( 219 ) |
We have in the last chapter forestalled the appointment of Lockhart as Editor of the Quarterly Review. Mr. Coleridge had conscientiously set himself to carry out the task he had assumed as Mr. Gifford’s successor; he wrote for each number of the Quarterly, and spared no pains in the fulfilment of the duties of his post. Soon after his appointment, however, he became so absorbed in his professional engagements, that after the issue of four numbers, he was obliged to resign his position. His engagements at the Bar had nearly doubled during the year that he remained Editor,* and he merely held the Editorship until a competent successor could be appointed.
We have already described in detail the negotiations which led to the acceptance of the post by Mr. Lockhart. In addition to various Reviews and Essays, he had already published one or two books anonymously,† but as an author he was chiefly known by his admirable metrical translation of ‘The Ancient Spanish Ballads, Historical and Romantic,’ published in 1823, which proved him to be a poet of fine genius. Before he accepted the Editorship
* He eventually became the Right Hon. John Taylor Coleridge, one of the Judges of the Court of King’s Bench. |
† 1. Peter’s ‘Letters to his Kinsfolk,’ 1819; 2. ‘Valerius, a Roman Story,’ 1821; 3. ‘Adam Blair, a Novel,’ 1822. |
I was much surprised to-day to learn from Lockhart by letter that some scruples were in
circulation among some of the respectable among the supporters of the Quarterly
Review concerning his capacity to undertake that highly
responsible task. In most cases I might not be considered as a disinterested
witness on behalf of so near a connection, but in the present instance I have
some claim to call myself so. The plan (I need not remind you) of calling
Lockhart to this distinguished situation, far from
being favoured by me, or in any respect advanced or furthered by such interest
as I might have urged, was not communicated to me until it was formed; and as
it involved the removal of my daughter and of her husband, who has always loved
and honoured me as a son, from their native country and from my vicinity, my
private wish and that of all the members of my family was that such a change
should not take place. But the advantages proposed were so considerable, that
it removed all title on my part to state my own strong desire that he should
remain in Scotland. Now I do assure you that if in these circumstances I had
seen anything in Lockhart’s habits, cast of mind, or
mode of thinking or composition which made him unfit for the duty he had to
undertake, I should have been the last man in the world to permit, without the
strongest expostulation not with him alone but with you, his exchanging an easy
and increasing income in his own country and amongst his own friends for a
larger income perhaps, but a highly responsible situation in London. I
considered this matter very attentively, and recalled to my recollection all I
had known of Mr. Lockhart both before and since his
connection with my family. I have no hesitation in saying that when he was
paying his addresses in my family I
It seems extremely hard (though not perhaps to be wondered
at) that the follies of three- or four-and-twenty should be remembered against
a man of thirty, who has abstained during the interval from giving the least
cause of offence. There are few men of any rank in letters who have not at some
time or other been guilty of some abuse of their satirical powers, and very few
who have not seen reason to wish that they had restrained their vein of
pleasantry. Thinking over Lockhart’s offences with my own, and other men’s
whom either politics or literary controversy has led into such effusions, I
cannot help thinking that five years’ proscription ought to obtain a full
immunity on their account. There were none of them which could be ascribed to
any worse motive than a wicked wit, and many of the individuals against whom
they were directed were worthy of more severe chastisement. The blame was in
meddling with such men at all. Lockhart is reckoned an
excellent scholar, and Oxford has said so. He is born a gentleman, has always
kept the best society, and his personal character is without a shadow of blame.
In the most unfortunate affair of his life he did all that man could do, and
the unhappy tragedy was the result of the poor sufferer’s after-thought
to get out of a scrape. Of his general talents I will not presume to speak, but
they are
Had any shadow of this want of confidence been expressed in the beginning of the business I for one would have advised Lockhart to have nothing to do with a concern for which his capacity was called in question. But now what can be done? A liberal offer, handsomely made, has been accepted with the same confidence with which it was offered. Lockhart has resigned his office in Edinburgh, given up his business, taken a house in London, and has let, or is on the eve of letting, his house here. The thing is so public, that about thirty of the most respectable gentlemen in Edinburgh have proposed to me that a dinner should be given in his honour. The ground is cut away behind him for a retreat, nor can such a thing be proposed as matters now stand.
Upon what grounds or by whom Lockhart was first recommended to you I have no right or wish
to inquire, having no access whatsoever to the negotiation, the result of which
must be in every wise painful enough to me. But as their advice must in
addition to your own judgment have had great weight with you, I conceive they
will join with me in the expectation that the other respectable friends of this
important work will not form any decision to
It has been my lot twice before now to stand forward to the best of my power as the assistant of two individuals against whom a party run was made. The one case was that of Wilson, to whom a thousand idle pranks were imputed of a character very different and far more eccentric than anything that ever attached to Lockhart. We carried him through upon the fair principle that in the case of good morals and perfect talents for a situation, where vice or crimes are not alleged, the follies of youth should not obstruct the fair prospects of advanced manhood. God help us all if some such modification of censure is not extended to us, since most men have sown wild oats enough! Wilson was made a professor, as you know, has one of the fullest classes in the University, lectures most eloquently, and is much beloved by his pupils. The other was the case of John Williams, now Rector of our new Academy here, who was opposed most violently upon what on examination proved to be exaggerated rumours of old Winchester stories. He got the situation chiefly, I think, by my own standing firm and keeping others together. And the gentlemen who opposed him most violently have repeatedly told me that I did the utmost service to the Academy by bringing him in, for never was a man in such a situation so eminently qualified for the task of education.
I only mention these things to show that it is not in my son-in-law’s affairs alone that I would endeavour to remove that sort of prejudice which envy and party zeal are always ready to throw in the way of rising talent. Those who are interested in the matter may be well assured that with whatever prejudice they may receive Lockhart at first, all who have candour enough to wait till he can afford them the means of judging will be of opinion that they have got a person possibly as well situated for the duties of such an office as any man that England could afford them.
I would rather have written a letter of this kind
Mr. Lockhart himself addressed the two following letters to Mr. Murray:—
I am deeply indebted to Disraeli for the trouble he has taken to come hither again at a time when he has so many matters of real importance to attend to in London. The sort of stuff that certain grave gentlemen have been mincing at, was of course thoroughly foreseen by Sir W. Scott and by myself from the beginning of the business. Such prejudices I cannot hope to overcome, except by doing well what has been entrusted to me, and after all I should like to know what man could have been put at the head of the Quarterly Review at my time of life without having the Doctors uttering doctorisms on the occasion. If you but knew it, you yourself personally could in one moment overcome and silence for ever the whole of these people. As for me, nobody has more sincere respect for them in their own different walks of excellence than myself; and if there be one thing that I may promise for myself, it is, that age, experience, and eminence, shall never find fair reason to accuse me of treating them with presumption. I am much more afraid of falling into the opposite error. I have written at some length on these matters to Mr. Croker, Mr. Ellis, and Mr. Rose—and to no one else; nor will I again put pen to paper, unless some one, having a right to put a distinct question to me, does put it.
I have read the letter I received yesterday evening with the greatest interest, and closed it with the sincerest pleasure. I think we now begin to understand each other, and if we do that I am sure I have no sort of apprehension as to the result of the whole business. But in writing one must come to the point, therefore I proceed at once to your topics in their order, and rely on it I shall speak as openly on every one of them as I would to my brother.
Mr. Croker’s behaviour has indeed distressed me, for I had always considered him as one of those bad enemies who make excellent friends. I had not the least idea that he had ever ceased to regard you personally with friendship, even affection, until B. D. told me about his trafficking with Knight; for as to the little hints you gave me when in town, I set all that down to his aversion for the notion of your setting up a paper, and thereby dethroning him from his invisible predominance over the Tory daily press, and of course attached little importance to it. I am now satisfied, more particularly after hearing how he behaved himself in the interview with you, that there is some deeper feeling in his mind. The correspondence that has been passing between him and me may have been somewhat imprudently managed on my part. I may have committed myself to a certain extent in it in more ways than one. It is needless to regret what cannot be undone; at all events, I perceive that it is now over with us for the present. I do not, however, believe but that he will continue to do what he has been used to do for the Review; indeed, unless he makes the newspaper business his excuse, he stands completely pledged to me to adhere to that.
But with reverence be it spoken, even this does not seem to
me a matter of very great moment. On the contrary, I believe that his papers in
the Review have (with a few exceptions) done the work a great deal more harm than
good. I cannot express what I feel; but there was always the bitterness of
Gifford without his dignity, and the
bigotry of Southey without his
bonne-foi . His scourging of
such poor deer as Lady Morgan was unworthy
of a work of that rank. If we can get the same information elsewhere, no fear that we need equally regret the
I am vexed not a little at Mr. Barrow’s imprudence in mentioning my name to Croker and to Rose as in connection with the paper; and for this reason that I was most anxious to have produced at least one number of the Review ere that matter should have been at all suspected. As it is, I hope you will still find means to make Barrow, Rose, and Croker (at all events the two last) completely understand that you had, indeed, wished me to edit the paper, but that I had declined that, and that then you had offered me the Review.
No matter what you say as to the firm belief I have expressed that the paper will answer, and the resolutions I have made to assist you by writing political articles in it. It is of the highest importance that in our anxiety about a new affair one should not lose sight of the old and established one, and I can believe that if the real state of the case were known at the outset of my career in London, a considerable feeling detrimental to the Quarterly might be excited. We have enough of adverse feelings to meet, without unnecessarily swelling their number and aggravating their quality.
I beg you to have a serious conversation with Mr. Barrow on this head, and in the course of it take care to make him thoroughly understand that the prejudices or doubts he gave utterance to in regard to me were heard of by me without surprise, and excited no sort of angry feeling whatever. He could know nothing of me but from flying rumours, for the nature of which he could in no shape be answerable. As for poor Rose’s well-meant hints about my “identifying myself perhaps in the mind of society with the scavengers of the press,” “the folly of your risking your name on a paper” &c. &c., of course we shall equally appreciate all this. Rose is a timid dandy, and a bit of a Whig to boot. I shall make some explanation to him when I next have occasion to write to him, but that sort of thing would come surely with a better grace from you than from me. I have not a doubt that he will be a daily scribbler in your paper ere it is a week old.
To all these people—Croker as well as the rest—John Murray is of much more importance than they ever can be
I come to pleasanter matters. Nothing, indeed, can be more handsome, more generous than Mr. Coleridge’s whole behaviour. I beg of you to express to him the sense I have of the civility with which he has been pleased to remember and allude to me, and assure him that I am most grateful for the assistance he offers, and accept of it to any extent he chooses. I shall be most happy to have his paper on the West Indies as soon as he finds it convenient to do it, and shall wait upon him as soon as I get to London, in order that I may have the benefit of his advice and instruction as to the affairs of the Review in general. I hope Mr. Southey will execute the proposed article on the Law Society, a subject which I should think is eminently suited for him, and trust that you will put him in possession of the materials he requires forthwith if you have not already done so.
The subject of Medical Jurisprudence is one which I think ought to be taken up in the Quarterly Review. Two very good English books have recently been published on this subject, but neither of them equal to the great French one they pillage. The topic is interesting, or ought to be so, to every man who is liable to act as a grand juryman, and it is in that view, and with relation to that class, that I should wish to see a luminous article written by some first-rate hand. Could Mr. Laurence* do this? at all events, could you consult with him in regard to it? What an amusing essay Southey could write if he had those books before him! but then he would want the scientific knowledge.
I have had a great deal of conversation with Scott about Byron. He desires me to tell you, in the first place, that it is his decided opinion you ought forthwith to put forth a complete edition of all his works, ‘Don Juan’ and everything. It was right in you not to encourage even him in the writing of such things when he might be writing others.
* The eminent surgeon. |
I wrote to Disraeli
yesterday about my motions southwards. I much regret that it is not possible
for me to be in town now before the 10th or 11th; by that last day I can
promise that I shall be there. Mrs.
Lockhart is most sensible, as well as I, to the kindness with
which you and Mrs. Murray have offered
us shelter in Whitehall Place. We have connections, however, who would take it
amiss did we place ourselves under any private roof but theirs. She has an old
godmother in Piccadilly, &c. &c. In short, I believe we must decline
your proffered kindness; though, if circumstances should appear to admit of our
coming to you, be assured we shall avail ourselves of your hospitalities
without hesitation. At all events, I shall be in town
and at your service then, and if other arrangements admit of
My wife joins me in best compliments and thanks to Mrs. Murray, and I assure you I sign myself with the most perfect sincerity,
Sir W. Scott also wrote again on the subject of his previous letter:—
I have your letter this morning. Besides yourself, I only write to Heber, on whose friendship, long-tried, and prudence, I could perfectly rely; mentioning the rumours in question, and my reasons for being confident that they were perfectly groundless, so far as Lockhart’s temper and disposition were implicated. In fact, I think that in sacrificing a competent revenue, leaving his native country, and quitting at once his views in life and his natural connections, he gives the deepest pledge he can do that no light or trivial temptation could induce him to risk the safety of the concern in which he may now be said to have embarked his all.
If I had not felt absolutely confident that Lockhart had the same deep and serious views
in the matter which I
What Southey thought of the change of editorship may be inferred from his letter to John Rickman (Dec. 4th, 1825), in which he wrote:—
“I do not know for what reason Murray has thought proper to change his editor. . . . The new editor (Lockhart), Scott’s son-in-law, is a person whom I know only by sight. . . . I lose by the change an editor whom I know, and on whom I can rely; but I am released from any motive for continuing to work at that occupation longer than my own convenience may render necessary.”*
* ‘Selections from the Letters of Robert Southey.’ By the Rev. J. W. Walter, iii. 514. |
A few months later, Southey changed his opinion with regard to the editorship; nor did his own convenience render it necessary for him to discontinue the occupation of a Quarterly Reviewer so long as he was capable of writing. He remained a regular contributor down to 1839. “That the Quarterly Review” he wrote in 1826, “is out of John Coleridge’s hands I am (with all my regard for him) heartily glad; for he has got a twist upon the cursed Catholic question;—but in other respects, the change of editors is not for the better.”*
Mr. Coleridge was delighted to give up his charge. When finishing his last number (65), he wrote:—
I have now put the finishing hand to my last number, and return you with this, the little key of your paper box, for Mr. Lockhart’s use. You can hardly believe how light-hearted I feel, or how fortunate I consider myself in being relieved at this moment from a burthen which would have impeded me most seriously in the professional course which seems, and is, I trust, opening upon me. With the best possible wishes for the welfare of the Review and of its proprietor, I remain, my dear Sir,
The last number of the Quarterly edited by Coleridge was one of his best, and contained articles by two new contributors—Dr. Gooch and Blanco White. That by Dr. Gooch,† on Plague, was one of the most useful essays
* ‘Selections from the Letters of Robert Southey,’ iv. 67. |
† Dr. Gooch was a native of Yarmouth; he first practised in Croydon, and subsequently in London. He was a man of great eminence and distinction. Mr. Murray afterwards published for him his work on ‘Diseases Peculiar to Women.’ |
Mr. Lockhart succeeded to a most influential position in his control of what his friend John Wilson called “a National Work”; and he justified the selection which Mr. Murray had made of him as editor: not only maintaining and enhancing the reputation of the Review, by securing the friendship of the old contributors, but enlisting the assistance of many new ones. Sir Walter Scott, though “working himself to pieces” to free himself from debt, came to his help, and to the first number which Lockhart edited, he contributed an interesting article on ‘Pepys’ Memoirs.’ Barrow, Mitchell, Southey, Palgrave, and others, contributed excellent papers. Mr. Isaac D’Israeli,—for the crisis of the Representative which was to interrupt his intercourse with Murray had not yet occurred—wrote
“It is certainly one of the very best numbers we have long had.
The article on Pepys, after so many have
been written, is the only one which, in the most charming manner possible, shows the
real value of these works, which I can assure you many good scholars have no idea of,
as I observed when ‘Evelyn’s
Diary’ was published. These, as the critic points out, have, for a
great variety of readers, their own peculiar tastes and objects; this is the philosophy
of Biography! Now, my good friend, if you go on under the new administration as well as
you have begun, you may yet hope
Lockhart’s literary taste and discernment were of the highest order; and he displayed a moderation and gentleness, even in his adverse criticism, for which those who knew him but slightly, or by reputation only, scarce gave him credit. There soon sprang up between him and his publisher an intimacy and mutual confidence which lasted till Murray’s death; and Lockhart continued to edit the Quarterly till his own death in 1854. In truth there was need of mutual confidence between editor and publisher, for they were called upon to deal with not a few persons whose deep interest in the Quarterly tempted them at times to assume a somewhat dictatorial tone in their comments on and advice for the management of the Review. When an article written by Croker, on Lamennais’ ‘Paroles d’un Croyant,’* was under consideration, Lockhart wrote to the publisher:—
It is always agreeable and often useful for us to hear what you think of the articles in progress. Croker and I both differ from you as to the general affair, for this reason simply, that Lamennais is to Paris what Benson or Lonsdale is to London. His book has produced and is producing a very great effect. Even religious people there applaud him, and they are re-echoed here by old Jerdan, who pronounces that, be he right or wrong, he has produced “a noble sacred poem.” It is needful to caution the English against the course of France by showing up the audacious extent of her horrors, political, moral, and
* The article by J. W. Croker was afterwards published in No. 104 of the Quarterly. |
Among the many foreigners introduced to Mr. Murray was the Rev. Edmund D. Griffin, a young American clergyman of literary tastes, who visited England in 1827-28 for the benefit of his health, and called upon Mr. Murray in London, with a letter of introduction from a familiar friend of his, an old lady in Edinburgh. Finding him an agreeable and accomplished man, Murray invited him to join a select dinner party at 50, Albemarle Street. Mr. Griffin died soon after his return home, and his friends subsequently published his ‘Reminiscences,’ which include the following graphic description of Murray and his friends:—
“I dined, yesterday, with a very distinguished party, at
Mr. Murray’s, consisting of Moore, Lockhart, Washington Irving,
Smith, one of the authors of the
Addresses,’ and other beaux
esprits; Mitchell, the
translator of ‘Aristophanes;’ and some others, of less name and fame. The first is,
certainly, a most unpoetical figure. Nor is his countenance, at first sight, more
promising than his person. When you study it, however; when you consider the height of
the bald crown, the loftiness of the receding pyramidal forehead; the marked, yet
expanded and graceful lines of the mouth; above all, when you catch the bright smile
and the brilliant eye-beam, which accompany the flashes of his wit and the sallies of
his fancy; you forget, and are ready
THE REV. E. D. GRIFFIN. | 235 |
“The conversation at dinner consisted chiefly in the relation of
anecdotes. To my great disappointment, no discussion of any length or interest took
place. It must be admitted that the anecdotes were select, and told with infinite wit
and spirit. Many of them, I doubt not, were the inventions of the narrators. Such
seemed to be peculiarly the case with those of Mr. Moore and
Mr. Smith; who, though seated at different
ends of the table, frequently engaged each other, from time to time, in a sort of
contest for superiority. This contest, however, was still carried on in the same way.
Both tried only which could relate the most pungent witticism, or tell the most amusing
story. The subjects of the anecdotes in general were extremely interesting. Lord Byron, and other eminent men, with whom the speakers
had been familiar, were frequently brought upon the stage. Mr. Lockhart, meantime, though he seemed to enjoy the pleasantries of
others, contributed none of his own. Whatever he did say, was in a Scottish accent, and
exhibited strong sense and extensive reading. Mr.
Irving seems to be one of those men who, like Addison, have plenty of gold in their pockets, but are
almost destitute of ready change. His reserve, however, is
“On returning to the drawing-room, the scene was changed, though the great actors remained in part at least the same. Music was substituted for conversation, Mr. Smith gave an original song, full of humour and variety. Mr. Moore was induced to seat himself at the piano, and indulged his friends with two or three of his own Irish melodies. I cannot describe to you his singing; it is perfectly unique. The combination of music, and of poetic sentiment, emanating from one mind, and glowing in the very countenance, and speaking in the very voice which that same mind illuminates and directs, produces an effect upon the eye, the ear, the taste, the feeling, the whole man in short, such as no mere professional excellence can at all aspire to equal. His head is cast backward, and his eyes upward, with the true inspiration of an ancient bard. His voice, though of little compass, is inexpressibly sweet. He realized to me, in many respects, my conceptions of the poet of love and wine; the refined and elegant, though voluptuous Anacreon. . . . But the author of the ‘Fire Worshippers’ gave us, in the course of the evening, an Irish rebel’s song, which was absolutely thrilling. Anacreon was, however, afterwards restored to us in a drinking song, composed to be sung at a convivial meeting of an association of gentlemen.
“I cannot conclude this brief sketch, without saying a few words
of my host. He is a good-looking man, with a preoccupied and anxious air. This gives
way, however, to true Scottish sense and cordiality in conversation. He has a strong
understanding, and a good memory; and is exceedingly interesting from the long
intercourse which he has maintained with, and the intimate knowledge he possesses, of
all the eminent literary characters of the age. The memoirs of himself and his times
would be invaluable.
Like most sagacious publishers, Murray was free from prejudice, and was ready to publish for all parties and for men of opposite opinions. For instance, he published Malthus’s ‘Essay on Population,’ and Sadler’s contradiction of the theory. He published Byron’s attack on Southey, and Southey’s two letters against Lord Byron. He published Nugent’s ‘Memorials of Hampden,’ and the Quarterly Review’s attack upon it. Southey’s ‘Book of the Church’ evoked a huge number of works on the Roman Catholic controversy, most of which were published by Mr. Murray. Mr. Charles Butler followed with his ‘Book on the Roman Catholic Church.’ And the Rev. Joseph Blanco White’s ‘Practical and Internal Evidence against Catholicism,’ with occasional strictures on Mr. Butler’s ‘Book on the Roman Catholic Church.’ Another answer to Mr. Butler came from Dr. George Townsend, in his ‘Accusations of History against the Church of Rome.’ Then followed the Divines, of whom there were many: the Rev. Dr. Henry Phillpotts (then of Stanhope Rectory, Durham, but afterwards Bishop of Exeter), in his ‘Letter to Charles Butler on the Theological Parts of his Book on the Roman Catholic Church;’ the Rev. G. S. Faber’s ‘Difficulties of Romanism;’ and many others.
Southey, when sending the first part of his MS. of
‘Vindiciæ Ecclesiæ
Anglicanæ,’ for publication—comprising his ‘Essays on the
Romish Religion,’ and vindicating his ‘Book of the Church’—wrote to Mr. Murray:—“Mr. Butler will not complain of any want of courtesy—
“I look upon myself as grand author of all the works which the ‘Book of the Church’ has produced. The wind which I have raised has been no ill one for you. . . . It is not often that you have published so prolific a book as the ‘Book of the Church,’ which is father to Mr. Butler’s volume, grandfather to all the rejoinders to it, great grandfather to the second volume; and the family tree is growing still.”
Mr. Butler subsequently published, through Mr. Murray, his ‘Life of Erasmus,’ and his ‘Reminiscences,’ a most
interesting work. The way in which he accomplished so much was by never wasting a moment of
time; and also, as he himself said to Murray, “in directing
his attention to one literary subject at a time; to read the last work upon the
subject, consulting others as little as possible; when the subjects were contentious,
to read the best book on each side; to find out men of information, and when in their
society, to listen, not to talk.” The way of Southey was different. He read and studied many sub-
“There may be some imprudence in my undertaking so many things at once; but there is this advantage, that I never pursue any subject with a flagging mind. If I do not see readily how to combine the materials advantageously, I lay the narrative aside, and take up something else; then to return to it in some happier mood; and thus it is that there is a life and freshness in my narrative. Nothing is done hastily, or crudely; nothing is constrained.”
Southey’s second volume of the ‘History of the Peninsular War’ appeared in April, 1826. His first volume was much objected to. Mr. Carrick Moore refers to his “base persecution of the memory of Sir John Moore,” adding that the Duke of Wellington had spoken most warmly and liberally to Colonel Napier (who was also writing an account of the Peninsular War) on the subject of these calumnies against Moore. Southey said of Napier, “his history will be the standard un-literary history of his campaigns—mine the philosophical, moral, and popular one, of the Peninsular War.” Southey was greatly deceived. His history is now comparatively unknown, while Napier’s is not only the standard military authority, but by far the best literary work on the subject.
Mr. Murray continued to publish many important works
on voyages and travels. As he had published the first and
“It is very gratifying to my feelings, to be assured that my task is so well spoken of by those whose judgment is the most to be valued on such subjects. Too much is, in these book-making days, expected of naval officers in this respect; for they are accustomed to act more than to write—but both are expected from us now.”
While voyages to the Arctic Regions, amidst ice and floes, were read with interest, travels under the burning sun of Africa, were equally popular. The ‘Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa,’ by Denham, Clapperton, and Oudney, were brought out in a magnificent volume, splendidly illustrated. Major Denham looked closely after his personal interests, and required £1500 for the copyright of his work. Mr. Murray said, in answer to his proposal, “This is more than ever was given for any volume of voyages or travels, and it is not in my character to be illiberal in my proposals when I see my way. Unwilling, however, not to show a disposition to do something when you have been so complimentary, I will venture to offer you £1200 for the copyright of your travels, drawings,” &c. Major Denham accepted the offer, “with the exception of the French edition,” but as Mr. Murray was at the expense of the illustrations, and subsequently paid the author £200 for a second edition, the sum paid for the work actually exceeded the amount originally demanded. Captain Hugh Clapperton afterwards published through Mr. Murray, his ‘Journal of a Second Expedition into the Interior of Africa.’
Mr. Murray was proud of his voyagers and travellers.
MR. HALLAM. | 241 |
While most authors are ready to take “cash down” for their manuscripts, there are others who desire to be remunerated in proportion to the sale of their works. This is especially the case with works of history or biography, which are likely to have a permanent circulation. Hence when the judicious Mr. Hallam—who had sold the first three editions of ‘Europe during the Middle Ages’ to Mr. Murray for £1400—had completed his ‘Constitutional History of England,’ he wrote to Mr. Murray as follows:—
You are well acquainted with the nature of a literary undertaking which has occupied my time for several years, and which I am now prepared to submit to the public eye. To describe it however more particularly, it will contain the Constitutional History of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II., and will bear this or some equivalent title. I consider it in a great degree as a continuation of the eighth chapter of the ‘View of the Middle Ages,’ in which the progress of the English government was deduced, to the reign of Henry VII., at which the present work begins.
The length, as far as I am able to judge, will be very
nearly the same as that of the former; namely, two volumes in quarto,
containing from 1100 to 1200 pages. The octavo editions I rather conceive
should be in four volumes, and consequently each rather smaller than those of
the corresponding editions of the ‘Middle Ages.’ I should wish to put the
first part of the copy into the
I have every reason to be satisfied with your fairness and liberality on the former occasions, when I was comparatively a stranger to the world of letters, and the success of so extensive a work as the ‘View of the Middle Ages’ was very precarious. But as I have a right to calculate at present on a speedy sale, I think it reasonable to ask a larger proportion of the profits than before, and conceive that a sum equivalent to two-thirds of the net receipts, will be no more than a just price. I should propose on these terms to print 750 copies in quarto, so as to enable the purchasers of the first edition of the ‘Middle Ages’ to complete their set in the same form, and to proceed as nearly as possible at the same time with an edition in octavo, so that there may be no great interval in the publication.
It does not occur to me that I have omitted anything very important; but if so it will be easy for us to come to an explanation.
Mr. Murray immediately complied with Mr. Hallam’s request, and he agreed to print and publish at his own cost and risk the ‘Constitutional History of England,’ and pay to the author two-thirds of the net profits (not “receipts” as stated by Mr. Hallam) arising from the sale of the same. And these were the terms on which Mr. Murray published all Mr. Hallam’s subsequent works.
Mr. Murray still continued to publish poems.
Gabriele Rossetti—a refugee from Italy,
but then Professor of the Italian language in King’s College, London—published
through Mr. Murray his ‘Divina Commedia’ of Dante, with Analytical
Comments. Mr. Murray also published
MR. W. S. ROSE. | 243 |
“It would require the power of Satan to keep so many devils as you drive, in order; and I only wonder that you manage them so well. I wish, however, that you would also put a light to the furioso-devil who does not justify his name. Why does this devil hang fire? I would be content if he would but keep smouldering.”
While Mr. Rose was busy with his translation, the sea broke in upon his Italian villa, Gundimore, situated on a peninsula on the shore of Hampshire, and cost him about £300 to repair the premises and restore the ramparts. He could ill afford this at the time, but he endeavoured to earn the money by his pen.
“I am too proud to beg or borrow: but would willingly work for the money, and with this purpose (on receiving the bad news) sat down to the composition of what, I thought, might be a popular piece of nonsense, and of which I once spoke to you, between jest and earnest. The intended volume is to be a duodecimo or small octavo, much in the manner of some of Southey’s animal stories in his ‘Omniana,’ to be entitled ‘Apology: Anecdotes of Monkeys,’ or what the bookseller best likes; always premising that my name is not to appear on the title-page. . . . My monkeys will not be at all in the way of my knights-errant, as I shall take my ape-ology and the Furioso, like bread and cheese.”
Among the original poems published by Mr.
Murray about this time, were Alaric A.
Watts’ ‘Lyrics of the
“I think Milman’s Poem contains about half-a-dozen passages of stately and noble versification, but it is, as a dramatic work, feeble and poor in the extreme. However, the subject is very good, and I daresay the book may be popular for the moment. It is quite clear that he never ought to have been a Poet, for he becomes every day more artificial, and that is a sad symptom at his time of life. He has fine talents, but no genius; and if he would learn to write prose as well as he does write verse, he might make a figure worth speaking of.”
“Anne Boleyn” was published, but attained no success. Mr. Milman, however, acted upon Lockhart’s hint, and betook himself to prose, in which department he eventually acquired his most lasting reputation.
In 1826 Thomas Hood—wit,
poet, and novelist—armed with an introduction from Mr.
Barron Field—offered Mr. Murray
his book of ‘Whims and
Oddities,’ illustrated by forty woodcuts. Hood had already published, in
conjunction with his brother-in-law, Reynolds,
‘The Odes and Addresses to Great
People’; but beyond this he was scarcely known. “You want a light
book,” said Mr. Field to Murray,
“to relieve all your Voyages and Histories;
Mr. Wordsworth desiring to republish his Poems, made application with that object to Mr. Murray, who thereupon consulted Lockhart.
“In regard to Wordsworth I certainly cannot doubt that it must be creditable to any publisher to publish the works of one who is and must continue to be a classic Poet of England. Your adventure with Crabbe, however, ought to be a lesson of much caution. On the other hand, again, W.’s poems must become more popular, else why so many editions in the course of the last few years. There have been two of the ‘Excursion’ alone, and I know that these have not satisfied the public. Everything, I should humbly say, depends on the terms proposed by the great Laker, whose vanity, be it whispered, is nearly as remarkable as his genius.”
The following is the letter in which Mr. Wordsworth made this formal proposal to Mr. Murray to publish his collected poems:
I have at last determined to go to the Press with my Poems
as early as possible. Twelve months ago they were to have been put into the
hands of Messrs. Robinson and Hurst, upon the terms of payment of a certain
sum, independent of expense on my part; but the failure of that house prevented
the thing going forward. Before I
As Mr. Murray did not answer this letter promptly, Mr. H. Crabb Robinson called upon him to receive his decision, and subsequently wrote:
“I wrote to Mr. Wordsworth the day after I had the pleasure of seeing you. I am sorry to say that my letter came too late. Mr. Wordsworth interpreted your silence into a rejection of his offer; and his works will unfortunately lose the benefit of appearing under your auspices. They have been under the press some weeks.”
About the beginning of 1825, Messrs. Constable, of Edinburgh, started the idea of publishing works for the
million. Their first project was a plan for bringing out an ‘Encyclopædia for
Youth;’ but this idea was discarded, or at least altered, and eventually developed
itself in the publication of ‘Constable’s
Miscellany.’ Already before this Murray, entertaining the idea of a cheap and popular series of Voyages and
Travels, had actually set in type a pocket edition of Parry’s and Franklin’s
Although I intend to do myself the pleasure of calling upon Mr. Constable at your house to-morrow immediately after church (for it is our charity sermon at Wimbledon, and I must attend), yet I should be most happy, if it were agreeable to you and to him, to favour us with your company at dinner at, I will say, five to-morrow. Mr. Constable is godfather to my son, who will be at home, and I am anxious to introduce him to Mr. C., who may not be long in town.
Mr. Constable and his friend accordingly dined with Murray, and that the meeting was very pleasant may be inferred from Mr. Constable’s letter of a few days later, in which he wrote to Murray, “It made my heart glad to be once more happy together as we were the other evening.” The rest of Mr. Constable’s letter referred to Hume’s Philosophical Writings, which were tendered to Murray, but which he declined to publish.
“I know,” said Mr. Constable, “your rejection of the work will be a source of mortification to its proprietor. I cannot, however, offer any advice to you on such an occasion; only, before showing the Book elsewhere, I cannot avoid saying that your accepting it would have obliged more than one friend.”
Mr. Constable’s visit to London did not stave off the pecuniary difficulties by which he was beset; for little more than a month after the above meeting the crash came. So soon, however, as Constable could arrange matters with his creditors, he pursued his scheme of the ‘Miscellany.’ The first number appeared on the 6th of January, 1827, about a year after his failure, and consisted of the first part of Capt. Basil Hall’s ‘Voyage to Loo-Choo,’ which had originally been published by Mr. Murray. In July 1826, six months before the first number of Constable’s ‘Miscellany’ was published, Capt. Hall wrote to Mr. Murray as follows:
Upon considering the matter over, which you spoke to me of
the other day, and more attentively, I do not think, all things considered,
that I can without indelicacy write to Edinburgh on the subject of the
‘Miscellany,’ still less about the
other works. You will observe I am almost in total darkness as to the actual
state of affairs, and without some plea or other, my writing, I think, would
not have that business-like air which you would wish it to have, and without
which it would have no effect. It has occurred to me, however, that you have a
perfectly fair and obvious plea for writing to me. ‘Loo-Choo’ was first published by you,
also the second edition; and my friends in the trade in Edinburgh have often
heard me say how handsomely you had behaved upon the occasion of that
publication, and with what particular courtesy and liberality of spirit you had
at once relinquished all claim to the work when it was proposed to incorporate
it in another publica-
Mr. Murray, however, had no wish to interfere with Mr. Constable’s project, and now that the Edinburgh publisher was in difficulties, he desired to see him well out of them, believing that the success of the ‘Miscellany’ would probably revive the fortunes of the firm. He therefore did not write the proposed letter, but desired Capt. Hall to continue his engagement with Constable. In the next letter addressed to Mr. Murray, Capt. Hall wrote:
“Mr. Constable proposes to carry on the ‘Miscellany’ by-and-by, when he is disentangled from the affairs of the sequestrated estate. Possibly, also, he will go on with the ‘Encyclopædia Britannica,’ but at present nothing is certain; and I regret to add that our worthy friend’s health has not been improved by these severe trials of fortune. . . . I saw the Great Unknown several times; he is altogether unshaken by these catastrophes. The gale has made him close-reef his sails, and send his top-gallant masts on deck; but his hull is without a leak and his rigging entire. Any ordinary man would have been dismantled and driven on the coast, whereas he keeps the sea like a Nelson.”
Mr. Constable, though in failing health, still
persevered in his arrangements for the early publication of his ‘Miscellany,’ and his endeavours to secure new and popular works for the
succeeding numbers, are proved by the
Between old friends like you and myself it would be needless, at least I feel it so, in a communication like the present, to go back on the recent events, in which you know I have had a deep and an unfortunate interest, and of which I little dreamt when we last met. I shall therefore enter at once into the chief business of this letter, which, in the first place, is to tell you that, after many months of very poor health, I am again, though leaving a sick-bed, about to embark in some of the world’s cares; but I shall do so with greatly abridged anxieties, I trust, compared to those in which it was my lot to be so long involved. I hope your health, my dear sir, has stood its ground. Without that blessing, there are but few of us who could boast of much happiness in this world of change and uncertainty.
I believe you thought well of my ‘Miscellany.’ I am just about to enter on a new career, making it for the present my sole and only object. The times, I am aware are wonderfully changed since my undertaking was first announced; and I am looking forward to nothing but moderate doings, and these I think I can say are likely to be realized. I have made considerable changes in the list of publications, as you will see if you have leisure to glance over the copy of it enclosed. I take the liberty of sending you our friend Captain Hall’s Voyages, which from his uncommon kindness still holds the first place in my undertaking.
I heard some time ago with astonishment (and it is not
everything nowadays, that does so) that a proposition had been made to you to
purchase your literary property. Ambition and folly often go together; and
perhaps in the present instance you will say so of myself, though the scale be
a small one. I ask whether, as a great favour, you will grant me the right of
printing Southey’s ‘Life of Nelson’ in the
‘Miscellany’? In making this
proposition, I know I am doing it to a friend of most liberal feelings, and,
Mr. Murray could not comply with the request of his old friend and correspondent, for this reason, amongst others, that he had for many months been in correspondence with Mr. Charles Knight and the Rev. Edward Edwards as to the publication of a series of volumes, under the title of the ‘National Library,’ in which it was proposed to include a revised edition of Southey’s ‘Life of Nelson.’ The prospectus had been prepared by Mr. Knight, but the scheme was not proceeded with at that time. Mr. Murray afterwards developed it, and republished ‘Nelson’s Life’ in ‘The Family Library.’
Only six months had passed since the issuing of the first number of the ‘Miscellany,’ when Mr. Constable, then far gone in dropsy, died suddenly, July 21st, 1827.
John Ballantyne, Scott’s partner, had died a few years before. Scott wrote in his Diary: “It is written that nothing shall flourish under my shadow: The Ballantynes, Terry, Nelson, Weber, all came to distress. Nature has written on my brow, Your shade shall be broad, but there shall be no protection derived from it to aught you favour.”
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