“. . . . . I know no one who has been pursued by such a series of unmerited afflictions: one may use such language in speaking of calamities that are brought on by the actions of our fellow-creatures. . . . .
If I had been called to Cheltenham, I should certainly have
gone on to Bristol. But as yet I have
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“No man can care much about public affairs when his own troubles are pressing heavily upon his heart and mind. But I greatly fear that the time is hastening on when public concerns will affect the vital interests of every individual. Wordsworth is made positively unhappy by this thought. I should be so, if my mind were not constantly occupied, for I see most surely that nothing but the special mercy of Providence can save us from a revolution; and I feel also that we have much more reason to fear the Almighty’s justice, than to rely upon his mercy, in this case; yet I rely upon it, and keep my heart firm in that reliance.
“Yesterday brought me the expected letter from Dr. Bell’s trustees. He has left me 1000l. He had left me also his furniture, &c., but this he revoked in
* “I have just received news of Dr. Bell’s death from his faithful secretary Davies, who says that ‘official information will be dispatched to me when the trustees arrive.’ When it comes, I fear it may call me to Cheltenham; but certainly I shall not go if the business can be done by proxy. Poor old man, he is now at rest from his discovery, which was a perpetual torment to him whatever good it may ultimately produce to others. But I had a great liking for the better parts of his strongly marked character; and his death, though expected, and for his own sake long to have been desired, takes full possession of my mind just now and troubles it.”—To H. Taylor, Esq., Jan. 31. |
“I collect from the trustees’ letter, that Dr. Bell changed his intention concerning the publication of his works, which he had desired Wordsworth and myself to superintend; but it seems he still wished and expected that I should draw up an account of his life. Upon this I shall have further information, no doubt, in due time. Poor man! the last letter I received from him told me that he had bequeathed to me his furniture, and that therefore I must be prepared to set off for Cheltenham as soon as I should be informed of ‘an event which could not be far distant.’ If I had done so, how uncomfortably should I have felt on my arrival there! . . . . God bless and support you, my dear friend, and bring you through all difficulties into a peaceful port.