling on his ‘Stout Gentleman.’ The Lady Morgans, Bulwers and Trollopes of
the day, have no charms for me. What is good in them is a réchauffé from others—what
is their own is bad. “C’est un bonheur pour la plupart
des écrivains d’aujourd’hui d’avoir la
mémoire, comme c’est un malheur pour leur
lecteurs.” Swift
says it is a great art in writing to know when to leave off, as I am sure it is
to know what to leave out—to sink the offal, as the carcase butchers say.
But these writers give you the offal and sink the carcase. As you desire me to
mention where you may send this splendid present of yours, I beg that it may be
deposited at 47, Great Ormond Street, the mansion of my good and esteemed
friend Mr. John Hibbert; and if I can be of any service to
you on any occasion and in any way, you may command me. I shall quit Paris in a
few days for my little residence at Dunkirk, where I intend to pass the summer.
Should you visit this part of the world it would afford me much pleasure to see
you, chez M. Crepin, Rue de l’Eglise, Dunkirk.
Believe me,
Yours most truly,
Charles James Apperley [Nimrod] (1778-1843)
Writer for the
Sporting Magazine who in 1830 emigrated to France
to avoid paying his debts; he published
Hunting Reminiscences
Scrope Berdmore Davies (1782-1852)
Byron met his bosom friend while at Cambridge. Davies, a professional gambler, lent Byron
funds to pay for his travels in Greece and Byron acted as second in Davies' duels.
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)
Dean of St Patrick's, Scriblerian satirist, and author of
Battle of the
Books with
Tale of a Tub (1704),
Letters (1724),
Gulliver's Travels (1726), and
A Modest Proposal (1729).
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882)
English novelist; author of the
Barchester Chronicles.