Shortly after the complete “Minstrelsy” issued from the press, Scott made his first appearance as a reviewer. The Edinburgh Review had been commenced in October, 1802, under the superintendence of the Rev. Sidney Smith, with whom, during his short residence in Scotland, he had lived on terms of great kindness and familiarity. Mr Smith soon resigned the editorship to Mr Jeffrey, who had by this time been for several years among the most valued of Scott’s friends and companions at the bar; and, the new journal being far from committing itself to violent politics at the outset, he appreciated the brilliant talents regularly engaged in it far too highly, not to be well pleased with the opportunity of occasionally exercising his pen in its service. His first contribution was, I believe, an article on Southey’s Amadis of Gaul, included in the number for October, 1803. Another, on Sibbald’s Chronicle of Scottish Poetry, appeared in the same number:—a third, on Godwin’s Life of Chaucer; a fourth, on Ellis’s Specimens of Ancient English Poetry; and a fifth, on the Life and Works of Chatterton, followed in the course of 1804.*
* Scott’s contributions to our periodical literature have been |
During the summer of 1803, however, his chief literary labour was still on the “Tristrem;” and I shall presently give some further extracts from his letters to Ellis, which will amply illustrate the spirit in which he continued his researches about the Seer of Ercildoune, and the interruptions which these owed to the prevalent alarm of French invasion. Both as Quartermaster of the Edinburgh Light-horse, and as Sheriff of The Forest, he had a full share of responsibility in the warlike arrangements to which the authorities of Scotland had at length been roused; nor were the duties of his two offices considered as strictly compatible by Francis Lord Napier, then Lord-Lieutenant of Selkirkshire; for I find several letters in which his Lordship. complains that the incessant drills and musters of Musselburgh and Portobello prevented the Sheriff from attending county meetings held at Selkirk in the course of this summer and autumn, for the purpose of organizing the trained bands of the Forest, on a scale hitherto unattempted. Lord Napier strongly urges the propriety of his resigning his connexion with the Edinburgh troop, and fixing his summer residence somewhere within the limits of his proper jurisdiction; nay, he goes so far as to hint, that if these suggestions should be neglected, it must be his duty to state the case to the Government. Scott could not be induced (least of all by a threat), while the fears of invasion still prevailed, to resign his place among his old companions of “the voluntary band;” but he seems to have presently acquiesced in the propriety of the Lord-Lieutenant’s advice respecting a removal from Lasswade to Ettrick Forest.
The following extract is from a letter written at Musselburgh, during this summer or autumn:—
with some trivial exceptions, included in the recent collection of his Miscellaneous Prose Writings. |
MUSSELBURGH—1803. | 385 |
“Miss Seward’s
acceptable favour reaches me in a place, and at a time, of great bustle, as the corps
of voluntary cavalry to which I belong is quartered for a short time in this village,
for the sake of drilling and discipline. Nevertheless, had your letter announced the
name of the gentleman who took the trouble of forwarding it, I would have made it my
business to find him out, and to prevail on him, if possible, to spend a day or two
with us in quarters. We are here assuming a very military appearance. Three regiments
of militia, with a formidable park of artillery, are encamped just by us. The Edinburgh
troop, to which I have the honour to be quartermaster, consists entirely of young
gentlemen of family, and is, of course, admirably well mounted and armed. There are
other four troops in the regiment, consisting of yeomanry, whose iron faces and
muscular forms announce the hardness of the climate against which they wrestle, and the
powers which nature has given them to contend with and subdue it. These corps have been
easily raised in Scotland, the farmers being in general a high-spirited race of men,
fond of active exercises, and patient of hardship and fatigue. For myself, I must own
that to one who has, like myself, la tête un peu
exaltée, the pomp and circumstance of war gives, for a
time, a very poignant and pleasing sensation. The imposing appearance of cavalry, in
particular, and the rush which marks their onset, appear to me to partake highly of the
sublime. Perhaps I am the more attached to this sort of sport of swords, because my
health requires much active exercise, and a lameness contracted in childhood renders it
inconvenient for me to take it otherwise than on horseback. I have, too, a hereditary
attachment to the animal—not, I flatter myself, of the common jockey cast, but because
I regard him as the kindest and most generous of the subordinate
It appears that Miss Seward had sent Scott some obscure magazine criticism on his “Minstrelsy,” in which the censor had condemned some phrase as naturally suggesting a low idea. The lady’s letter not having been preserved, I cannot explain farther the sequel of that from which I have been quoting. Scott says, however:
“I am infinitely amused with your sagacious critic. God wot I have often admired the vulgar subtlety of such minds as can with a depraved ingenuity attach a mean or disgusting sense to an epithet capable of being otherwise understood, and more frequently, perhaps, used to express an elevated idea. In many parts of Scotland the word virtue is limited entirely to industry; and a young divine who preached upon the moral beauties of virtue was considerably surprised at learning that the whole discourse was supposed to be a panegyric upon a particular damsel who could spin fourteen spindles of yarn in the course of a week. This was natural; but your literary critic has the merit of going very far a-field to fetch home his degrading association.”
To return to the correspondence with Ellis—Scott writes thus to him in
July:—“I cannot pretend immediately to enter upon the serious discussion which
you propose respecting the age of ‘Sir
Tristrem;’ but yet, as it seems likely to strip Thomas the Prophet of the honours
LETTERS TO ELLIS—1803. | 389 |
About this time, Mr and Mrs Ellis, and their friend Douce, were preparing for a tour into the North of England; and Scott was invited and strongly tempted to join them at various points of their progress, particularly at the Grange, near Rotherham, in Yorkshire, a seat of the Earl of Effingham. But he found it impossible to escape again from Scotland, owing to the agitated state of the country. On returning to the Cottage from an excursion to his Sheriffship, he thus resumes:—
“My conscience has been thumping me as hard as if it
had studied under Mendoza, for letting
your kind favour remain so long unanswered. Nevertheless, in this it is like
Launcelot Gobbo’s, but a hard
kind of conscience, as it must know how much I have been occupied with Armies
of Reserve, and Militia, and Pikemen, and Sharpshooters, who are to descend
from Ettrick Forest to the confusion of all invaders. The truth is, that this
country has for once experienced that the pressure of external danger may
possibly produce internal unanimity; and so great is the present military zeal,
that I really wish our rulers would devise some way of calling it into
* Mr Ellis had hinted that “Rymer might not more necessarily indicate an actual poet, than the name of Taylor does in modern times an actual knight of the thimble.” |
* The whole of this subject has derived much illustration from the recent edition of the “Ragman’s Roll,” a contribution to the Bannatyne Club of Edinburgh by two of Sir Walter Scott’s most esteemed friends, the Lord Chief Commissioner Adam and Sir Samuel Shepherd. That record of the oaths of fealty tendered to Edward I., during his Scotch usurpation, furnishes, indeed, very strong confirmation of the views which the Editor of “Sir Tristrem” had thus early adopted concerning the origin of surnames in Scotland. The landed gentry, over most of the country, seem to have been then generally distinguished by the surnames still borne by their descendants—it is wonderful how little the land seems to have changed hands in the course of so many centuries. But the towns’ people have, with few exceptions, designations apparently indicating the actual trade of the individual; and, in many instances, there is distinct evidence that the plan of transmitting such names had not been adopted; for example, Thomas the Tailor is described as son of Thomas the Smith, or vice versâ. The chief magistrates of the burghs appear, however, to have been, in most cases, younger sons of the neighbouring gentry, and have of course their hereditary designations. This singular document, so often quoted and referred to, was never before printed in extenso. |
“Having cleared up this matter, as I think, to every one’s satisfaction, unless to those resembling not Thomas himself, but his namesake the Apostle, I have, secondly, to show that my Thomas is the Tomas of Douce’s MS. Here I must again refer to the high and general reverence in which Thomas appears to have been held, as is proved by Robert de Brunne; but above all, as you observe, to the extreme similarity betwixt the French and English poems, with this strong circumstance, that the mode of telling the story approved by the French minstrel, under the authority of his Tomas, is the very mode in which my Thomas has told it. Would you desire better sympathy?
“I lately met by accident a Cornish gentleman, who
had taken up his abode in Selkirkshire for the sake of fishing—and what should
his name be but Caerlion? You will
not doubt that this interested me very much. He tells me that there is but one
family of the name in Cornwall, or as far as ever he heard any where else, and
that they are of great antiquity. Does not this circumstance seem to prove that
there existed in Cornwall a place called Caerlion, giving name to that family?
Caerlion would probably be Castrum Leonense, the chief
town of Liones, which in every romance is stated to have been Tristrem’s country, and from which he
derived his surname of Tristrem de
Liones. This district, as you notice in the notes on
the Fabliaux, was swallowed up by the
sea. I need not remind you that all this tends to illustrate the Caerlioun mentioned by Tomas, which
I always suspected to be a very different place from Caerlion on Uske—which is
no seaport. How I regret the number of leagues which prevented my joining you
and the sapient Douce, and how much
ancient lore I have
Ellis says in reply:—“My dear
Scott, I must begin by congratulating
you on Mrs Scott’s escape; Camp, if he had had no previous title to immortality,
would deserve it, for his zeal and address in detecting the stupid marksman,
who, while he took aim at a bird on a tree, was so near shooting your fair
‘bird in bower.’ If there were many such shooters, it would become
then a sufficient excuse for the reluctance of Government to furnish arms
indifferently to all volunteers. In the next place, I am glad to hear that you
are disposed to adopt my channel for transmitting the tale of Tristrem to Chretien de
Troye. The more I have thought on the subject the more I am
convinced that the Normans, long before the Conquest, had acquired from the
Britons of Armorica a considerable knowledge of our old British fables, and
that this led them, after the Conquest, to enquire after such accounts as were
to be found in the country where the events are supposed to have taken place. I
am satisfied, from the internal evidence of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History, that it must have been
fabricated in Bretagne, and that he did, as he asserts, only translate it. Now, as Marie, who lived about a century later, certainly translated also from the Breton a series of
lays relating to Arthur and his knights, it
will follow that the first poets who wrote in France,
such as Chretien, &c., must have acquired their
knowledge of our traditions from Bretagne. Observe, that the pseudo-
“What you tell me about your Cornish fisherman is very curious; and I think with you that little reliance is to be placed on our Welsh geography—and that Caerlion on Uske is by no means the Caerlion of Tristrem. Few writers or readers have hitherto considered sufficiently that from the moment when Hengist first obtained a settlement in the Isle of Thanet, that settlement became England, and all the rest of the country became Wales; that these divisions continued to represent different proportions of the island at different periods; but that Wales, during the whole Heptarchy, and for a long time after, comprehended the whole western coast very nearly from Cornwall to Dunbretton; and that this whole tract, of which the eastern frontier may be easily traced for each particular period, preserved most probably to the age of Thomas a community of language, of manners, and traditions.
“As your last volume announces your Lay, as well as Sir Tristrem, as in the press, I begin, in
common with all your friends, to be uneasy about the future disposal
Ellis had projected some time before this an edition
of the Welsh Mabinogion, in which he was to be assisted by
Mr Owen, the author of the “Welsh and English Dictionary,”
Biography,” &c. “I am very sorry,” Scott says (September 14), “that you flag over those
wild and interesting tales. I hope, if you will not work yourself (for which you have
so little excuse, having both the golden talents and the golden leisure necessary for
study), you will at least keep Owen to something that is
rational—I mean to iron horses, and magic
cauldrons, and Bran the Blessed, with the music of his
whole army upon his shoulders, and, in short, to something more pleasing and profitable
than old apophthegms, triads, and ‘blessed burdens of the womb of the isle of
Britain.’ Talking of such burdens, Camp has
been regularly wedded to a fair dame in the neighbourhood, but notwithstanding the
Italian policy of locking the lady in a stable, she is suspected of some inaccuracy;
but we suspend judgment, as Othello ought in all
reason to have done, till we see the produce of the union. As for my own employment, I
have yet much before me, and as the beginning of letting out ink is like the letting
out of water, I daresay I shall go on scribbling one nonsense or another to the end of
the chapter. People may say this and that of the pleasure of fame or of profit as a
motive of writing. I think the only pleasure is in the
‘In Yorkshire, near fair Rotherham.’ |
“—By the way, while you are in his neighbourhood, I hope you will not fail to enquire into the history of the valiant ‘Moor of Moorhall and the Dragon of Wantley.’ As a noted burlesque upon the popular romance, the ballad has some curiosity and merit. Ever yours, W. S.”
Mr Ellis received this letter where
Scott hoped it would reach him, at the
seat of Lord Effingham; and he answers, on the 3d of
October, “The beauty of this part of the country is such as to indemnify
the traveller for a few miles of very indifferent road, and the tedious process
of creeping up and almost sliding down a succession of high hills; and in the
number of picturesque landscapes by which we are encompassed, the den of the
dragon which you recommended to our attention is the most superlatively
beautiful and romantic. You are, I suppose, aware that this same den is the
very spot from whence Lady Mary Wortley
Montague wrote many of her early letters; and it seems that an
old housekeeper, who lived there till last year, remembered to have seen her,
and dwelt with great pleasure on the various charms of her celebrated mistress;
so that its wild scenes have an equal claim to veneration from the admirers of
wit and gallantry, and the far-famed investigators of remote antiquity. With
regard to the original Dragon, I have met with two different traditions. One of
these (which I think is preserved by Percy) states him to have been a wicked attorney, a relentless
persecutor of the poor, who
“The present house appears to have grown to its even
now moderate size by successive additions to a very small logge (lodge), built by ‘a gentle knight, Sir Thomas
Wortley,’ in the time of Henry
VIII., for the pleasure, as an old inscription in the present
scullery testifies, of ‘listening to the Hartes bell.’ Its site is
on the side of a very high rocky hill, covered with oaks (the weed of the
country), and overhanging the river Don, which in this place is little more
than a mountain torrent, though it becomes navigable a few miles lower at
Sheffield. A great part of the road from hence (which is seven miles distant)
runs through forest ground, and I have no doubt that the whole was at no
distant period covered with wood, because the modern improvements of the
country, the result of flourishing manufactories, have been carried on almost
within our own time in consequence of the abundance of coal which here breaks
out in many places even on the surface. On the opposite side of the river begin
almost imme-
“You are unjust in saying that I flag over the Mabinogion—I have been very constantly employed upon my preface, and was proceeding to the last section when I set off for this place—so you see I am perfectly exculpated, and all over as white as snow. Anne being a true aristocrat, and considering purity of blood as essential to lay the foundation of all the virtues she expects to call out by a laborious education of a true son of Camp—she highly approves the strict and even prudish severity with which you watch over the morals of his bride, and expects you, inasmuch as all the good knights she has read of have been remarkable for their incomparable beauty, not to neglect that important requisite in selecting her future guardian. We possess a vulgar dog (a pointer), to whom it is intended to commit the charge of our house during our absence, and to whom I mean to give orders to repel by force any attempts of our neighbours during the times that I shall be occupied in preparing hare-soup; but Fitz-Camp will be her companion, and she trusts that you will strictly examine him while yet a varlet, and only send him up when you think him likely to become a true knight. Adieu—mille choses,
Scott tells Ellis in reply (October 14), that he was
LASSWADE—OCTOBER 1803. | 399 |
* Schnurbartchen is German for mustachio. It appears from a page of an early note-book previously transcribed, that Scott had been sometimes a smoker of tobacco in the first days of his lighthorsemanship. He had laid aside the habit at the time when this letter was written; but he twice again resumed it, though he never carried the indulgence to any excess. |
“Poor Ritson is no more. All his vegetable soups and puddings have not been able to avert the evil day, which, I understand, was preceded by madness. It must be worth while to enquire who has got his MSS. I mean his own notes and writings. The ‘Life of Arthur,’ for example, must contain many curious facts and quotations, which the poor defunct had the power of assembling to an astonishing degree, without being able to combine any thing like a narrative, or even to deduce one useful inference—witness his ‘Essay on Romance and Minstrelsy,’ which reminds one of a heap of rubbish, which had either turned out unfit for the architect’s purpose, or beyond his skill to make use of. The ballads he had collected in Cumberland and Northumberland, too, would greatly interest me. If they have fallen into the hands of any liberal collector, I dare say I might be indulged with a sight of them. Pray enquire about this matter.
“Yesterday Charlotte and I had a visit which we owe to Mrs E. A rosy lass, the sister of a bold
yeoman in our neighbourhood, entered our cottage, towing in a monstrous sort of
bulldog, called emphatically Cerberus, whom she came
on the part of her brother to beg our acceptance of, understanding we were
anxious to have a son of Camp. Cerberus was no sooner loose (a pleasure which, I suspect, he had
rarely enjoyed) than his father (supposé) and he engaged in a battle which might have
been celebrated by the author of the
Combat,’ and which, for aught I know, might have turned out a
combat à
l’outrance, if I had not interfered with a horsewhip,
instead of a baton, as juge de Camp. The odds were
indeed greatly against the stranger knight—two fierce Forest greyhounds having
arrived, and, contrary
After giving Scott some information about Ritson’s literary treasures, most of which, as it turned out, had been disposed of by auction shortly before his death, Mr Ellis (10th November) returns to the charge about Tristrem and True Thomas. “You appear,” he says, “to have been for some time so military that I am afraid the most difficult and important part of your original plan, viz., your History of Scottish poetry, will again be postponed, and must be kept for some future publication. I am, at this moment, much in want of two such assistants as you and Leyden. It seems to me that if I had some local knowledge of that wicked Ettrick Forest, I could extricate myself tolerably—but as it is, although I am convinced that my general idea is tolerably just, I am unable to guide my elephants in that quiet and decorous step-by-step march which the nature of such animals requires through a country of which I don’t know any of the roads. My comfort is, that you cannot publish Tristrem without a preface, that you can’t write one without giving me some assistance, and that you must finish the said preface long before I go to press with my Introduction.”
This was the Introduction to Ellis’s “Specimens of Ancient English Romances,” in which he intended to prove,
that as Valentia was, during several ages, the exposed frontier of Roman Britain towards
the unsubdued tribes of the North, and as two whole legions were accordingly usually
quartered there, while one besides sufficed for the whole southern part of the island, the
manners of Valentia, which included the district of Ettrick Forest, must have been greatly
favoured by the continued residence of so many Roman troops. “It is
I shall not quote more on this subject, as the reader may turn to the published essay for Mr Ellis’s matured opinions respecting it. To return to his letter of November 10th, 1803, he proceeds “And now let me ask you about the Lay of the Last Minstrel. That, I think, may go on as well in your tent, amidst the clang of trumpets and the dust of the field, as in your quiet cottage perhaps indeed still better nay, I am not sure whether a real invasion would not be, as far as your poetry is concerned, a thing to be wished.”
It was in the September of this year that Scott first saw Wordsworth. Their mutual acquaintance, Stoddart, had so often talked of them to each other, that they met as if they had not been strangers; and they parted friends.
Mr and Miss
Wordsworth had just completed that tour in the Highlands, of which so many
incidents have since been immortalized, both in the poet’s verse and in the hardly
less poetical prose of his sister’s Diary. On the morning of the 17th of September,
having left their carriage at Rosslyn, they walked down the valley to Lasswade, and arrived
there before Mr and Mrs
Scott had risen. “We were received,” Mr
Wordsworth has told me, “with that frank cordiality which, under
whatever circumstances I afterwards met him, always marked his manners; and, indeed, I
found him then in every respect except, perhaps, that his animal spirits were somewhat
higher precisely the same man that you knew
After this he walked with the tourists to Rosslyn, and promised to meet them in two days at Melrose. The night before they reached Melrose they slept at the little quiet inn of Clovenford, where, on mentioning his name, they were received with all sorts of attention and kindness, the landlady observing that Mr Scott, “who was a very clever gentleman,” was an old friend of the house, and usually spent a good deal of time there during the fishing season; but, indeed, says Mr Wordsworth, “wherever we named him, we found the word acted as an open sesamum; and I believe, that in the character of the Sheriff’s friends, we might have counted on a hearty welcome under any roof in the Border country.”
He met them at Melrose on the 19th, and escorted them through the Abbey,
pointing out all its beauties, and pouring out his rich stores of history and tradition.
They then dined and spent the evening together at the inn; but Miss Wordsworth observed that there was some difficulty about arranging
matters for the night, “the landlady refusing to settle any thing until she had
ascertained from the Sheriff himself that he had no objection to
sleep in the same room with William.” Scott was
thus far on his way to the Circuit Court at Jedburgh, in his capacity of Sheriff, and there
his new friends
Next day they all proceeded together up the Teviot to Hawick, Scott entertaining his friends with some legend or ballad
connected with every tower or rock they passed. He made them stop for a little to admire
particularly a scene of deep and solemn retirement, called Horne’s
Pool, from its having been the daily haunt of a contemplative schoolmaster, known
to him in his
The impression on Mr Wordsworth’s mind was, that on the whole he attached much less importance to his literary labours or reputation than to his bodily sports, exercises, and social amusements; and yet he spoke of his profession as if he had already given up almost all hope of rising by it; and some allusion being made to its profits, observed that “he was sure he could, if he chose, get more money than he should ever wish to have from the booksellers.”*
This confidence in his own literary resources appeared to Mr Wordsworth remarkable—the more so, from the careless way in which its expression dropt from him. As to his despondence concerning the bar, I confess his fee-book indicates much less ground for such a feeling than
* I have drawn up the account of this meeting from my recollection partly of Mr Wordsworth’s conversation—partly from that of his sister’s charming “Diary,” which he was so kind as to read over to me on the 16th May, 1836. |
On reaching his cottage in Westmoreland, Wordsworth addressed a letter to Scott, from which I must quote a few sentences. It
is dated Grasmere, October 16, 1803. “We had a delightful journey home,
delightful weather, and a sweet country to travel through. We reached our
little cottage in high spirits, and thankful to God for all his bounties. My
wife and child were both well, and as I need not say, we had all of us a happy
meeting. . . . . We passed Branxholme—your Branxholme, we supposed—about four
miles on this side of Hawick. It looks better in your poem than in its present
realities. The situation, however, is delightful, and makes amends for an
ordinary mansion. The whole of the Teviot and the pastoral steeps about
Mosspaul pleased us exceedingly. The Esk below Langholm is a delicious river,
and we saw it to great advantage. We did not omit noticing Johnnie Armstrong’s keep; but his
hanging place, to our great regret, we missed. We were, indeed, most truly
sorry that we could not have you along with us into Westmoreland. The country
was in its full glory the verdure of the valleys, in which we are so much
superior to you in Scotland, but little tarnished by the weather, and the trees
putting on their most beautiful looks. My sister was quite enchanted, and we
often said to each other, What a pity Mr Scott is not with
us! . . . . I had the pleasure of seeing Coleridge and Southey
The poet then transcribes his noble sonnet on Neidpath Castle, of which Scott had, it seems, requested a copy. In the MS. it stands somewhat differently from the printed edition; but in that original shape Scott always recited it, and few lines in the language were more frequently in his mouth.
I have already said something of the beginning of Scott’s acquaintance with “the Ettrick Shepherd.” Shortly after their first
meeting, Hogg, coming into Edinburgh with a flock of sheep, was seized
with a sudden ambition of seeing himself in print, and he wrote out that same night
“Willie and Katie,” and a
few other ballads, already famous in the Forest, which some obscure bookseller gratified
him by putting forth accordingly; but they appear to have attracted no notice beyond their
original sphere. Hogg then made an excursion into the Highlands, in
quest of employment as overseer of some extensive sheep-farm; but, though
Scott had furnished him with strong recommendations to various
friends, he returned without success. He printed an account of his travels,
The collection entitled “The Mountain Bard” was eventually published by Constable, in consequence of Scott’s recommendation, and this work did at last afford Hogg no slender share of the popular reputation for which he had so long thirsted. It is not my business, however, to pursue the details of his story. What I have written was only to render intelligible the following letter:
“I have been very impatient to hear from you. There is a certain affair of which you and I talked a little in private, and which must now be concluded, that naturally increaseth this.
“I am afraid that I was at least half-seas over the
night I was with you, for I cannot, for my life, recollect what passed when it
was late; and, there being certainly a small vacuum in my brain, which, when
empty, is quite empty, but is sometimes supplied with a small distillation of
intellectual matter—this must have been empty that night, or it never could
have been taken possession of by the fumes of the liquor so easily. If I was in
the state in which I suspect that I was, I must have spoke a very great deal of
nonsense, for which I beg ten thousand pardons. I have the consolation,
however, of remembering that Mrs Scott kept
in company all or most of the time, which she certainly could not have done,
had I been very rude. I remember, too, of the filial
“You once promised me your best advice in the first
lawsuit in which I had the particular happiness of being engaged. I am now
going to ask it seriously in an affair, in which, I am sure, we will both take
as much pleasure. It is this: I have as many songs beside me, which are
certainly the worst of my productions, as will make
about one hundred pages close printed, and about two hundred, printed as the
Minstrelsy is. Now,
although I will not proceed without your consent and advice, yet I would have
you to understand that I expect it, and have the scheme much at heart at
present. The first thing that suggested it, was their extraordinary repute in
Ettrick and its neighbourhood, and being everlastingly plagued with writing
copies, and promising scores which I never meant to perform. As my last
pamphlet was never known, save to a few friends, I wish your advice what pieces
of it are worth preserving. The ‘Pastoral’ I am resolved to insert, as
I am ‘Sandy
Tod.’ As to my manuscripts, they are endless; and as I doubt you
will disapprove of publishing them wholesale, and letting the good help off the
bad, I think you must trust to my discretion in the selection of a few. I wish
likewise to know if you think a graven image on the first leaf is any
recommendation; and if we might front the songs with a letter to you, giving an
impartial account of my manner of life and education, and, which if you pleased
to transcribe, putting He for I. Again, there is no publishing a book without a
patron, and I have one or two in my eye, and of which I will,
The reader will, I doubt not, be particularly amused with one of the suggestions in this letter; namely, that Scott should transcribe the Shepherd’s narrative in fore of his life and education, and merely putting “He” for “I,” adopt it as his own composition. James, however, would have had no hesitation about offering a similar suggestion either to Scott, or Wordsworth, or Byron, at any period of their renown. To say nothing about modesty, his notions of literary honesty were always exceedingly loose; but, at the same time, we must take into account his peculiar notions, or rather no notions, as to the proper limits of a joke.
Literature, like misery, makes men acquainted with strange bed-fellows.
Let us return from the worthy Shepherd of Ettrick to
the courtly wit and scholar of Sunninghill. In the last quoted of his letters, he expresses
his fear that Scott’s military avocations might
cause him to publish the Tristrem
unaccompanied by
The “Tristrem” was now far advanced at press. He says to Ellis, on the 19th March, 1804, “As I had a world
of things to say to you, I have been culpably, but most naturally silent. When you turn
a bottle with its head downmost, you must have remarked that the extreme impatience of
the contents to get out all at once greatly impedes their getting out at all. I have,
however, been forming the resolution of sending a grand packet with Sir Tristrem, who will kiss your hands in about a fortnight. I intend
uncastrated copies for you, Heber, and Mr Douce, who, I am willing to hope, will accept this
mark of my great respect and warm remembrance of his kindness while in London. Pray
send me without delay the passage referring to Thomas in the
SIR TRISTREM—1804. | 413 |
All this playful language is exquisitely characteristic of Scott’s indomitable adherence to his own views. But his making Thomas dress backwards—and resolving that, if necessary, he shall be the author of Hornchild, as well as Sir Tristrem may perhaps remind the reader of Don Quixote’s method of repairing the headpiece which, as originally constructed, one blow had sufficed to demolish: “Not altogether approving of his having broken it to pieces with so much ease, to secure himself from the like danger for the future, he made it over again, fencing it with small bars of iron within, in such a manner, that he rested satisfied of its strength—and, without caring to make a fresh experiment on it, he approved and looked upon it as a most excellent helmet.”
Ellis having made some observations on Scott’s article upon Godwin’s
Life of Chaucer, which implied a
notion that he had formed a regular connexion with the Edinburgh Review, he in the same letter says: “I
quite agree with you as to the general conduct of the Review, which savours more of a
wish to display than to instruct; but as essays, many of the articles are invaluable,
and the principal conductor is a man of very acute and universal talent. I am not
regularly connected with the work, nor have I either inclination or talents to use the
critical scalping knife, unless as in the case of Godwin, where
flesh and blood succumbed under the temptation. I don’t know if you have looked
into his tomes, of which a whole edition has vanished, I was at a loss to know how,
till I conjectured that, as the heaviest materials to be come at, they have been sent
on the secret expedition planned by Mr Phillips,
and adopted by our sapient Government, for blocking up the mouth of our enemy’s
SIR TRISTREM—1804. | 415 |
“Sir Tristrem” was at length published on the 2d of May, 1804, by Constable, who, however, expected so little popularity for the work that the edition consisted only of 150 copies. These were sold at a high price (two guineas), otherwise they would not have been enough to cover the expenses of paper and printing. Mr Ellis, and Scott’s other antiquarian friends, were much dissatisfied with these arrangements; but I doubt not that Constable was a better judge than any of them. The work, however, partook in due time of the favour attending its editor’s name. In 1806, 750 copies were called for; and 1000 in 1811. After that time Sir Tristrem was included in the collective editions of Scott’s poetry; but he had never parted with the copyright, merely allowing his general publishers to insert it among his other works, whenever they chose to do so, as a matter of courtesy. It was not a performance from which he had ever anticipated any pecuniary profit, but it maintained at least, if it did not raise, his reputation in the circle of his fellow antiquaries; and his own Conclusion, in the manner of the original romance, must always be admired as a remarkable specimen of skill and dexterity.
As to the arguments of the Introduction, I shall not in this place attempt any discussion.* Whether the story of Tristrem was first told in Welsh, Armorican, French, or English verse, there can, I think, be no doubt that it had been told in verse, with such success as to obtain very general renown, by Thomas of Ercildoune, and that the copy edited by Scott was either the composition of one who had heard the old Rhymer recite his lay, or the identical lay itself. The introduction of Thomas’s name in the third person, as not the author, but the author’s authority, appears to have had a great share in convincing Scott that the Auchinleck MS. contained not the original, but the copy of an English admirer and contemporary. This point seems to have been rendered more doubtful by some quotations in the recent edition of Warton’s History of English Poetry; but the argument derived from the enthusiastic exclamation “God help Sir Tristrem the knight—he fought for England,” still remains; and stronger perhaps even than that, in the opinion of modern philologists, is the total absence of any Scottish or even Northumbrian peculiarities in the diction.
All this controversy may be waved here. Scott’s object and delight was to revive the fame of the Rhymer, whose traditional history he had listened to while yet an infant among the crags of Smailholme. He had already celebrated him in a noble ballad;† he now devoted a volume to elucidate a fragment supposed to be substantially his work; and we shall find that
* The critical reader will find all the learning on the subject brought together with much ability in the Preface to “The Poetical Romances of Tristan, in French, in Anglo-Norman, and in Greek, composed in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries—Edited by Francisque Michel,” 2 vols. London, 1835. † See the Minstrelsy (Edition 1833), vol. iv. p. 110. |
SIR TRISTREM.—1804. | 417 |
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