‘My dear Sir,—You have always taken a kind notice of American literature, and this induces me to send you a dramatic poem by Miss Park; a lady something more than thirty years old, who lives at Worcester, about forty miles from us. I have not the honour to know her personally; but whatever I have heard is singularly creditable to her, so that I think you will not on any account be sorry to add her little poem to your collection of American books. I pray you, therefore, to accept it. At any rate, if it serves for nothing else, it may serve to remind you of your kindness to Mrs. Ticknor and myself, and, on our part, may be a little token to you that we are grateful for it, and shall always remember it.
‘We arrived at home very safely last July, and I cannot
tell you how much we have been struck with the progress everything made during
our three years’ absence. Nothing, perhaps, is advanced and advancing so
‘We are sorry for the troubles in Canada. Nobody, but a few adventurers, chiefly foreigners, wishes to assist the insurgents; and nobody wishes to have the Canadas added to the United States, least of all those who, for private adventure, would create disturbances there. But we all think your own possession of it must hereafter be an unhappy one, dependent merely on the military force you shall keep there. Wounds of deadliest hate have pierced too deep into the different races and factions there, to permit the hope of a true reconcilement. Nor can I see anything in the future prospects of the Canadians but contests, troubles, and suffering, whether united to England or separated from it. Their disease is within themselves.
‘But I did not think to write you a letter, nor do I look for an answer to it. I only wished to send you the little volume that accompanies it, and thank you for the kindness you showed Mrs. Ticknor and myself when we were in England. Please to remember us to Miss Rogers, with our thanks to her also,
‘If I can be useful to you or to any of your friends, you can always command whatever I can do, by sending to me through Baring Brothers & Co., my London bankers.