“Here is a choice poem for you,—the production
of a man who keeps a billiard-table at Carlisle, and
“‘Not forgetting Lord
When he to Beaudeux came,
The most noble lord was received
With great honour to his name.
The Bourbon cry caled aloud so high,
That it made Paris shake and trimble.
May we all se that shock to be
And make Bonaparte to trimble.
Rise Paris and let us se
Shake off that yoke for liberty.
There is a shake now begun,
Tear it up and pull it down!
May we all united be
In this most noble cause,
To protect our king,
Our country, and our laws.
Lewis haste, heare is a call,
Paris crie is one and all.
Blucher, by his great power,
Will protect the every hour.
May France rejoice and sing,
Long life to Lewis our king.
We Britons will rejoice
To see Lewis made their choice.’
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