At the rising of his Court on the 12th of March, Scott proceeded to London, for the purpose of receiving his baronetcy, which he had been prevented from doing in the spring of the preceding year by his own illness, and again at Christmas by accumulated family afflictions. On his arrival in town, his son the Cornet met him; and they both established themselves at Miss Dumergue’s.
One of his first visiters was Sir Thomas
Lawrence, who informed him that the King
had resolved to adorn the great gallery, then in progress at Windsor Castle, with portraits
by his hand of his Majesty’s most distinguished contemporaries; all the reigning
monarchs of Europe, and their chief ministers and generals had already sat for this
purpose; on the same walls the King desired to see exhibited those of his own subjects who
had attained the highest honours of literature and science—and it was his pleasure that
this series should commence with Walter Scott. The
portrait was of course begun immediately, and the head was finished before
Scott left
Lawrence told me, several years afterwards, that, in
his opinion, the two greatest men he had painted were the Duke of
Wellington and Sir Walter Scott;
“and it was odd,” said he, “that they both chose usually
the same hour for sitting—seven in the morning. They were both as patient sitters as I
ever had. Scott, however, was, in my case at least, a very
difficult subject. I had selected what struck me as his noblest look; but when he was
in the chair before me, he talked away on all sorts of subjects in his usual style, so
that it cost me great pains to bring him back to solemnity, when I had to attend to any
thing beyond the outline of a subordinate feature. I soon found that the surest recipe
was to say something that would lead him to recite a bit of poetry. I used to
introduce, by hook or by crook, a few lines of Campbell or Byron—he was sure to
take up the passage where I left it, or cap it by something
‘Made up of three parts fire—so full of Heaven It sparkled at his eyes’— |
It was also during this visit to London that Scott sat to Mr (now Sir Francis) Chantrey for that bust which alone preserves for posterity the cast of expression most fondly remembered by all who ever mingled in his domestic circle. Chantrey’s request that Scott would sit to him was communicated through Mr Allan Cunningham, then (as now) employed as Clerk of the Works in our great Sculptor’s establishment. Mr Cunningham, in his early days, when gaining his bread as a stone-mason in Nithsdale, made a pilgrimage on foot into Edinburgh, for the sole purpose of seeing the author of Marmion as he passed along the street. He was now in possession of a celebrity of his own, and had mentioned to his patron his purpose of calling on Scott to thank him for some kind message he had received, through a common friend, on
† A distinguished Whig friend. |
Chantrey’s purpose had been the same as
Lawrence’s—to seize a poetical phasis of
Scott’s countenance; and he proceeded to model
the head as looking upwards, gravely and solemnly. The talk that passed, mean time, had
equally amused and gratified both, and fortunately, at parting,
Chantrey requested that Scott would come and
breakfast with him next morning before they recommenced operations in the studio.
Scott ac-
“Heber made many enquiries about old friends in Edinburgh, and old books and old houses, and reminded the other of their early socialities. ‘Ay,’ said Mr Scott, ‘I remember we once dined out together, and sat so late that when we came away the night and day were so neatly balanced, that we resolved to walk about till sunrise. The moon was not down, however, and we took advantage of her ladyship’s lantern and climbed to the top of Arthur’s Seat; when we came down we had a rare appetite for breakfast.’—‘I remember it well,’ said Heber; ‘Edinburgh was a wild place in those days,—it abounded in clubs—convivial clubs.’—‘Yes,’ replied Mr Scott, ‘and abounds still; but the conversation is calmer, and there are no such sallies now as might be heard in other times. One club, I remember, was infested with two Kemps, father and son: when the old man had done speaking, the young one began, and before he grew weary, the father was refreshed and took up the song. John Clerk, during a pause, was called on for a stave; he immediately struck up in a psalm-singing tone, and electrified the club with a verse which sticks like a burr to my memory
‘Now, God Almighty judge James Kemp, And likewise his son John, And hang them over Hell in hemp, And burn them in brimstone.’— |
“In the midst of the mirth which this specimen of psalmody raised, John (commonly called Jack) Fuller, the member for Surrey, and standing jester of the House of Commons, came in. Heber, who was well acquainted with the free and joyous character of that worthy, began to lead him out by relating some festive anecdotes: Fuller growled approbation, and indulged us with some of his odd sallies; things which, he assured us, ‘were damned good, and true too, which was better.’ Mr Scott, who was standing when Fuller came in, eyed him at first with a look grave and considerate; but as the stream of conversation flowed, his keen eye twinkled brighter and brighter; his stature increased, for he drew himself up, and seemed to take the measure of the hoary joker, body and soul. An hour or two of social chat had meanwhile induced Mr Chantrey to alter his views as to the bust, and when Mr Scott left us, he said to me privately, ‘this will never do—I shall never be able to please myself with a perfectly serene expression. I must try his conversational look, take him when about to break out into some sly funny old story.’ As Chantrey said this, he took a string, cut off the head of the bust, put it into its present position, touched the eyes and the mouth slightly, and wrought such a transformation upon it, that when Scott came to his third sitting, he smiled, and said, ‘Ay, ye’re mair like yoursel now!—Why, Mr Chantrey, no witch of old ever performed such cantrips with clay as this.’”
These sittings were seven in number; but when Scott revisited London, a year afterwards, he gave Chantrey several more, the bust being by that time in
marble. Allan Cunningham, when he called to bid him
farewell, as he was about to leave town on the present occasion, found him in court dress,
preparing to kiss hands at the Levee, on being gazetted as Baronet. “He seemed
Scott’s baronetcy was conferred on him, not in consequence of any Ministerial suggestion, but by the King personally, and of his own unsolicited motion; and when the Poet kissed his hand, he said to him “I shall always reflect with pleasure on Sir Walter Scott’s having been the first creation of my reign.”
The Gazette announcing his new dignity was dated March 30, and published on the 2d April, 1820; and the Baronet, as soon afterwards as he could get away from Lawrence, set out on his return to the North; for he had such respect for the ancient prejudice (a classical as well as a Scottish one) against marrying in May, that he was anxious to have the ceremony in which his daughter was concerned over before that unlucky month should commence. It is needless to say, that during this stay in London he had again experienced, in its fullest measure, the enthusiasm of all ranks of his acquaintance; and I shall now transcribe a few paragraphs from domestic letters, which will show, among other things, how glad he was when the hour came that restored him to his ordinary course of life.
* Much ado about Nothing. Act iii., Scene 3. |
BARONETCY—MARCH 30, 1820. | 367 |
“I have got a delightful plan for the addition at Abb——, which, I think, will make it quite complete, and furnish me with a handsome library, and you with a drawingroom and better bedroom, with good bedrooms for company, &c. It will cost me a little hard work to meet the expense, but I have been a good while idle. I hope to leave this town early next week, and shall hasten back with great delight to my own household gods.
“I hope this will find you from under Dr Ross’s charge. I expect to see you quite in beauty when I come down, for I assure you I have been coaxed by very pretty ladies here, and look for merry faces at home. My picture comes on, and will be a grand thing, but the sitting is a great bore. Chantrey’s bust is one of the finest things he ever did. It is quite the fashion to go to see it—there’s for you. Yours, my dearest love, with the most sincere affection,
“I have the pleasure to say that Lord Sidmouth has promised to dismiss me in all
my honours by the 30th, so that I can easily be with you by the end of April;
and you and Sophia may easily select the
28th, 29th, or 30th, for the ceremony. I have been much feted here, as usual,
and had a very quiet dinner at Mr
Arbuthnot’s yesterday with the Duke of Wellington, where Walter heard the great Lord in all his glory talk of war and
Waterloo. Here is a hellish—yes, literally
“I conclude that the marriage will take place in Castle Street, and want to know where they go, &c. All this you will have to settle without my wise head; but I shall be terribly critical so see you do all right. I am always, dearest Charlotte, most affectionately yours,
(“For the Lady Scott of Abbotsford—to be.”)
“I am much obliged by your attentive letter. Unquestionably Longman and Co. sell their books at subscription price, because they have the first of the market, and only one-third of the books; so that, as they say with us,* let them ‘care that come ahint.’
* The general election was going on. |
LONDON—MARCH, 1820. | 369 |
‘If it is na weil bobbit we’ll bobb it again.’
“On these points I am Atlas. I cannot write much in this bustle of engagements, with Sir Francis’s mob hollowing under the windows. I find that even this light composition demands a certain degree of silence, and I might as well live in a cotton-mill. Lord Sidmouth tells me I will obtain leave to quit London by the 30th, which will be delightful news, for I find I cannot bear late hours and great society so well as formerly; and yet it is a fine thing to hear politics talked of by Ministers of State, and war discussed by the Duke of Wellington.
“My occasions here will require that John or you send me two notes payable at
Coutts’ for L.300 each, at two
and three months’ date. I will write to Constable for one at L.350, which will settle my affairs here
which, with fees and other matters, come, as you may think, pretty heavy. Let
the bills be drawn payable at Coutts’, and sent
without delay. I will receive them safe if sent under Mr Freeling’s cover. Mention
particularly what you are doing, for now is your time to push miscellaneous
work. Pray take great notice of inaccuracies in the
“Do you ever see Lockhart? You should consult him on every doubt where you would refer to me if present. Yours very truly.
“You say nothing of John, yet I am anxious about him.”
“I had the great pleasure of your letter, which carries me back to my own braes, which I love so dearly, out of this place of bustle and politics. When I can see my Master—and thank him for many acts of favour—I think I will bid adieu to London for ever; for neither the hours nor the society suit me so well as a few years since. There is too much necessity for exertion, too much brilliancy and excitation from morning till night.
“I am glad the sheep are away, though at a loss. I should think the weather rather too dry for planting, judging by what we have here. Do not let Tom go on sticking in plants to no purpose better put in firs in a rainy week in August. Give my service to him. I expect to be at Edinburgh in the end of this month, and to get a week at Abbotsford before the Session sits down. I think you are right to be in no hurry to let Broomielees. There seems no complaint of wanting money here just now, so I hope things will come round.—Ever yours, truly,
LONDON—APRIL, 1820. | 371 |
“I have no letter from any one at home excepting Lockhart, and he only says you are all well; and I trust it is so. I have seen most of my old friends, who are a little the worse for the wear, like myself. A five years’ march down the wrong side of the hill tells more than ten on the right side. Our good friends here are kind as kind can be, and no frumps. They lecture the Cornet a little, which he takes with becoming deference and good humour. There is a certain veil of Flanders lace floating in the wind for a certain occasion, from a certain godmother, but that is more than a dead secret.
“We had a very merry day yesterday at Lord Melville’s, where we found Lord Huntly* and other friends, and had a bumper to the new Baronet, whose name was Gazetted that evening. Lady Huntly plays Scotch tunes like a Highland angel. She ran a set of variations on ‘Kenmure’s on and awa’,’ which I told her were enough to raise a whole country-side. I never in my life heard such fire thrown into that sort of music. I am now laying anchors to windward, as John Ferguson says, to get Walter’s leave extended. We saw the D. of York, who was very civil, but wants altogether the courtesy of the King. I have had a very gracious message from the King. He is expected up very soon, so I don’t go to Brighton, which is so far good. I fear his health is not strong. Mean while all goes forward for the Coronation. The expense of the robes for the peers may amount to L.400 a-piece. All the ermine is bought up at the most extravagant prices. I hear so much of it, that I really think, like Beau Tibbs, I shall
* The late Duke of Gordon. |
“I write, wishing to know what I could bring Anne and you and mamma down that would be acceptable; and I shall be much obliged to you to put me up to that matter. To little Charles also I promised something, and I wish to know what he would like. I hope he pays attention to Mr Thompson, to whom remember my best compliments. I hope to get something for him soon.
“To-day I go to spend my Sabbath quietly with Joanna Baillie and John Richardson, at Hampstead. The long Cornet goes with me. I have kept him amongst the seniors—nevertheless he seems pretty well amused. He is certainly one of the best-conditioned lads I ever saw, in point of temper.
“I understand you and Anne have gone through the ceremony of confirmation. Pray, write immediately, and let me know how you are all going on, and what you would like to have, all of you. You know how much I would like to please you. Yours, most affectionately,
While Scott remained in London, the
Professorship of Moral Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh became vacant by the death
of Dr Thomas Brown; and among others who proposed
themselves as candidates to fill it was the author of the Isle of Palms. He was opposed in the Town Council
(who are the patrons of most of the Edinburgh chairs), on various pretences, but solely, in
fact, on party grounds, certain humorous political pieces having much exacerbated the Whigs
of the North against him; and I therefore wrote to Scott, requesting
“I have yours of the Sunday morning, which has been terribly long of coming. There needed no apology for mentioning any thing in which I could be of service to Wilson; and, so far as good words and good wishes here can do, I think he will be successful; but the battle must be fought in Edinburgh. You are aware that the only point of exception to Wilson may be, that, with the fire of genius, he has possessed some of its eccentricities; but, did he ever approach to those of Henry Brougham, who is the god of Whiggish idolatry? If the high and rare qualities with which he is invested are to be thrown aside as useless, because they may be clouded by a few grains of dust which he can blow aside at pleasure, it is less a punishment on Mr Wilson than on the country. I have little doubt he would consider success in this weighty matter as a pledge for binding down his acute and powerful mind to more regular labour than circumstances have hitherto required of him; for indeed, without doing so, the appointment could in no point of view answer his purpose. He must stretch to the oar for his own credit as well as that of his friends; and if he does so there can be no doubt that his efforts will be doubly blessed, in reference both to himself and to public utility. He must make every friend he can amongst the council. Palladio Johnstone should not be omitted. If my wife canvasses him, she may do some good.*
* Mr Robert Johnston, a grocer on a large scale on the North |
“You must, of course, recommend to Wilson great temper in his canvass—for wrath will do no good. After all, he must leave off sack, purge, and live cleanly as a gentleman ought to do; otherwise people will compare his present ambition to that of Sir Terry O’Fag when he wished to become a judge. ‘Our pleasant follies are made the whips to scourge us,’ as Lear says; for otherwise what could possibly stand in the way of his nomination? I trust it will take place, and give him the consistence and steadiness which are all he wants to make him the first man of the age.
“I am very angry with Castle Street—Not a soul has written me, save yourself, since I came to London. Yours very truly,
Sir Walter, accompanied by the Cornet, reached Edinburgh late in April, and on the 29th of that month he gave me the hand of his daughter Sophia. The wedding, more Scotico, took place in the evening; and, adhering on all such occasions to ancient modes of observance with the same punctiliousness which he mentions as distinguishing his worthy father, he gave a jolly supper afterwards to all the friends and connexions of the young couple.
His excursions to Tweedside during Term-time were, with very rare exceptions, of the sort which I have described in the preceding chapter; but he departed from
Bridge of Edinburgh, and long one of the leading Bailies, was about this time the prominent patron of some architectural novelties in Auld Reekie, which had found no favour with Scott;—hence his prænomen of Palladio—which he owed, I believe, to a song in Blackwood’s Magazine. The good Bailie had been at the High School with Sir Walter, and their friendly intercourse was never interrupted but by death. |
“Trusty and well beloved—Whereas Gustavus, Prince Royal of Sweden, proposeth to honour our poor house of Abbotsford with his presence on Thursday next, and to repose himself there for certain days, we do heartily pray you, out of the love and kindness which is and shall abide betwixt us, to be aiding to us at this conjuncture, and to repair to Abbotsford with your lady, either upon Thursday or Friday, as may best suit your convenience and pleasure, looking for no denial at your hands. Which loving countenance we will, with all thankfulness, return to you at your mansion of Gala. The hour of appearance being five o’clock, we request you to be then and there present, as you love the honour of the name; and so advance banners in the name of God and St Andrew.
The visit of Count Itterburg is alluded to in this letter to the Cornet, who had now rejoined his regiment in Ireland. It appears that on reaching headquarters he had found a charger hors de combat.
“I enclose the cheque for the allowance; pray take care to get good notes in exchange. You had better speak to the gentleman whom Lord Shannon introduced you to, for, when banks take a-breaking, it seldom stops with the first who go. I am very sorry for your loss. You must be economical for a while, and bring yourself round again, for at this moment I cannot so well assist as I will do by and by. So do not buy any thing but what you need.
“I was at Abbotsford for three days last week, to receive Count Itterburg, who seemed very happy while with us, and was much affected when he took his leave. I am sorry for him—his situation is a very particular one, and his feelings appear to be of the kindest order. When he took leave of me, he presented me with a beautiful seal, with all our new blazonries cut on a fine amethyst; and what I thought the prettiest part, on one side of the setting is cut my name, on the other the Prince’s—Gustaf. He is to travel through Ireland, and will probably be at Cork. You will, of course, ask the Count and Baron to mess, and offer all civilities in your power, in which, I dare say, Colonel Murray will readily join. They intend to enquire after you.
“I have bought the land adjoining to the Burnfoot
cottage, so that we now march with the Duke of
Buccleuch all the way round that course. It cost me L.2300—but
there is a great deal of valuable fir planting, which you may remember; fine
roosting for the black game. Still I think it is L.200 too dear, but Mr Laidlaw thinks it can be made worth the
money, and it rounds the property off very handsomely. You cannot but remember
MAY—JULY, 1820. | 377 |
“Mamma, Anne, and Charles are all well. Sophia has been complaining of a return of her old sprain. I told her Lockhart would return her on our hands as not being sound wind and limb.
“I beg you to look at your French, and have it much at heart that you should study German. Believe me, always affectionately yours,
In May, 1820, Scott received from both the English Universities the highest compliment which it was in their power to offer him. The Vice-Chancellors of Oxford and Cambridge communicated to him, in the same week, their request that he would attend at the approaching Commemorations, and accept the honorary degree of Doctor in Civil Law. It was impossible for him to leave Scotland again that season; and on various subsequent renewals of the same flattering proposition from either body, he was prevented, by similar circumstances, from availing himself of their distinguished kindness.
In the course of a few months Scott’s family arrangements had undergone, as we have seen, considerable alteration. Meanwhile he continued anxious to be allowed to adopt, as it were, the only son of his brother Thomas; and the letter, in consequence of which that hopeful youth was at last committed to his charge, contains so much matter likely to interest parents and guardians, that, though long, I cannot curtail it.
“Your letter of May, this day received, made me
“After my own sons, my most earnest and anxious wish
will be, of course, for yours,—and with this view I have pondered well what you
say on the subject of your Walter; and
whatever line of life you may design him for, it is scarce possible but that I
can be of considerable use
“This is what I have judged fittest in my own
family, for Walter would have gone to
the bar had I liked, but I was sensible (with no small reluctance did I admit
the conviction) that I should only spoil an excellent soldier to make a poor
and undistinguished gownsman. On the same principle I shall send Charles to India, not, God knows, with my
will, for there is little chance of my living to see him return; but merely
that, judging by his disposition, I think the voyage of his life might be
otherwise lost in shallows. He has excellent parts, but they are better
calculated for intercourse with the world than for hard and patient study.
Having thus sent one son abroad from my family, and being about to send off the
other in due time, you will not, I am sure, think that I can mean disregard to
your parental feelings in stating what I can do for your Walter. Should his temper and character
incline for active life, I think I can promise to get him a cadetship in the
East India Company’s service; so soon as he has had the necessary
education, I will be at the expense of his equipment and passage-money; and
when he reaches India, there he is completely provided, secure of a competence
if he lives, and with great chance of a fortune if he thrives. I am aware this
would be a hard pull at Mrs
Scott’s feelings and yours; but recollect your fortune is
JULY, 1820. | 381 |
“Of public news I have little to send. The papers
will tell you the issue of the Radical row for the present. The yeomanry
behaved most gallantly. There is in Edinburgh a squadron as fine as ours was,
all young men, and zealous soldiers. They made the western campaign with the
greatest spirit, and had some hard and fatiguing duty, long night-marches,
surprises of the enemy, and so forth, but no fight, for the whole Radical plot
went to the devil when it came to gun and sword. Scarce any blood was shed,
except in a trifling skirmish at Bonnymuir, near Carron. The rebels were behind
a wall, and fired on ten hussars and as many yeomen—the latter under command of
a son of James Davidson, W.S. The
cavalry cleared the wall, and made them prisoners to a man. The commission of
Oyer and Terminer is now busy trying them and others. The Edinburgh young men
showed great spirit; all took arms, and my daughters say (I was in London at
the time), that not a feasible-looking beau was to be had for love or money.
Several were like old Beardie; they
would not shave their moustaches till the Radicals were put down, and returned
with most awful whiskers. Lockhart is
one of the cavalry, and a very good troop. It is high to hear these young
fellows talk of the Raid of Airdrie, the trot of Kilmarnock, and so on, like so
many moss-troopers. The Queen is making
an awful bustle, and though by all accounts her conduct has been most abandoned
and beastly, she has got the whole mob for her partisans, who call her injured
innocence, and what not. She has courage enough to dare the worst, and a most
decided desire to be revenged of him, which, by the way, can scarce be wondered
at. If she had as many followers of high as of
JULY, 1820. | 383 |
——‘make my grass mow, And my apple tree grow.’ |
“I beg my kind love to Mrs Huxley. I have a very acceptable letter from her, and I trust to retain the place she promises me in her remembrance. Sophia will be happy to hear from uncle Tom, when Uncle Tom has so much leisure. My best compliments attend your wife and daughters, not forgetting Major Huxley and Walter. My dear Tom, it will be a happy moment when circumstances shall permit us a meeting on this side Jordan, as Tabitha says, to talk over old stories, and lay new plans. So many things have fallen out which I had set my heart upon strongly, that I trust this may happen amongst others. Believe me, yours very affectionately,
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