“The box arrived about an hour ago. Sir William Jones’s works are placed
opposite my usual seat, and on the most conspicuous shelf in the room. . . . .
I have retired to my library to thank you for the most splendid set of books it
contains. I thank you for them, Neville,
truly and heartily; but do not let it hurt you if I say, that so costly a
present gives me some pain as well as pleasure. Were you a rich man, you could
not give me more books than I would joyfully accept, for I delight in
accumulating such treasures as much as a miser does in keeping together gold;
but, as things are at present, no proof was needed of your generous spirit,
and, from the little you have to spare, I cannot but feel you are giving me too
much. You will not be offended at my expressing this feeling, nor will you
impute it to any unjust pride, which, blessed be God, I am too poor a man, and
too wise a one, to be guilty of in any, even the smallest degree. Be assured
that I shall ever value the books far more than if they had come from a
wealthier donor, and that I write the donor’s name in them with true
respect and esteem. You will be pleased to hear they are
Ætat. 34. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 153 |
“I have not seen the Scotch review of Marmion, but I have heard that on its appearance, Walter Scott showed Jeffrey the letter in which I had refused to bear a part in his review . . . . I do not know whether Scott may have shown him another letter, in which I spoke of the ‘Remains.’ Scott may perhaps review them himself, unless this affair of Marmion, or, what is more likely, their utter and irreconcileable difference of political opinion, should make him withdraw from the journal altogether.
“Henceforward we shall have little business to write
about. You may supply the place by telling