“It would be needless to say that I am much gratified by your general opinion of Roderick. To most of your objections I can reply satisfactorily to my own judgment. The eleven syllable lines (by which we must here understand those which have the redundant syllabic anywhere except at the end,) I justify upon principle and precedent, referring to the practice of Shakspeare and Milton, as authorities from which there can be no appeal. The blending two short syllables into the time of one is as well known in versification as what are called binding-notes are in music.
“The descriptive passages are the relief of the poem, the time in which the action took place not affording me any costume available for this purpose; and relief was especially required in a work wherein the passion was pitched so high.
“I cannot abbreviate the first scene between Julian and Roderick without destroying the connection; and for the blinding of Theodofred, where else could it have been introduced with so much effect as in its present place, where it is so related as at once to mark the character of Rusilla?
“The words to which you object are, one and all,
legitimate English words; and I believe, in those places where they are used,
the same meaning could not be expressed without a periphrasis. The account
Ætat. 40. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 107 |
“The image of the clouds and the moon*, I saw from my chamber window at Cintra when going to bed, and noted it down with its application the next morning. I have it at this moment distinctly before my eyes, with all the accompanying earth-scenery. Thus much for Roderick. Shall I ever accomplish another work of equal magnitude? I am an older man in feelings than in years, and the natural bent of my inclinations would be never again to attempt one.
“The last Register was not mine, nor do I know by whom it was written. I have not seen it. For the former volume I have never been wholly paid, and have lost from 300l. to 400l. altogether—to me a very serious loss.† At present my time is divided
† Part of this was ultimately paid, but not for several years. |
“Your godson bids fair to walk in the ways of his father. He is now in his ninth year, and knows about as much Greek as a boy in the under-fifth. His Latin consists in a decent knowledge of the grammar, and a tolerable copia verborum. His sister teaches him French, and he and I have lately begun to learn German together. Do not fear that we are over-doing him, for he has plenty of play, and, indeed, plays at his lessons. He takes it for granted that he must be a poet in his turn; and in this respect, as far as it is possible to judge, nature seems to agree with him. Be that as it may, there is not a happier creature upon this earth, nor could any father desire a child of fairer promise, as to moral and intellectual qualities.
“When shall I see you? Alas, how little have we seen
of each other for many many years! I might also say, since we used to sit till
midnight over your claret at Ch. Ch. The first term of my lease expires in two
years, and some reasons would induce me to come near London, if I could
encounter the expense; but though my History of the War might possibly
enable me to make the arduous removal, the increased costs of housekeeping
would probably be more than I could meet. I know not whether I shall be in
London this year; if I go, it will be shortly;
Ætat. 40. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 109 |
“God bless you!