“It rarely happens in these times that the post brings me any matter for rejoicing; but it never at any time brought me a communication which gave me more thorough delight than your letter which arrived this morning. You have now the reward of your deserts, and it is no slight comfort to see that desert has been thus rewarded. All circumstances, too, are as you could have wished them to be. For though your lot has not fallen in a beautiful country, it is near Norwich, and therefore a desirable location for you. Walpole is a name which from childhood I have regarded with good will, and henceforth I shall regard it with still better.
“I shall certainly look in upon you on my next journey to London. When that may be I know not; but certainly not before the springs and perhaps not so soon. Engagements will keep me to the desk, and, happily, inclination would never take me from it.
“I shall like dearly to see you in your Rectory: to a certain degree you will once more have to form new habits; but in this instance the change is likely to be salutary.
“I dare say that the duties of your parish will be
much less fatiguing than those in which you engaged as a volunteer in Norwich;
and they will be more agreeable, because, in a little while, as soon as your
parishioners know you, you will perceive the fruits
“I wish James were emancipated from his bondage, and settled as his bishop ought to settle him, where he might enjoy the well-deserved reward of his labours, and some rest from them.
“Much against my will, I am going to Lowther Castle on Friday next, to remain till Monday. Lord Lonsdale asks me in so kind a manner, saying that he is always unwilling to take me from my employments, that I cannot refuse to go; and his object is, to introduce me to Lord Mahon, whom I know only by letter, but whose way of thinking and pursuits make him desire to become acquainted with me. It is gratifying to perceive that there are persons growing up whose minds have been influenced by my writings, and that here and there the seed which during so many years I have been casting on the waters, has taken root, and is beginning to bring forth fruit after its kind.
“God bless you, my dear Neville! With the kindest congratulations and remembrances of my household, and my own especially to your dear mother and your wife, believe me always,