Ætat. 35. | Ætat. 35. | 201 |
In the following letter my father refers to one he had lately received from Miss Seward, partly on the subject of Hayley’s edition of Cowper’s Milton. The reader will probably, therefore, not be displeased to see it prefaced by the quotation of her remarks.
“To Mr. Hayley’s
quarto, which he calls Cowper’s
Milton, I six years past subscribed, and have sedulously perused my copy.
Far from proving what its editor expects,—the consummation of Milton’s and
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 203 |
“Hayley is quite insane upon the subject of imputed similitude between Milton and Cowper as poets and men. He broaches it again and again, to the perfect nausea of all who can understand the writings of either, or who ever made a remark on their characters and destiny. To such it must be evident that only one point of similitude exists,—that the best works of each are in blank verse. Between the Paradise Lost and the Task there is no other shadow of resemblance. The subject of the first, grave, dignified, regular, unbroken, and genuinely epic; that of the other, originally light and comic. Meantime, the poet floats through the pages of his desultory song, without rudder, without compass or anchor; yet he makes a varied and very interesting voyage, pleasing even to the most learned reader, and far more pleasing to the generality of readers than poetry of a higher order, because it presents objects familiar to their observation, and level with their capacity, and in numbers suited to the theme; sufficiently spirited and harmonious, but bearing no likeness to Milton’s rich maze of alternately grand and delicate verse.”
It appears that Mr. Bedford had
been urged by Gifford to review this book, which he
objected to do
“You make a confession respecting Milton which nine hundred and ninety-nine
persons out of the thousand would make if they were honest enough; for his main
excellencies are like M. Angelo’s,
only to be thoroughly appreciated by an artist. This, however, by no means
incapacitates you from reviewing Hayley’s book, in which your business lies with Cowper and with his biographer, one of whose
works (his Animal Ballads)
I once reviewed by quoting from O’Keefe’s song,—Hayley, gaily, gamboraily, higgledy,
pigglegy, galloping, draggle-tail, dreary dun. Hayley, as
Miss Seward has just remarked to me
in a letter, is perfectly insane upon the subject of
Cowper’s resemblance to
Milton; there is no other resemblance between them
than that both wrote in blank verse—but blank verse as different as
possible. You may compare Cowper’s translations
(which, I suppose are very bad, as many of his lesser pieces are, and as
Miss Seward tells me) with Langhorne’s; and you may estimate
Cowper himself as a poet, as a man of intellect, and
as a translator of Homer, showing that he
is not over-valued; but
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 205 |
“Ah, Grosvenor! the very way in which you, admire that passage in Kehama* convinces me that it ought not to be there. Did I not tell you it was clap-trappish? you are clapping as hard as you can to prove the truth of my opinion. That it grew there naturally is certain, but does it suit with the poem? is it of a piece or colour with the whole? Is not the poet speaking in himself, whereas the whole character of the poem requires that he should be out of himself! I know very well that three parts of the public will agree with you in calling it the best thing in the poem; but my poem ought to have no things which do not necessarily belong to it. There will be a great deal to do to it, and a good deal is already done in the preceding parts.
“I have long expected a schism between the Grenvilles and the Foxites. Jeffrey has been trying to unite the Opposition and the Jacobins, as they are called. He hurts the Opposition, and he wrongs the Jacobins; he hurts the former by associating them with a name that is still unpopular, and he wrongs the friends of liberty by supposing that they are not the deadliest enemies of Bonaparte. Walter Scott,
* See Curse of Kehama, Canto x. verse 20. commencing—
“I have had a grievous cold, which has prevented me from rising as soon as it is light, and thereby, for awhile, stopped Kehama. This evening I have corrected the fourth sheet of Brazil; the volume will be ready in the spring. I am now busy in filling up some skeleton chapters in the middle of the volume. This will be as true a history, and as industriously and painfully made, as ever yet appeared; yet I cannot say that I expect much present approbation for it. It is deficient in fine circumstances; and as for what is called fine writing, the public will get none of that article from me; sound sense, sound philosophy, and sound English I will give them.
“I was beginning to wonder what was become of Wynn. Can you procure for me a copy of the
report of the Court of Inquiry, or will you ask Rickman if he can? I do not write to him till the
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 207 |
“I have corrected five sheets of the Brazil; and am now hard at work in
transcribing, and filling up skeleton chapters; that in particular which
contains everything concerning my friends the Tupinambas that has not
inadvertently been said before. I wish you were here to hear it, as it gets on.
There is a great pleasure in reading these things to any one who takes an
interest in them,—and like our toast at breakfast, they seem the better
for coming in fresh and fresh. I made an important discovery relative to
De Lery—one of my best printed
authorities,—this morning. This author, who though a Frenchman, was a
very faithful writer, translated his own French into Latin, and I used the
Latin edition in De Boy’s
collection,—you remember the book with those hideous prints of the
savages at their cannibal feasts;—William
Taylor laid hands on the French book, and sent it me; it arrived
last Thursday only; and I, in transcribing with my usual scrupulous accuracy,
constantly referred to this original, because I
“What you said about transports I repeated to Bedford: he made inquiry, and understood the
objection came from the navy captains, who did not like
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 209 |
“Things in Spain look well. Bonaparte’s bulletins prove beyond all doubt that every heart is against him, and his threat of taking the crown himself is the perfect frenzy of anger. Sir John Moore’s movements backward and forwards, have been mere moves at chess to gain time, and wait for a blunder on the part of the adversary,—so Bedford tells me; and his intelligence is good, coming from Herries, who is Perceval’s secretary, and Gifford, who is in Canning’s confidence. Moore is a very able man, and is acting with a boldness which gives everybody confidence that knows him. He will beat twice his own number of Frenchmen; and I do not think greater odds can be brought against him. It looks well, that in this fresh embarkation, the officers are desired not to take more baggage than they can carry themselves. At him, Trojan! We shall beat him, Tom, upon Spanish ground. Let but our men fairly see the faces of the French in battle, and they will soon see their backs too.
“The Grenvilles and Foxites are
likely to separate upon the question of peace. Canning hankers after the Grenvilles, and
would do much to bring them in
“We want a Nelson in
the army. Poor Sir John Moore was too
cautious a man. He waited in distrust of the Spaniards, to see what course the
war would take, instead of being on the spot, to make it take the course he
wished. When Hope was at the passes of the
Guadarrama mountain, he and the rest of the army should have been at
Samosierra, the other key to Madrid. There would have been reinforcements sent,
if he had not positively written to have empty transports; and the men were,
therefore, disembarked. Had there been twenty thousand fresh troops at Corunna,
to have met the French, what a victory should we have obtained; when even with
the wreck of an army, foot-sore, broken-hearted, and half starved, we defeated
them so completely at the last! One thing results from this action,—the
fear of invasion must be at rest for ever. We can beat the French under every
possible disadvantage, and
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 211 |
“Ministers are jarring with each other. It is Canning who stands up for Spain; and I learn from Walter Scott, that they will stand by the Spaniards to the last, cost what it may. But they paralyse one another, and the rest of the Cabinet—by meeting him half way, doing half what he proposes—utterly undoes everything. Still if we had a few such men as Cochrane in the army—men who would have the same faith in British bottom by land as we have at sea; that faith would redeem us. To be upon the defensive in the field is ruin. Men never can win a battle unless they are determined to win it, and expect to win it; and that cannot be the case when they wait to be attacked. 100,000 men in Spain would overthrow and destroy Bonaparte; but we send them in batches to be cut up. We squander the strength of the country, we waste the blood of the country, we sacrifice the honour of the country, and bring upon ourselves a disgrace, which Bonaparte, were he ten times more powerful than he is, could never inflict upon us, were there but true wisdom and right courage in our rulers.
“But though Bonaparte may take the country, he cannot keep it. He would not have done what he has, if the Spaniards had proclaimed a republic; for which, you may remember, I pointed out the peculiar fitness which their separate states afforded.
“The new review is to be called the Quarterly, and will, I suppose soon start. I
fancy W. Scott has
“Holding that my face will ‘carry off a drab,’ I have a new coat of that complexion just come home from Johnny Cockbains, the king of the tailors.
“God bless you!
“Yesterday I received your note enclosing the specimen of your poems. I have perused that specimen, but my advice cannot be comprised in a few words.
“A literary, as well as a medical opinion, Mr. Elliott, must needs be blindly given,
unless the age and circumstances of the person who requires it are known. When
I advised Henry White to publish a
second volume of poems, it was because he had fixed his heart upon a University
education, and this seemed to be a feasible method of raising funds for that
end; his particular circumstances rendering that prudent which would otherwise
have been very much the reverse. For poetry is not a marketable article unless
there be something strange or
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 213 |
“You are probably a young man, Sir, and it is plain from this specimen that you possess more than one of those powers which form the poet, and those in a far more than ordinary degree. Whether your plans of life are such as to promise leisure for that attention (almost it might be said that devotement), without which no man can ever become a great poet, you yourself must know. If they should, you will in a very few years have outgrown this poem, and would then be sorry to see it in print, irrecoverably given to the public, because you would feel it to be an inadequate proof of your own talents. If, on the other hand, you consider poetry as merely an amusement or an ornament of youth, to be laid aside in riper years for the ordinary pursuits of the world, with still less indulgence will you then regard the printed volume, for you will reckon it among the follies of which you are ashamed. In either case it is best not to publish.
“It is far, very far from my wish to discourage or
depress you. There is great promise in this specimen; it has all the faults
which I should wish to see in the writings of a young poet, as the surest
indications that he has that in him which will enable him
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 215 |
“The sum of my advice is—do not publish this poem; but if you can without grievous imprudence afford to write poetry, continue so to do, because, hereafter, you will write it well. As yet you have only green fruit to offer; wait a season, and there will be a fair and full gathering when it is ripe.
“You have a bill coming before Parliament. The
Speaker’s secretary happens to be one of my very intimate friends, and
one of the men in the world for whom I have the highest respect. It may be some
convenience to you on this occasion to know him, because he can give you every
necessary information respecting Parliamentary business, and thus, perhaps,
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 217 |
“I should not have written just now, had it not been to mention Rickman; thinking that you may find it useful to know him; for I wished when writing to tell you of Kehama; a good many interruptions have occurred to delay my progress, indispositions of my own, or of the children,—the latter the only things concerning which I am anxious over much. At present my wife i seriously ill, and when I shall be sufficiently at rest to do anything—God knows. Another heat will finish the poem.
“Coleridge’s essay* is expected to start in March.
“My uncle, Mr. Hill, is settled at his parsonage, at Staunton-upon-Wye,—in that savage part of the world to which your cedar plantation will give new beauty, and your name new interest when those cedars shall have given place to their offspring: it is probable that you have no other neighbour so well informed within the same distance. Next year, God willing, I shall travel to the South, and halt with him; it is likely I may then find you out, either at Llantony or somewhere in the course of a wide circuit. Meantime I will still hope that some fair breeze of inclination may send you here to talk about Spain, to plan a great poem, and to cruise with me about Derwentwater. God bless you!
* The Friend. |
“How shall I thank you for the pleasure and delight of your excellent and pretty letter, enclosing the half quarter of my poor mutilated pension? That pension makes me disposed to swear every time it comes.
“I have been busy in using borrowed books, which were
to be returned with great speed, and which were like woodcocks, all trail. They
cost me three weeks’ incessant application,—that is, all the
application I could command. I waited to begin a new article for the Quarterly till the first number was
published; and as that is so near at hand, will begin to-morrow. But if
Gifford likes my pattern-work, he
should send me more cloth to cut; he should send me Travels, which I review
better than anything else. I am impatient to see the first number. Young lady
never felt more desirous to see herself in a new ball-dress, than I do to see
my own performance in print, often as that gratification falls to my lot. The
reason is, that in the multiplicity of my employments, I forget the form and
manner of everything as soon as it is out of sight, and they come to me like
pleasant recollections of what I wish to remember. Besides, the thing looks
differently in print. In short, Mr.
Bedford, there are a great many philosophical reasons for this
fancy of mine, and one of the best of all reasons is, that I hold it good to
make everything a pleasure which it is possible to make so. And these sort of
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 219 |
“God bless you! In a few days I will create leisure for another number of Kehama. I have not written a line of it these last two months: first, I was indisposed myself; then the children were; lastly, my wife. Anxiety unfits me for anything that requires feeling as well as thought. I can labour, I can think,—thought and labour will not produce poetry.
“. . . . . What is your Lisbon news? Notwithstanding
the Duke of York and Mrs. Clarke, I think of those countries; and
notwithstanding the disasters which our gross misconduct could not fail to
bring on, my confidence in the ultimate success of a good cause remains
undiminished. I could have wished, indeed, that the work of reformation, which
Joseph Bonaparte is beginning, had been
begun by the junta; that they had called the principle of liberty as well as of
loyalty to their aid, and made freedom their watchword as well as the
Virgin Mary, for she may
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 221 |
“Have you seen William Taylor’s Defence of the Slave Trade in Bolinbroke’s Voyage to the Demerary? It is truly William Taylorish; thoroughly ingenious, as usual, but not ingenuous; he weakens the effect of his own arguments by keeping the weak side of his cause altogether out of sight. In defending the slave trade, as respects the duty of man towards man, he has utterly failed; he has succeeded in what you and I shall think of more consequence,—in showing what the probable end is for which wise Providence has so long permitted the existence of so great an evil. . . . .
“Your letter, and its enclosed draft, reached me this
afternoon. I have to acknowledge the one, and thank you for the other. It
gratifies me that you approve my defence of the missionaries, because I am desirous of such
approbation; and it will gratify me if it should be generally approved, because
I wrote from a deep and strong conviction of the importance of the subject.
With respect to any alterations in this or any future communication, I am
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 223 |
“Yesterday I returned from a visit to Henry and his bride. . . . . He lives in a street called by the unaccountable
name of Old Elvet. A lucky opening on the opposite side of the way leaves him a
good view of the cathedral on the hill, and the river is within a stone’s
throw of his back-door. Durham stands upon a peninsula,—that is to say,
the main part of it,—a high bank, on which is the cathedral, and the
castle, and the best houses; and there are delightful walks below, such as no
other city can boast, through fine old trees on the river’s bank, from
whence you look to the noble building on the opposite side, and see one bridge
through the other. Harry is well off there, getting rapidly into practice, and
living among all sorts of people,—prebends and Roman Catholics, fox-
hunters and old women, with all of whom he seems to accord equally well. . . .
It is a place where any person might live contentedly. Among all these thousand
and one
“On Monday last, after a week’s visit, I took
coach where I had appointed, to pass a day with James Losh, whom you know I have always
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 225 |
“I found all well at home, God be praised! Your letter
was waiting for me, and one from Gifford, containing 16l. 8s. for my article
in the second Quarterly, with quant. suff. of praise, which I put down to the account
of due desert. He has a reviewal of Holmes’s American Annals in his hands for the third number. I am about the
Polynesian Mission, and am to have Lord
Valencia’s Travels as soon as they appear. He requested me to choose any
subjects I pleased. I have named Barlow’s Columbiad, Elton’s
Hesiod, and Whitaker’s Life of St. Neots; and I have solicited the
office of justifying Frere against
Sir John Moore’s friends. . .
. . Send for Words-
“God bless you!
“I am sorry for your loss,—a heavy one under any circumstances, and particularly so to one who, being single at your time of life, will now feel more entirely what it is to have no person who intimately loves him. It is not in the order of nature that there should ever be a void in the heart of man,—the old leaves should not fall from the tree till the young ones are expanding to supply their place.
“I have now three girls living, and as delightful a playfellow in the shape of a boy as ever man was blest with. Very often, when I look at them, I think what a fit thing it would be that Malthus should be hanged.
“You may have known that I have some dealings, in the way of trade, with your bookseller, Murray. One article of mine is in his first Quarterly, and he has bespoken more. Whenever I shall have the satisfaction of seeing you once more under this roof, it will amuse you to see how dextrously Gifford
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 227 |
“I am glad you have been interested by the Cid; it is certainly the most
curious chronicle in existence. In the course of the summer,—I hope early
in it,—you will see the first volume of my History of Brazil, of which nine-and-twenty
sheets are printed. This book has cost me infinite labour. The Cid was an easy task; of that no other copy was made than what
went to the press; of this every part has been twice written, many parts three
times, and all with my own hand. For this I expect to get a sufficient quantity
of abuse, and little else; money is only to be got by such productions as are
worth nothing more than what they fetch per sheet. I could get my thousand
a-year, if I would but do my best en-
“God bless you!
“I shall send three sections of Kehama to meet you in London; three more
will complete it, and would have so done before this time had all things been
going on well with me. I had a daughter
born on the 27th last month; a few days after the birth her mother was taken
ill, and for some time there was cause of serious alarm. This, God be thanked,
is over. The night before last we had another alarm of the worst kind, though
happily this also is passing away. My little boy went to bed with some slight indications of a trifling
cold. His mother went up as usual to look at him before supper; she thought he
coughed in a strange manner, called me, and I instantly recognised the sound of
the croup. We have a good apothecary within three minutes’ walk, and
luckily he was at home. He immediately confirmed our fears. The child was taken
out of bed and bled in the jugular vein, a blister placed on the throat next
morning, and by these vigorous and timely remedies we hope and trust the
disease is subdued. But what a twelve hours did we pass, knowing the nature of
the disease, and only hoping
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 229 |
“Landor, I am not a stoic at home: I feel as you do about the fall of an old tree; but, O Christ! what a pang it is to look upon the young shoot and think it will be cut down. And this is the thought which almost at all times haunts me; it comes upon me In moments when I know not whether the tears that start are of love or of bitterness. There is an evil, too. In seeing all things like a poet; circumstances which would glide over a healthier mind sink into mine; every thing comes to me with its whole force,—the full meaning of a look, a gesture, a child’s imperfect speech, I can perceive, and cannot help perceiving; and thus am I made to remember what I would give the world to forget.
“Enough, and too much of this. The leaven of anxiety is working in my whole system; I will try to quiet it by forcing myself to some other subject.
“What prevented Gebir from being read by the foolish? I
believe the main reason was, that it is too hard for them; more than that, it
was too good. That they should understand its merits was not to be expected;
but they did not find meaning enough upon the surface to make them fancy they
understood it. Why should you not write a poem as good, and more intelligible,
and display the same powers upon a happier subject? Yet certain it is, that
Gebir excited far more attention than you seem to
be aware of. Two manifest imitations have appeared—
“I once passed an evening with Professor Young at Davy’s. The conversation was wholly scientific, and of
course I was a listener. But I have heard the history of Thomas
Young, as he is still called by those who knew him when he was a
Quaker; and
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 231 |
“God bless you!
“It would not be easy to tell you all I have suffered
since Tuesday night, when Herbert was
seized with the croup. God be praised! the disease seems to be subdued; but he
is still in a state to make us very anxious: pale with loss of blood, his neck
blistered, and fevered by the fretfulness the blister occasions. The poor child
has been so used to have me for his play-fellow, that he will have me for his
nurse, and you may imagine with what feelings I
“Almost the only wish I ever give utterance to is, that the next hundred years were over. It is not that the uses of this world seem to me weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable,—God knows far otherwise! No man can be better contented with his lot. My paths are paths of pleasantness. I am living happily, and to the best of my belief fulfilling, as far as I am able, the purposes for which I was created. Still the instability of human happiness is ever before my eyes; I long for the certain and the permanent; and, perhaps, my happiest moments are those when I am looking on to another state of being, in which there shall be no other change than that of progressing in knowledge, and thereby in power and enjoyment.
“I have suffered some sorrow in my time, and expect to suffer much more; but looking into my own heart, I do not believe that a single pang could have been spared. My Herbert says to me, ‘O you are very naughty,’ when I hold his hands while his neck is dressed. I have as deep a conviction that whatever affliction I have ever endured, or yet have to endure, is dispensed to me in mercy and in love, as he will have for my motives for inflicting pain upon him now—if it should please God that he should ever live to understand them.
“It is three months before the third Quarterly will appear, and by that
time present topics will have become stale; but I wish you would let Gifford know, that if the subject is not out
of time, and it be thought fit to notice it, I will right zealously and
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 233 |
“My last letter told you of Herbert’s danger, and his recovery. You
will be a little shocked at the intelligence in this. We lost Emma yesterday night. Five days ago she was in
finer health than we had ever seen her, and I repeatedly remarked it. For a day
or two she had been ailing; on Saturday night breathed shortly, and was
evidently ill. Edmondson repeatedly saw her, thought her
better at ten o’clock, and assured us he saw no danger. In half an hour
she literally fell asleep without a struggle. Edith is as well as should be expected, and I, perhaps, better.
You know how I take tooth-ache and tooth drawings, and I have almost learnt to
bear moral pain, not, indeed, with the same levity, but with as few outward and
visible signs. In fact, God be thanked for it, there never was a man who had
more entirely set his heart upon things permanent and eternal than I have done;
the transitoriness of everything here is always present to my feeling as well
as my understanding. Were I to speak as sincerely of my family as Wordsworth’s little girl, my story—that I have five
children; three of them at home, and two under
“Ballantyne has just sent me a present of Campbell’s new poem, and enclosed the last Edinburgh Review in the parcel. They have taken occasion there, under cover of a methodist’s book, to attempt an answer to my Missionary Defence. I hear from all quarters that this article of mine has excited much notice, and produced considerable effect. I had the great advantage of being in earnest, as well as thoroughly understanding the subject. The Edinburgh reviewer knew nothing of Hindoo history except what newspapers and pamphlets had taught him. . . . No wonder, therefore, that I should have the upper hand of such a man in the argument.
“Campbell’s poem has disappointed his friends, Ballantyne tells me. It is, however, better than I expected, except in story, which is meagre. This gentleman, also, who is one of Wordsworth’s abusers, has been nibbling at imitation, and palpably borrowed from the two poems of Ruth and The Brothers. ’Tis amusing envy! to see how the race of borrowers upon all occasions abuse us who do not borrow. The main topic against me is, that I do not imitate Virgil in my story. Pope in my language, &c. &c.
“Scott is still
detained in London, and this will prevent me from going with him to Edinburgh.
Indeed, if engagements had not existed, I could not
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 235 |
“My History gets on; the proof before me reaches to page 336.: I look at it with great pleasure. Whether I may live to complete the series of works which I have projected, and, in good part, executed, God only knows; be that as it may, in what is done I shall, to the best of my power, have on all occasions enforced good opinions upon those subjects which are of most importance to mankind.
“God bless you! It is long since I have heard from
you; what can you be cruising after? Things
In the preceding letter my father refers to an intention of accompanying Sir Walter Scott to Edinburgh; which could not be carried into effect, owing to the latter having been detained in London. While there, with characteristic friendliness, he had been using his influence in my father’s behalf with his friends connected with the Government, and he now thus communicates to him his expectations of success, expressing his hope that they would still be able to travel in company to Scotland.
“I have much to say to you about the Quarterly Review, Rhadamanthus*, &c. I do not apprehend that there is any great risk of our politics differing when there are so many strings in unison, but it may doubtless happen. Meanwhile, every one is grateful for your curious and invaluable article: and this leads me to a subject which I would rather have spoken than written upon, but the doubt of seeing you obliges me to touch upon it. George Ellis and I have both seen a strong desire in Mr. Canning to be of service to you in any way within his power that could be pointed out, and this without any reference to political opinions. An official situation in his own department was vacant, and, I believe, still is so; but it occurred to George
* This refers to a scheme of my father’s (which Ballantyne was at one time anxious to engage in) for a Review “to exclude all contemporary publications, and to select its subjects from all others.” The plan, however, was never matured. |
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 237 |
My father’s reply was as follows:—
* London, June 14. 1809. |
“My friends leave Bristol on Monday next, on their way hither; you thus perceive how impossible it is that I can now accompany you to Edinburgh, as I should else willingly have done.
“The latter part of your letter requires a
confidential answer. I once wished to reside in Portugal, because the great
object of my literary life related to that country: I loved the country, and
had then an uncle settled there. Before Fox came into power this was told him by Charles Wynn, and, when he was in power, he was
asked by Wynn to send me there. It so happened that
John Allen wanted something which
was in Lord Grenville’s gift, and
this was given him on condition that Fox, in return,
provided for me. There were two things in Portugal which I could hold—the
consulship, or the secretaryship of legation. The former was twice given away,
but that Fox said was too good a thing for me; the latter
he promised if an opportunity occurred of promoting Lord Strangford, and that never took place. Grey was reminded of his predecessor’s
engagement, and expressed no disinclination to fulfil it. The party got turned
out; and one of the last things Lord Grenville did was to
give me a pension of 200l. Till that time, I had
received one of 160l. from Charles W.
Wynn, my oldest surviving friend. The exchange leaves me
something the poorer, as
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 239 |
“You will see by this that I would willingly be
served, but it is not easy to serve me. Lisbon is too insecure a place to
remove to with a family, and nothing could repay me for going without them. I
have neither the habits nor talents for an official situation; nor, if I had,
could I live in London,—that is, I should soon die there. I have said to
Wynn that one thing would make me at
ease for life,—create for me the title of Royal Historiographer for
England (there is one for Scotland), with a salary of 400l.: the reduction would leave a net income of 278l.; with that I should be sure of all the decent comforts of life,
and, for everything beyond them, it would then be easy to supply myself. Of
course, my present pension would cease. Whether Mr.
Canning can do this, I know not; but, if this could be done, it
would be adequate to all I want, and beyond that my wishes have never extended.
I am sorry we are not to meet, but it would be unreasonable to expect it now;
and, at some more convenient season, I will find my way to you and to the
Advocate’s Library. You will hear from Bal-
“I have just been informed that the stewardship for the Derwentwater estates (belonging to Greenwich Hospital), now held by a Mr. Walton, is expected soon to be vacated by his death. It is a situation which would give me a respectable income, perfectly suit my present place of abode, and not impose upon me more business than I could properly perform with comfort to myself. Mr. Sharp tells me this, and from him I learn that Mr. Long is one of the Directors. Could this be obtained for me I should be well provided for, and in a pleasant way; so I have thought it right to mention it, in consequence of your last letter, and having so done shall dismiss the subject from my thoughts. Pelle timorem, spemque fugato, is a lesson which I learnt early in life from Boethius, and have been a good deal the happier for practising.
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 241 |
“The second Quarterly is better than the first. The affairs of Austria are treated with great power, great spirit, and clear views. I expected the utter overthrow of the House of Austria, and my fears have happily been disappointed. They have profited by experience, and though everything is now upon the balance, and one cannot open the newspaper without great anxiety and many doubts, still it does appear that the chances are in our favour. One defeat will not destroy the Emperor, if he is only true to himself, but one defeat would destroy Bonaparte. His authority, out of France, is maintained wholly by force; in France by the opinion of his good fortune and the splendour of his successes. One thorough defeat will dissolve the spell. His colossal power then falls to pieces, like the image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. I am afraid our expedition will be too late to turn the scale. If it were now in Germany it might do wonders; but we are always slow in our measures, and game so timorously that we are sure to lose. Why not twice forty thousand men? It has been proved that we can always beat the French with equal numbers, or at any time when we are not previously out-numbered. Why then send a force that can so easily be doubled or trebled by the enemy? For allied armies cannot act together, and whatever battle we have to fight must be fought alone. Marlborough was the only general who could wield a confederacy.
“I have made offer of my services to Gifford to undertake Frere’s justification against the
friends of Sir John Moore, if it be
thought advisable. I have
“I have finished an English Eclogue, which is at Ballantyne’s service, either for his Annual Register or his Minstrelsy, and which shall be transcribed and sent him forthwith. I have never yet thanked you for Lord Somers, a very acceptable addition to my library,—a very valuable collection, and made far more so by your arrangement and additions. I am sorry my life of D. Luisa de Carvajal is printed, or I would have offered it you, as worthy of being inserted among the Tracts of James I. time. Believe me.
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 243 |
“You will be a little surprised to hear that Canning has expressed a wish to serve me, and that in consequence Walter Scott has been asked to communicate this to me, and find out in what manner it can be done conformably to my own inclinations. There was a situation of 300l. a year in his own department, which he would have offered; but that was rightly judged by himself, Scott, and Ellis to be inadequate to the expense of time and attendance which it required. So Scott wrote to mention to me professorships at the Universities, diplomatic situations, or any other thing which could be pointed out.
“Professorships in England are fenced about with
subscription, and therefore unattainable by me. In Scotland I would accept one,
if nothing more suitable could be found. The secretaryship in Portugal is now
no longer desirable. My uncle has left
that country, and the salary would not support me there. I am too old to begin
the pursuit of fortune in that line, and nothing but the desire of becoming
independent ever made me desirous of a situation for which I know myself in
many points to be exceedingly unfit. The truth is, that I have found my way in
the world, and am in that state of life to which it has pleased God to call me,
and for which it has pleased him to qualify me. At the same time my means are
certainly so straitened that I should very gladly
“Now Sharp has told me that the Stewardship to Greenwich Hospital for the Derwentwater estates is expected soon to be vacated by the death of a Mr. Walton, and has advised me to apply for it. I have therefore written to Scott to tell him this; and I now write to you, well knowing that if you can be of use to me in this application, you will. What the value of this appointment is I do not know; Sharp fancies from 600l. to 800l. a year. If this be thought ‘too good a thing for me,’ as I dare say it will, the Cumberland estates might be divided from the Northumberland ones. Certes I should rather have the whole than half,—but better half a loaf than no bread. And now I have done all that is in my power to do; having thus found out a specific thing, asked for it, and written to you for your assistance, if you can give me any. Having done this, I dismiss the subject altogether from my thoughts. In this respect I have been truly a philosopher, that no hopes or fears, with respect to worldly fortune, have ever given me an hour’s anxiety. God bless you!
My father was the more desirous of obtaining this office, because the
property included a large portion of country in the immediate vicinity of Keswick; and
“it would give him the care of the woods, and the power of planting and
beautifying.” He accordingly did not cease his efforts with the foregoing
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 245 |
“The present possessor, with all his knowledge, assiduity, and
rapidity in the mode of transacting business, has always been employed for seventeen or
eighteen hours out of twenty-four, together with his first clerk. The salary is about
700l. a year. The place of residence varies over a tract of
country of about eighty miles. The Steward must be a perfect agriculturist, surveyor,
mineralogist, and the best lawyer that, competently with these other characters, can be
found; and lest his various duties should leave him any time for frivolous pursuits, it
is in contemplation to raise up to him the seeds of controversy and quarrel, by
associating with him some other person, who, under the pretence of sharing his labours,
shall differ with him in all his opinions, without, perhaps, relieving him in any
degree from the responsibility attached to the management of a revenue of 40,000l. per annum. Would you, if you might have it on demand, accept
a place with all these circumstances attached to it? For my own part, I would rather
live in a hollow tree all the sum-
This, as might be expected, was a complete damper to my father’s wishes, and, with one exception, here ended his attempts to obtain official employment.
“Wordsworth’s pamphlet will fail of producing any general
effect, because the sentences are long and involved; and his friend, De Quincey, who corrected the press, has
rendered them more obscure by an unusual system of punctuation. This fault will
outweigh all its merits. The public never can like any thing which they feel it
difficult to understand. They will affect to like it, as in the case of
Burke, if the reputation of the
writer be such that not to admire him is a confession of ignorance; but even in
Burke’s case, the public admiration was merely
affected: his finer beauties were not remarked, and it was only his party
politics that were generally understood, while the philosophy which he brought
to their aid was heathen Greek to the multitude of his readers. I impute
Wordsworth’s want of perspicuity to two
causes,—his admiration of Milton’s prose, and his habit of dictating instead of
writing: if he were his own scribe his eye would tell him
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 247 |
“A villanous cold, which makes me sleep as late as I possibly can in the morning, because the moment I wake it wakes with me, has prevented me finishing Kehama: it would else, ere this, have been completed. I think of publishing it on my own account, in a pocket volume, of about 350 pages; but this is not yet determined. One of the pleasures which I had promised myself in seeing you was, that of showing you this wildest of all wild poems, believing that you will be one of the few persons who will relish it. The rhymes are as irregular as your own, but in a different key, and I expect to be abused for having given the language the freedom and strength of blank verse, though I pride myself upon the manner in which this is combined with rhyme.
“The Eclogue* which I have sent Ballantyne has—suffered a little by having all its local allusions cut out. This was done lest what was intended as a general character should have been interpreted into individual satire. The thing was suggested by my accidentally crossing such a funeral some years ago at Bristol; and had I been disposed to personal satire, the hero of the procession would have afforded ample scope for it. As soon as he knew his case was des-
“If Queen Orraca is not too long for the English Minstrelsy, I will with great pleasure send off a corrected copy for it.
“The Quest is over; I believe the stewardship would
have been promised to me had I been fit for it. All, therefore, that I have to
regret is, having relied so implicitly upon Sharp’s information, as to apply for the post, before I
had thoroughly ascertained my own competency for it. This was only one blunder.
Another was in supposing there was no English Historiographer,—old
Dutens has had the office, with a
salary of 400l., for many years—upon what plea,
they who gave it him can best tell. My aim must now be to succeed him, whenever
he pleases to move off; obtaining, if possible, an increase of
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 249 |
“There came last night a letter from Ellis, communicating the result of his conversation with Canning: I have thanked him for his friendly interference, and told him how things stand.
“I will do my best for Ballantyne*; and going to work with clear views of the subject, and a thorough knowledge of the Spanish and Portuguese character, I shall come to it with great advantages. That lamentable ground over which poor Sir J. Moore retreated (as one of his own officers expresses it) ‘faster than flesh and blood could follow him,’ I paced on foot, loitering along that my foot-pace might not outstrip a lazy coach and six, and my recollection of passes where five hundred Englishmen could have stopt an army, is as vivid as if I had just seen them. Bonaparte owes more to the blunders of his enemies than to his own abilities; and he has no surer allies than those writers who prepare our very generals to fear him, by constantly representing him as not to be conquered. Oh, for Peterborough! Oh, for a ‘single hour of Dundee!’ Sir John Moore was as brave a man as ever died in battle, but he had that fear upon him,—his imagination was cowed and intimidated though his heart was not. And now, be-
* See the beginning of the next chapter. |
“If I thought you repeated the Retainer’s wish in sober earnest, I could not in conscience wish your old Man of the Sea were off your shoulders; but I believe whenever he is laid down, doing what you please will be doing much, and that we shall have more Marmions and Williams of Deloraines. Lord Byron’s waggery was new to me, and I cannot help wishing you may some day have an opportunity of giving him the retort as neatly as you have given it to Cumberland.
“I have fixed myself here by a lease of one and twenty years, which, after many weary procrastinations, was executed a few days ago.
“I had nearly forgotten to say something concerning
Morte d’ Arthur. It is now more
than a year that I have been playing the dog in the manger to-
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 251 |
“Poor Jackson
is gone at last, after a cruel illness. I followed him to the grave to-day. A
good man, to whom the town of Keswick and many of its inhabitants are greatly
beholden. He has left Hartley 50l. to be paid when he
comes of age. Had he thought of bequeathing him his books it would have been a
more suitable remembrance. Never had man a more faithful, anxious, and
indefatigable nurse than he has had in Mrs.
Wilson,—always ready, always watchful, always willing, never
uttering a complaint, never sparing herself; with the most disinterested
affection; acting so entirely from the feelings of a good heart, that I do not
believe even the thought of duty ever entered it. The night after his death we
made her take a little spirit and water; it was not a tea-cupfull, but upon her
it acted as medicine; and she told me the next day that, for the first time
during two years, she had slept through the night.
“Busy as it is usually my fortune to be, I was never so busy as now. Three mornings more will finish my transcribing task for the first volume of my History of Brazil, including a long chapter, which, I fear, can hardly be got into the volume, though I much wish to insert it. Then come the notes,—supplementary,—which might, with great pleasure to myself and profit to my reader, be extended to another volume as large; but I shall not allow them much more than fifty pages. The book, as a whole, is more amusing than was to be expected. About a fortnight’s morning work will complete my work for it: 448 pages are printed; the whole will not be less than 660.
“Last night we had a prodigious flood, higher in some
places than can be remembered; I say in some places, because the lake was
previously low, and the force of the waters was spent before they found their
way to it. Do you know the little bridge over what is usually a dry ditch at
the beginning of the Church Lane? The water was over it, and three feet deep in
the lane. Half Slacks Bridge is gone, a chaise-driver and horses lost between
this place and Wigton,
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 253 |
“I must not wish you to be paid off unless you could be sure of a better appointment than you have at present, or of not being appointed at all. As for peace, I see no hope of it,—no fear of it would be the better phrase. The Junta have mismanaged, and so have we; I know not whose mismanagement has been the worst. The army which has been wasted at Flushing would have recovered Spain: the Spaniards will now be left to do it their own way, by detail. What these changes at home will produce one cannot guess till it is known who is going out and who coming in. If Marquis Wellesley comes in, we may expect something. If Canning goes out, the candle will be taken out of the dark lantern. God bless you!
“Before I had leisure to thank you for your own letter
and for Ellis’s, and for all that
there is therein, a new game of puss-catch-corner has been commenced at
Westminster, and Canning has done the
most foolish thing he ever did in his life. He should have remembered that
Lord Castlereagh was an Irishman, and
that, as the Union abolished the Irish parliament, so ought the ill customs of
that parliament—duelling
“I wish to see Marquis Wellesley in power, because we want an enterprising Minister,—one who would make the enemy feel the mighty power of Great Britain, and not waste our force so pitifully as it has always hitherto been wasted. I wish to see him in power, because he has not been tried, and all the other performers upon the Westminster stage have. But I confess there is but little hope in my wishes. It appears to me that the very constitution of our cabinet necessarily produces indecision, half-measures, and imbecility; it seems to me that a government so constituted is just like an army, all whose operations are guided by a council of war instead of a general. I am for ministerial dictatorships.
“Your views about the Morte d’ Arthur are wiser ones than
mine. I do most formally and willingly
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 255 |
“I have not seen the last Review, which makes me suppose that Murray is still on his journey. These Quarterly Reviews lose much by giving up all those minor publications, which served to play shuttlecock with, and were put to death with a pun, or served up in the sauce of their own humorous absurdity. Hence, too, they are less valuable as materials for the history of literature. The old Annual’s was the best plan, if it had not been starved by scanty pay, and, moreover, choked with divinity.
“My next Missionary Article, when I have time to write
it, will be singularly curious: it will relate
“I want to hear that you have planned another poem, and commenced it. For myself, I shall begin with Pelayo, the Spaniard, as soon as I can make up my mind in what metre to write it. That of Kehama, though in rhyme, is almost as much my own as Thalaba, and will, I dare say, excite as much censure.
“Thank you for the books; they arrived yesterday, and
I have gone through about three-fourths of Dr.
Collyer’s lectures. I have more respect for the
Independents than for any other body of Christians, the Quakers excepted. . . .
. Their English history is without a blot. Their American has, unhappily, some
bloody ones, which you will see noticed in the next number of the Quarterly, if
my reviewal of Holmes’s American Annals should appear there in an
unmutilated state. Dr. Collyer’s is, certainly, an
able book; yet he is better calculated to produce effect from the pulpit than
in the study. Those parts of his Lectures which are most ornamental
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 257 |
“. . . . . It has occurred to me that it would add to the interest of the Remains, if the name under the portrait were made a fac-simile of Henry’s handwriting. Since I wrote to you, I fell in with Dr. Milner, the Dean of Carlisle, who talked to me about Henry; how little he had known of him, and how much he regretted that he should not have known him more. I told him what you were doing with James, expressing a hope that he might find friends at Cambridge, for his brother’s sake as well as his own, which he thought would certainly be the case. . . . .
“We thank you for Miss
Smith’s book, a very, very interesting one. There are better translations
of some of Klopstock’s odes in the
Monthly Magazine, where, also,
is to be found a full account of the Messiah, with extracts translated by my very able
“God bless you!
Mr. Coleridge, who was at this time residing at Grasmere, had lately commenced the publication of The Friend, which came out in weekly numbers; and, becoming apprehensive that it was not altogether well calculated to find favour with the class of readers likely to take in a periodical work, he now wrote to my father, requesting him to address such a letter to him in his Friendly character as might afford him a good plea for justifying the form and style of the paper in question.
Both the request and the reply to it will be interesting to the reader, especially as the Friend, however unattractive to the popular mind as a periodical, has, like the Spectator and the Rambler, taken a permanent place among the works of its author and the literature of the nation.
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 259 |
“. . . . . What really makes me despond is the daily
confirmation I receive of my original apprehension, that the plan and execution
of The
Friend is so utterly unsuitable to the public taste as to
preclude all rational hopes of its success. Much, certainly, might have been
done to have made the former numbers less so, by the interposition of others
written more expressly for general interest; and, if I could attribute it
wholly to any removable error of my own, I should be less dejected. I will do
my best, will frequently interpose tales and whole numbers of amusement, will
make the periods lighter and shorter; and the work itself, proceeding according
to its plan, will become more interesting when the foundations have been laid.
Massiveness is the merit of a foundation; the gilding, ornaments, stucco-work,
conveniences, sunshine, and sunny prospects will come with the superstructure.
Yet still I feel the deepest conviction that no efforts of mine, compatible
with the hope of effecting any good purpose, or with the duty I owe to my
permanent reputation, will remove the complaint. No real information can be
conveyed, no important errors radically extracted, without demanding an effort
of thought on the part of the reader; but the obstinate, and now contemptuous,
aversion to all energy of thinking is the mother evil, the cause of all the
evils in politics, morals, and lite-
“God bless you!
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 261 |
“I know not whether your subscribers have expected too much from you, but it appears to me that you expect too much from your subscribers; and that, however accurately you may understand the diseases of the age, you have certainly mistaken its temper. In the first place. Sir, your essays are too long. ‘Brevity,’ says a contemporary journalist, ‘is the humour of the times; a tragedy must not exceed fifteen hundred lines, a fashionable preacher must not trespass above fifteen minutes upon his congregation. We have short waistcoats and short campaigns; everything must be short—except lawsuits, speeches in Parliament, and tax-tables.’ It is expressly stated, in the prospectus of a collection of extracts, called the Beauties of Sentiment, that the extracts shall always be complete sense, and not very long. Secondly, Sir, though your essays appear in so tempting a shape to a lounger, the very fiends themselves were not more deceived by the apples, when
‘They, fondly thinking to allay Their appetite with gust, instead of fruit Chew’d bitter ashes,’ |
“You have yourself observed that few converts were
made by Burke; but the cause which you
have assigned does not sufficiently explain why a man of such powerful talents
and so authoritative a reputation should have produced so little an effect upon
the minds of the people. Was it not because he neither was nor could be
generally understood? Because, instead of endeavouring to make difficult things
easy of comprehension, he made things which were easy in themselves, difficult
to be comprehended by the manner in which he presented them, evolving their
causes and involving their consequences, till the reader whose mind was not
habituated to metaphysical discussions, neither knew in what his arguments
began nor in what they ended? You have told me that the straightest line must
be the shortest; but do not you yourself sometimes nose out your way,
hound-like, in pursuit of truth, turning and winding, and doubling and running
when the same object might be reached in a tenth part of the time
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 263 |
“The reader, Sir, must think before he can understand you; is it not a little unreasonable to require from him an effort which you have yourself described as so very painful a one? and is not this effort not merely difficult but in many cases impossible? All brains, Sir, were not made for thinking: modern philosophy has taught us that they are galvanic machines, and thinking is only an accident belonging to them. Intellect is not essential to the functions of life; in the ordinary course of society it is very commonly dispensed with; and we have lived, Mr. Friend, to witness experiments for carrying on government without it. This is surely a proof that it is a rare commodity; and yet you expect it in all your subscribers!
“Give us your moral medicines in a more ‘elegant preparation.’ The Reverend J. Gentle administers his physic in the form of tea; Dr. Solomon prefers the medium of a cordial; Mr. Ching exhibits his in gingerbread nuts; Dr. Barton in wine; but you, Mr. Friend, come with a tonic bolus, bitter in the mouth, difficult to swallow, and hard of digestion.
“All this, were it not for the Sir and the Mr.
Friend, is like a real letter from me to you: I fell into the strain
without intending it, and would not send it were it not to show you that I
have attempted to do something. From jest I got into earnest, and, trying
to pass from earnest to jest failed. It was against the grain, and would
not do. I had re-read the eight last numbers, and the truth is, they left
me no heart for jesting or for irony. In time they will do their work; it
is the form of publication only that is unlucky, and that cannot now be
remedied. But this evil is merely temporary. Give two or three amusing
numbers, and you will hear of admiration from every side. Insert a few more
poems,—any that you have, except Christabel, for that is of too much
value. There is scarcely anything you could do which would excite so much
notice as if you were now to write the character of
Bonaparte, announced in former
times for ‘tomorrow,’ and to-morrow and to-morrow; and I think
it would do good by counteracting that base spirit of condescension towards
him, which I am
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 265 |
“I have had your poem little more than a week: yesterday I carefully perused it (not having had leisure before), and should this evening have written to you, even if your letter had not arrived.
“There are in this poem (which appears to me an alteration of that whereof you formerly sent me an extract) unquestionable marks both of genius and the power of expressing it. I have no doubt that you will succeed in attaining the fame after which you aspire; but you have yet to learn how to plan a poem; when you acquire this, I am sure you will be able to execute it.
“This is my advice to you. Lay this poem aside as one
whose defects are incurable. Plan another, and be especially careful in
planning it. See that your circumstances naturally produce each other, and that
there be nothing in the story which could be taken away without dislocating the
whole fabric. Ask yourself the question, is this incident of any use? does it
result from what goes before? does it influence what is to follow? is it a
fruit or an excrescence? Satisfy yourself completely with the plan
“In your execution you are too exuberant in ornament, and resemble the French engravers, who take off the attention from the subject of their prints by the flowers and trappings of the foreground. This makes you indistinct; but distinctness is the great charm of narrative poetry: see how beautifully it is exemplified in Spencer, our great English master of narrative, whom you cannot study too much, nor love too dearly. Your first book reminded me of an old pastoral poet—William Brown: he has the same fault of burying his story in flowers; it is one of those faults which are to be wished for in the writings of all young poets. I am satisfied that your turn of thought and feeling is for the higher branch of the art, and not for lighter subjects. Your language would well suit the drama: have your thoughts ever been turned to it? . . . .
“If, when you have planned another poem, you think
proper to send me the plan, I will comment upon it, while it may be of use to
point out its defects. It would give me great pleasure to be of any service to
a man of genius, and such I believe you to be. If business ever brings you this
way, let me see you. Should I ever travel through Rotherham, I
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 267 |
“Yours respectfully, and with the best wishes,
“One thing more: forget this poem while you are planning another, lest you spoil that for the sake of appropriating materials from this.”
“I write to you for two reasons. . . . . ; the other, a more interesting one, is to tell you that I have this day finished Kehama, having written two hundred lines since yesterday morning. Huzza, Aballiboozobanganorribo!* It is not often in his lifetime a man finishes a long poem, and as I have nobody to give me joy, I must give myself joy. 24 sections, 4844 lines; 200 or 300 more will probably be added in course of correction and transcription; all has been done before breakfast (since its resumption) except about 170 lines of the conclusion. Huzza! better than lying a-bed, Tom; and though I am not quite ready to begin another, I will rise as usual to-morrow, and work at the plans of Pelayo and Robin Hood. And now I am a little impatient that you should see the whole, and shall feel another job off
* See The Doctor, &c. |
“Very very few persons will like Kehama; everybody will wonder at it; it will increase my reputation without increasing my popularity: a general remark will be, what a pity that I have wasted so much power. I care little about this, having in the main pleased myself, and all along amused myself; every generation will afford me some half dozen admirers of it, and the everlasting column of Dante’s fame does not stand upon a wider base. There will be a good many minor ornaments to insert, the metre will in many places be enriched, and the story perhaps sometimes be rendered more perspicuous. Now that the whole is before me, I can see where to add and alter. If it receives half the improvements which Thalaba did, I shall be well content.
“Pelayo is to be in blank verse: where the whole interest is to be derived from human character and the inherent dignity of the story, I will not run the hazard of enfeebling the finer parts for the sake of embellishing the weaker ones. I shall pitch Robin Hood in a different key,—such as the name would lead one to expect,—a wild pastoral movement, in the same sort of plastic metre as Garci Ferrandez.* I shall aim it at about 2000 lines, and endeavour not to exceed 3000.
“The state of home politics is perfectly hopeless. Bonaparte seems thoroughly to despise all we can do; all that we have done he is certainly entitled to
* Poems, p. 441. |
Ætat. 35. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 269 |
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