The reader does not need to be reminded that Scott at this time had business enough on his hand besides
combing the mane of Brown Adam, and twisting couples for Douglas and Percy. He was deep in Swift; and the Ballantyne press was groaning under a multitude of works, some of them
already mentioned, with almost all of which his hand as well as his head had something,
more or less, to do. But a serious change was about to take place in his relations with the
spirited publishing house which had hitherto been the most efficient supporters of that
press; and his letters begin to be much occupied with differences and disputes which,
uninteresting as the details would now be, must have cost him many anxious hours in the
apparently idle autumn of 1808. Mr Constable had
then for his partner Mr Alexander Gibson Hunter,
afterwards Laird of Blackness, to whose intemperate language, much more than to any part of
Constable’s own conduct, Scott ascribed
this un-
John Ballantyne, a younger brother of Scott’s schoolfellow, had been originally bred to their father’s trade of a merchant—(that is to say, a dealer in everything from broadcloth to children’s tops)—at Kelso; but James’s rise in the world was not observed by him without ambitious longings; for he too had a love, and he at least fancied that he had a talent for literature. He left Kelso abruptly for the chances of the English metropolis. After a short residence in London, where, among other things, he officiated for a few months as clerk in a banking house, the continued intelligence of the printer’s prosperity determined him to return to Scotland. Not finding any opening at the moment in Edinburgh, he again tried the shop at Kelso; but his habits had not been improved by his brief sojourn in London, and the business soon melted to nothing in his hands. His goods were disposed of by auction for the benefit of his creditors—the paternal shop was finally closed; and John again quitted his birthplace, under circumstances which, as I shall show in the sequel, had left a deep and painful trace even upon that volatile mind.
He was a quick, active, intrepid little fellow; and in society so very
lively and amusing, so full of fun and merriment, such a thoroughly light-hearted droll,
all-over quaintness and humorous mimicry; and, moreover, such a keen and skilful devotee to
all manner of field-sports, from fox-hunting to badger-baiting inclusive, that it was no
wonder he should have made a favourable impression on Scott, when he appeared in Edinburgh in this desti-
The great bookseller of Edinburgh was a man of calibre infinitely beyond
these Ballantynes. Though with a strong dash of the sanguine, without
which, indeed, there can be no great projector in any walk of life, Archibald Constable was one of the most sagacious persons
that ever followed his profession. A brother poet of Scott says to
him, a year or two before this time, “Our butteraceous friend at the Cross turns
out a deep drawwell;” and another eminent literator, still more closely
connected with Constable, had already, I believe, christened him
“The Crafty.” Indeed, his fair and very handsome
physiognomy carried a bland astuteness of expression, not to be mistaken by any who could
read the plainest of nature’s handwriting. He made no pretensions to
literature—though he was in fact a tolerable judge of it generally, and particularly well
skilled in the department of Scotch antiquities. He distrusted himself, however, in such
matters, being conscious that his early education had been very imperfect; and moreover, he
wisely considered the business of a critic as quite as much out of his “proper
line” as authorship itself.
The disputes in question seem to have begun very shortly after the
contract for the Life and Edition of Swift
had been completed; and we shall presently see reason to infer that Scott to a certain degree was influenced at the moment by a soreness
originating in the recent conduct of Mr
Jeffrey’s Journal—that great primary source of the wealth and
authority of the house of Constable. The then
comparatively little-known bookseller of London, who
was destined to be ultimately Constable’s most formidable rival
in more than one department of publishing, has told me, that when he read the article on Marmion, and another on
general politics, in the same number of the Edinburgh
Review, he said to himself—“Walter Scott has
feelings both as a gentleman and a Tory, which these people must now have wounded. The
alliance between him and the whole clique of the Edinburgh
Review, its proprietor included, is shaken;” and, as far at least
as the political part of the affair was concerned, John Murray’s
sagacity was not at fault. We have seen with what thankful alacrity he accepted a small
share in the adventure of Marmion—and with
what brilliant success that was crowned; nor is it wonderful that a young bookseller,
conscious of ample energies, should now have watched with eagerness the circumstances which
seemed not unlikely to place within his own reach a more intimate
“We had, equally to our joy and surprise, a flying visit from Heber, about three weeks ago. He staid but three days but, between old stories and new, we made them very merry in their passage. During his stay, John Murray, the bookseller in Fleet Street, who has more real knowledge of what concerns his business than any of his brethren—at least than any of them that I know—came to canvass a most important plan, of which I am now, in ‘dern privacie,’ to give you the outline. I had most strongly recommended to our Lord Advocate† to think of some counter measures against the Edinburgh Review, which, politically speaking, is doing incalculable damage. I do not mean this in a mere party view;—the present ministry are not all that I could wish them—for (Canning excepted) I doubt there is among them too much self-seeking, as it was called in Cromwell’s’ time; and what is their misfortune, if not their fault, there is not among them one in the decided situation of
* When the 26th Number appeared, Mr Scott wrote to Constable in these terms: “The Edinburgh Review had become such as to render it impossible for me to continue a contributor to it.—Now, it is such as I can no longer continue to receive or read it.” The list of the then subscribers exhibits in an indignant dash of Constable’s pen opposite Mr Scott’s name, the word “Stopt!!!”’—Letter from Mr R. Cadell. † The Right Hon. John Campbell Colquhoun, husband of “Scott’s early friend, Mary Anne Erskine. |
—‘Love and fear glued many friends to him; And now he’s fallen, those tough commixtures melt.’
“Now, I think there is balm in Gilead for all this;
fear was, lest we should fail in procuring regular steady contributors; but I
know so much of the interior discipline of reviewing, as to have no
apprehension of that. Provided we are once set a-going by a few dashing
numbers, there would be no fear of enlisting regular contributors; but the
amateurs must bestir them-
‘General Howe is a gallant
commander, There are others as gallant as he.’ |
“I am truly happy you think well of the Spanish
business: they have begun in a truly manly and rounded manner, and barring
internal dissension, are, I think, very likely to make their part good.
Buonaparte’s army has come to
assume such a very motley description as gives good hope of its crumbling down
on the frost of adversity setting in. The Germans and Italians have deserted
him in troops, and I greatly doubt his being able to assemble a very huge force
at the foot of the Pyrenees, unless he trusts that the terror of his name will
be sufficient to keep Germany in subjugation, and Austria in awe. The finances
of your old Russian friends
“Enough of this talk. Ever yours,
The readiness with which Mr Ellis entered into the scheme thus introduced to his notice, encouraged Scott to write still more fully; indeed, I might fill half a volume with the correspondence now before me concerning the gradual organization, and ultimately successful establishment of the Quarterly Review. But my only object is to illustrate the liberality and sagacity of Scott’s views on such a subject, and the characteristic mixture of strong and playful language in which he developed them; and I conceive that this end will be sufficiently accomplished, by extracting two more letters of this bulky series. Already, as we have seen, before opening the matter even to Ellis, he had been requested to communicate his sentiments to the proposed editor of the work, and he had done so in these terms:—
“By a letter from the Lord Advocate of Scotland, in
consequence of a communication between his Lordship and Mr Canning on the subject of a new Review to be attempted in London, I
have the pleasure to understand that you have consented to become the editor, a
point which, in my opinion, goes no small way to ensure success to the
undertaking. In offering a few observations upon the details of such a plan, I
only obey the commands of our distinguished friends, without having the vanity
to hope that I can point out any thing which was not likely to have at once
occurred to a person of Mr
LETTER TO GIFFORD—OCT. 1808. | 207 |
“The office of the editor is of such importance, that
had you not been pleased to undertake it, I fear the plan would have fallen
wholly to the ground. The full power of control must, of course, be vested in
the editor for selecting, curtailing, and correcting the contributions to the
Review. But this is not all; for, as he is the person immediately responsible
to the bookseller that the work (amounting to a certain number of pages, more
or less) shall be before the public at a certain time, it will be the
editor’s duty to consider in due time the articles of which each number
ought to consist, and to take measures for procuring them from the persons best
qualified to write upon such and such subjects. But this is sometimes so
troublesome, that I foresee with pleasure you will be soon obliged to abandon
your resolution of writing nothing yourself. At the same time, if you will
accept of my services as a sort of jackal or lion’s provider, I will do
all in my power to assist in this troublesome department of editorial duty. But
there is still something behind, and that of the last consequence. One great
resource to which the Edinburgh editor
turns himself, and by which he gives popularity even to the duller articles of
his Review, is accepting contributions from persons of inferior powers of
writing, provided they understand the books to which the criticisms relate; and
as such are often of stupifying mediocrity, he renders them palatable by
throwing in a handful of spice—namely, any lively paragraph or entertaining
illustration that occurs to him in reading them over. By this sort of
veneering, he converts, without loss of time, or hinderance of business,
articles which, in their original state, might hang in the market, into such
goods as are not likely to disgrace those among which they are placed. This
seems to be
LETTER TO GIFFORD—OCT. 1808. | 209 |
“There is one opportunity possessed by you in a
particular degree—that of access to the best sources of political information.
It would not, certainly, be advisable that the work should assume, especially
at the outset, a professed political character. On the contrary, the articles
on science and miscellaneous literature ought to be of such a quality as might
fairly challenge competition with the best of our contemporaries. But as the
real reason of instituting the publication is the disgusting and deleterious
doctrine with which the most popular of our Reviews disgraces its pages, it is
essential to consider how this warfare should be managed. On this ground, I
hope it is not too much to expect from those who have the power of assisting
us, that they should on topics of great national interest furnish the
reviewers, through the medium of their editor, with accurate views of points of
fact, so far as they are fit to be made public. This is the most delicate, and
yet most essential part of our scheme. On the one hand, it is certainly not to
be understood that we are to be held down to advocate upon all occasions the
cause of administration. Such a dereliction of independence would render us
entirely useless for the purpose we mean to serve. On the other hand, nothing
will render the work more interesting than the public learning, not from any
vaunt of ours, but from their own observation, that we have access to early and
accurate information in point of fact. The Edinburgh
“Concerning the mode and time of publication, I think
you will be of opinion that monthly, in the present dearth of good subjects of
Review, would be too often, and that a quarterly publication would both give
you less trouble, and be amply sufficient for discussing all that is likely to
be worth discussion. The name to be assumed is of some consequence, though any
one of little pretension will do. We might, for example, revive the
‘English Review,’
which was the name of Gilbert
Stewart’s. Regular correspondents ought to be sought
after, but I should be little afraid of finding such, were the reputation of
the Review once decidedly established by three or four numbers of the very
first order. As it would be essential to come on the public by surprise, that
no unreasonable expectation or artificial misrepresentation might prejudice its
success, the authors employed in the first number ought to be few and of the
first rate. The choosing of subjects would also be a matter of anxious
consideration: for example, a good and distinct essay on Spanish affairs would
be sufficient to give a character to the work. The lucubrations of the Edinburgh Review, on that subject,
have done the work great injury with the public, and I am convinced that of the
many thousands of copies now distributed of each Number, the quantity might be
reduced one-half at least, by any work appearing, which, with the same
LETTER TO GIFFORD—OCT. 1808. | 211 |
“After all, the matter is become very serious,—eight
or nine thousand copies of the Edinburgh
Review are
“Once more I have to apologize for intruding on you
this hasty, and therefore long, and probably confused letter; I trust your
goodness will excuse my expressing any apology for submitting to your better
judgment my sentiments on a plan of such consequence. I expect to be called to
London early in the winter, perhaps next month. If you see Murray, as I suppose you will, I presume you
will communicate to him such of my sentiments as have the good fortune to
coincide with
LETTER TO ELLIS—NOV. 1808. | 213 |
On the 18th of November, Scott enclosed to Mr
Ellis “the rough scroll” (that now transcribed) of
his letter to Mr Gifford; “this
being,” he says, “one of the very few epistles of which
I thought it will be as well to retain a copy.” He then proceeds
as follows: “Supposing you to have read said scroll, you must know
further, that it has been received in a most favourable manner by Mr
Gifford, who approves of its contents in all respects, and that
Mr Canning has looked it over, and
promised such aid as is therein required. I therefore wish you to be apprised
fully of what could hardly be made the subject of writing, unless in all the
confidence of friendship. Let me touch a string of much delicacy—the political
character of the Review. It
appears to me that this should be of a liberal and enlarged nature, resting
upon principles—indulgent and conciliatory as far as possible upon mere party
questions—but stern in detecting and exposing all attempts to sap our
constitutional fabric. Religion is another slippery station; here also I would
endeavour to be as impartial as the subject will admit of. This character of
impartiality, as well as the maintenance of a high reputation in literature, is
of as great consequence to such of our friends as are in the Ministry, as our
more direct efforts in their favour; for these will only be successful in
proportion to the influence we shall acquire by an extensive circulation; to
procure which, the former qualities will be essen-
“As our start is of such immense consequence, don’t you think Mr Canning, though unquestionably our Atlas, might for a day find a Hercules on whom to devolve the burthen of the globe, while he writes us a review? I know what an audacious request this is; but suppose he should, as great statesmen sometimes do, take a political fit of the gout, and absent himself from a large ministerial dinner, which might give it him in good earnest,—dine at three on a chicken and pint of wine,—and lay the foundation at least of one good article? Let us but once get afloat, and our labour is not worth talking of; but, till then, all hands must work hard.
“Is it necessary to say that I agree entirely with
you in the mode of treating even delinquents? The truth is, there is policy, as
well as morality, in keeping our swords clear as well as sharp, and not
forgetting the gentlemen in the critics. The public appetite is soon gorged
with any particular style. The common Reviews, before the appearance of the
Edinburgh, had become
extremely mawkish; and, unless when prompted by the malice of the bookseller or
reviewer, gave a dawdling, maudlin sort of applause to every thing that reached
even mediocrity. The Edinburgh folks squeezed into their sauce plenty of acid,
and were popular from novelty as well as from merit. The minor Reviews and
other periodical publications, have outrèd the matter still farther, and given us all
abuse, and no talent. But by the time the language of vituperative criticism
becomes general (which is now pretty nearly the case) it affects the tympanum
of the public ear no more than rogue or rascal
LETTER TO ELLIS—NOV. 1808. | 215 |
“For heaven’s sake do not fail to hold a
meeting as soon as you can. Gifford will
be admirable at service, but will require, or I mistake him much, both a spur
and a bridle—a spur on account of habits of literary indolence induced by weak
health—and a bridle because, having renounced in some degree general society,
he cannot be supposed to have the habitual and instinctive feeling ena-
Among others whom Scott endeavoured to enlist in the service of the new Review was his brother Thomas, who on the breaking up of his affairs in Edinburgh, had retired to the Isle of Man, and who shortly afterwards obtained the office in which he died, that of paymaster to the 70th regiment. The poet had a high opinion of his brother’s literary talents, and thought that his knowledge of our ancient dramatists, and his vein of comic narration, might render him a very useful recruit. He thus communicates his views to Thomas Scott, on the 19th November, and, as might be expected, the communication is fuller and franker than any other on the subject.
“Owing to certain pressing business I have not
* Mr T. Scott had meditated an edition of Shadwell’s plays,—which, by the way, his brother considered as by no means meriting the utter neglect into which they have fallen, chiefly in consequence of Dryden’s satire. † This circumstance was not revealed to Mr Murray. I presume, therefore, the invitation to Scott must have proceeded from Mr Canning. |
“My mother holds out very well, and talks of writing by this packet. Her cask of herrings, as well as ours, red and white, have arrived safe, and prove most excellent. We have been both dining and supping upon them with great gusto, and are much obliged by your kindness in remembering us. Yours affectionately,
I suspect, notwithstanding the opinion to the contrary expressed in the
following extract, that the preparations for the new journal did not long escape the notice
of either the editor or the publishers of the Edinburgh Review. On receiving the celebrated
Declaration of Westminster on the subject of the Spanish war, which bears date the 15th
December, 1808, Scott says to Ellis—“I cannot help writing a few lines to
congratulate you on the royal declaration. I suspect by this time the author
* Scott’s friend had mentioned that he expected a visit from Mr Canning, at Claremont, in Surrey; which beautiful seat continued in the possession of the Ellis family, until it was purchased by the crown, on the marriage of the Princess Charlotte of Wales, in 1816. |
As to Messrs Constable and Co,, it is not to be supposed that the rumours of the rival journal would tend to soothe those disagreeable feelings between them and Scott, of which I can trace the existence several months beyond the date of Mr Murray’s arrival at Ashestiel. Something seems to have occurred before the end of 1808 which induced Scott to suspect that, among other sources of uneasiness had been a repentant grudge in the minds of those booksellers as to their bargain about the new edition of Swift; and on the 2d of January, 1809, I find him requesting, that if, on reflection, they thought they had hastily committed themselves, the deed might be forthwith cancelled. On the 11th of the same month, Messrs Constable reply as follows:—
“We are anxious to assure you that we feel no
dissatisfaction at any part of our bargain about Swift. Viewing it as a safe and respectable
speculation, we should be very sorry to agree to your relinquishing the
undertaking, and indeed rely with confidence on its proceeding as originally
arranged. We regret that you have not been more willing to overlook the
unguarded expression of our Mr Hunter
about which you complain. We are very much concerned that any circumstance
should have occurred that should thus interrupt our friendly intercourse; but
as we are not willing to believe that we have done any thing which should
prevent our being again friends, we may at least be permitted to express a hope
that matters may hereafter be restored to their old footing between us, when
the misrepresentations of interested
Scott answers:
“To resume, for the last time, the disagreeable subject of our difference, I must remind you of what I told Mr Constable personally, that no single unguarded expression, much less the misrepresentation of any person whatever, would have influenced me to quarrel with any of my friends. But if Mr Hunter will take the trouble to recollect the general opinion he has expressed of my undertakings, and of my ability to execute them, upon many occasions during the last five months, and his whole conduct in the bargain about Swift, I think he ought to be the last to wish his interest compromised on my account. I am only happy the breach has taken place before there was any real loss to complain of, for although I have had my share of popularity, I cannot expect it to be more lasting than that of those who have lost it after deserving it much better.
“In the present circumstances, I have only a parting favour to request of your house, which is, that the portrait for which I sat to Raeburn shall be considered as done at my debit, and for myself. It shall be of course forthcoming for the fulfilment of any engagement you may have made about engraving, if such exists, Sadler will now be soon out, when we will have a settlement of our accounts. I am, gentlemen, your obedient servant,
Mr Constable declined, in very handsome terms, to give up the picture. But for the present the breach was complete. Among other negotiations which Scott had patronised twelve months before, was one concerning the publication of Miss Seward’s Poems. On the 19th of March, 1809, he writes as follows to that lady:—“Constable, like many other folks who learn to undervalue the means by which they have risen, has behaved, or rather suffered his partner to behave, very uncivilly towards me. But they may both live to know that they should not have kicked down the ladder till they were sure of their footing. The very last time I spoke to him on business was about your poems, which he promised faithfully to write about. I understood him to decline your terms, in which I think he acted wrong; but I had neither influence to change his opinion, nor inclination to interfere with his resolution. He is a very enterprising, and, I believe, a thoroughly honest man, but his vanity in some cases overpowers his discretion.”
One word as to the harsh language in which Constable’s then partner is mentioned in several of the preceding
letters. This Mr Hunter was, I am told by friends of
mine who knew him well, a man of considerable intelligence and accomplishments, to whose
personal connexions and weight in society the house of Constable and
Co. owed a great accession of business and influence. He was, however, a very keen
politician; regarded Scott’s Toryism with a fixed
bitterness; and, moreover, could never conceal his impression that
Scott ought to have embarked in no other literary undertakings
whatever, until he had completed his edition of
Swift. It is not wonderful that, not having been bred regularly to the
bookselling business, he should have somewhat misapprehended the obligation which
Scott had incurred when
All this leads us to the second stage, one still more unwise and unfortunate than the first, in the history of Scott’s commercial connexion with the Ballantynes. The scheme of starting a new bookselling house in Edinburgh, begun in the shortsighted heat of pique, had now been matured;—I cannot add, either with composed observation or rational forecast for it was ultimately settled that the ostensible and chief managing partner should be a person without capital, and neither by training nor by temper in the smallest degree qualified for such a situation; more especially where the field was to be taken against long experience, consummate skill, and resources which, if not so large as all the world supposed them, were still in comparison vast, and admirably organized. The rash resolution was, however, carried into effect, and a deed, deposited, for secrecy’s sake, in the hands of Scott, bound him as one-third partner, James Ballantyne having also a share, in this firm of John Ballantyne and Co., booksellers, Edinburgh—“Rigdumfunnidos” was installed in Hanover Street as the avowed rival of “The Crafty.”
The existing bond of copartnership is dated in July 1809; but I suspect
this had been a revised edition. It is certain that the new house were openly mustering
their forces
To Ellis, for example, he says, on the 13th December, 1808 “Now let me call your earnest attention to another literary undertaking, which is, in fact, a subsidiary branch of the same grand plan. I transmit the prospectus of an Edinburgh Annual Register. I have many reasons for favouring this work as much as I possibly can. In the first place, there is nothing even barely tolerable of this nature, though so obviously necessary to future history. Secondly, Constable was on the point of arranging one on the footing of the Edinburgh Review, and subsidiary thereunto, a plan which has been totally disconcerted by our occupying the vantage-ground. Thirdly, this work will be very well managed. The two Mackenzies,* William Erskine, cum plurimis aliis, are engaged in the literary department, and that of science is conducted by Professor Leslie, a great philosopher, and as abominable an animal as I ever saw. He writes, however, with great eloquence, and is an enthusiast in mathematical, chemical, and mineralogical pursuits. I hope to draw upon you in this matter, particularly in the historical department, to which your critical labours will naturally turn your attention. You will ask what I propose to do myself. In fact, though something will be expected, I cannot propose to be very active, unless the Swift is abandoned, of which I think there is some prospect, as I have reason to complain of
“But, Oh! Ellis, these cursed, double cursed news, have sunk my spirits so much, that I am almost at disbelieving a Providence. God forgive me! But I think some evil demon has been permitted, in the shape of this tyrannical monster whom God has sent on the nations visited in his anger. I am confident he is proof against lead and steel, and have only hopes that he may be shot with a silver bullet,* or drowned in the torrents of blood which he delights to shed. Oh! for True Thomas and Lord Soulis’s cauldron.† Adieu, my dear Ellis. God
* See note, “Proof against shot given by Satan.”—Waverley Novels, vol. x. p. 40.
The “cursed news” here alluded to were those of Napoleon’s advance by Somosierra, after the dispersion of the armies of Blake and Castaños. On the 23d of the same month, when the Treason of Morla and the fall of Madrid were known in Edinburgh, he thus resumes:—(Probably while he wrote, some cause with which he was not concerned was occupying the Court of Session:)
“Dear Ellis,—I have nothing better to do but to vent my groans. I cannot but feel exceedingly low. I distrust what we call thoroughbred soldiers terribly, when any thing like the formation of extensive plans, of the daring and critical nature which seems necessary for the emancipation of Spain, is required from them. Our army is a poor school for genius—for the qualities which naturally and deservedly attract the applause of our generals, are necessarily exercised upon a small scale. I would to God Wellesley were now at the head of the English in Spain. His late examination shows his acute and decisive talents for command;* and although I believe in my conscience, that when he found himself superseded, he suffered the pigs to run through the busi-
See the Ballad of Lord Soulis, and notes Border Minstrelsy, vol. iv. pp. 235-266. * This refers to Sir Arthur Wellesley’s evidence before the Court of Inquiry into the circumstances which led to the Convention (miscalled) of Cintra. For the best answer to the then popular suspicion, which Scott seems to have partaken, as to the conduct of Sir Arthur when superseded in the moment of victory at Vimiero, I refer to the contemporary despatches lately published in Colonel Gurwood’s invaluable compilation. |
‘Yet give the haughty devil his due, Though bold his quarterings, they are true.’ |
“As to the Annual Register, I do agree that the Prospectus is in too stately a tone—yet I question if a purer piece of composition would have attracted the necessary attention. We must sound a trumpet before we open a show. You will say we have added a tambourin; but the mob will the more readily stop and gaze; nor would their ears be so much struck by a sonata from Viotti. Do you know the Review begins to get wind here? An Edinburgh bookseller asked me to recommend him for the sale here, and said he heard it confidentially from London.—Ever yours,
I may also introduce here a letter of about the same date, and referring chiefly to the same subjects, addressed by Scott to his friend, Mr Charles Sharpe,* then at Oxford. The allusion at the beginning is to a drawing of Queen Elizabeth, as seen “dancing high and disposedly,” in her private chamber, by the Scotch ambassador, Sir James Melville, whose description of the exhibition is one of the most amusing things in his Memoirs. This production of Mr Sharpe’s pencil, and the delight with which Scott used to expatiate on its merits, must be well remembered by every one that ever visited the poet at Abbotsford.—Some of the names mentioned in this letter as counted on by the projectors of the Quarterly Review will, no doubt, amuse the reader.
* Scott’s acquaintance with Mr Sharpe began when the latter was very young. He supplied Scott when compiling the Minstrelsy with the ballad of the Tower of Repentance,” &c. See vol. iv. Pp. 307—323. |
LETTER TO MR SHARPE—DEC. 1808. | 229 |
“The inimitable virago came safe, and was welcomed by the inextinguishable laughter of all who looked upon her caprioles. I was unfortunately out of town for a few days, which prevented me from acknowledging instantly what gave me so much pleasure, both on account of its intrinsic value, and as a mark of your kind remembrance. You have, I assure you, been upmost in my thoughts for some time past, as I have a serious design on your literary talents, which I am very anxious to engage in one or both of the two following schemes. Imprimis, it has been long the decided resolution of Mr Canning and some of his literary friends, particularly Geo. Ellis, Malthus, Frere, W. Rose, &c., that something of an independent Review ought to be started ill London. This plan is now on the point of being executed, after much consultation. I have strongly advised that politics be avoided, unless in cases of great national import, and that their tone be then moderate and manly; but the general tone of the publication is to be literary. William Gifford is editor, and I have promised to endeavour to recruit for him a few spirited young men able and willing to assist in such an undertaking. I confess you were chiefly in my thoughts when I made this promise; but it is a subject which for a thousand reasons I would rather have talked over than written about—among others more prominent, I may reckon my great abhorrence of pen and ink, for writing has been so long a matter of duty with me, that it is become as utterly abominable to me as matters of duty usually are. Let me entreat you, therefore, to lay hold of Macneill,* or any other new book you like, and
* “The Pastoral, or Lyric Muse of Scotland; in three Cantos,” 4to, by Hector Macneill, appeared in Dec. 1803. |
“The other plan refers to the enclosed prospectus,
and has long been a favourite scheme of mine, of William Erskine’s, and some of my other cronies here. Mr
LETTER TO MR SHARPE—DEC. 1809. | 231 |
“I am forced to conclude abruptly. Thine entirely,
Mr Morritt was by this time beginning to correspond with the poet pretty frequently. The first of their letters, however, that serves to throw light on Scott’s personal proceedings, is the following:—
For a long while I thought my summons to
* Mr Southey—who finally undertook the task proposed to him. |
“Mean while, however, I have been concocting, at the
instigation of various loyal and well disposed persons, a grand scheme of
opposition to the proud critics of Edinburgh. It is now matured in all its
branches, and consists of the following divisions. A new review in London, to
be called the Quarterly, William Gifford to be the editor; George Ellis, Rose, Mr Canning if
possible, Frere, and all the ancient
Anti-Jacobins to be concerned. The first number is now in hand, and the allies,
I hope and trust, securely united to each other. I have promised to get them
such assistance as I can, and most happy should I be to prevail upon you to put
your hand to the ark. You can so easily run off an article either of learning
or of fun, that it would be inexcusable not to afford us your assistance. Then
sir, to turn the flank of Messrs Constable and Co. and to avenge myself of certain impertinences
which, in the vehemence of their Whiggery, they have dared to indulge in
towards me, I have prepared to start against them at Whitsunday first the
celebrated printer, Ballantyne (who had
the honour of meeting you at Ashestiel), in the shape of an Edinburgh
publisher, with a long purse and a sound political creed, not to mention an
alliance offensive and defensive with young John
Murray of Fleet
“My own motions southwards remain undetermined, but I conceive I may get to town about the beginning of March, when I expect to find you en famille in Portland Place. Our Heber will then most likely be in town, and altogether I am much better pleased that the journey is put off till the lively season of gaiety.
“I am busy with my edition of Swift, and treasure your kind hints for my direction as I advance. In summer I think of going to Ireland to pick up any thing that may be yet recoverable of the Dean of St Patrick’s. Mrs Scott joins me in kindest and best respects to Mrs Morritt. I am, with great regard, dear sir, your faithful humble servant,
The two following letters seem to have been written at the clerk’s table, the first shortly before, and the second very soon after, the news of the battle of Corunna reached Scotland:
“I have been some time from home in the course of
the holidays, but immediately on my return set about
Dobrizzhoffer de Abiponibus, 3 vols.
A French translation of Gomella’s History of Oronoquo.
Ramuzio Navigazioni, &c. &c.
Of these I can only lay my hands immediately on Dobrizzhoffer, which I have sent off by the
Carlisle coach, addressed to the care of Jollie the bookseller for you. I do this at my own risk,
because we never grant license to send the books out of Scotland, and should I
be found to have done so I may be censured, and perhaps my use of the library
suspended. At the same time, I think it hard you should take a journey in this
deadly cold weather, and trust you will make early enquiry after the book. Keep
it out of sight while you use it, and return it as soon as you have finished. I
suppose these same Abipones were a nation to my own heart’s content,
being, as the titlepage informs me, bellicosi et
equestres, like our old Border lads. Should you think of
coming hither, which perhaps might be the means of procuring you more
information than I can make you aware of, I bespeak you for my guest. I can
give you a little chamber in the wall, and you shall go out and in as quietly
and freely as your heart can desire, without a human creature saying ‘why
doest thou so?’ Thalaba is in parturition too, and you should in decent curiosity
give an eye after him. Yet I will endeavour to recover the other books (now
lent out), and send them to you in the same way as Dob. travels, unless you recommend
another conveyance. But I expect this generosity on my part will rather stir
your gallantry to make us a visit when this abominable storm has passed away.
My present occupation is highly unpoetical—clouting, in short, and cobbling our
old Scottish
“I have had a high quarrel with Constable and Co. The Edinburgh Review has driven them quite crazy, and its success led them to undervalue those who have been of most use to them—but they shall dearly abye it. The worst is that, being out of a publishing house, I have not interest to be of any service to Coleridge’s intended paper.* Ballantyne, the printer, intends to open shop here on the part of his brother, and I am sure will do all he can to favour the work. Does it positively go on?
“I have read Wordsworth’s lucubrations in the Courier,† and much agree with him. Alas! we want every thing but courage and virtue in this desperate contest. Skill, knowledge of mankind, ineffable unhesitating villany, combination of movement and combination of means, are with our adversary. We can only fight like mastiffs, boldly, blindly, and faithfully. I am almost driven to the pass of the Covenanters, when they told the Almighty in their prayers, he should no longer be their God; and I really believe, a few Gazettes more will make me turn Turk or Infidel. Believe me, in great grief of spirit, dear Southey, ever yours,
“Mrs Scott begs kind remembrance to Mrs Southey. The bed in the said chamber in the wall is a double one.”
* Mr Coleridge’s “Friend” was originally published in weekly papers. † Mr Wordsworth’s Remarks on the Convention of Cintra were afterwards collected in a pamphlet. |
“Yesterday I received your letter, and to-day I despatched Gomella and the third volume of Ramuzio, The other two volumes can also be sent, if you should find it necessary to consult them. The parcel is addressed to the paternal charge of your Keswick carrier. There is no hurry in returning these volumes, so don’t derange your operations by hurrying your extracts, only keep them from any profane eye. I dipped into Gomella while I was waiting for intelligence from you, and was much edified by the bonhommie with which the miracles of the Jesuits are introduced.
“The news from Spain gave me such a mingled feeling,
that I never suffered so much in my whole life from the disorder of spirits
occasioned by affecting intelligence. My mind has naturally a strong military
bent, though my path in life has been so very different. I love a drum and a
soldier as heartily as ever Uncle Toby did,
and between the pride arising from our gallant bearing, and the deep regret
that so much bravery should run to waste, I spent a most disordered and
agitated night, never closing my eyes but what I was harassed with visions of
broken ranks, bleeding soldiers, dying horses—‘and all the current of
a heady fight.’ I agree with you that we want energy in our
cabinet—or rather their opinions are so different, that they come to wretched
compositions between them, which are worse than the worst course decidedly
followed out. Canning is most anxious to
support the Spaniards, and would have had a second army at Corunna, but for the
positive demand of poor General Moore
that empty transports should be sent thither. So the reinforcements were
disembarked. I
“Ballantyne’s brother is setting up here as a bookseller, chiefly for publishing. I will recommend Coleridge’s paper to him as strongly as I can. I hope by the time it is commenced he will be enabled to send him a handsome order. From my great regard for his brother, I shall give this young publisher what assistance I can. He is understood to start against Constable and the Reviewers, and publishes the Quarterly. Indeed he is in strict alliance, offensive and defensive, with John Murray of Fleet Street. I have also been labouring a little for the said Quarterly, which I believe you will detect. I hear very high things from Gifford of your article. About your visit to Edinburgh, I hope it will be a month later than you now propose, because my present prospects lead me to think I must be in London the whole month of April. Early in May I must return, and will willingly take the lakes in my way in hopes you will accompany me to Edinburgh, which you positively must not think of visiting in my absence.
Advocate, who is sitting behind me, says the Ministers have
resolved not to abandon the Spaniards coute qui
coute. It is a spirited determination—but they
“Mrs Scott joins me in best compliments to Mrs Southey. I hope she will have a happy hour. Pray, write me word when the books come safe. What is Wordsworth doing, and where the devil is his Doe? I am not sure if he will thank me for proving that all the Nortons escaped to Flanders, one excepted. I never knew a popular tradition so totally groundless as that respecting their execution at York.”
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