Samuel Rogers and his Contemporaries
Chapter I. 1803-1805.
Rogers at St. James’s Place—His Poetical
Contemporaries—His Social Position—His Friends—Reasons for his choice of
a Bachelor Life—Gilpin’s Last Letter—R.
Bloomfield—Walter Scott—Journey to
Scotland—Visit to
Wordsworth—Coleridge’s first
Impressions of Rogers—Burns’s
Grave—Glasgow in 1803—‘Man of Feeling’
Smith—‘To a Girl
Asleep’—Southey’s ‘Madoc’—Scott’s
‘Lay’—The Young Roscius—Rogers and
and T. Moore’s ‘ever-memorable party.’
Samuel Rogers was just
forty years old when he finally settled down to bachelor life in his beautiful house in St.
James’s Place. He had been born at Stoke Newington in 1763, the third son of his
father. His eldest brother, Daniel Rogers, had incurred his father’s severe
displeasure by marrying his cousin, and had settled down as a country gentleman. His next
elder brother, Thomas Rogers, had died in his
twenty-seventh year, and in 1793 his father had followed to the grave. At thirty,
therefore, Samuel Rogers had found himself the head of the firm, into
which, only nine years before, he had been introduced ![]()
as the youngest of
five partners. He had an ample income from a well-established business, which every year
needed less and less of his attention, and which was now almost entirely left under the
able and conscientious management of his partners, especially of his youngest brother,
Henry Rogers. He had been as fortunate in his
literary ambition as in his business arrangements. His chief work, ‘The Pleasures of Memory,’
published early in 1792, had been one of the most popular poems of the time. In eleven
years the sale had not slackened, and a new edition, of two thousand—the
fourteenth—had just been called for. He had obtained universal recognition as a
popular poet, and none of his contemporaries, illustrious as some of them afterwards
became, had as yet overshadowed his fame. Campbell
had published ‘The Pleasures of
Hope,’ written in emulation of the success of ‘The Pleasures of Memory,’ had just composed ‘Lochiel’s Warning’ and ‘Hohenlinden,’ and was on his
way to London to devote himself to literature as a profession. Southey had written ‘Thalaba,’ but it had been coolly received; Wordsworth, married in the year before, was writing ‘The Prelude,’ but had only actually
published the enlarged edition of ‘Lyrical Ballads;’ Coleridge had
composed some of his best poems, but was little known; and was earning his living by
writing for the Morning Post. Walter Scott had translated ‘Goetz von Berlichingen,’ and issued ‘Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border,’
but was not yet known to fame. Tom Moore, then
called ‘Anacreon Moore,’ because he had translated
Anacreon, was travelling in America, and Byron was a boy at school. Cowper, who had been three years in his ![]()
grave, was regarded as the great poet of the evangelical
school, while Rogers was the favourite with society.
It is important to understand Rogers’s literary position at this period if we are in the least to
comprehend his social success. The mere possession of a beautiful house in St.
James’s Place, even the reputation of having made it the most artistically furnished
house in London, would not have enabled him to launch on the remarkable career which was
now opening before him. There were many richer men than he who entertained everybody and
whose splendid parties were the talk of the town. One of these was Miles Peter Andrews, gunpowder manufacturer, popular
dramatist, and Conservative member of Parliament, whose confidence
Rogers had shared in the Margate season of 1795, who had bought
Lord Grenville’s house and filled his rooms
with all the fashion of the time. But Andrews was dead and forgotten
when Rogers was, as it were, only on the threshold of his fame. His
social success was one of quantity—Rogers’s was of
quality. You met at Andrews’s receptions everybody who could
pretend to be anybody; you met at Rogers’s table the few whose
intellectual distinction made them worth meeting. Dr.
Burney, writing of Rogers in May, 1804, says,
‘He gives the best dinners to the best company of men of talents and genius I
know;’ and Henry Mackenzie, author of
‘The Man of Feeling,’
writing to Rogers after a visit he had paid him in March of the same
year, says, in his self-depreciatory way, that though he can ill participate in, he can
fully enjoy, ‘the pleasures of that Society, the Literature, the Science, the
Taste which it affords,’ when he is ‘allowed to be of that
4 |
I find in one of his early diaries a list of friends and acquaintance, made
out apparently at the close of the last century or the beginning of this. It contains
nearly a hundred names, and among them are the most representative men and women of the
time. Statesmen, men of letters, artists, antiquaries and actors, soldiers, sailors and
divines, with literary women and women of fashion, make up the catalogue. Some of them were
already eminent, others were then unknown, though they are illustrious now, and some then
of the first consideration are now almost forgotten. Fox, Fitzpatrick, Erskine, Windham and
Sheridan, Horne
Tooke, Mackintosh (not yet Sir
James), Lord John Townshend,
Courtenay, Lord Northwick,
William Lamb (afterwards Lord Melbourne) and
Lord Henry Petty (afterwards Lord
Lansdowne), Lord Cowper, Lord Richard Spencer, Lord
Clifden, Lady Cork, the Grevilles, and
Sir F. Burdett were among the friends of these
early days. One might have met at his house Mrs.
Barbauld and Mrs. Inchbald, Mrs. Siddons and Mrs.
Piozzi, Mrs. Damer and Mrs. Crewe (afterwards Lady Crewe).
Dr. Moore’s celebrated sons, General (not
yet Sir) John Moore and Graham Moore, then only a captain waiting the further opportunity of
distinguished service, which came in the summer of 1803, were both friends of their
father’s friend. Among other names are those of Gifford, Sotheby, Henry Mackenzie, Dr.
Aikin, Richard Cumberland, Payne Knight, Porson and Parr, Mitford the historian, Sir
Richard Worsley the historian and antiquary, Joseph Windham the antiquary and artist, Sir
William Scott (afterwards Lord Stowell); Francis, ![]()
Jekyll the wit, Sargent, Sir George Beaumont,
Uvedale Price (afterwards Sir
Uvedale), George Ellis, whom
Scott praises in ‘Marmion;’ Dr. French
Lawrence the friend of Burke,
Planta the librarian of the British Museum,
Ward (afterwards Lord Dudley),
Luttrell, Spencer, Lord Boringdon, Tuffin, Weddell,
John Allen, and, at the top of all, Richard Sharp. Tierney, William Smith the member
for Norwich, Sir Francis Baring, Grattan, Scarlett,
Sydney Smith and Robert Smith (Bobus), are not in the list, though at
this period they were among his friends. His brother-in-law Sutton Sharpe, with Maltby,
T. Campbell, Hoppner, Carr, Combe, Stothard,
Flaxman, Faringdon, W. Lisle Bowles,
Bloomfield the poet, Lock the owner of Norbury, Opie,
Fuseli, Cosway, with many others, are in a list headed ‘Breakfast.’ He
seems to have begun his breakfast parties—to which in later days all the world wished
to crowd, and even princes asked for invitations—by gathering together a few of his
most intimate friends.
Rogers never deliberately planned the kind of life
he lived for so many years in St. James’s Place. I have shown, in telling the story
of his early life, that it was after a mental struggle he gave up his suburban home and
plunged into the life of London. His ideal was a home where he could lead the life of
satisfied desires, surrounding himself with some of the choice spirits of his time. He by
no means contemplated final settlement as a bachelor, though he had given up the idea of
marriage before he finally determined on the house in St. James’s Place. The letters
to his friend Richard Sharp show not only that he
was susceptible to the ![]()
charms of domestic life, but that on more than
one occasion he contemplated marriage. Since the ‘Early Life’ was published, I have learned that he
actually made an offer of marriage to Lavinia Banks,
the daughter of his old friend Thomas Banks, the
eminent sculptor. Miss Banks married the Rev. Edward Forster in 1798 or 1799; and Mrs. Forster
lived on some years longer than Rogers himself. An intimate and
affectionate friendship was maintained between them to the close of Rogers’s life; and Mrs. Forster
made no secret of the fact that she had refused his offer of marriage when they both were
young. The date of her union with Mr. Forster harmonises with that of
Rogers’s ‘Lines to a Friend on his Marriage,’ and with
‘The Farewell,’ as
well as with hints as to mental suffering in some of the family letters. His precarious
health, which had driven him to lodgings at Exmouth in the winter of 1799-1800, probably
combined with this disappointment in determining him not to marry; and he seems to have
come back with the resolve to accept the lot of loneliness. Some of the letters to his
sister Sarah in these volumes show a sort of
longing for the companionship of a woman, which her close and constant sisterly affection
partially satisfied.
There is a glimpse of an earlier friendship, which may have been something
more, in one of the last letters Rogers received
from his old and venerable friend and correspondent, the Rev.
William Gilpin. ‘The Bishop of
Lincoln,’ says Gilpin, writing at the end
of 1802, ‘has lodgings in Lymington, and has paid me two or three visits. I showed
him your account of France, with ![]()
which he was much pleased. . . . Mrs.
Pretyman, who was with him, went upstairs to see Mrs.
Gilpin, and after she was gone the Bishop told me his wife had been once
acquainted with you; but lately you had not seen each other. He said it, however, in a
manner which seemed to me to have some mysterious meaning, and I could not help
suspecting she was one of those ladies whom you had sprinkled with the dews of Helicon.
. . . She is a very pleasing woman, and was once, I dare say, what in my eye would have
been handsome. They were both very well acquainted with your poetry; and the Bishop
spoke with much animation of your “Memory.”’ Rogers did not reply; and
another letter from Gilpin, early in 1803, brought their long and, to
Rogers, useful and interesting correspondence to an end.
Gilpin closed his long, busy, energetic, and in many senses heroic
life in the succeeding spring.
A letter from the poet of ‘The Farmer’s Boy’—the chief poem Robert Bloomfield had then published—shows that he had long known
Rogers and received many benefits from him.
Bloomfield had just given up his situation in the Seal Office and
gone to the neighbourhood of Shooter’s Hill to recover his health and peace of mind.
His family, he says, had been dreadful sufferers from small-pox; and he had in consequence
felt most forcibly the importance of the Vaccine discovery, and had written a poem of about
four hundred lines on the subject, which had pleased Mr. Capel
Lofft, and which Dr. Drake had
approved. The poem was now to be sent to Rogers and to Dr. Jenner for their judgment on it.
Bloomfield adds, ‘I hear that you inquired after ![]()
me at Mr. Stothard’s.
Thank you, sir, for this, and every kind remembrance; this sweet kind of friendship
springs up like a fountain in a desert; it is inexpressibly gratifying. By the bye, I
have [in] a small piece called “Barnham Water,” something on the subject which I should like you to
see.’ Bloomfield never fully recovered his health, and
some years after this letter was written, Rogers exerted himself to
procure a pension for him. He was three years younger than Rogers, and
died in 1823.
Two of the most illustrious names in English literature were added to
Rogers’s list of personal friends in the
year in which he took up his abode in St. James’s Place. In the spring Walter Scott had paid a visit to London, and had been
introduced to Rogers, probably by Mackintosh. In the summer Rogers and his sister
Sarah set out on a tour to Scotland, his first
journey thither since the memorable time when he had made the acquaintance of Adam Smith, Robertson, Blair, Henry Mackenzie, and the Piozzis, in one week in July, 1789.1 A brief diary
of this journey shows that they set off by the north road through St. Albans on the 24th of
July, and slept the first night at Newport Pagnell. On the way to Northampton they
‘met Dr. Parr riding to a
christening,’ and at night ‘slept at Loughborough with the Bishop of Durham.’ Then on through Derby, Ashbourne,
Ilam ‘(the meadows the most beautiful,’ he says, ‘I ever
remember to have seen’), Dovedale (where were a file of ladies and the
Oakover servants junketing), Matlock, Chatsworth (’more elegant than
beautiful’), Sheffield,
Barnsley, and through ‘pleasant country disfigured by commerce and commercial
opulence’ to Wakefield and Leeds. Leaving Leeds, they sheltered at Kirkstall
Abbey during a storm, and got on in the evening to the Green Dragon at Harrogate. At
Harrogate, ‘saw Bannister in the theatre in
“Peeping Tom.” The
Green Room was a kitchen.’ In the drawing-room of the Granby at night,
‘heard the Silver Miners’ and met Professor Young of Glasgow, with his wife and daughter, Mr. Milnes Rich, Sir John Nesbit, and
Miss Dick. The weather was wet, but there were sunny intervals,
and they went up Wensleydale and by Sedbergh to Rydal, and stayed at Ambleside. On the next
day, the 8th of August, Rogers writes: ‘Rode to Grasmere
Church and returned by Wordsworth’s
Cottage; Rydal and Grasmere waters unruffled and bright as silver.’ On the
9th of August ‘drank tea with Wordsworth and Coleridge.’
There is every reason to believe that this was the first time Rogers and his sister had met the
Wordsworths and Coleridge,
and to one of the party at Grasmere the meeting seems not to have been pleasant. In a
letter to Sir George Beaumont, written three days
after Rogers’s visit, Coleridge says:
‘On Tuesday evening, Mr. Rogers, the author of
“The Pleasures of Memory,”
drank tea and spent the evening with us at Grasmere—and this had produced a very
unpleasant effect on my spirits.’ 1 He then makes
some very
1 Memorials of Coleorton, edited by W. Knight, vol. i. p. 2. Professor
Knight omits the name and makes it read ‘Mr. R
——, author of The ——
of ——,’ but there is no doubt to whom the
reference points, and no reason why it should not be stated. |
depreciatory remarks on Rogers, and, with a very
near approach to a breach of confidence, proceeds: ‘Forgive me, dear Sir
George, but I could not help being pleased that the man disliked you and
your Lady, and he lost no time in letting us know it. If I believed it possible that
the man liked me, upon my soul I should feel exactly as if I were tarred and
feathered.’ This was a hasty judgment, probably due to his being at the time,
as he tells Sir George Beaumont, ‘unwell and sadly
nervous.’ Coleridge himself revised his early
impression, and a few years later we find him expressing his ‘unfeigned
regard’ for Rogers. Sir George Beaumont
soon after became one of Rogers’s fast friends, while the
acquaintance with the Wordsworths, begun on this Tuesday evening at
Grasmere, ripened into a close and affectionate intimacy which only death dissolved.
Coleridge’s dislike of Rogers on this first acquaintance probably accounts for
the very slight mention of him in Miss
Wordsworth’s interesting ‘Journal of a Tour in Scotland.’
Rogers records that on the 13th of August he ‘walked into
a grove by the lake side with Wordsworth;’ and on the 14th Wordsworth, leaving
his young wife and baby at home, set off with his sister and Coleridge
for this Scottish journey. Rogers and his sister went a day or two
later and overtook the Wordsworth party at Dumfries. They had been to
see Burns’s grave, new only six years before,
and with no stone as yet to mark it. They then went to Burns’s
house, where the Rogerses met them. They were making the journey in
what Dorothy Wordsworth calls a car, though
Rogers described it as very much like a cart.
Wordsworth and ![]()
Coleridge occupied the time in poetical reverie and transcendental
talk while Dorothy acted as their manager and guide. All the practical
details of the journey fell upon her. She selected the cottages where they could get meals
by day and lodging at night, looked after the stabling of the horse, and was responsible
for the comfort and welfare of the whole party. Coleridge, as
Wordsworth records, was in low spirits and too much in love with
his own dejection. Afraid to face the wet weather, Coleridge turned
back at the end of August, while Wordsworth and his sister continued
their journey. On their way back they met Scott at
Melrose and travelled with him to Jedburgh, where he recited part of ‘The Lay of the Last Minstrel,’ then unpublished.
Wordsworth in after years confessed to Rogers
that he was not greatly struck with the poem, and there are other proofs in these volumes
that he was no great admirer of Scott’s poetry. After leaving
Dumfries, Rogers and his sister went on to the Clyde. On the 19th they
were at Hamilton House, and Rogers notes, not only the Rubens, but a Vandyke of the Earl of Digby, and portraits of the
Duke of Hamilton, of his old friend Dr. Moore and of General
Moore, painted in Italy. They were at Glasgow on the 20th.
Rogers’s account of Glasgow in the summer of 1803 is worth
‘Glasgow, a good object, with its cathedral of white stone. The
streets very wide and handsome, particularly Argyll street; multitudes walking along
the flagged footway, and coming and standing fearlessly in the ![]()
midway, not a carriage appearing once in an hour. [Argyll Street] as wide as Cornhill,
if not wider, the houses rather low than high, carts very scarce, and barrows not seen
at all. Most of the women and girls waiting for their turn at the pumps, which are
handsome, and stand beyond the footways. Women also surrounding the milk carts, their
earthen and tin vessels supplied from a barrel by means of a plug. Naked feet
innumerable among the women and boys. Many barbers’ shops, and at each of their
doors suspended a basin of burnished brass; many fruit shops, ice, grapes (hothouse)
two shillings a pound; hackney coaches but no stand for them; a recruiting party
parading with the bagpipe. Saw no coffee houses except the Tontine. Houses of white
stone, and in general very neatly built. The streets opening into Argyll Street short
and straight, generally consisting of very handsome private houses, and terminating
with a bridge on one hand or a church or a hospital on the other; but these, probably
on account of the time of year, had a neglected air. Girls with earrings and gilt combs
in their hair, without shoes and stockings. Singular cries, not resembling those of
London. Walked through the College and round its garden or meadow. At least equal to
second-rate college of our universities. Shops small and poorly furnished. Roofs slated
The journey was cut short by an accident to Miss
Rogers, and they came back through Edinburgh, calling on Henry Mackenzie and visiting Holyrood and Melrose. This
renewal of his acquaintance with ‘The Man of ![]()
Feeling’ was the beginning of a long
correspondence, and led to visits from Mackenzie to Rogers in London.
It seems to have been Rogers’s
habit, when meeting men of genius in the country, to offer them hospitality when they
visited London. It is scarcely too much to say that he kept open house for men of letters,
and many distinguished writers of the time owed to him their introduction to London
society. A large part of the correspondence which has been preserved arose out of such
visits, and much of the very high distinction which Rogers’s
house attained is due to the kindly mention made of it by men who had themselves helped to
render it attractive. It differed in many respects from the houses of mere rich men or men
of title who played the patron of poor authors. Rogers entertained
them as one of themselves. He was not the patron but the poet. Literary men and artists
even at this day feel the difference between visiting one another and visiting people who
only want to parade them before their friends. How much greater was the distinction when
this century was young!
At this period we begin frequently to meet with Rogers’s name in contemporary memoirs. Francis Horner writes in his diary:—
‘January 22nd, 1804.—At Sydney Smith’s, the happiest day I remember to
have ever spent. Mackintosh, Whishaw, Sharp,
Rogers, and three interesting women of
unlike character and manners.’
‘January 25th.—At Rogers’s: Mackintosh, Sharp, Sydney Smith, “Wilkins,
&c. Somewhat a melancholy ![]()
evening, for it was the last
Mackintosh is to spend in London.’
The departure of Mackintosh from
London just at this moment, though regarded by Rogers and his friends as a serious blow, probably gave
Rogers larger opportunities of entertaining them under his own
roof. Mackintosh, as a correspondent of his biographer tells us, had
established a kind of society which met once or twice every week at his own house, and once
a week at the house of Sydney Smith. The regular
members of these small evening parties were Rogers, Horner, Sir James
Scarlett, Sir Thomas Lawrence,
Colonel Sloper and his daughter (afterwards
Mrs. Charles Warren), Richard Sharp, Hoppner, and the two hosts, Mackintosh and
Sydney Smith. To these, others were joined as occasional visitors,
and on everybody the same happy impression which Horner records, was left.
One of Rogers’s earliest
visitors from a distance was Henry Mackenzie, who
was in London with an invalid son early in 1804, and who renewed his acquaintance with
literary men in London at Rogers’s table. A long correspondence
followed, but Mackenzie’s letters, as
Rogers used to say, had none of the brilliancy of his published
works, but were entirely commonplace.1 Mackenzie’s first letter is one of thanks. He
sends a brilliant forgery on Burns, and a fancy
drama by a girl of eleven, asks Rogers to correspond with him, and
urges him soon to give the world the poem on which he had been some
1 Rogers’s recollection was at fault in saying to Mr. Dyce that the correspondence began after his
first visit to Edinburgh. It was, as the letters show, after Mackenzie’s visit to London in 1804. |
time employed. This was ‘Columbus’ which was talked of, and
partly shown at Rogers’s parties, for years before it was
published. Rogers replied:—
‘In return I have nothing to send you but a stanza or
two upon a girl asleep. Do you think they would be of any use to Mr. Thomson? They are quite at his service.
Sleep on and dream of Heaven awhile, Though shut so close thy laughing eyes, Thy rosy lips still wear a smile, And move, and breathe delicious sighs. |
Ah, now soft blushes tinge her cheeks, And mantle to her neck of snow; Ah, now she murmurs, now she speaks, What most I wish yet fear to know. |
Sleep on secure. Above control Thy thoughts belong to heaven and thee, And may the secret of thy soul Still rest within its sanctuary For ever undisturbed by me. |
Columbus returns his best
acknowledgments for your obliging inquiries. He has crossed the Atlantic, and
will be glad to make the voyage with you whenever you are at leisure. How are
your nerves? for the new world is full of “black spirits and white, blue
spirits and grey.” I rejoice to hear your son bore the journey so well.
The bitter East has at last retired into his cave, and the air here to-day is
as mild as in summer. Let us hope he will revive with all nature in that
delightful season When May flowers blow and green is every grove, And the young linnet sings “I love, I love.” |
How charming are those lines of Tasso,1 here so faintly imitated:—Odi quello usignuolo, Che va di ramo in ramo Cantando Io amo, Io amo. |
I wish I had any news to send you. In what a pleasant confusion we are at
present! How will it end? The new coalition is now closely cementing and
hostilities will recommence immediately if no surrender takes place. Adieu, my
dear Sir; I accept very thankfully your friendly offer, though I fear you will
find in me an unworthy correspondent. You are now, I picture to myself,
revisiting the mild scenes of Roslin and Hawthornden. If you can command there
at will such society as you have peopled my dreams with, you are wise indeed in
shunning the bustle and impertinence of what is vulgarly called good
Rogers appears to have been in feeble health this
summer. Writing to Mackenzie in November, he
‘When yours arrived here I was from home. I returned
full of cold and fever, and a thousand fancies which have clung to me ever
since, and have rendered me absolutely fit for nothing. But I am now beginning
to breathe again, and hope by means of two great doctors, not Galen and Hippocrates, but a horse and a cow, to become a miracle of
health and strength. . . . So the star which first discovered itself in your
sky is soon to be visible in ours? Mrs.
Siddons, from a discreet regard to her amplitude of person, begs
leave to
1 Tasso, Aminta, act i. sc. 1.
decline comparison with this
actor from Liliput, but we are all on tiptoe and prepared to die in the crowd.
. . . There is a printer, I understand,
in our town who is perfectly intoxicated with happiness, and who stops his
friends to inquire whether any man was ever so distinguished before. He is at
once employed on “Madoc” and
on “The Lay of the Last
Minstrel,” so we may expect great amusement this winter. . . .
S. Smith is now very happy and very
busy preparing, as he says, his moral philosophy for the ladies. I met him not
long ago in the fields, lost in thought and full of his subject. Roscoe’s “Leo X.” is nearly printed, which reminds
me of a book I have just read with great delight. Alas! there are not above six
copies of it existing, but I will not rest till it is reprinted, I mean
Tenhove’s “Memoirs of
the House of Medici.” It is, if I may say so, all kernel and
no shell, and as interesting as a French Memoir. If histories were written as
histories should be, boys and girls would cry to read them.’
Mackenzie replies in the middle of December, and
asks for four more lines for the ode on the Sleeping Girl, which Mr. Thomson means to marry to a Welsh air, but wants some
other turn of expression than the casse-dent ‘sanctuary.’ He adds:—
‘“Madoc”1 is printing here, and so is “The Lay of the Last Minstrel,”2
the author of which is very proud of your attention. . . . Our friend Sydney Smith came
1 Madoc was published in 1805. 2 ‘In the first week in January, 1805, the Lay was
published,’ says Lockhart,
‘and its success at once decided that literature should be the main
business of Scott’s life.’
off, I understand, with great éclat in his
introductory lecture. I think him extremely well qualified to teach the ladies moral
philosophy, as he has a very happy knack at delineating the petites morales particularly incumbent on the sex.’ He then
asks Rogers for his opinion of ‘The Young Roscius,’ and says, ‘You see my
judgment of him is more than confirmed by your infallible London tribunal.’
Rogers’s reply is full of interest:—
‘My dear Sir,—I have at last seen the boy who has enchanted old and young, and till
then I had resolved to deny myself the pleasure of writing to you. I will not
say I was surprised, for I went with great expectation, but he certainly came
up to the idea you had led me so long ago to form of him. Thro’ many
passages he hurried without feeling, and his countenance wanted the changes
which time only can give it; but he is a prodigy, and, with careful culture,
will delight, if he lives, the rising generation. His acting may now be
compared to painting in water-colours,—by-and-by it will acquire more
force and body. Mrs. Siddons has retired
to Hampstead for her health, and, what is odd enough, tho’ she has seen a
play, she has not seen him, nor does she disguise her scepticism on the
subject. I heard her read the trial scene in “The Merchant of Venice” the other
night with great effect.
‘Our public speakers are divided. Mr. Grey can see no merit in him, and Mr. Windham sees but little—while
Mr. Pitt has become a playgoer, and
Mr. Fox, with whom ![]()
I saw him in “Hamlet,” thought his acting during
the play better than Garrick’s. I
ought to make many apologies to Mr.
Thomson for my unpardonable delay. He wants another stanza. Eccola!
She starts, she trembles, and she weeps!
Her fair hands folded on her breast—
And now, how like a saint she sleeps,
A seraph in the realms of rest!
Sleep on secure! Above controul,
Thy thoughts belong to Heaven and thee,
And may the secret of thy soul
Be held in reverence by me!
‘I will not say I am satisfied, and Mr. T. I am sure
will not. However, he will take it, I hope, as a proof of good intention. I
have done what I could. I have lately visited other times with Mr. Scott, and have returned with great regret to
the present. Mr. Fox expressed a wish to
make the same enterprise, and I found him busily engaged yesterday in reading
my copy.
‘We have received, as you may have heard, some very
interesting letters from Mackintosh. He
thirsts for European society like an Arab in the desert, and looks forwards
with impatience to the distant day of his return. He gives audiences every day
to grotesque figures from strange countries, but such novelties have already
ceased to amuse him. Don’t you rejoice in our friend Smith’s success? His lecture on wit
yesterday deserved the praise it met with. Let me hope you have weathered the
winter well, with all its changes. What a restless life does the quicksilver
lead in such a climate as ours! Since you wrote I have ![]()
suffered a great loss in Mr. Townley.
You may remember to have seen him lying on a couch among his marbles last
spring. A kinder heart and a more elegant mind were never found together. I
don’t know how it is, but there is something so soothing and delightful
in such a character, when the hey-day and bustle of life is over, that I have
almost always, even when a young man, been led to cultivate the friendship of
people much older than myself. Pray follow a better example than I have set
you, and write soon to say that you intend us a visit this spring. Be assured,
my dear sir, that it cannot give greater pleasure to anybody.
‘Yours with very great sincerity,
‘St. James’s Place, London:
‘March 24th, 1805.’
The only points of interest in Mackenzie’s reply are a short criticism on Betty and a reference to Walter
Scott. Of the former he says, ‘One half of his Hamlet was, I think, a wonderful performance, the other
half he did not seem quite to understand; the playfulness of melancholy is, indeed, one
of those shades of mind which it requires very nice colouring to hit off.’ Of
the latter he remarks, ‘Yours and Mr.
Fox’s approbation will make one author of my acquaintance,
Mr. Walter Scott, very happy. I really think the
“Lay” a work of very great
genius. Some things discretion might have shortened, and some things good taste might
have left out; but there is always an impression and an interest which lays hold on the
There is a contemporary account of Rogers at this ![]()
period which,
being written from the point of view of a political opponent, gives striking proof of his
personal popularity. He had been for several years a Fellow of the Royal Society—a
distinction then more often given that it is now for other than scientific eminence. Soon
after he had settled in St. James’s Place he put down his name for admission to the
Literary Club, which then met at the Thatched House in St. James’s Street. This club
had been founded by Sir Joshua Reynolds with the
help of Johnson, Burke, and Goldsmith, in the year in
which Rogers was born (1763). Boswell, who was one of its members, tells us that they met for supper once
a week at seven o’clock, but that, after about ten years, instead of supping weekly
they dined together once a fortnight during the meeting of Parliament. Malone, writing in October, 1810, said that from its
foundation to that time it had had seventy-six members, of whom fifty-five had been
authors. Rogers was proposed by Courtenay and seconded by Dr.
Burney, but was blackballed. This rebuff to so popular and successful a person
was a nine-days’ wonder of literary society at the time. Dr.
Burney says that Rogers was rejected on account of his
politics, and Rogers himself always believed that he owed his
exclusion to Malone. Rogers was little of a
politician, though he made no secret of his sympathy with the Whigs. Dr.
Burney describes him as not fond of talking politics—meaning, of
course, in mixed company—and says patronisingly, ‘He is no Jacobin enragé, though I believe him to be a principled Republican, and
therefore in high favour with Mr. Fox and his
adherents.’ He adds that Rogers ‘is never ![]()
intrusive, and neither shuns nor dislikes a man for being of a
different political creed to himself; it is therefore that he and I, however we may
dissent upon that point, concur so completely upon almost every other, that we always
meet with pleasure. And, in fact, he is much esteemed by many persons belonging to the
Government and about the Court.’
There are glimpses of Rogers and his
friends in Windham’s Diary. He meets him at
Boddington’s on the 31st of May, 1805, together with R.
Sharp, Lord H. Petty, Ward, Lady Cockburn,
Mrs. Hibbert, and Mrs. Opie. On the 5th of June he meets him with
Littleton, W. Spencer,
Luttrell, and H.
Greville at Hampstead, and he records on the 2nd of August a ‘long
talk with Rogers while sheltering ourselves from a
shower.’ Joanna Baillie writes about this
time, asking Rogers to meet Mrs.
Siddons and her daughter, Mr.
Sotheby, and Mr. Harness at dinner at six o’clock
exactly; ‘the ladies are to come in morning gowns and early, to walk on the heath,
perhaps to look after houses; so if you are inclined to walk, come early too, and in
your boots or anyhow.’
The first appearance of Rogers’s
name in Lord John Russell’s ‘Life of Moore’ is in 1805; and
about the same date Moore is mentioned in a letter
from Rogers to his sister. Their friendship had been prepared for by
Moore’s early admiration for ‘The Pleasures of Memory.’
Moore came to London in 1799, but probably did not meet
Rogers till 1805, after returning from his journey to America.
Writing to Lady Donegal in that year,
Moore tells her he is a little terrified at
account of her multitudinous
company-keeping at Tunbridge Wells, and adds, ‘I like Rogers
better every time I see him.’ Writing to his mother in November,
Moore says, ‘I am just going to dine third to
Rogers and Cumberland.
A good poetical step-ladder we make. The former is past forty, and the latter past
seventy.’ Moore was then six and twenty, but
Rogers survived him. The two poets had probably had a good deal of
intercourse during a visit to Tunbridge Wells, which Moore, writing of
it thirty years afterwards, describes as having taken place in 1805-6.1 In a letter to his sister Sarah,
describing this visit, Rogers speaks of ‘your friend
Moore.’ Moore himself records that he
talked over the visit thirty years later with Miss
Berry, who reminded him of several incidents of the period. The ‘ever
memorable party,’ as Moore calls it, consisted, he tells us, of
the Dunmores, Lady Donegal and her sisters, the
Duchess of St. Albans, Lady Heathcote, Lady Anne Hamilton,
with the beautiful Susan Beckford (afterwards
Duchess of Hamilton) under her care, Thomas Hope, making assiduous love to Miss Beckford,
William Spencer, Rogers,
Sir Henry Englefield, &c. The following is
Rogers’s contemporary account of this ‘ever memorable
‘Tunbridge: 13th Octr. 1805.
‘My dear Sarah,—You will no doubt be surprised to receive another
letter from this Castle of Indolence; but
1 It was, in fact, in the early autumn of 1805.
here I have remained (with only two short flights to town)
partly from my own dilatory nature, but still more from my companion’s,
till I begin to despair of ever moving till Mount Zion and Mount Ephraim are
loosened from their foundations. A set of people so warm-hearted, so
distinguished for talent and temper, were perhaps never assembled before. Our
happiness was the subject of hourly congratulation from each to each, and the
unfeigned regret with which we have parted is the best proof of it. This
morning, after breakfasting together, we lost the
Beckfords, who are gone to Eastbourne, and to-morrow
we set off for Lord Robert
Spencer’s. On the way we shall pass a day or two at
Brighton, where I hope to see Patty and her nursery, and
also the Chinnerys, and we shall at
Worthing just look in upon the Jerseys. Perhaps you know that the late Lord J. died here, when we were in the very
act of setting off on a party of pleasure. We have had music every evening;
your friend Moore and Miss Susan Beckford have charmed us out of
ourselves, and our mornings have passed away in curricles and sociables and
four. Our morning excursions have generally mustered twenty, and you will smile
to hear that I have exhibited daily as a curricle driver. Mr. Jodrell’s barouche was an addition
to us for a week, and he seemed a very good-humoured man. Your time has passed
much more quietly, and I dare say much more profitably. Pray write to me in St.
James’s Place and tell me, my dear Sarah, what you
mean to do. It was my intention to visit Wassall,1 and
I sent a message by 1 The residence of his brother Daniel. |
| TUNBRIDGE WELLS IN 1805 | 25 |
Tom to know when it would suit best; but I suppose, on
account of the Durys, I heard nothing on the subject till
long nights and cold weather came to cool my spirit of enterprise; and now, I
must own, I could look with more pleasure to it as a dream of the next summer.
I have, moreover, a foolish cold which has for some days kept me to a
barley-water diet. I rejoice to think that Mr. H. is
better. Pray give my best remembrances to one and all, and believe me to be,
ever yours,
‘I hope to be in town by the end of this month at
farthest. I have heard nothing for the last three weeks, tho’ I have
written to Maria. Poor Lady Buggin1 died here last week,
and Mr. Cumberland, at the head of
his Corps, escorted her body out of the town. He was here for a week and
was very much affected by her death. Miss S.
Beckford is a daughter of Fonthill, very beautiful, and a
prodigy in every respect. She was surprised to hear that I knew
Miss Brettell, whom she knew in Wiltshire.
To-morrow the only relic of our party will be T.
Hope. We have had a most delightful autumn, and I have spent
it very differently from the last—but every dog has his day.
Remember, Sarah, I do not allude to
that pleasant time we spent together at the first coming of winter. At
Woolbeding (Lord Robert
Spencer’s) I expect to see Mr. and Mrs. Fox; but
I begin amazingly to long for winter quarters. I wish you had
1 Wife of Sir
George Buggin, of Cumberland Place. She died on the
29th September, and was buried at St. Dunstan’s-in-the-East
by torchlight. |
partaken a little of my gaiety here, my dearest
Sarah, for I have had more than enough to spare,
and none would have contributed or received her share with greater success
than yourself. Many, many thanks for your kind letter, which I found lying
on my table when I went last to town.’
John Aikin (1747-1822)
English physician, critic, and biographer, the brother of Anna Laetitia Barbauld; he
edited the
Monthly Magazine (1796-1806).
John Allen (1771-1843)
Scottish physician and intimate of Lord Holland; he contributed to the
Edinburgh Review and
Encyclopedia Britannica and published
Inquiry into the Rise and Growth of the Royal Prerogative in
England (1830). He was the avowed atheist of the Holland House set.
Anacreon (582 BC.-485 BC)
Greek lyric poet of whose writings little survives;
verse celebrates love and wine.
Miles Peter Andrews (1742-1814)
English dramatist and gunpowder manufacturer; he contributed poetry to
The World under the Della Cruscan signature of “D'Arblay,” and was MP for Bewdley
Joanna Baillie (1762-1851)
Scottish poet and dramatist whose
Plays on the Passions
(1798-1812) were much admired, especially the gothic
De Montfort,
produced at Drury Lane in 1800.
Thomas Banks (1735-1805)
English neoclassical sculptor who travelled in Italy and exhibited at the Royal Academy,
of which he became a member in 1785. He was a political radical and friend of Horne
John Bannister (1760-1836)
English comic actor whose roles included Tony Lumpkin, Sir Fretful Plagiary, and Sir
Anthony Absolute. He was a favorite of Charles Lamb.
Anna Laetitia Barbauld [née Aikin] (1743-1825)
English poet and essayist, the sister of John Aikin, who married Rochemont Barbauld in
1774 and taught at Palgrave School, a dissenting academy (1774-85).
Sir Francis Baring, first baronet (1740-1810)
London merchant and banker; he was a director of the East India Company and MP for
Grampound (1784-90), Wycombe (1794-96, 1802-06), and Calne (1796-1802).
Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham (1734-1826)
English divine educated at Eton and Merton College, Oxford; he was chaplain to George III
and bishop of Llandaff (1769), Salisbury (1782) and Durham (1791).
Mary Berry (1763-1852)
Of Twickenham, the elder sister of her companion Agnes Berry (1764-1852); she was a
diarist and one of Horace Walpole's primary correspondents.
Hugh Blair (1718-1800)
Scottish man of letters and professor of rhetoric at Edinburgh University; author of the
Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, 2 vols (1784)
and much-admired
Sermons, 5 vols (1777, 1780, 1790, 1794,
Robert Bloomfield (1766-1823)
The shoemaker-poet patronized by Capel Lofft; he wrote the very popular
The Farmer's Boy (1800).
James Boswell (1740-1795)
Scottish man of letters, author of
The Life of Samuel Johnson
William Lisle Bowles (1762-1850)
English poet and critic; author of
Fourteen Sonnets, elegiac and
descriptive, written during a Tour (1789), editor of the
of Alexander Pope, 10 vols (1806), and writer of pamphlets contributing to the
subsequent Pope controversy.
Sir George Buggin (1760-1825)
Of Thetford in Norfolk; after the death of his first wife Janet in 1805 he married
Cecilia Letitia Underwood in 1815.
Sir Francis Burdett, fifth baronet (1770-1844)
Whig MP for Westminster (1807-1837) who was imprisoned on political charges in 1810 and
again in 1820; in the 1830s he voted with the Conservatives.
Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
Irish politician and opposition leader in Parliament, author of
On the
Sublime and Beautiful (1757) and
Reflections on the Revolution
in France (1790).
Charles Burney (1726-1814)
English musicologist and father of the novelist Frances Burney; he published a
History of Music (1776-89).
Robert Burns (1759-1796)
Scottish poet and song collector; author of
Poems, chiefly in the
Scottish Dialect (1786).
Thomas Campbell (1777-1844)
Scottish poet and man of letters; author of
The Pleasures of Hope
Gertrude of Wyoming (1808) and lyric odes. He edited the
New Monthly Magazine (1821-30).
Sir John Carr (1772-1832)
English travel writer educated at Rugby School who, beginning with
Stranger in Paris (1803), published popular volumes on Ireland, Holland, Scotland,
and Spain.
Anna May Chichester, marchioness of Donegall [née May] (d. 1849)
The illegitimate daughter of Sir Edward May, second baronet; she married Sir George
Augustus Chichester, second marquess of Donegall in 1795. In 1815 it was revealed that she
was under-age at the time of her marriage.
George Chinnery (1774-1852)
English painter of portraits and landscapes; from London he migrated to Dublin in 1798,
and from thence to India and various places in the orient. His family remained in
Augusta Anne Cockburn [née Ayscough] (1749-1837)
The daughter of Francis Ayscough; in 1769 she married Sir James Cockburn eighth Baronet
(d. 1804); there is a notable portrait of Lady Cockburn and her three sons by Joshua
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)
English poet and philosopher who projected
Lyrical Ballads (1798)
with William Wordsworth; author of
Biographia Literaria (1817),
On the Constitution of the Church and State (1829) and other
William Combe (1742-1823)
English satirist and miscellaneous writer; his
Tours of Dr. Syntax
(1812, 1820, 1821) were frequently reprinted.
Richard Cosway (1742-1821)
English portrait painter and member of the Royal Academy; in 1781 he married the
miniature painter Maria Hadfield. He was patronized by the Prince Regent.
John Courtenay (1738-1816)
Whig politician who supported Fox against Burke in the dispute over the French
Revolution; he wrote
Philosophical Reflections on the late Revolution in
France and the Conduct of the Dissenters in England (1790).
William Cowper (1731-1800)
English poet, author of
Olney Hymns (1779),
Gilpin (1782), and
The Task (1785); Cowper's delicate
mental health attracted as much sympathy from romantic readers as his letters, edited by
William Hayley, did admiration.
Richard Cumberland (1732-1811)
English playwright and man of letters caricatured by Sheridan as “Sir Fretful Plagiary.”
Memoirs of Richard Cumberland, written by himself was published
in two volumes (1806-07).
Anne Seymour Damer [née Conway] (1749-1828)
English sculptor, daughter of Field Marshall Conway; she was a friend of Admiral Nelson,
Horace Walpole, and Mary Berry.
Nathan Drake (1766-1836)
English physician and man of letters who published a series of volumes consisting of
essays and poems on literary topics beginning with
Literary Hours
(1798). He is best remembered for his encyclopedic
Shakespeare and his
Times (1817).
Alexander Dyce (1798-1869)
Editor and antiquary, educated at Edinburgh High School and Exeter College, Oxford; he
Recollections of the Table-Talk of Samuel Rogers
George Ellis (1753-1815)
English antiquary and critic, editor of
Specimens of Early English
Poets (1790), friend of Walter Scott.
Sir Henry Charles Englefield, seventh baronet (1752 c.-1822)
Of White Knights, Berkshire, the son of the sixth baronet (d. 1780); given a Catholic
education, he was a scientist and antiquary, author of
Beauties of the Isle of Wight (1816).
Thomas Erskine, first baron Erskine (1750-1823)
Scottish barrister who was a Whig MP for Portsmouth (1783-84, 1790-1806); after defending
the political radicals Hardy, Tooke, and Thelwall in 1794 he was lord chancellor in the
short-lived Grenville-Fox administration (1806-07).
Joseph Farington (1747-1821)
English painter and Royal Academician; he published
Memoirs of the life
of Sir Joshua Reynolds (1819); his
Diary was not printed
until the twentieth century.
Richard Fitzpatrick (1748-1813)
English military officer, politician, and poet allied with Fox and Sheridan in
Parliament; he was secretary of state for war (1783, 1806) and author of
Dorinda, a Town Eclogue (1775).
John Flaxman (1755-1826)
English sculptor and draftsman who studied at the Royal Academy and was patronized by
William Hayley.
Edward Forster (1769-1828)
Clergyman and writer, educated under Samuel Parr; he was a popular London preacher who
was elected FRS and FSA. He produced illustrated volumes of classics and published
Occasional Amusements (1809).
Lavinia Forster [née Banks] (1775-1858)
Daughter of the sculptor Thomas Banks (1735-1808) and grandmother of Sir Edward John
Poynter. After rejecting a proposal from her life-long friend Samuel Rogers she married
Edward Forster in 1799.
Charles James Fox (1749-1806)
Whig statesman and the leader of the Whig opposition in Parliament after his falling-out
with Edmund Burke.
Elizabeth Bridget Armistead Fox [née Cane] (1750-1842)
English courtesan who succeeded Mary Robinson in the affections of the Prince of Wales;
she was secretly married to Charles James Fox in 1795; the marriage was publicly
acknowledged in 1802.
Sir Philip Francis (1740-1818)
Son of the translator of the same name, and the likely author of the Junius letters; he
was first clerk at the war office (1762-72), made a fortune in India, and served in
Parliament as a Whig MP.
Henry Fuseli (1741-1825)
Anglo-Swiss painter who settled in England in 1764 and became the friend of William
Galen (129-199 c.)
Greek physician who systematized the study of medical science.
David Garrick (1717-1779)
English actor, friend of Samuel Johnson, and manager of Drury Lane Theater.
William Gifford (1756-1826)
Poet, scholar, and editor who began as a shoemaker's apprentice; after Oxford he
The Baviad (1794),
The Maeviad
(1795), and
The Satires of Juvenal translated (1802) before becoming
the founding editor of the
Quarterly Review (1809-24).
William Gilpin (1724-1804)
Biographer and writer on the picturesque; he was schoolmaster at Cheam in Surrey and
vicar of Boldre in Hampshire, a living presented by the historian William Mitford, his
former pupil.
Oliver Goldsmith (1728 c.-1774)
Irish miscellaneous writer; his works include
The Vicar of
Wakefield (1766),
The Deserted Village (1770), and
She Stoops to Conquer (1773).
Henry Grattan (1746-1820)
Irish statesman and patriot; as MP for Dublin he supported Catholic emancipation and
opposed the Union.
William Wyndham Grenville, baron Grenville (1759-1834)
Educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, he was a moderate Whig MP, foreign secretary
(1791-1801), and leader and first lord of the treasury in the “All the Talents” ministry
(1806-1807). He was chancellor of Oxford University (1810).
Henry Francis Greville (1760-1816)
Military officer, man of fashion, and founder of the Argyle Institution (1808).
Charles Grey, second earl Grey (1764-1845)
Whig statesman and lover of the Duchess of Devonshire; the second son of the first earl
(d. 1807), he was prime minister (1831-34).
Anne Jane Hamilton, marchioness of Abercorn [née Gore] (1763-1827)
Daughter of the earl of Arran; in 1783 she married Henry Hatton (d. 1793), in 1800 John
James Hamilton, first marquess of Hamilton. She entertained literary figures at her villa
at Stanmore, among them Lady Morgan.
Douglas Hamilton, eighth duke of Hamilton (1756-1799)
The son of James Hamilton, sixth Duke of Hamilton; upon the death of his elder brother he
succeeded to the title in 1769. He travelled on the Continent with Dr. John Moore,
Hippocrates (460 BC c.-370 BC c.)
Greek physician who founded the practice of medicine on an empirical basis.
Thomas Hope (1769-1831)
Art collector and connoisseur, the son of a wealthy Amsterdam merchant and author of the
Anastasius (1819) which some thought to be a work by Byron.
His literary executor was William Harness.
Francis Horner (1778-1817)
Scottish barrister and frequent contributor to the
Review; he was a Whig MP and member of the Holland House circle.
John Hoppner (1758-1810)
English portrait painter and member of the Royal Academy (1795); he was a close friend of
William Gifford and the father of Byron's correspondent Richard Belgrave Hoppner.
Elizabeth Inchbald (1753-1821)
English actress and playwright; author of two popular novels,
A Simple
Story (1791) and
Nature and Art (1796).
Joseph Jekyll (1754-1837)
Wit, politician, and barrister; he was Whig MP for Calne (1787-1816) and wrote for the
Morning Chronicle and
Edward Jenner (1749-1823)
After studying medicine with John Hunter (1728-1793) he developed the use of cowpox
vaccination against the small pox.
Sir Richard Paul Jodrell, second baronet (1781-1861)
The son of the playwright Richard Paul Jodrell of Lewknor, in Oxfordshire; he was
educated at Eton College and at Magdalen College, Oxford and succeeded his great-uncle as
second baronet in 1817.
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
English man of letters, among many other works he edited
A Dictionary
of the English Language (1755) and Shakespeare (1765), and wrote
Lives of the Poets (1779-81).
Richard Payne Knight (1751-1824)
MP and writer on taste; in 1786 he published
An Account of the Remains
of the Worship of Priapus for the Society of Dilettanti; he was author of
The Landscape: a Didactic Poem (1794),
Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste (1805) and other works.
William Angus Knight (1836-1916)
Professor of moral philosophy in the University of St. Andrews (1876-1902); he edited the
works of William Wordsworth and Dorothy Wordsworth in 12 vols, (1896-97).
William Lamb, second viscount Melbourne (1779-1848)
English statesman, the son of Lady Melbourne (possibly by the third earl of Egremont) and
husband of Lady Caroline Lamb; he was a Whig MP, prime minister (1834-41), and counsellor
to Queen Victoria.
French Laurence (1757-1809)
Educated at Winchester and Corpus Christi College, Oxford, he was a poet, MP for
Peterborough (1796-1809) and colleague of Edmund Burke.
Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830)
English portrait painter who succeeded Joshua Reynolds as painter in ordinary to the king
(1792); he was president of the Royal Academy (1820).
William Lock (1767-1847)
Of Norbury Park; English painter, the son of William Lock (1732-1810); he was the pupil
of Henry Fuseli and a friend Samuel Rogers.
John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854)
Editor of the
Quarterly Review (1825-1853); son-in-law of Walter
Scott and author of the
Life of Scott 5 vols (1838).
Capel Lofft (1751-1824)
English poet, lawyer, and political reformer; he was the patron of the poet Robert
Bloomfield. Charles Lamb described him as “the genius of absurdity.”
Thomas Norton Longman (1771-1842)
A leading London publisher whose authors included Southey, Wordsworth, Scott, and
Henry Luttrell (1768-1851)
English wit, dandy, and friend of Thomas Moore and Samuel Rogers; he was the author of
Advice to Julia, a Letter in Rhyme (1820).
Henry Mackenzie (1745-1831)
Scottish man of letters, author of
The Man of Feeling (1770) and
editor of
The Mirror (1779-80) and
Lounger (1785-87).
Sir James Mackintosh (1765-1832)
Scottish philosopher and man of letters who defended the French Revolution in
Vindiciae Gallicae (1791); he was Recorder of Bombay (1803-1812) and
MP for Knaresborough (1819-32).
Edmond Malone (1741-1812)
Irish literary scholar; member of Johnson's Literary Club (1782); edited the Works of
Shakespeare (1790) and left substantial materials for the notable variorum Shakespeare, 21
vols (1821).
William Maltby (1764-1854)
A schoolmate and life-long friend of Samuel Rogers; he was a London solicitor and a
member of the King of Clubs. In 1809 he succeeded Richard Porson as principal librarian of
the London Institution.
Richard Slater Milnes (1759-1804)
Of Fryston near Wakefield; he was Whig MP for York City (1782-1802) and grandfather of
Richard Monckton Milnes; he changed his name from Milnes to Rich in 1803.
William Mitford (1744-1827)
English historian, author of
The History of Greece, 5 vols
(1784-1818) and other works.
Sir Graham Moore (1764-1843)
The son of Dr John Moore (1729-1802) and brother of General John Moore (1761-1809); after
a distinguished naval career he was lord of the Admiralty (1816-20) and commander-in-chief
of the Mediterranean Fleet (1820).
John Moore (1729-1802)
Scottish physician and writer; author of the novel
Zeluco: various
Views of Human Nature, taken from Life and Manners, 2 vols (1786).
Sir John Moore (1761-1809)
A hero of the Peninsular Campaign, killed at the Battle of Corunna; he was the son of Dr.
John Moore, the author of
Thomas Moore (1779-1852)
Irish poet and biographer, author of the
Irish Melodies (1807-34),
The Fudge Family in Paris (1818), and
Rookh (1817); he was Byron's close friend and designated biographer.
Amelia Opie [née Alderson] (1769-1853)
Quaker poet and novelist; in 1798 she married the painter John Opie (1761-1807); author
Father and Daughter (1801) and other novels and moral
John Opie (1761-1807)
English painter brought to attention by John Wolcot; he was a member of the Royal Academy
and the husband of the writer Amelia Opie whom he married in 1798.
John Parker, first earl of Morley (1772-1840)
The son of John Parker, first baron Boringdon (1735-1788); educated at Christ Church,
Oxford, he was a supporter of George Canning in Parliament, created earl of Morley and
Viscount Boringdon in 1815.
Samuel Parr (1747-1825)
English schoolmaster, scholar, and book collector whose strident politics and assertive
personality involved him in a long series of quarrels.
Hester Piozzi [née Lynch] (1741-1821)
Poet, diarist, and friend of Doctor Johnson; in 1763 married 1) Henry Thrale (1728-1781)
and in 1784 2) Gabriel Mario Piozzi (1740-1809). She contributed to the Della Cruscan
The Florence Miscellany (1785).
William Pitt the younger (1759-1806)
The second son of William Pitt, earl of Chatham (1708-1778); he was Tory prime minister
Joseph Planta (1744-1827)
Born in Switzerland, he was keeper of manuscripts, and from 1799 principal librarian at
the British Museum.
Richard Porson (1759-1808)
Classical scholar and Regius Professor of Greek at Cambridge (1792); he edited four plays
of Euripides.
Sir Uvedale Price, first baronet (1747-1829)
Of Foxley in Herefordshire; he was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, and
Essay on the Picturesque (1794).
Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792)
English portrait-painter and writer on art; he was the first president of the Royal
Academy (1768).
William Robertson (1721-1793)
Educated at Edinburgh University of which he became principal (1762), he was a
highly-regarded historian, the author of
History of Scotland in the Reign
of Queen Mary and of King James VI (1759) and
The History of the
Reign of Charles V (1769).
Daniel Rogers (1760 c.-1829)
Son of Thomas Rogers (1735-93) and eldest brother of the poet Thomas Rogers; he married
Martha Bowles and lived as a country squire near Stourbridge.
Henry Rogers (1774-1832)
Son of Thomas Rogers (1735-93) and youngest brother of the poet Thomas Rogers; he was the
head of the family bank, Rogers, Towgood, and Co. until 1824, and a friend of Charles
Samuel Rogers (1763-1855)
English poet, banker, and aesthete, author of the ever-popular
Pleasures of Memory (1792),
Columbus (1810),
Jaqueline (1814), and
Italy (1822-28).
Sarah Rogers (1772-1855)
Of Regent's Park. the younger sister of the poet Samuel Rogers; she lived with her
brother Henry in Highbury Terrace.
Thomas Rogers (1735-1793)
Father of the poet Samuel Rogers; he was a London banker and MP for Coventry
Thomas Rogers the younger (1761-1788)
The elder brother of the poet Samuel Rogers; he was the second child of Thomas Rogers
William Roscoe (1753-1831)
Historian, poet, and man of letters; author of
Life of Lorenzo di
Medici (1795) and
Life and Pontificate of Leo X (1805). He
was Whig MP for Liverpool (1806-1807) and edited the
Works of Pope,
10 vols (1824).
Sir Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)
Flemish baroque painter and diplomat notable for his allegorical depictions of the life
of Marie de Medici.
John Rushout, second baron Northwick (1769-1859)
English art collector and member of the Society of Dilettanti who travelled extensively
in Italy; he succeeded to the title in 1800.
John Russell, first earl Russell (1792-1878)
English statesman, son of John Russell sixth duke of Bedford (1766-1839); he was author
Essay on the English Constitution (1821) and
Memoirs of the Affairs of Europe (1824) and was Prime Minister (1865-66).
John Sargent (1750-1831)
In his youth a poet and friend of William Hayley, he was MP for Seaford (1790-93),
Queenborough (1794-1802), and Bodmin (1802-06).
James Scarlett, first baron Abinger (1769-1844)
English barrister and politician educated at Trinity College, Cambridge and the Inner
Temple; he was a Whig MP (1819-34) who served as attorney-general in the Canning and
Wellington ministries.
William Scott, first baron Stowell (1745-1836)
English lawyer and friend of Dr. Johnson; he was MP for Oxford University (1801-21) and
judge of the high court of Admiralty (1798-1828). He was the elder brother of Lord
Richard Sharp [Conversation Sharp] (1759-1835)
English merchant, Whig MP, and member of the Holland House set; he published
Letters and Essays in Poetry and Prose (1834).
Sutton Sharpe (1756-1806)
A London brewer whose second marriage (1795) was to Maria, sister of the poet Samuel
Rogers. He studied art at the Royal Academy and counted among his friends Flaxman, Opie,
and Bewick.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)
Anglo-Irish playwright, author of
The School for Scandal (1777),
Whig MP and ally of Charles James Fox (1780-1812).
Sarah Siddons [née Kemble] (1755-1831)
English tragic actress, sister of John Philip Kemble, famous roles as Desdemona, Lady
Macbeth, and Ophelia. She retired from the stage in 1812.
William Charles Sloper (1735 c.-1824)
Of Sundridge; the youngest son of William Sloper Esq.; he was Whig MP for St. Albans
(1780-90) and an associate of Sydney Smith and Sir James Mackintosh.
Adam Smith (1723-1790)
Friend of David Hume and professor of logic at Glasgow University (1751); he wrote
Theory of the Moral Sentiments (1759) and
Wealth of Nations (1776).
Robert Percy Smith [Bobus Smith] (1770-1845)
The elder brother of Sydney Smith; John Hookham Frere, George Canning, and Henry Fox he
wrote for the
Microcosm at Eton; he was afterwards a judge in India
and MP.
Sydney Smith (1771-1845)
Clergyman, wit, and one of the original projectors of the
Review; afterwards lecturer in London and one of the Holland House
William Smith (1756-1835)
Educated at the dissenting academy at Daventry, he was a Whig MP for Sudbury (1784-90,
1796-1802), Camelford (1790-96), and Norwich (1802-30), a defender of Joseph Priestley and
follower of Charles Fox. His 1817 speech in Parliament denouncing Robert Southey attracted
much attention.
William Sotheby (1757-1833)
English man of letters; after Harrow he joined the dragoons, married well, and published
Poems (1790) and became a prolific poet and translator,
prominent in literary society.
Robert Southey (1774-1843)
Poet laureate and man of letters whose contemporary reputation depended upon his prose
works, among them the
Life of Nelson, 2 vols (1813),
History of the Peninsular War, 3 vols (1823-32) and
The Doctor, 7 vols (1834-47).
Richard Spencer (1817 fl.)
Not identified; he was an acquaintance of Samuel Rogers, Thomas Moore, and Richard
Brinsley Sheridan.
Lord Robert Spencer (1747-1831)
Of Woolbeding in Sussex; the youngest son of the second Duke of Marlborough, he was Whig
MP for Woodstock (1768-71, 1818-20), Oxford City (1771-90), Wareham (1790-99), and
Tavistock (1802-07). He was a friend of Charles James Fox.
William Robert Spencer (1770-1834)
English wit and author of society verse. He was the son of Lord Charles Spencer, second
son of the third duke of Marlborough, educated at Harrow and Christ Church, Oxford. Spencer
was a friend of Fox, Sheridan, and the Prince of Wales.
Thomas Stothard (1755-1834)
English painter and book-illustrator, a friend of John Flaxman and Samuel Rogers.
Torquato Tasso (1554-1595)
Italian poet, author of
Aminta (1573), a pastoral drama, and
Jerusalem Delivered (1580).
George Thomson (1757-1851)
Scottish music publisher and friend of Robert Burns who solicited poems from Byron;
A Select Collection of Original Scotish Airs (1793).
George Tierney (1761-1830)
Whig MP and opposition leader whose political pragmatism made him suspect in the eyes of
his party; he fought a bloodless duel with Pitt in 1798. He is the “Friend of Humanity” in
Canning and Frere's “The Needy Knife-Grinder.”
Elizabeth Tomline [née Maltby] (d. 1826)
The daughter of Thomas Maltby of Germains, Buckinghamshire; in 1784 she married Sir
George Pretyman, afterwards Bishop Tomline.
Sir George Pretyman Tomline, bishop of Winchester (1750-1827)
Tutor of Pitt the younger; he was dean of St. Paul's and bishop of Lincoln (1787) and
bishop of Winchester (1820-27). He adopted the name of Tomline in 1803 in connection with
an inheritance.
John Horne Tooke (1736-1812)
Philologist and political radical; member of the Society for Constitutional Information
(1780); tried for high treason and acquitted (1794).
Charles Townley (1737-1805)
English virtuoso educated at the English College at Douai; he was a member of the Society
of Dilettanti whose collection of antiquities passed into the British Museum.
Lord John Townshend (1757-1833)
The son of George Townshend, first Marquess Townshend; he was educated at Eton and St
John's College, Cambridge and was a Whig MP for Cambridge, Westminster, and Knaresborough.
He was a denizen of Holland House and Sheridan's literary executor.
John Furnell Tuffin (d. 1820)
Formerly a Bristol banker, he was an art collector, political radical, and acquaintance
of Samuel Rogers, Godwin, and the Wordsworth. Southey describes him as “an excellent
talker; knowing every body, remembering every thing, and having strong talents
Sir Anthony Van Dyke (1599-1641)
Flemish painter who studied under Rubens and spent the last decade of his life as a court
painter to Charles I.
John William Ward, earl of Dudley (1781-1833)
The son of William Ward, third Viscount Dudley (d. 1823); educated at Edinburgh and
Oxford, he was an English MP, sometimes a Foxite Whig and sometimes Canningite Tory, who
suffered from insanity in his latter years.
John Whishaw (1764 c.-1840)
Barrister, educated at Trinity College, Cambridge; he was Secretary to the African
Association and biographer of Mungo Park. His correspondence was published as
The “Pope” of Holland House in 1906.
Joseph Windham (1739-1810)
Antiquary, connoisseur, and member of the Society of Dilettanti.
William Windham (1750-1810)
Educated at Eton and University College, Oxford, he was a Whig MP aligned with Burke and
Fox and Secretary at war in the Pitt administration, 1794-1801.
Dorothy Wordsworth (1771-1855)
The sister of William Wordsworth who transcribed his poems and kept his house; her
journals and letters were belatedly published after her death.
William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
With Coleridge, author of
Lyrical Ballads (1798), Wordsworth
survived his early unpopularity to succeed Robert Southey as poet laureate in 1843.
Sir Richard Worsley, seventh baronet (1751-1805)
Politician and connoisseur; after losing the offices held in the North administration he
traveled in the Levant, returning with a collection of gems and marbles; he was envoy to
the Venetian Republic (1794).
John Young (1747-1820)
The son of a cooper, he was educated at Glasgow University where he was professor of
Greek from 1774.
Morning Post. (1772-1937). A large-circulation London daily that published verse by many of the prominent poets of
the romantic era. John Taylor (1750–1826), Daniel Stuart (1766-1846), and Nicholas Byrne
(d. 1833) were among its editors.
Robert Southey (1774-1843)
Madoc. (London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1805). A verse romance relating the legendary adventures of a Welsh prince in Wales and
pre-Columbian America.