Ætat. 50. | Ætat. 50. | 159 |
At the conclusion of the “Life of Wesley,” after a brief summary of his
character, my father expresses a hope that the Society of Methodists might cast off the
extravagancies which accompanied its growth, and that it would gradually purify itself from
whatever was objectionable in its institution; and he adds
These remarks, it appears, and the work in general, had met with the approbation of some of the Wesleyans, notwithstanding the dislike* with which, as a body, they regarded this Life of their Founder; and, as might have been expected, certain internal commotions and divisions began to arise among them which at one time seemed likely to lead to the results he here desiderates.
The first intimation he received of this was in the following curious communication from Mark Robinson, of Beverley, which awaited his return home, which may not unfitly be inserted here, as giving an interesting view of the feelings, wishes, and movements of a considerable portion of the Methodists at that time.
* “The mystery of the faith kept in a pure conscience is indeed a mystery to Mr. Southey. . . . . The day will come when the friend and pupil of Hume, and the bold historian of ‘The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,’ and the compiler of the ‘Life of Wesley’ may be considered as having been engaged in the same work as ‘kicking against the pricks’”—Preface to the Rev. Henry Moore’s Life of Wesley. |
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 161 |
“I am encouraged by the representations I have received of your affability and willingness to afford information to those who apply to you, to lay before you a matter which has given me no little concern; and in the hope that you will favour me with your views upon the subject, I will proceed without further introduction.
“It has for several years appeared to me, and several
respectable friends of mine, who, as well as myself, are all members of the
Wesleyan Methodist Society, in which we have for many years filled official
situations, that the rapid dissent which we believe the travelling preachers
have been chiefly instrumental in effecting in the society from the Established
Church, is much to be lamented, and that in the same proportion in which the
society have departed from the original plan of Methodism, in the same
proportion they have missed their way. We think that a secession from the
Church has engendered a sectarian spirit, and given to the preachers a kind of
influence over the people which, we fear, in many of its consequences, will be
injurious both to their piety and liberty, leading them to exchange the former
for party zeal, and the latter for a too ready acquiescence in all the measures
of the preachers. We lately opened a correspondence with the Church Methodists
in Ireland, from which we learn
“This correspondence we have named to several, both of
the evangelical and orthodox clergy, none of whom raise any objection to it,
and most of whom are its warm advocates. I lately received an invitation from
the evangelical clergy in Hull to meet
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 163 |
“Mr. Sadler is perhaps known to you as the author of an excellent pamphlet addressed to Walter Fawkes, Esq., late member for the county of York, in which he has refuted that gentleman’s arguments in favour of a reform in Parliament. I had forgotten to say that if the conference will not listen to our request at all, we purpose applying to our Irish friends to send over some efficient preachers, which we believe they will do.
“I may add, that your excellent conclusion of the Life of Wesley has also contributed to induce me to take the liberty of troubling you on this subject, conceiving that our plan is not very dissimilar to what you refer to. . . . . We shall highly value your opinion and advice, and shall feel much obliged by as early a reply as you can conveniently favour us with.
My father immediately transmitted a copy of this letter to Dr. Howley, at that time Bishop of London, who in his reply gives a valuable testimony to the importance and utility of the “Book of the Church.”
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 165 |
“At the time of receiving your communication of Feb. 20., it had been my intention for some days to trouble you with a line to express the high satisfaction which I have derived from your Book of the Church.
“It contains a most interesting sketch of a subject which, to the generality of readers, is almost unknown; and as it cannot fail to be popular from the beauty of its execution, will, I trust, have the effect of turning the attention of many persons, who have hitherto been indifferent to such matters, through ignorance, to the nature of the dangers which this country has escaped, and the blessings of various kinds which have been secured to it, through the National Church Establishment. I could have wished for references to the original writers, more especially as Lingard has made such a display of his authorities. But, perhaps, you had reasons for withholding them at present. A wish has been expressed by many judicious persons, that the work might be published in a reduced form for the benefit of the lower classes, whose minds would be elevated by the zeal and virtue of the first Reformers.
“Your communication is very interesting and important;
great difficulties, I fear, lie in the way of an open and formal reunion with
the body of the Church, and I am apprehensive the movement, if it has any
effect, will terminate in swelling the numbers, and
“With repeated thanks for your valuable communication, and with sincere respect, I remain,
Here, for the present, the matter rested. Mark Robinson continued, however, to correspond at intervals with my father, who took considerable interest in the subject, and brought it forward in his “Colloquies with Sir T. More,” expressing a strong opinion as to the practicability and desirableness of “embodying as Church Methodists those who would otherwise be drawn in to join one or other of the numerous squadrons of dissent.” This gave, again, some little impetus to the exertions of Robinson and his friends; but no results of any consequence followed. The subject will be found again alluded to at a later period.
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 167 |
I have placed these two letters together, as leading the one to the other. We next find my father communicating the news of his return to Mr. Bedford, and amusing him with a promised account of a scene which the two friends in some “Butlerish” mood had planned beforehand.
The horn here referred to was a long straight tin instrument, such as, in the olden times, mail-coach guards were wont to rouse slumbering turnpike keepers and drowsy ostlers with, before the march of music introduced them to Key Bugles and Cornopeans, and long before railroads went steeple-chasing it across the country, and shrill steam whistles superseded these more dulcet sounds. It had been procured chiefly for the sake of the amusement the unpacking it would afford (though there might also be some latent intention of awakening the mountain echoes with it). Mrs. Coleridge professed an exaggerated horror of all uncouth noises, and “half in earnest, half in jest,” played, not unwillingly, her good-humoured part in these pantomimic scenes, which my father enjoyed with true boyish delight.
“Here then I am, nothing the worse for having been
wheeled over fifteen hundred miles in the course of fifteen weeks. I no longer
feel the effect of motion in my head, nor of jolting in my tail. I have
“I was charged by Edith particularly to describe to her how Mrs. Coleridge looked when the fatal horn
should first be exhibited to her astonished eyes. The task which my daughter
imposed upon me, my powers of language are not sufficient to discharge. The
horn, I must tell you, was made useful as a case for Westall’s lithographic print of Warwick
Castle. The Doctor packed it carefully up with my umbrella in brown paper, so
that no person could possibly discover what the mysterious package contained;
and great curiosity was excited when it was first observed at home.
Mrs. C. stood by (I sent for her) while the unpacking
was deliberately performed. The string was untied, not cut; I unbound it round
after round; and then methodically took off the paper. The first emotion was an
expression of contemptuous disappointment at sight of the um-
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 169 |
“Grosvenor, it was an expression of dolorous dismay which Richter or Wilkie could hardly represent unless they had witnessed it,—it was at once so piteous and so comical. Up went the brows, down went the chin, and yet the face appeared to widen as much as it was elongated, by an indefinable drawing of the lips which seemed to flatten all the features. I know not whether sorrow or resentment predominated in the eyes; sorrow as in the Dutch manner, she pitied herself; or anger when she thought of me, and of your brother from whom I received the precious gift; and whose benevolence I loudly lauded. She wished him at Mo-ko (where that is, I know not), and me she wished to a worse place, if any worse there be. In the midst of her emotion I called upon Sarah to observe her well, saying that I was strictly charged by my daughter to make a faithful and full report. The comical wrath which this excited added in no slight decree to the rich effect. Here I blew a blast, which, though not worthy of King Ramiro, was, nevertheless, a good blast. Out she ran: and yet finally, which I hold to be the greatest triumph of my art, I reconciled her to the horn; yes, reconciled her to it, by reminding her that rats might be driven away by it, according as it is written in the story of Jeffry.*
“God bless you, Grosvenor! I should probably
* See Life of Wesley, vol. i. p. 445. |
“What success this proposal* of my brother’s may meet with remains to be seen. If he can obtain 200 subscribers, Longman will take the risk of printing 750 copies. The book will be respectable and useful; comprising a regular view of all that has occurred in those islands from their discovery to the present time. Take it for all in all, it is perhaps as disgraceful a portion of history as the whole course of time can afford; for I know not that there is anything generous, anything ennobling, anything honourable or consolatory to human nature, to relieve it, except what may relate to the missionaries. Still it is a useful task to show what those islands have been, and what they are; and the book will do this much more fully, clearly, and satisfactorily than has ever yet been done.
“Three weeks have now nearly elapsed since my return, and they seem like so many days, so swiftly and imperceptibly the days pass by when they are
* For the publication of a Chronological History of the West Indies, by Capt. T. Southey. |
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 171 |
“Sunday 7th.—To-day I have received a letter from Locker, who delivers me a message from the Bishop of Durham, thanking me for what I have done in the Book of the Church. The Bishop of London wrote to express his ‘high satisfaction.’ Both regret that I have not referred to my authorities*,—an omission which appears to be generally thought injudicious. The truth is, that when I began the book it was with an expectation that it would not exceed a single duodecimo volume; and that even when enlarged it is still a mere epitome for the most part, to which I should feel that a display of authorities was out of place. After the proofs of research and accuracy which I have given, I have a right to expect credit; and in fact, the more my credit is examined, the higher it will stand. Whoever may examine my collections for this and for my
* This omission was supplied in a later edition. |
“. . . . . To-day I received the first volume of Roderick in Dutch verse, translated by the wife of Bilderdijk, who is one of the most distinguished men of letters in that country. The translation appears to be very well done, as far as I am able to judge; that is, I can see in the trying passages she has fully understood the original; and her command of her own language is warranted by her husband’s approbation, who is a severe critic as well as a skilful poet himself. He must be near eighty years of age, for he tells me he has been now three score years known as an author. His letter to me is in Latin. The book comes in a red morocco livery; it is dedicated to me in an ode, and a very beautiful one, describing the delight she had taken in the poem, and the consolation she had derived from it, when parts of it came home to her own feelings in a time of severe affliction.
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 173 |
“She calls me the Crown Poet. I mean to send her a set of the Illustrations as soon as I know how to transmit them. The packet came to me through a merchant at Amsterdam, who inclosed it in a Dutch-English letter of his own, and an essay upon the character of my Cid; which he had read in some literary society, and printed afterwards. They give me praise enough in Holland: I would gladly commute some of it for herrings and Rhenish wine. . . . .
“Do let me hear from you.
“Your letter was as welcome as this day’s rain, when the thirsty ground was gaping for it. Indeed, I should have been uneasy at your silence, and apprehended that some untoward cause must have occasioned it, if I had not heard from Edith that you had supplied her exchequer.
“I should, indeed, have enjoyed the sight of Duppa in the condition which you describe, and the subsequent process of transformation.* How well I can call to
* Mr. Bedford’s humorously exaggerated description may amuse the reader:—“A circumstance occurred here a little while ago, which I wish you could have witnessed. Henry had set off to dine at Mrs. Wall’s at the next door. Miss Page and I had finished our meal, when there sounded a hard knock; when the door opened, a |
“Murray writes to me that he has put the Book of the Church to press for a second edition. I make no alterations, except to correct two slips of the pen and the press: where the Emperor Charles V.
figure presented itself in the dim after dinner light of the season, whose features were not easily discernible, when ‘Look at me I what shall I do?’ broke out in accents of despair, and betrayed poor Duppa. On one of the dirtiest days of this dirty and yet unexhausted winter, he had left Lincoln’s Inn on foot to meet the gay party at Mrs. Walls’. A villain of a coachman had driven by him through a lake of mud in the Strand, and Duppa was overwhelmed with alluvial soil. A finer fossil specimen of an oddfish was never seen. He looked like one of the statues of Prometheus in process towards animation—one half life, the other clay. I sent immediately for Henry to a consultation in a case of such emergency. The hour then seven, the invitation for half-past six; the guests growing cross and silent; the fish spoiling before the fire; the hostess fidgetty! What could be done! Shirts and cravats it was easy to find; and soap and water few regular families in a decent station of life are without. But where were waistcoats of longitude enough? or coats of the latitude of his shoulders? But, impranso nihil difficile est: we stuffed him into a special selection from our joint wardrobes. Henry rolled round his neck a cravat, in size and stiffness like a Holland sheet starched, and raised a wall of collar about his ears that projected like the blinkers of a coach horse, and kept his vision in an angle of nothing at all with his nose; would he look to the right or the left, ho must have turned upon the perpetual pivot of his own derriere. . . . . Thus rigged we launched him, and fairly he sped, keeping his arms prudently crossed over the hiatus between waistcoat and breeches, and continually avoiding too erect a posture, lest he should increase the interstitial space; he was a fair parallel to what he was upon another awful occasion, when we both saw him revolving himself into a dew after the crowd of the Oxford Theatre.”—G. C. B. to R. S., April 16. 1824. |
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 175 |
“Hudson Gurney said to me he wished the King would lay his commands on me to write the history of his father’s reign. I wish he would; provided he would make my pension a clear 500l. a-year, to support me while I was writing it; and then I think I could treat the subject with some credit to myself.
“God bless you!
“In the evil habit of answering familiar letters,
without having them before me, I forgot to notice
“The difficulty in finding two hundred subscribers† arises from this, my dear Grosvenor, that our friends are never so ready to bestir themselves in our affairs as our enemies. There are half a score persons in the world who would take some pains to serve me; and there are half a hundred who would take a great deal more to injure me. The former would gladly do any thing for me which lay in their way; the latter would go out of theirs to do anything against me. I do not say this complainingly, for no man was ever less disposed to be querulous: and, perhaps, no one ever had more friends upon whose friendship he might justly pride himself. But it is the way of the world; and the simple reason is, that enmity is a stronger feeling than good will. . . . .
* Mr. Bedford was a sufferer from almost complete deafness, and he had imagined that my father, in some former letter, had spoken of the nitrous oxide as efficacious in that infirmity. † To his brother Thomas’s History of the West Indies. |
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 177 |
“I am reviewing Hayley’s Life for the desire of lucre; a motive which, according to a writer in the Lady’s Magazine, induced me to compile the Book of the Church; and is, indeed, according to this well-informed person, the leading principle of my literary life. How thoroughly should I be revenged upon such miserable wretches as this, if it were possible for them to know with what infinite contempt I regard them!
“Shall I tell you what books I have in reading at this time; that you may see how many ingredients are required for garnishing a calf’s head? A batch of volumes from Murray relating to the events of the last ten years in Spain; Bishop Parker, De Rebus sui Temporis; Cardinal D’Ossat’s Letters; the Memoir of the Third Duke de Bourbon; Whitaker’s Pierce Ploughman; the Mirror for Magistrates; the Collection of State Poems; Tiraboschi, and the Nibelungen in its original old German, and its modern German version, the one helping me to understand the other. Some of them I read after supper, some while taking my daily walk; the rest in odds and ends of time; laying down the pen when it does not flow freely, and taking up a book for five or ten minutes by way of breathing myself. . . . .
“God bless you!
“I thank you for your note. Its information is of a kind to make one thoughtful; but the sorrow which I felt was not such as you were disposed to give me credit for.*
“I am sorry Lord Byron is dead, because some harm will arise from his death, and none was to be apprehended while he was living; for all the mischief which he was capable of doing he had done. Had he lived some years longer, he would either have continued in the same course, pandering to the basest passions and proclaiming the most flagitious principles, or he would have seen his errors and sung his palinodia,—perhaps have passed from the extreme of profligacy to some extreme of superstition. In the one case he would have been smothered in his own evil deeds. In the other he might have made some atonement for his offences.
“We shall now hear his praises from all quarters. I dare say he will be held up as a martyr to the cause of liberty, as having sacrificed his life by his exertions in behalf of the Greeks. Upon this score the liberals will beatify him; and even the better part of the public will for some time think it becoming in them to write those evil deeds of his in
* “You will, I do not doubt, consider his death as useful to the world; but do you not feel personal commiseration?”—H. T. to R. S., May 14. 1824. |
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 179 |
“With regard to the thought that he has been cut off in his sins, mine is a charitable creed, and the more charitable it is the likelier it is to be true. God is merciful. Where there are the seeds of repentance in the heart, I doubt not but that they quicken in time for the individual, though it be too late for the world to perceive their growth. And if they be not there, length of days can produce no reformation.
“In return for your news I have nothing to communicate
except what relates to the operations of the desk. I am going to press with the
second volume of the Peninsular
War, after waiting till now in hope of obtaining some Spanish
accounts of the war in Catalonia, which it is now pretty well ascertained are
not to be found in Spain, though how they should have disappeared is altogether
inexplicable, unless the whole account of the books and their author, Francesco di
Olivares, given by a certain John
Mitford, some four or five years ago, in Colburn’s Magazine, is fictitious. I am reviewing Hayley’s Memoirs.
Hayley has been worried as
schoolboys worry a cat. I am treating him as a man deserves to be treated who
was in his time, by popular election, king of the English poets, who was,
moreover, a gentleman and a scholar, and a most kind-hearted and generous man,
in whose life there is something to blame, more to admire, and most of all
“Farewell, my dear Sir; and believe me,
“You deserve to be rated for saying that nothing is so cold as friendship, in saying which you belie yourself, and in inferring it as my opinion from what I said*, you belie me. A friend will not take half the trouble to do you a trifling service, or afford you a slight gratification, that an enemy would to do you a petty mischief, annoy your comfort, or injure your reputation. But this same enemy would not endanger himself for the pleasure of doing you a serious injury, whereas the friend would go through fire and water to render you an essential benefit; and if need were, risk his own life to save yours. Now and then, indeed, there appears a devil-incarnate who seems to find his only gratification in the exercise of
* “I could not but smile at the mode in which you speak of the difficulties of getting 200 subscribers to your brother’s book. Had I said anything half as censoriously true, how you would have rated me! But true it is there is nothing so cold as friendship, nothing so animated as enmity.”—G. C. B. to R. S., May 13. 1824. |
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 181 |
“I am much gratified by what you tell me from Mr. Roberts.* Such opinions tend greatly to strengthen my inclination for setting about a Book of the State; which, though not capable of so deep and passionate an interest, might be made not less useful in its direct tendency. The want of books would be an obstacle, for I am poorly provided with English history, and have very little help within
* “Mr. Roberts is delighted with the Book of the Church, and desires me to say that he never read anything that afforded him so much at once of entertainment, and information, and general instruction upon any subject.”—G. C. B. to R. S., May 13. 1824. |
“I told you my reasons for declining the proposal of
being named one of the Royal Literary Associates.
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 183 |
“God bless you, my dear Lightfoot!
“Your letter is not of a kind to remain unacknowledged, and my time is often less worthily employed than it will be in making a few remarks upon some parts of it.
“You tell me of the prevalence of Atheism and Deism* among those persons with whose opinions you are acquainted. Are those persons, think you, fair representatives of the higher orders, whom you suppose to be inflicted with such opinions in the same proportion? Or are they not mostly young men, smatterers in literature, or literati by profession?
“Where the principles of reasonable religion have not been well inculcated in childhood, and enforced by example at home, I believe that infidelity is generally and perhaps necessarily one step in the progress of an active mind. Very many undoubtedly stop there; but they whose hearts escape the corruption which, most certainly, irreligion has a direct tendency to produce, are led into the right path, sooner or later, by reflection, inquiry, and the instinct of an immortal spirit, which can find no other resting place in its weal, no other consolations in its afflictions. This has been the case in the circle of my
* “In numbering those with whose opinions I am acquainted, I find one-half of them to be Atheists and two-thirds of the remainder Deists: I should not be surprised if this were found to be about the general proportion in the higher orders of society, and infidelity has been brought among the lower orders by political disaffection.”—to R. S., Aug. 1. 1824. |
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 185 |
“According to my estimate of public opinion, there is
much more infidelity in the lower ranks than there ever was before, and less in
the higher classes than at any time since the Restoration. The
indifferentists—those who used to conform without a thought or feeling upon the
subject—are the persons who have diminished in numbers. Considering the
connection of infidelity with disaffection in all its grades, and the alliance
for political purposes between Catholics, Dissenters, and Unbelievers, I think
with you that a
“The progress of my own religious opinions has been slow, but steady. You may probably live to read it; and what is of more consequence—may, without reading it, follow unconsciously the same course, and by God’s blessing rest at last in the same full and entire belief.
“Murray states
that having conversed with Heber and
some other literary friends upon my proposed History of the
Monastic Orders, ‘he now comprehends its probable interest
and popularity,’ and shall be happy to come to ‘closer
quarters upon the subject.’ He says something of future papers
for the Quarterly Review, asking
me to undertake the Pepys’ Memoirs and Sir Thomas
Brown’s Works, and writes requesting a brief sketch of my
monastic plan. I have told him little more than that it may be included in six
octavo volumes, and comprises matter hardly less varied and extensive than
Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman
Empire. If he
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 187 |
“The ‘medical practitioner’ would not have puzzled you if Fortune had permitted us to have been somewhat more together during the last ten years. Yet you have heard from me the name of Doctor Daniel Dove, and something, I think, of the Tristramish, Butlerish plan of his history, which, if the secret be but kept, must, I think, inevitably excite curiosity as well as notice. I have lately taken a pleasant spell at it, and have something more than a volume ready; that is to say, something more than half of what I propose to publish, following it or not with as much more according to its sale and my own inclination. One reason why I wished for you here at this time was to have shown it to you, and to have had your help, for you could have excellently helped me, and I think would have been moved in spirit so to do. If I finish it during the winter, of which there is good hope, I will devise some pretext for going to town, where I must be while it is printed, to avoid the transmission of proofs, by which it would be easy, from calculation of time, to ascertain how far they had travelled, and so of course to discover the author, to whom the printers are to have no clue.
“God bless you!
“My literary employments have never, in the slightest degree, injured my health. For, in truth, I neither am, nor ever have been, a close student. If I do not take sufficient exercise, it is not from any love of the desk, but for the want of a companion or an object to draw me out when the season is uninviting; and yet I overcome the dislike of solitary walking, and every day, unless it be a settled rain, walk long enough, and far, and fast enough, to require the wholesome process of rubbing down on my return. At no time of my life have I applied half so closely to my employment as you always do to yours. They impose upon me no restrictions. There is nothing irksome in them; no anxiety connected with them; they leave me master of my time and of myself; nor do I doubt but they would prove conducive to longevity if my constitution were disposed for it.
“With regard to the prudence of working up ready
materials rather than laying in more, upon whatever I employ myself, I must of
necessity be doing both. The work which I am most desirous of completing is the
History of Portugal, as being that for which most
preparation has been made, and most time bestowed on it, and when the Peninsular War shall be
completed, by God’s blessing, a week shall not elapse before it goes to
the press; for it has
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 189 |
“I am, however, conscious now of a disposition the reverse of Montaigne’s, who loved, he said, rather to forge his mind than to furnish it. Avarice, you know, is the passion of declining years, and avaricious I confess myself to be of the only treasure I have ever coveted or ever shall possess. My temper or turn of mind inclines also to form new projects. But it is one thing to perceive what might be done, and another to dream of doing it. No doubt wherever Mr. Telford is travelling, he cannot help seeing where a line of road ought to be carried, a harbour improved, or a pier carried out. In like manner I see possibilities and capabilities and desirabilities, and I think no more of them. God bless you!
“With regard to my labours in English history, the
plan which I not long ago communicated to you, of sketching it in a Book of the State down to the accession of the reigning
family, and following that by the Age of George the
Third, is all that I dream of accomplishing. The works on which
I ought to employ myself, Grosvenor, are
those for which I have laid in stores, on which a large portion of my previous
studies may be brought to bear, and for which
“I cannot but smile at your grave admonitions* concerning the Doctor, and would give something to have the satisfaction of reading to you the chapters which were written last week. Such a variety of ingredients I think never before entered into any book which had a thread of continuity running through it. I promise you there is as much sense as nonsense there. It is very much like a trifle, where you have whipt cream at the top, sweetmeats below, and a good solid foundation of cake well steeped in ratafia. You will find a liberal expenditure of long hoarded stores, such as the reading of few men could supply; satire and speculation; truths, some of which might beseem the bench or the pulpit, and others that require the sanction of the cap and bells for their introduction. And withal a narrative interspersed with interludes of every kind; yet still continuous upon a plan of its own, varying from grave to gay; and taking as wild and yet as natural a course as one of our mountain streams.
“I am reading Scaliger’s Epistles at this time,
* Mr. Bedford seemed to be under the apprehension that the “Cap find Bells” would be in too great requisition during the composition of the Doctor. “I am too ignorant,” he says, “of Dr. D. D.’s concerns to be able to speak about him, but there is one thing which ought not to be lost sight of, that a joke may be very well received across a table which would be considered the dullest thing in the world in print. The success of Tristram Shandy affords no argument in favour of a second attempt to induce the public to join in making fools of themselves.”—Oct. 7. 1824. |
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 191 |
“God bless you!
“Your ill news had reached me some days ago.*
“There are many things worse than death. Indeed I should think any reasonable person would prefer it to old age, if he did not feel that the prolongation of his life was desirable for the sake of others, whatever it might be for himself. If the event be dreaded, the sooner it is over the better; if it be desired, the sooner it comes; and desired or dreaded it must be. If there were a balloon-diligence to the other world, I think it would always be filled with passengers. You will not suppose from this that I am weary of life, blest with enjoyments as I am, and full of employment. But if it were possible for me (which it is not) to regard myself alone, I would
* Of the dangerous illness of their mutual friend, the Rev. Peter Elmsley. |
“Something upon this topic you will see in my Colloquies. They will go to press as soon as I hear from Westall in what forwardness the engravings are. Murray has announced the second volume of the War for November; it would require the aid of some other devils than those of the printing office to finish it before the spring; and this he knows very well, both the MS. and the proof-sheets passing through his hands. Just one quarter is printed, and I am about a hundred pages ahead of the printers. Of late I have made good progress in forwarding various works, in the hope of clearing my hands and bettering my finances. I cannot get on fast with the Tale of Paraguay because of the stanza, but on with it I am getting, and am half through the third canto,—a fourth brings it to its close. A good deal has been done to the Colloquies; which will gain me much abuse now, and some credit hereafter; and a good deal to the Doctor, which I should very much like to show you. You shall see me insult the public, Mr. Bedford, and you will see that the public wonders who it is that insults them, for I think that I shall not be suspected. . . . .
“God bless you!
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 193 |
“I see by the papers that Mr. Telford recommends paving roads where there is much heavy carriage. In some of the Italian cities the streets are paved in stripes. The wheels run upon two lines of smooth pavement, as over a bowling green, with little sound and no jolting, and the space between, on which the horses go, is common pitching. This is the case at Milan and Como, and, probably, in most other places. Macadamising the streets of London is likely, I think, to prove Quackadamising. But the failure will lead to something better.
“Lord Byron is gibbeted by his friends and admirers. Dr. Stoddart sent me those papers in which he had commented upon these precious conversations. The extracts there and in the Morning Herald are all that I have seen, and they are quite enough. I see, too, that Murray has been obliged to come forward. . . . . I am vindictive enough to wish that he had known how completely he failed of annoying me by any of his attacks. —— should be called Lord B.’s blunderbuss. There is something viler in regrating slander, as he has done, than in originally uttering it.
“If this finds you in town, and you can lay your hand
on the Report on the Salmon Fishery, I should like to have it, as a subject of
some local interest. I am working away steadily, and with good will,
“I have delayed thus long to acknowledge and thank you
for your last consignment of books in the hope of telling you, what I am now at
last enabled to do, that Gifford has
finally given up the Quarterly
Review, and that, after the forthcoming number, it will be under
John Coleridge’s management.
This is a matter which I have had very much at heart, that there might be an
end of that mischievous language concerning your country. I opposed it always
with all my might, and forced in that paper upon Dwight’s Travels; yet in the very next number the old system was renewed.
You may be assured that they have occasioned almost as much disgust here as in
America. So far is it from being the language or the wish of the Government,
that one of the Cabinet ministers complained of it to me as most mischievous,
and most opposite to the course which they were desirous of pursuing. There is
an end of it now, and henceforth that journal will do all in its power towards
establishing that feeling which ought to exist between the two nations. Let
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 195 |
“I know not what the forthcoming number may contain; but I can answer for the Review afterwards. A friend of mine (Hughes, who wrote a pleasant book about the South of France) is preparing a paper upon your literature; and Buckminster’s sermons are reprinting at my suggestion.
“Now, then, let me thank you for Philip’s War, so long desired; for
G. Fox, digged out of his burrows, and
their companions. These Quaker books are very curious; it is out of such
rubbish that I have to pick out the whole materials for my intended edifice,
and good materials they are when they are found. Before this reaches you I
shall have finished the Tale of
Paraguay, which has hung like a millstone about my neck, owing to
the difficulty which the stanza occasioned. As soon as I am rid of it I shall
take up the New England poem
as a regular employment, and work on with it steadily to the end. A third part
is done; I am not making a hero of Philip, as it now seems the fashion to represent him. In my story
the question between the settlers and the natives is very fairly represented,
without any disposition either to favour the cause of savage life against
civilisation, or to dissemble the injuries which trading colonists (as well as
military ones) have always committed upon people in an inferior grade of
society to themselves. Better characters than the history affords me, or, to
speak more accurately, characters more capable of serving
“My niece desires me to thank you for the sweet story of Undine, which is surely the most graceful fiction of modern times. Some other pieces of the same author have been translated here, all bearing marks of the same originality and genius.
“I had made a half promise of going to Ireland, to visit one of the best and ablest persons there, the Bishop of Limerick. But it is not likely that the intention can be fulfilled. An Irishman, well informed of the state of things there, writes to me in these words, ‘Pray don’t think of going to Ireland. I would not insure any man’s life for three months in that unhappy country. The populace are ready for a rebellion; and if their leaders should for their own purpose choose to have one, they may have to-morrow a second edition of the Irish massacre.’
“Wordsworth was
with me lately, in good health, and talked of you. His brother, the Master of Trinity, has just
published a volume concerning
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 197 |
“Remember me to all my Boston friends; it is a pleasure to think I have so many there. The only American whom I have seen this year is Bishop Hobart of New York. God bless you!
A most atrocious attack
having appeared about this time upon my father in the Morning Chronicle, he took counsel with some legal friends as to the expediency
of prosecuting that paper for a libel. “You will see Turner,” he writes at the time to Mr. John Coleridge, “though he recommends a course which I shall
not follow,—that of proceeding by information, and involving myself in expense and
trouble, for the purpose of giving a solemn denial to charges which most certainly are
not believed by the miscreant himself who made them. He wishes to avoid any appearance
of an attack on my part upon the press and the Morning
Chronicle; whereas it appears to me, that if I have an opportunity of
“Should it appear as clear in law as it is in equity that it is a foul and infamous libel, which any judge and any jury must pronounce such, then certainly I would bring an action for damages against the Morning Chronicle, without caring who the author may be, that paper having not only inserted it, but called attention to it in its leading paragraph. The rest may be thrown overboard. Let them revile me as an author and a politician till their hearts ache. Their obloquy serves only to show that my opinions have an influence in society which they know and feel. And if it gives me any feeling, it is that of satisfaction at seeing to what base and unmanly practices they are obliged to descend. But this goes beyond all bounds of political and even personal animosity; there can be no villany of which a man would not be capable, who is capable of bringing forward such charges upon such grounds. True it is that my character needs no vindication, and I would not lift a finger to vindicate it, but if I have a villain by the throat, I would deliver him over to justice. Nevertheless, if you and Turner agree in opinion that I had better let the matter alone, I shall with-
* He conceived this to have been founded “literally upon an extract from a Roman Catholic Book of Devotions to the Virgin Mary, in the first volume of the Omniana.” |
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 199 |
The advice of these friends being that he should not adopt legal proceedings, he patiently acquiesced. A private remonstrance was, however, carried to the Editor by Allan Cunningham, who was well acquainted with him, and who showed him an anonymous letter my father had received from the writer of the published attack, which was couched in terms of the most horrible and disgusting kind. The editor affected to recognise “the hand of a young nobleman;” to which Allan Cunningham replied, “that he would sooner have cut his hand off than have written such a letter;” and to the excuse that Mr. Southey had “insulted the Scotch and the Dissenters,” he rejoined, “that had this been the case, he, who was a Scotchman and a Presbyterian, would never have been his friend.” The attack was also promptly replied to by his friend Mr. Henry Taylor, whom he thanks in the following letter for his friendly interposition.
“I thank you for both your letters,—the one in
writing, and the one in print. As laws, judges, and
“But I thank you heartily for what you have done. The letter is what it should be,—manly, scornful, and sincere. I am very glad to have such a friend, and not sorry to have such enemies. They can only stab at my character, which they may do till they are tired without inflicting a scratch. The only mournful thing is to think that the newspapers should be in the hands of men who not only admit such infamous slanders, but lend their active aid to support them.
“The last review not having reached me, I have not
seen your father’s paper upon Banks. In that upon Landor, I liked every thing that had no
reference to him, and nothing that had. The general
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 201 |
“My letter to the Courier* was in all its parts fully justified by the occasion which called it forth. I am never in the habit of diluting my ink. The sort of outcry against it is in the spirit of these liberal times. The gentlemen of the press assert and exercise the most unlimited licence in their attacks, and allow no liberty of defence.
“I shall publish a vindication of the Book of the Church, in reply to Mr. Butler, with proofs and illustrations. In this I shall treat him with the respect and courtesy which he so well deserves, but I will open a battery upon the walls of Babylon. Think of the Acta Sanctorum,—more than fifty ten-pounders brought to bear in breach.
“God bless you!
“There is certainly a most pernicious set of opinions mixed up both with the Bible and Missionary
* Concerning Lord Byron. |
“Bishop Law (the present bishop’s father) advances an opinion that the true nature of revealed religion is gradually disclosed as men become capable of receiving it, generations as they advance in knowledge and civilisation outgrowing the errors of their forefathers; so that in fulness of time there will remain neither doubt nor difficulties. He was a great speculator; whether, like one of his sons, he speculated too far, I do not know, but in this opinion I think he is borne out by history. Providence condescends to the slowness of Christian understandings, as it did to the hardness of Jewish hearts. All these societies proceed upon a full belief in the damnation of the heathen: what their future state may be is known as little as we do concerning our own, but this we know in both cases, that it must be consistent with the goodness of our Father who is in heaven. . . . . Yet you could get no missionaries to go abroad unless they held this tenet. The Socinians, you see, send none, neither do the Quakers.
“The Quarterly
Review has been overlaid with statistics, as it was once with Greek
criticism. It is the disease of the age—the way in which verbose
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 203 |
“Do not over-work yourself, nor sit up too late, and never continue at any one mental employment after you are tired of it. Take this advice from one who has attained to great self-management in this respect.
“God bless you!
“Smedley’s poems are very clever; but he seems quite insensible to the good which is connected with and resulting from this mixture of weakness, enthusiasm, and sectarian zeal. It does nothing but good abroad, and that good would not be done without it. The Bible Society has quadrupled the subscribers to the Bartletts Buildings’ one, and given it a new impulse. I hate cant and hypocrisy, and am apt to suspect them wherever there is much profession of godliness; but, on the other hand, I do not like men to be callous to the best interests of their fellow-creatures.”
“It is a very old remark that one sin draws on another; and as an illustration of it, I believe one reason why you have not had a letter from me for so long a time is that my Autobiography has been standing still. This is the first symptom of amendment, and in pursuance of it when this letter is despatched I propose to begin the 17th of the Series.
“Thus much has been left undone, and now for what I have been doing. You may have learnt from John Coleridge that I sat to work for him as soon as he was installed into his new office*, and sent him a paper upon the Church Missionary Society, and a few pages upon Mrs. Baillie’s Letters from Lisbon.
“You must have heard of Mr. Butler’s attack upon the Book of the Church. My uncle says of it—his contradicting you and saying that you had misstated facts may have the same answer as Warburton gave to one of his antagonists: ‘it may be so for all he knows of the matter.’ The Bishop of London wrote to ask if I intended to answer it, for if I did not they must look about for some person who would, ‘as it had imposed upon some persons who ought to have known better, and he hoped I should demolish what he called his flimsy structure of misstatements and sophistry.’ Upon my replying that
* As successor to Gifford in the editorship of the Quarterly Review. |
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 205 |
“Last week I spent at Rydal with Wordsworth, going thither partly in the hope
that change of air might rid me of a cough, which, though apparently slight,
has continued upon me long enough to show that it is deep seated. It was left
behind some two months ago by an endemic cold that attacked the throat in a
peculiar manner. I am better for the change. But it will be necessary for me to
take a journey as soon as the summer begins, in the hope of escaping that
annual attack which now regularly settles in the chest. I meant to have visited
Ireland, but this I must give up on Edith’s account, for I was strongly advised not to go by
a man in power, who knew the country well, and said he would not insure any
man’s life there for three months; and this, with a sort of cut-throat
anonymous letter from an Irishman (the same that made that infamous attack upon me in the Chronicle) abusing me as an Orange
Boy in the foulest and most ferocious terms, has made her believe that I should
be in danger there: and of course I should not think it right to
“God bless you, my dear Friend!
“I am induced to write to you by a letter which I have this day received from G. Peachey. In answer to the request which he communicates, though I am little behind you in the vale of years, and likely, perhaps, to reach the end of our mortal journey by a shorter road, yet, should I prove the survivor, any wish which you may please to signify, I will faithfully, and to the best of my power, discharge. There are three contemporaries, the influence of whose poetry on my own I can distinctly trace. Sayers, yourself, and Walter Landor. I owe you something, therefore, on the score of gratitude.
“But to a pleasanter subject. Peachey tells me that you had begun to print
some observations upon Mr.
Butler’s book, but that you have suppressed them upon hearing that I was
engaged in answering it. I am sorry for this, because the more answers
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 207 |
“Dr. Phillpotts* is answering the theological part of Butler’s book.† My business, of course, must be,
* Now Bishop of Exeter. † Dr. Philpott’s had thus courteously communicated his intention to my father:— “Stanhope, Durham, Feb. 28. 1825. “My dear Sir, “I know not whether it may interest you to be informed that (feeling as I do the absolute necessity of some detailed confutation of Mr. Butler’s statement of the doctrines of his Church, contained in the Letter X. of his book, especially when so many various misstatements of those doctrines are continually made by other writers and speakers,) I have resolved speedily to undertake that work; indeed, I am at present as busy with it as infirm health will permit. Mr. Butler’s book did not fall in my way until these three or four weeks. |
“Now then for my summer movements. Do not think me actuated by mere fickleness, if I propose crossing the Channel instead of the Severn, and drinking Rhenish wine instead of Welsh ale. I want to see Holland, which is a place of man’s making,
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 209 |
“I had heard of . . . as an American by birth, a man of great talents and unhappy opinions, which, from him, had spread widely among his contemporaries at Cambridge. Jeremy Bentham is now to such young men what Godwin was two or three and thirty years ago; for those who pride themselves most upon thinking for themselves, are just as prone as others jurare in verba magistri, only it must be a magister of their own choosing.
“I never made a speech since I was a schoolboy, and am
very certain that I never had any talent for speaking. Had I gone to the bar,
my intent was to
“So you do not like Hayley. I was born during his reign, and owe him something for having first made me acquainted by name with those Spanish writers of whom I afterwards knew much more than he did. Compare him with ordinary country gentlemen, and see what he gains by his love of literary pursuits. Compare him with the general run of literary men, and see to what advantage his unenvious and liberal spirit appears.
“My Vindication is in the press. It contains a fuller account of
Bede than can be found elsewhere; and I
shall introduce in it lives of St.
Francis and of good John
Fox, whom the Papists hate worse than
Ætat. 50. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 211 |
“You do not expect enough from Holland. It is a marvellous country in itself, in its history, and in the men and works which it has produced. The very existence of the country is at once a natural and a moral phenomenon. Mountaineer as I am, I expect to feel more in Holland than in Switzerland. Instead of climbing mountains, we shall have to ascend church towers. The panorama from that at Harlaem is said to be one of the most impressive in the world. Evening is the time for seeing it to most advantage.
“I have not yet forgotten the interest which Watson’s Histories of Philip II. and III. excited in me when a school-boy. They
are books which I have never looked into since; but I have read largely
concerning the Dutch war against the Spaniards, on both sides, and there is no
part of Europe which could be so interesting to me as historical ground.
Perhaps my pursuits may have made me more alive than most men to associations
of this kind; but I would go far to see the scene of any event which has made
my heart throb with a generous emotion, or the grave of
“My translatress, Katharina Wilhelmina Bilderdijk, is old enough to be your mother. She dedicates her translation to me in a very affecting poem, touching upon the death of her son, whom she lost at sea, and in what manner, before she knew his death, she had applied certain passages in Roderick to herself. . . . .
“God bless you!
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