“The hint which I threw out concerning our English
martyrs in writing upon the evangelical sects is likely to mature into
something of importance. I conceived a plan which Dr. Bell and the Bishop of
Meath took up warmly, and the former has in some degree bound me
to execute it by sending down Fox’s Book of Martyrs as soon as he reached London. The
projected outline is briefly this—Under the title of the Book of the Church, to give what should
be at once the philosophy and the anthology of our church history, so written
as to be addressed to the hearts of the young and the understandings of the
old; for it will be placed on the establishment of the national schools. It
begins with an account of the various false religions of our different
ancestors, British, Roman, and Saxon, with the mischievous temporal
consequences of those superstitions, being the evils from which the country was
delivered by its conversion to Christianity. 2dly, A picture of popery and the
evils from which the Reformation delivered us.
Ætat. 38. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 321 |
“I am well stored with materials, having all the republished chronicles and Hooker—the only controversial work which it will be at all necessary to consult. The other books which I want I have ordered: they are Burnett and the Church Histories of Fuller, and of the stiff old non-juror, Jeremy Collier. I will send the manuscript to you before it goes to the press, for it will require an inspecting eye. Meantime, if any thing occur to you which would correct or improve the plan, such as you here see it, do not omit to communicate your advice and opinion. I have a strong persuasion that both these works may be made of great, extensive, and permanent usefulness. . . . .