“Herbert died on the 17th, and he was in the tenth year of his age; say nothing more than this. How much does it contain to me, and to the world how little!
“I have great power of exertion, and this is of signal benefit at this time. My mind is closely employed throughout the whole day. I do more in one day than I used to do in three: hitherto the effect is good, but I shall watch myself well, and be careful not to exact more than the system will endure. I have certainly gained strength; but as you may suppose every circumstance of spring and of reviving nature brings with it thoughts that touch me in my heart of hearts. Do not, however, imagine that I am unhappy. I know what I have lost, and that no loss could possibly have been greater; but it is only for a time; and you know what my habitual and rooted feelings are upon this subject.
“It is not unlikely that Gifford will do for me in this number what he has done by me in others—displace some other person’s article to make room for mine. He will act wisely if he does so, for the freshness of the subject will else evaporate. I shall finish it with all speed upon this supposition. It would surprise you were you to see what I get through in a day.
“The remainder of the proofs might as well have been sent me. Surrounded as I am with mementos, there was little reason for wishing to keep them at a distance. And however mournful it must ever be to remember the Proem, and the delight which it gave when the proof sheet arrived, I am glad that it was written, and Edith feels upon this point as I do. The proofs had better come to me, if it is not too late. I can verify the quotations, which it is impossible for you to do, and may perhaps add something.
“Tell Pople I shall be obliged to him if he will make some speed with the History of Brazil; that I find it impossible to comprise it in two volumes; a third there must be, but it will go to press as soon as the second is printed; and that there will be no delay on my part (that is, as far as man can answer for himself) till the whole is completed. I send a portion of copy in the frank which covers this. If I mistake not, this second volume will be found very amusing as well as very curious.
“Edith May
returned from Wordsworth’s this
morning,—we missed her greatly, and yet her return was a renewal of
sorrow. Her mother behaves
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“God bless you!