“That I intended to thank you for the books you sent me
from London in 1819, the unfinished letter which I have now fished up from the
bottom of my desk will show; and it is better to say peccavi than to apologise for the old and besetting sin
of procrastination. That I had received them, you would probably infer from the
mention of Fisher Ames in the Quarterly Review. This omission has
been attended with frequent self-reproaches, for I am sure you will not suppose
that you were forgotten; but I looked forward to an honourable amends in
Ætat. 47. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 87 |
“I found your parcel last night, on my return home, after a fortnight’s absence. Its contents will be of the greatest use to me. I have already looked through Callender and the Archaiology, and find in the former applicable information not in my other authorities; and in the latter many curious facts. Our old divine, Dr. Hammond, used to say, that whatever his course of study might be in the first part of the week, something always occurred in it which was convertible to use in his next sermon. My experience is of the same kind, and you will perceive that these books will assist me in many ways.
“My little girls have not forgotten you. The infant whom you saw sleeping in a basket here in this library, where he was born three weeks before, is now, God be thanked, a thriving and hopeful child. Kenyon will be here in the course of the week, and we shall talk of you, and drink to our friends in New England. This is less picturesque than the votive sacrifices of ancient times, but there is as much feeling connected with it.
“Mr. Everett
sent me the two first numbers of his quarterly journal, telling me that I should not need an apology for
the sentiments which it expresses towards England. I am sorry that those
“I am collecting materials for a Life of George Fox, and the Rise and Progress of Quakerism. Perhaps some documents of American growth may fall in your way. We are never likely to meet again in this world; let us keep up this kind of intercourse till we meet in a better.
“God bless you!