The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey
Robert Southey, “Memoir: School Recollections,” 10 January 1823
January 10th, 1823.
I was now placed as a day-boarder at a school in
that part of Bristol called the Fort, on the hill above St. Michael’s
Church. William Williams, the master, was, as his name
denotes, a Welshman. I find him satirized, or to use a more accurate word,
slandered, in the Miscellanies of my uncle’s old master Emanuel Collins, as an impudent pretender.
This he certainly was not; for he pretended to very little, and what he ![]()
professed to teach he taught well. The Latin he left wholly
to an usher, Bevan by name, who was curate of the parish.
The writing, cyphering, and merchant’s accounts he superintended himself,
though there was a writing-master who made and mended the pens, ruled the
copy-books, and examined the slates. Williams was an
author of the very humblest class; he had composed a spelling-book solely for
the consumption of his own school: it was never published and had not even a
titlepage. For love of this spelling-book he exercised the boys in it so much,
that the thumbing and dog-leaving turned to good account. But he was, I verily
believe, conscientiously earnest in making them perfect in the Catechism; the
examination in this was always dreaded as the most formidable duty of the
school,—such was the accuracy which he exacted, and the severity of his
manner on that occasion. The slightest inattention was treated as a crime.
My grandmother died in 1782, and either in the latter end
of that year, or the ensuing January, I was placed at poor old
Williams’s, whom, as that expression indicates,
I remember with feelings of good will. I had commenced poet before this, at how
early an age I cannot call to mind; but I very well recollect that my first
composition, both in manner and sentiment, might have been deemed a very
hopeful imitation of the Bellman’s verses. The discovery, however, that I
could write rhymes gave me great pleasure, which was in no slight degree
heightened when I perceived that my mother was not only pleased with what I had
produced, ![]()
but proud of it. Miss
Tyler had intended, as far as she was concerned, to give me a
systematic education, and for this purpose (as she afterwards told me)
purchased a translation of Rousseau’s Emilius. That system being happily even more impracticable than
Mr. Edgeworth’s, I was lucky
enough to escape from any experiment of this kind, and there good fortune
provided for me better than any method could have done. Nothing could be more
propitious for me, considering my, aptitudes and tendency of mind, than
Miss Tyler’s predilection, I might almost call
it passion, for the theatre. Owing to this, Shakespere was in my hands as soon as I could read; and it was
long before I had any other knowledge of the history of England than what I
gathered from his plays. Indeed, when first I read the plain matter of fact,
the difference which appeared then puzzled and did not please me; and for some
time I preferred Shakespere’s authority to the
It is curious that “Titus Andronicus” was at first my
favourite play; partly, I suppose, because there was nothing in the characters
above my comprehension; but the chief reason must have been that tales of
horror make a deep impression upon children, as they do upon the vulgar, for
whom, as their ballads prove, no tragedy can be too bloody—they excite
astonishment rather than pity. I went through Beaumont and Fletcher
also, before I was eight years old; circumstances enable me to recollect the
time accurately. Beaumont and
Fletcher were great theatrical names, and therefore
there was no scruple about letting me peruse their works. What harm, indeed,
could they do ![]()
me at that age? I read them merely for the
interest which the stories afforded, and understood the worse parts as little
as I did the better. But I acquired imperceptibly from such reading familiarity
with the diction, and ear for the blank verse of our great masters. In general
I gave myself no trouble with what I did not understand; the story was
intelligible, and that was enough. But the knight of the Burning Pestle perplexed
me terribly; burlesque of this kind is the last thing that a child can
comprehend. It set me longing, however, for Palmerin of England, and that longing was
never gratified till I read it in the original Portuguese. My favourite play
upon the stage was “Cymbeline,” and next to that, “As you like it.” They are both
romantic dramas; and no one had ever a more decided turn for music or for
numbers, than I had for romance.
You will wonder that this education should not have made
me a dramatic writer. I had seen more plays before I was seven years old than I
have ever since I was twenty, and heard more conversation about the theatre
than any other subject. Miss Tyler had
given up her house at Walcot before I went to Corston; and when I visited her
from school, she was herself a guest with Miss Palmer and
her sister Mrs. Bartlett, whose property
was vested in the Bath and Bristol theatres. Their house was in
Galloway’s Buildings, from whence a covered passage led to the playhouse,
and they very rarely missed a night’s performance. I was too old to be
put to bed before the performance began, and it was better that I should be
taken than left with the servants; therefore I was always of the ![]()
party; and it is impossible to describe the thorough
delight which I received from this habitual indulgence. No after enjoyment
could equal or approach it; I was sensible of no defects either in the dramas
or in the representation: better acting indeed could nowhere have been found;
Mrs. Siddons was the heroine,
Dimond and Murray would have done credit to any stage,
and among the comic actors were Edwin
and Blanchard—and Blisset, who, though never known to a London
audience, was, of all comic actors whom I have ever seen, the most perfect. But
I was happily insensible to that difference between good and bad acting which,
in riper years, takes off so much from the pleasure of dramatic representation;
every thing answered the height of my expectations and desires. And I saw it in
perfect comfort, in a small theatre, from the front row of a box, not too far
from the centre. The Bath theatre was said to be the most comfortable in
England; and no expense was spared in the scenery and decorations.
My aunt, who hoarded every thing, except money, preserved
the play-bills, and had a collection of them which Dr. Burney might have envied. As she rarely or never suffered
me to be out of doors, lest I should dirt my clothes, these play-bills were one
of the substitutes devised for my amusement instead of healthy and natural
sports. I was encouraged to prick them with a pin, letter by letter: and for
want of any thing better, became as fond of this employment as women sometimes
are of netting or any ornamental work. I learnt to do it with great precision,
pricking the larger types by their outline, so ![]()
that when
they were held up to the window they were bordered with spots of light. The
object was to illuminate the whole bill in this manner. I have done it to
hundreds; and yet I can well remember the sort of dissatisfied and damping
feeling, which the sight of one of these bills would give me, a day or two
after it had been finished and laid by. It was like an illumination when half
the lamps are gone out. This amusement gave my writing-masters no little
trouble; for, in spite of all their lessons, I held a pen as I had been used to
hold the pin.
Miss Tyler was considered as an amateur
and patroness of the stage. She was well acquainted with Henderson, but of him I have no recollection.
He left Bath, I believe, just as my play-going days began. Edwin, I remember, gave me an ivory windmill,
when I was about four years old; and there was no family with which she was
more intimate than Dimond’s. She
was thrown also into the company of dramatic writers at Mr. Palmer’s, who resided then about a
mile from Bath, on the Upper Bristol Road, at a house called West Hall. Here
she became acquainted with Coleman and
Sheridan, and Cumberland and Holcroft: but I did not see any of them in those years; and the
two former, indeed, never. Sophia Lee was
Mrs. Palmer’s most intimate friend; she was then
in high reputation for the first volume of the Recess, and for the Chapter of Accidents. You will not wonder,
that hearing, as I continually did, of living authors, and seeing in what
estimation they were held, I formed a great notion of the dignity attached to
their profession. Perhaps in no other ![]()
circle could this
effect so surely have been produced as in a dramatic one, where ephemeral
productions excite an intense interest while they last. Superior as I thought
actors to all other men, it was not long before I perceived that authors were
still a higher class.
Though I have not become a dramatist, my earliest dreams
of authorship were, as might be anticipated, from such circumstances, of a
dramatic form, and the notion which I had formed of dramatic composition was
not inaccurate. “It is the easiest thing in the world to write a
play!” said I to Miss Palmer, as we were in
a carriage on Redcliffe Hill one day, returning from Bristol to Bedminster.
“Is it, my dear?” was her reply.
“Yes,” I continued, “for you know you have only to
think what you would say if you were in the place of the characters, and to
make them say it.” This brings to mind some unlucky illustrations
which I made use of about the same time to the same lady, with the view of
enforcing what I conceived to be good and considerate advice. Miss
Palmer was on a visit to my aunt at Bedminster; they had fallen
out, as they sometimes would do; these bickerings produced a fit of sullenness
in the former, which was not shaken off for some days; and while it lasted, she
usually sat with her apron over her face. I really thought she would injure her
eyes by this, and told her so in great kindness; “for you know,
Miss Palmer,” said I, “that
every thing gets out of order if it is not used. A book, if it is not
opened, will become damp and mouldy; and a key, if it is never turned in
the lock, gets rusty.” Just then my aunt entered the room. ![]()
“Lord, Miss
Tyler!” said the offended lady, “what do
you think this child has been saying? He has been comparing my eyes to a
rusty key and a mouldy book.” The speech, however, was not
without some good effect, for it restored good humour. Miss
Palmer was an odd woman with a kind heart; one of those persons
who are not respected so much as they deserve, because their dispositions are
better than their understanding. She had a most generous and devoted attachment
to Miss Tyler, which was not always requited as it ought
to have been. The earliest dream which I can remember, related to her; it was
singular enough to impress itself indelibly upon my memory. I thought I was
sitting with her in her drawing-room (chairs, carpet, and everything are now
visibly present to my mind’s eye) when the devil was introduced as a
morning visitor. Such an appearance, for he was in his full costume of horns,
black bat-wings, tail, and cloven feet, put me in ghostly and bodily fear; but
she received him with perfect politeness, called him dear Mr. Devil, desired
the servant to put him a chair, and expressed her delight at being favoured
with a call.
There was much more promise implied in my notion of how a
play ought to be written, than would have been found in any of my attempts. The
first subject which I tried was the continence of Scipio, suggested by a print in a pocket-book. Battles were
introduced in abundance; because the battle in Cymbeline was one of my favourite
scenes; and because Congreve’s
hero in the Mourning
Bride, finds the writing of his father in prison, I made my prince of
Numantia find ![]()
pen, ink, and paper, that lie might write to
his mistress. An act and a half of this nonsense exhausted my perseverance.
Another story ran for a long time in my head, and I had planned the characters
to suit the actors on the Bath stage. The fable was taken from a collection of
tales, every circumstance of which has completely faded from my recollection,
except that the scene of the story in question was laid in Italy, and the time,
I think, about Justinian’s reign.
The book must have been at least thirty or forty years old then, and I should
recognise it if it ever fell in my way. While this dramatic passion continued,
I wished my friends to partake it; and soon after I went to
Williams’s school, persuaded one of my
school-fellows to write a tragedy. Ballard was his name,
the son of a surgeon at Portbury, a good-natured fellow, with a round face
which I have not seen for seven or eight-and-thirty years, and yet fancy that I
could recognise it now, and should be right glad to see it. He liked the
suggestion, and agreed to it very readily, but he could not tell what to write
about. I gave him a story. But then another difficulty was discovered; he could
not devise names for the personages of the drama. I gave him a most heroic
assortment of propria quiæ maribus et
fœminis. He had now got his Dramatis Personæ, but he could not tell what to make
them say, and then I gave up the business. I made the same attempt with another
schoolfellow, and with no better success. It seemed to me very odd, that they
should not be able to write plays as well as to do their lessons. It is
needless to say that both ![]()
these friends were of my own age;
this is always the condition of school intimacies. The subject of the second
experiment was a boy whose appearance prepossessed everybody. My mother was so
taken with the gentleness of his manners, and the regularity and mildness of
his features, that she was very desirous I should become intimate with him. He
grew up to be a puppy, sported a tail when he was fifteen, and at
five-and-twenty was an insignificant withered homunculus, with a white face shrivelled into an expression of effeminate
peevishness. I have seen many instances wherein the promise of the boy has not
been fulfilled by the man, but never so striking a case of blight as this.
The school was better than Flower’s, inasmuch as I had a Latin lesson every day,
instead of thrice a week. But my lessons were solitary ones, so few boys were
there in my station, and indeed in the station of life next above mine, who
received a classical education in those days, compared with what is the case
now. Writing and arithmetic, with at most a little French, were thought
sufficient, at that time, for the sons of opulent Bristol merchants. I was in
Phædrus when I went there; and preceded
through Cornelius Nepos, Justin, and the Metamorphoses. One lesson in the morning
was all. The rest of the time was given to what was deemed there of more
importance. Writing was taught very differently at this school from what it was
at Corston, and much less agreeably to my inclinations. We did copies of
capital letters there, and were encouraged to aspire at the ornamental parts of
penmanship. But Williams who wrote a slow strong hand
himself, admirable of its kind, put ![]()
me back to the
rudiments at once, and kept me at strokes, pothooks and hangers, us, ns, and ms, and such words as pupil and tulip, Heaven knows how long, with absurd and wearisome
perseverance. Writing was the only thing in which any pains were ever taken, or
any method observed, to ground me thoroughly, and I was universally pronounced
a most unpromising pupil. No instruction ever could teach me to hold the pen
properly; of course, therefore, I could make none of those full free strokes
which were deemed essential to good writing, and this drew upon me a great deal
of unavailing reproof, though not severity, for old
Williams liked me on the whole; and was the only preceptor (except a
dancing-master), who ever laid hands on me in anger. At home, too, my father
and my uncle Thomas used to shake their
heads at me, and pronounce that I should never write a decent hand. My
cyphering-book, however, made some amends, in my master’s eyes. It was in
this that his pains and the proficiency of his scholars were to be shewn. The
books he used to sew himself, half a dozen sheets folded into the common quarto
size; they were ruled with double red lines, and the lines which were required
in the sums were also doubled ruled with red ink. When the book was filled, the
pencil lines were carefully rubbed out; and Williams,
tearing off the covers, deposited it in an envelope of fine cartridge paper, on
which he had written, in his best hand, the boy’s name to whom it
belonged. When there were enough of these to form a volume, they were consigned
to a poor old man, the inhabitant of an almshouse, who obtained a few com-![]()
forts beyond what the establishment allowed him, by binding
them. Now, though I wrote what is called a stiff cramp hand, there was a
neatness and regularity about my books, which were peculiar to them. I had as
quick a sense of symmetry as of metre. My lines were always drawn according to
some standard of proportion, so that the page had an appearance of order, at
first sight. I found the advantage of this when I came to be concerned with
proof sheets. The method which I used in my cyphering-book, led me to teach the
printers how to print verses of irregular length upon a regular principle: and
Ballantyne told me I was the only
person he ever met with, who knew how a page would look before it was set up. I
may add that it was I who set the fashion for black letter in titlepages and
half titles, and that this arose from my admiration of German-text at school.
I remained at this school between four and five years,
which, if not profitably, were at least not unhappily spent. And here let me
state the deliberate opinion upon the contested subject of public or private
education, which I have formed from what I have experienced and heard and
observed. A juster estimate of one’s self is acquired at school than can
be formed in the course of domestic instruction, and what is of much more
consequence, a better intuition into the characters of others than there is any
chance of learning in after life. I have said that this is of more consequence
than one’s self-estimate; because the error upon that score which
domestic education tends to produce, is on the right ![]()
side—that of diffidence and humility. These advantages a day-scholar
obtains, and he avoids great part of the evils which are to be set against
them. He cannot, indeed, wholly escape pollution; but he is far less exposed to
it than if he were a boarder. He suffers nothing from tyranny, which is carried
to excess in schools; nor has he much opportunity of acquiring or indulging
malicious and tyrannical propensities himself. Above all, his religious habits,
which it is almost impossible to retain at school, are safe. I would gladly
send a son to a good school by day; but rather than board him at the best, I
would, at whatever inconvenience, educate him myself. What I have said applies
to public schools as well as private; of the advantages which the former
possess I shall have occasion to speak hereafter.
James Ballantyne (1772-1833)
Edinburgh printer in partnership with his younger brother John; the company failed in the
financial collapse of 1826.
Elizabeth Bartlett [née Palmer] (1790 fl.)
The sister of the theater-owner and postal reformer John Palmer; she resided with her
sister, Robert Southey's Miss Palmer, in 1 Galloway's Buildings in Bath.
Francis Beaumont (1585-1616)
English playwright, often in collaboration with John Fletcher; author of
The Knight of the Burning Pestle (1607).
William Blanchard (1760-1797)
The son of the actor Thomas Blanchard; after a career at Bath he performed at Covent
Garden. His daughters Elizabeth and Charlotta also performed on the stage.
Francis Blissett (1768-1824)
English actor who made his debut at the Haymarket Theater in 1778 and for many years
performed in comic roles at Bath.
Charles Burney the younger (1757-1817)
Son of the musicologist; after a scandalous youth he became a noted scholar, book
collector, and schoolmaster at Greenwich. His collection of newspapers is now in the
British Library.
Emanuel Collins (1711 c.-1762 fl.)
Eccentric Bristol poet and schoolmaster educated at Hart Hall, Oxford; Thomas Chatterton
frequently refers to him.
George Colman the younger (1762-1836)
English poet, playwright and censor of plays; manager of the Haymarket Theater
(1789-1813); author of
The Iron Chest (1796) taken from Godwin's
Caleb Williams.
William Congreve (1670-1729)
English comic dramatist; author of, among others,
The Double
Dealer (1694),
Love for Love (1695), and
The Way of the World (1700).
Richard Cumberland (1732-1811)
English playwright and man of letters caricatured by Sheridan as “Sir Fretful Plagiary.”
Memoirs of Richard Cumberland, written by himself was published
in two volumes (1806-07).
William Wyatt Dimond (1750 c.-1812)
English actor who for thirty years performed in leading roles at Bath. His son, also
William Dimond, was a playwright.
Richard Lovell Edgeworth (1744-1817)
Irish magnate and writer on education; he published
Education, 2 vols (1788), and other works in collaboration with his daughter the
John Edwin the elder (1749-1790)
English comic actor who began his career at Manchester and performed at the Haymarket and
Covent Garden.
John Fletcher (1579-1625)
English playwright, author of
The Faithful Shepherdess (1610) and
of some fifteen plays in collaboration with Francis Beaumont.
Thomas Flower (d. 1799)
Schoolmaster at Corston, near Bath; he gave public lectures on the natural sciences.
Robert Southey was among his pupils.
John Henderson (1747-1785)
English actor called the “Bath Roscius” who excelled in Shakespearean roles.
Herbert Hill (1750-1828)
Educated at St. Mary Hall, and Christ Church, Oxford; he was Chancellor of the Choir of
Hereford Cathedral, chaplain to the English factory at Lisbon (1792-1807) and rector of
Streatham (1810-28). He was Robert Southey's uncle.
Thomas Holcroft (1745-1809)
English playwright and novelist; a friend of William Godwin indicted for treason in 1794;
author of
The Road to Ruin (1792). His
Memoirs (1816) were completed by William Hazlitt.
Justin (200 c. fl.)
Roman historian of uncertain date who compiled an abridged universal history.
Justinian (483 c.-565)
Roman Emperor 527-65; codifier of Roman law.
Sophia Priscilla Lee (1750-1824)
English novelist, playwright, and poet, sister of the novelist Harriet Lee (1758-1851);
her first play,
The Chapter of Accidents, was produced at the
Haymarket in 1780.
Charles Murray (1754-1821)
The son of Sir John Murray, secretary to the Young Pretender (d. 1777); he performed as a
provincial actor from the 1770s.
Cornelius Nepos (100 BC c.-25 BC c.)
Roman biographer and friend of Cicero, author of
De viris
John Palmer (1742-1818)
Theater manager in Bath and Bristol; he devised a system of mail-coaches adopted by
William Pitt to great effect.
Phaedrus (15 BC c.-50)
Roman freedman in the household of Augustus who composed five books of fables.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Swiss-born man of letters; author of, among others,
Julie ou la
Nouvelle Heloïse (1761),
Émile (1762) and
Les Confessions (1782).
Scipio Africanus (236 BC-183 BC)
He defeated Hannibal in the Second Punic War at the battle of Zama.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)
Anglo-Irish playwright, author of
The School for Scandal (1777),
Whig MP and ally of Charles James Fox (1780-1812).
Sarah Siddons [née Kemble] (1755-1831)
English tragic actress, sister of John Philip Kemble, famous roles as Desdemona, Lady
Macbeth, and Ophelia. She retired from the stage in 1812.
Elizabeth Tyler (1739-1821)
Robert Southey's aunt, his mother's elder half-sister, with whom he spent much time as a
Emanuel Collins (1711 c.-1762 fl.)
Miscellanies: in Prose and Verse, consisting of Essays, Abstracts, Original
Poems, Letters, Tales, Translations, Panegyricks, Epigrams, and Epitaphs. (Bristol: E. Farley, 1762).