The approbation with which the first two volumes of the Minstrelsy were received, stimulated Scott to fresh diligence in the preparation of a third; while “Sir Tristrem”—it being now settled that this romance should form a separate volume—was transmitted, without delay, to the printer at Kelso. As early as March 30th, 1802, Ballantyne, who had just returned from London, writes thus:—
“By to-morrow’s Fly I shall send the remaining
materials for Minstrelsy,
together with three sheets of Sir
Tristrem. . . . I shall ever think the printing the Scottish
Minstrelsy one of the most fortunate circumstances of my life. I have gained,
not lost by it, in a pecuniary light; and the prospects it has been the means
of opening to me, may advantageously influence my future destiny. I can never
be sufficiently grateful for the interest you unceasingly take in my welfare.
Your query respecting Edinburgh, I am yet at a loss to
On learning that a third volume of the Minstrelsy was in progress, Miss Seward forwarded to the Editor “Rich Auld Willie’s Farewell,” a Scotch ballad of her own manufacture, meaning, no doubt, to place it at his disposal, for the section of “Imitations.” His answer (dated Edinburgh, June 29, 1802), after many compliments to the Auld Willie, of which he made the use that had been intended, proceeds as follows:
“I have some thoughts of attempting a Border ballad in the comic manner;
but I almost despair of bringing it well out. A certain Sir William Scott, from whom I am descended,
was ill-advised enough to plunder the estate of Sir
Gideon Murray of Elibank, ancestor to the present Lord Elibank. The marauder was defeated, seized,
and brought in fetters to the castle of Elibank, upon the Tweed. The
Lady Murray (agreeably to the custom of all ladies in
ancient tales) was seated on the battlements, and descried the return of her
husband with his prisoners. She immediately enquired what he meant to do with
the young Knight of Harden, which was the petit
titre of Sir William Scott.
‘Hang the robber, assuredly,’ was the answer of
Sir Gideon. ‘What!’ answered the
lady, ‘hang the
“This little tale may serve for an introduction to some observations I have to offer upon our popular poetry. It will at least so far disclose your correspondent’s weak side, as to induce you to make allowance for my mode of arguing. Much of its peculiar charm is indeed, I believe, to be attributed solely to its locality. A very
* It is commonly said that all Meg’s descendants have inherited something of her characteristic feature. The Poet certainly was no exception to the rule. |
‘An old rude tale that suited well The ruins wild and hoary.’ |
‘Drowsy bench and babbling hall.’ |
Miss Seward, in her next letter, offers an apology for not having sooner begged Scott to place her name among the subscribers to his third volume. His answer is in these words:
“I am very sorry to have left you under a mistake about my third volume. The truth is, that highly as I should feel myself flattered by the encouragement of Miss Seward’s name, I cannot, in the present instance, avail myself of it, as the Ballads are not published by subscription. Providence having, I suppose, foreseen that my literary qualifications, like those of many more distinguished persons, might not, par hazard, support me exactly as I would like, allotted me a small patrimony which, joined to my professional income, and my appointments in the characteristic office of Sheriff of Ettrick Forest, serves to render my literary pursuits more a matter of amusement than an object of emolument. With this explanation, I hope you will honour me by accepting the third volume as soon as published, which will be in the beginning of next year, and I also hope, that under the circumstances, you will hold me acquitted of the silly vanity of wishing to be thought a gentleman-author.
“The ballad of The Reiver’s Wedding is not yet written, but I have finished one of a tragic cast, founded upon the death of Regent Murray, who was shot in Linlithgow, by James Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh. The following verses contain the catastrophe, as told by Hamilton himself to his chief and his kinsmen:—
‘With hackbut bent,’ &c. &c.
“This Bothwellhaugh has occupied such an unwarrantable proportion of my letter, that I have hardly time to tell you how much I join in your admiration of Tam o’ Shanter, which I verily believe to be inimitable, both in the serious and ludicrous parts, as well as the singularly happy combination, of both. I request Miss Seward to believe,” &c.
The “Reiver’s Wedding” never was completed, but I have found two copies of its commencement, and I shall make no apologies for inserting here what seems to have been the second one. It will be seen that he had meant to mingle with Sir William’s capture, Auld Wat’s Foray of the Bassened Bull, and the Feast of Spurs; and that, I know not for what reason, Lochwood, the ancient fortress of the Johnstones in Annandale, has been substituted for the real locality of his ancestor’s Drumhead Wedding Contract:—
‘O will ye hear a mirthful bourd?
Or will ye hear of courtesie?
Or will ye hear how a gallant lord
Was wedded to a gay ladye?
‘Ca’ out the kye,’ quo’ the village herd.
As he stood on the knowe,
‘Ca’ this ane’s nine and that ane’s ten,
And bauld Lord William’s
‘Ah! by my sooth,’ quoth William then,
And stands it that way now,
When knave and churl have nine and ten,
That the Lord has but his cow?
‘I swear by the light of the Michaelmas moon
And the might of Mary high,
And by the edge of my braidsword brown,
They shall soon say Harden’s
He took a bugle frae his side,
With names carved o’er and o’er—
Full many a chief of meikle pride,
That Border bugle bore—*
He blew a note baith sharp and hie,
Till rock and water rang around—
Three score of mosstroopers and three
Have mounted at that bugle sound.
The Michaelmas moon had entered then,
And ere she wan the full,
Ye might see by her light in Harden glen
A bow o’ kye and a bassened bull.
And loud, and loud in Harden tower
The quaigh gaed round wi’ meikle glee;
For the English beef was brought in bower,
And the English ale flowed merrilie.
And mony a guest from Teviotside
And Yarrow’s Braes were there;
Was never a lord in Scotland wide
That made more dainty fare.
They ate, they laugh’d, they sang and quaff’d,
Till nought on board was seen,
* This celebrated horn is still in the possession of Lord Polwarth. |
THE REIVER’S WEDDING—1802. | 355 |
When knight and squire were boune to dine,
But a spur of silver sheen.
Lord William has ta’en his berry brown steed—
A sore shent man was he:
Wait ye, my guests, a little speed—
Weel feasted ye shall be.’
He rode him down by Falsehope burn,
His cousin dear to see,
With him to take a riding turn
Wat-draw-the-sword was he.
And when he came to Falsehope glen,
Beneath the trysting tree,
On the smooth green was carved plain,*
‘To Lochwood bound are we.’
‘O if they be gane to dark Lochwood
To drive the Warden’s gear,
Betwixt our names, I ween, there’s feud;
I’ll go and have my share:
‘For little reck I for Johnstone’s feud,
The Warden though he be.’
So Lord William is away to dark Lochwood,
With riders barely three.
The Warden’s daughters in Lochwood sate,
Were all both fair and gay,
All save the Lady Margaret,
And she was wan and wae.
The sister, Jean, had a full fair skin,
And Grace was bauld and braw;
* “At Linton, in Roxburghshire, there is a circle of stones surrounding a smooth plot of turf, called the Tryst, or place of appointment, which tradition avers to have been the rendezvous of the neighbouring warriors. The name of the leader was cut in the turf, and the arrangement of the letters announced to his followers the course which he had taken.”—Introduction to the Minstrelsy, p. 185. |
But the leal-fast heart her breast within
It weel was worth them a’.
Her father’s pranked her sisters twa
With meikle joy and pride;
But Margaret maun seek Dundrennan’s wa’—
She ne’er can be a bride.
On spear and casque by gallants gent
Her sisters’ scarfs were borne,
But never at tilt or tournament
Were Margaret’s colours worn.
Her sisters rode to Thirlstane bower,
But she was left at hame
To wander round the gloomy tower,
And sigh young Harden’s name.
‘Of all the knights, the knight most fair,
From Yarrow to the Tyne,’
Soft sigh’d the maid, ‘is Harden’s
But ne’er can he be mine;
Of all the maids, the foulest maid
From Teviot to the Dee,
Ah! sighing sad, that lady said,
‘Can ne’er young Harden’s be’—
She looked up the briery glen,
And up the mossy brae,
And she saw a score of her father’s men
Yclad in the Johnstone grey.
fast and fast they downwards sped
The moss and briers among,
And in the midst the troopers led
A shackled knight along.”
* * * * * * *
As soon as the autumn vacation set Scott at liberty, he proceeded to the Borders with Leyden. “We have just concluded,” he
tells Ellis on his return to Edin-
“AULD MAITLAND”—1802. | 357 |
A few weeks later, he thus answers Ellis’s enquiries as to the progress of the Sir Tristrem:—“The worthy knight is still in
embryo, though the whole poetry is printed.
* The first part of Mr Sharon Turner’s History of the Anglo-Saxons was published in 1799; the second in 1801. |
JOSEPH R1TSON—1802. | 359 |
Ritson had visited Lasswade in the course of this autumn, and his conduct had been such as to render the precaution here alluded to very proper in the case of one who, like Scott, was resolved to steer clear of the feuds and heartburnings that gave rise to such scandalous scenes among the other antiquaries of the day. Leyden met Ritson at the cottage, and, far from imitating his host’s forbearance, took a pleasure of tormenting the half-mad pedant by every means in his power. Among other circumstances, Scott delighted to detail the scene that occurred when his two uncouth allies first met at dinner. Well knowing Ritson’s holy horror of all animal food, Leyden complained that the joint on the table was overdone. “Indeed, for that matter,” cried he, “meat can never be too little done, and raw is best of all.” He sent to the kitchen accordingly for a plate of literally raw beef, and manfully eat it up, with no sauce but the exquisite ruefulness of the Pythagorean’s glances.
Mr Robert Pierce Gillies, a gentleman of the Scotch bar, well known, among other things, for some excellent translations from the German, was present at the cottage another day, when Ritson was in Scotland. He has described the whole scene in the second section of his “Recollections of Sir Walter Scott,”—a set of papers in which many inaccurate statements occur, but which convey, on the whole, a lively impression of the persons introduced.* “In approaching the cottage,” he says, “I was struck with the exceeding air of neatness that prevailed around. The hand of tasteful cultivation had been there, and all methods employed to
* These papers appeared in Frazer’s Magazine for September, November, and December, 1835, and January, 1836. |
LASSWADE—1802. | 361 |
Mr Gillies tells us, that in the course of their
walk to Rosslyn, Scott’s foot slipped, as he was
scrambling towards a cave on the edge of a precipitous bank, and that, “had there
been no trees in the way, he must have been killed, but midway he was stopped by a
Even after he was an old and hoary man, he continually encountered such risks with the same recklessness. The extraordinary strength of his hands and arms was his great reliance in all such difficulties, and if he could see any thing to lay hold of, he was afraid of no leap, or rather hop, that came in his way. Mr Gillies says, that when they drew near the famous chapel of Rosslyn, Erskine expressed a hope that they might, as habitual visitors, escape hearing the usual endless story of the silly old woman that showed the ruins; but Scott answered, “There is a pleasure in the song which none but the songstress knows, and by telling her we know it all already, we should make the poor devil unhappy.”
On their return to the cottage, Scott
enquired for the learned cabbage-eater, meaning Ritson, who had been expected to dinner.
“Indeed,” answered his wife, “you may be happy he is not
here, he is so very disagreeable. Mr Leyden, I
believe, frightened him away.” It turned out that it was even so. When
Ritson appeared, a round of cold beef was on the luncheon-table,
and Mrs Scott, forgetting his peculiar creed, offered him a slice.
“The antiquary, in his indignation, expressed himself in such outrageous terms
to the lady, that Leyden first tried to correct him by ridicule,
and then, on the madman growing more violent, became angry in his turn, till at last he
threatened, that if he were not silent, he would thraw his neck.
Scott shook
All this is very characteristic of the parties. Scott’s playful aversion to dispute was a trait in his mind and manners that could alone have enabled him to make use at one and the same time, and for the same purpose, of two such persons as Ritson and Leyden.
To return to Ellis. In answer to Scott’s letter last quoted, he urged him to make Sir Tristrem volume fourth of the Minstrelsy. “As to his hanging heavy on hand” (says he), “I admit, that as a separate publication he may do so, but the Minstrelsy is now established as a library book, and in this bibliomaniac age, no one would think it perfect without the preux chevalier, if you avow the said chevalier as your adopted son. Let him, at least, be printed in the same size and paper, and then I am persuaded our booksellers will do the rest fast enough, upon the credit of your reputation.” Scott replies (November), that it is now too late to alter the fate of Sir Tristrem. “Longman, of Paternoster Row, has been down here in summer, and purchased the copyright of the Minstrelsy. Sir Tristrem is a separate property, but will be on the same scale in point of size.”
The next letter introduces to Ellis’s personal acquaintance Leyden, who had by this time completed his medical studies, and taken his
degree as a physician. In it Scott says: “At
length I write to you per favour of John Leyden. I presume
Heber has made you sufficiently acquainted
with this original (for he is a true one), and therefore I will trust to your own
He appears to have sent a copy of Cadyow Castle by Leyden, whose reception at Mr
Ellis’s villa, near Windsor, is thus described in the next letter of
the correspondence. “Let me thank you,” says Ellis,
“for your poem, which Mrs E. has not received, and which, indeed, I could not help feeling glad,
in the first instance (though we now begin to grow very impatient for it), that she did
not receive. Leyden would not have been your
Leyden if he had arrived like a careful citizen, with all his
packages carefully docketed in his portmanteau. If on the point of leaving for many
years, perhaps for ever, his country and the friends of his youth, he had not deferred
By the “romance of Border chivalry,” which was
designed to form part of the third volume of the Minstrelsy, the reader is to understand the first
draught of The Lay of the Last Minstrel; and
the author’s description of it as being “in a light-horseman sort of
stanza,” was probably suggested by the circumstances under which the greater
part of that original draught was composed. He has told us, in his Introduction of 1830,
that the poem originated in a request of the young and lovely Countess of Dalkeith, that he would write a ballad on the legend of
Gilpin Horner: that he began it at Lasswade, and
read the opening stanzas, as soon as they were written, to his friends, Erskine and Cranstoun: that their reception of these was apparently so cold as to
discourage him, and disgust him with what he had done; but that finding, a few days
afterwards, that the stanzas had nevertheless excited their curiosity, and haunted their
memory, he was encouraged to resume the undertaking. The scene and date of this resumption
I owe to the recollection of the then Cornet of the Edinburgh light-horse. While the troop
were on permanent duty at Musselburgh, in the autumnal recess of 1802, the quartermaster,
during a charge on Porto-
To return to Scott’s correspondence:—it shows that Ellis had, although involved at the time in serious family
afflictions, exerted himself strenuously and effectively in behalf of Leyden; a service which Scott acknowledges most warmly. His friend writes, too, at great length
about the completion of the Minstrelsy,
urging, in particular, the propriety of prefixing to it a good map of the Scottish
Border—“for, in truth,” he says, “I have never been able to
find even Ercildoune on any map in my possession.” The
poet answers (January 30, 1803): “The idea of a map pleases me much, but there are
two strong objections to its being prefixed to this edition. First, we shall be out in a month, within which time it would be difficult, I
apprehend, for Mr Arrowsmith, labouring under
the disadvantages which I am about to mention, to complete the map. Secondly, you are to know that I am an utter stranger to geometry, surveying,
and all such inflammatory branches of study, as Mrs Malaprop calls them. My education was unfortunately
I must now give part of a letter in which Leyden recurs to the kindness, and sketches the person and manners of George Ellis, in a highly characteristic fashion. He says to Scott (January 25, 1803), “You were, no doubt, surprised, my dear sir, that I gave you so little information about my movements; but it is only this day I have been able to speak of them with any precision. Such if the tardiness in every thing connected with the India House, that a person who is present in the character of spectator is quite amazed; but if we consider it as the centre of a vast commercial concern, in comparison of which Tyre and Sidon, and the Great Carthage itself, must inevitably dwindle into huckster shops, we are induced to think of them with more patience. Even yet I cannot answer you exactly—being very uncertain whether I am to sail on the 18th of next month, or the 28th.
“Now shal i telen to ye, i wis,
Of that kind Squeyere Ellis,
That wonnen in this cite;
Courtess he is, by God almtzt!
That he nis nought ymaked knizt
It is the more pitie.
“He konnen better eche glewe
Than I konnen to ye shewe,
Baith maist and least.
So wel he wirketh in eche thewe,
That where he commen, I tel ye trewe,
He is ane welcome guest.
“His eyen graye as glas ben,
And his looks ben alto kene,
Loveliche to paramour.
Brown as acorn ben his faxe,
His face is thin as bettel axe
That dealeth dintis doure,
“His wit ben both keene and sharpe,
To knizt or dame that carll can carpe
Either in hall or bower;
And had I not this squeyere yfonde,
I had been at the se gronde,
Which had been great doloure.
“In him Ich finden non other euil,
Save that his nostril so doth snivel,
It is not myche my choice.
But than his wit ben so perquire,
That thai who can his carpynge here
Thai thynke not of his voice.
“To speake not of his gentel dame
Ich wis it war bothe sin and shame
Lede is not to layne;
She is a ladye of sich pryce,
To leven in that dame’s service
Meni wer fill fain.
“Hir wit is ful kene and queynt
And hir stature smale and gent,
Semeleche to be seene;
Armes, hondes, and fingres smale,
Of pearl beth eche fingre nale;
She mizt be ferys Quene.
“That lady she wil giv a scarf
To him that wold ykillen a dwarf
Churl of paynim kinde;
That dwarf he is so fell of mode
Tho ye shold drynk his hert blode,
Gode wold ze never finde.
“That dwarf he ben beardless and bare
And weazelblowen ben al his hair,
Like an ympe or elfe;
And in this world beth al and hale
Ben nothynge that he loveth an dele
Safe his owen selfe” . . . . .
The fourth of these verses refers to the loss of the Hindostan, in which ship Leyden, but for Mr Ellis’s interference, must have sailed, and which foundered in the Channel. The dwarf is, of course, Ritson.
After various letters of the same kind, I find one, dated Isle of Wight, April the 1st (1803), the morning before Leyden finally sailed. “I have been two days on board,” he writes, “and you may conceive what an excellent change I made from the politest society of London to the brutish skippers of Portsmouth. Our crew consists of a very motley party; but there are some of them very ingenious, and Robert Smith, Sidney’s brother, is himself a host. He is almost the most powerful man I have met with. My money concerns I shall consider you as trustee of; and all remittances, as well as dividends from Longman, will be to your direction. These, I hope, we shall soon be able to adjust very accurately. Money may be paid, but kindness never. Assure your excellent Charlotte, whom I shall ever recollect with affection and esteem, how much I regret that I did not see her before my departure, and say a thousand pretty things, for which my mind is too much agitated, being in the situation of Coleridge’s devil and his grannam, ‘expecting and hoping the trumpet to blow.’ And now, my dear Scott, adieu. Think of me with indulgence, and be certain, that wherever, and in whatever situation, John Leyden is, his heart is unchanged by place, and his soul by time.”
This letter was received by Scott,
not in Edinburgh, but in London. He had hurried up to town as soon as the Court of Session
rose for the spring vacation,
LONDON—APRIL 1803. | 371 |
He thus writes to Ballantyne, on the 21st April, 1803: “I have to thank you for the accuracy with which the Minstrelsy is thrown off. Longman and Rees are delighted with the printing. Be so good as to disperse the following presentation copies, with ‘From the Editor’ on each:—
This letter is dated “No. 15, Piccadilly West,”—he and Mrs Scott being there domesticated under the roof of the late M. Charles Dumergue, a man of very superior abilities and of excellent education, well known as surgeon-dentist to the royal family, who had been intimately acquainted with the Charpentiers in his own early life in France, and had warmly befriended Mrs Scott’s mother on her first arrival in England. M. Dumergue’s house was, throughout the whole period of the emigration, liberally opened to the exiles of his native country; nor did some of the noblest of those unfortunate refugees scruple to make the freest use of his purse, as well as of his hospitality. Here Scott met much highly interesting French society, and until a child of his own was established in London, he never thought of taking up his abode any where else, as often as he had occasion to be in town.
The letter is addressed to “Mr James
Ballantyne, printer, Abbey-hill, Edinburgh;” which shows, that before
the third volume of the Minstrelsy
passed through the press, the migration recommended two years earlier had at length taken
place. “It was about the end of 1802,” says
Ballantyne in his Memorandum, “that I closed with a plan
so congenial to my wishes. I removed, bag and baggage, to Edinburgh, finding
accommodation for two presses, and a proof one, in the precincts of Holyrood-house,
then deriving new lustre and interest from the recent arrival of the royal exiles of
France. In these
LONDON—APRIL 1803. | 373 |
Heber, and Mackintosh then at the height of his reputation as a conversationist, and daily advancing also at the Bar, had been ready to welcome Scott in town as old friends; and Rogers, William Stewart Rose, and several other men of literary eminence were at the same time added to the list of his acquaintance. His principal object, however—having missed Leyden—was to peruse and make extracts from some MSS. in the library of John Duke of Roxburghe, for the illustration of the Tristrem; and he derived no small assistance in other researches of the like kind from the collections which the indefatigable and obliging Douce placed at his disposal. Having completed these labours, he and Mrs Scott went, with Heber and Deuce, to Sunninghill, where they spent a happy week, and Mr and Mrs Ellis heard the first two or three cantos of the Lay of the Last Minstrel read under an old oak in Windsor Forest.
I should not omit to say, that Scott was attended on this trip by a very large and fine bull-terrier, by name Camp, and that Camp’s master, and mistress too, were delighted by finding that the Ellises cordially sympathized in their fondness for this animal, and indeed for all his race. At parting, Scott promised to send one of Camp’s progeny, in the course of the season, to Sunninghill.
From thence they proceeded to Oxford, accompanied by Heber; and it was on this occasion, as I believe, that Scott first saw his friend’s brother, Reginald, in afterdays the apostolic Bishop of Calcutta. He had just been declared the successful competitor for that year’s poetical prize, and read to Scott at breakfast, in Brazen Nose College, the MS. of his “Palestine.” Scott observed that, in the verses on Solomon’s Temple, one striking circumstance had escaped him, namely, that no tools were used in its erection. Reginald retired for a few minutes to the corner of the room, and returned with the beautiful lines,—
“No hammer fell, no ponderous axes rung, Like some tall palm the mystic fabric sprung. Majestic silence,” &c.* |
After inspecting the University and Blenheim, under the guidance of the Hebers, Scott returned to London, as appears from the following letter to Miss Seward, who had been writing to him on the subject of her projected biography of Dr Darwin. The conclusion and date are lost.
“I have been for about a fortnight in this huge and bustling metropolis, when I am agreeably surprised by a packet from Edinburgh, containing Miss Seward’s letter. I am truly happy at the information it communicates respecting the life of Dr Darwin, who could not have wished his fame and character intrusted to a pen more capable of doing them ample, and, above all, discriminating justice. Biography, the most interesting perhaps of every species of composition, loses all its interest with me, when the shades and lights of the principal character are not accurately and faithfully detailed;
* See “Life of Bishop Heber, by his Widow,” edition 1830, vol. i. p. 30. |
“As for my third volume, it was very nearly printed when I left Edinburgh, and must, I think, be ready for publication in about a fortnight, when it will have the honour of travelling to Lichfield. I doubt you will find but little amusement in it, as there are a good many old ballads, particularly those of ‘the Covenanters,’ which, in point of composition, are mere drivelling trash. They are, however, curious in an historical point of view, and have enabled me to slide in a number of notes about that dark and bloody period of Scottish history. There is a vast convenience to an editor in a tale upon which, without the formality of adapting the notes very precisely to the shape and form of the ballad, he may hang on a set like a herald’s coat without sleeves, saving himself the trouble of taking measure, and sending forth the tale of ancient time, ready equipped from the Monmouth Street warehouse of a commonplace book. Cadyow Castle is to appear in volume third.
“I proceeded thus far about three weeks ago, and
shame to tell, have left my epistle unfinished ever since; yet I have not been
wholly idle, about a fortnight of that period having been employed as much to
my satisfaction as any similar space of time during my life. I was, the first
week of that fortnight, with my invaluable friend George Ellis, and spent the second week at Oxford, which I
“On my return, I find an apologetic letter from my printer, saying the third volume will be despatched in a day or two. There has been, it seems, a meeting among the printers’ devils; also among the papermakers. I never heard of authors striking work, as the mechanics call it, until their masters the booksellers should increase their pay; but if such a combination could take place, the revolt would now be general in all branches of literary labour. How much sincere satisfaction would it give me could I conclude this letter (as I once hoped), by saying I should visit Lichfield and pay my personal respects to my invaluable correspondent in my way northwards; but as circumstances render this impossible, I shall depute the poetry of the olden time in the editor’s stead. My ‘Romance’ is not yet finished. I prefer it much to any thing I have done of the kind.” . . . .
LETTER TO ELLIS—MAY 1803. | 377 |
He was in Edinburgh by the middle of May; and thus returns to his view of Oxford in a letter to his friend at Sunninghill:—
“ . . . . I was equally delighted with that venerable
seat of learning, and flattered by the polite attention of Heber’s friends. I should have been
enchanted to have spent a couple of months among the curious libraries. What
stores must be reserved for some painful student to bring forward to the
public! Under the guidance and patronage of our good
Heber, I saw many of the literary men of his Alma Mater,
and found matters infinitely more active in every department than I had the
least previous idea of. Since I returned home, my time has been chiefly
occupied in professional labours; my truant days spent in London having thrown
me a little behind; but now, I hope, I shall find spare moments to resume Sir Tristrem and the Lay, which has acquired additional
value in my estimation from its pleasing you. How often do Charlotte and I think of the little paradise at
Sunninghill and its kind inhabitants; and how do we regret, like
Dives, the gulf which is placed betwixt us and
friends, with whom it would give us such pleasure to spend much of our time. It
is one of the vilest attributes of the best of all possible worlds, that it
contrives to split and separate and subdivide every thing like congenial
pursuits and habits, for the paltry purpose, one would think, of diversifying
every little spot with a share of its various productions. I don’t know
why the human and vegetable departments should differ so excessively. Oaks and
beeches, and ashes and
This letter enclosed a sheet of extracts from Fordun, in Scott’s handwriting; the subject being the traditional marriage of one of the old Counts of Anjou with a female demon, by which the Scotch chronicler accounts for all the crimes and misfortunes of the English Plantagenets.
Messrs Longman’s new
edition of the first two volumes of the Minstrelsy consisted of 1000 copies—of volume third there were 1500. A complete
edition of 1250 copies followed in 1806; a fourth, also of 1250, in 1810; a fifth of 1500
in 1812; a sixth of 500 in 1820; and since then it has been incorporated in various
successive editions of Scott’s Collected Poetry—to the extent of at least 15,000
copies more. Of the Continental and American editions, I can say nothing, except that they
have been very numerous. The book was soon translated into German, Danish, and Swedish;
and, the structure of those languages being very favourable to the undertaking, the Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border has thus become widely
naturalized among nations themselves rich in similar treasures of legendary lore. Of
He speaks in the Essay, to which I have referred, as if the first reception of the Minstrelsy on the south of the Tweed had
been cold. “The curiosity of the English,” he says, “was not
much awakened by poems in the rude garb of antiquity, accompanied with notes referring
to the obscure feuds of barbarous clans, of whose very names civilized history was
ignorant.” In writing those beautiful Introductions of 1830, however,
Scott, as I have already had occasion to hint,
trusted entirely to his recollection of days long since gone by, and he has accordingly let
fall many statements, which we must take with some allowance. His impressions as to the
reception of the Minstrelsy were different, when, writing to his
brother-in-law, Charles Carpenter, on the 3d March,
1803, for the purpose of introducing Leyden, he
said, “I have contrived to turn a very slender portion of literary talents to some
account, by a publication of the poetical antiquities of the Border, where the old
people had preserved many ballads descriptive of the manners of the country during the
wars with England. This trifling collection was so well received by a discerning public, that, after receiving about £100 profit for the first
edition, which my vanity cannot omit informing you went off in six months, I have sold
the copyright for £500 more.” This is not the language of
disappointment; and though the edition of 1803 did not move off quite so rapidly as the
first, and the work did not perhaps attract much notice beyond the more cultivated students
of literature, until the Editor’s own genius blazed out in full splendour in the
Lay, and thus lent general interest to
He certainly had every reason to be so as to the impression which the
Minstrelsy made on the minds of
those entitled to think for themselves upon such a subject. The ancient ballads in his
collection, which had never been printed at all before, were in number forty-three; and of
the others—most of which were in fact all but new to the modern reader—it is little to say
that his editions were superior in all respects to those that had preceded them. He had, I
firmly believe, interpolated hardly a line or even an epithet of his own; but his diligent
zeal had put him in possession of a variety of copies in different stages of preservation;
and to the task of selecting a standard text among such a diversity of materials, he
brought a knowledge of old manners and phraseology, and a manly simplicity of taste, such
as had never before been united in the person of a poetical antiquary. From among a hundred
corruptions he seized, with instinctive tact, the primitive diction and imagery; and
produced strains in which the unbroken energy of half-civilized ages, their stern and deep
passions, their daring adventures and cruel tragedies, and even their rude wild humour, are
reflected with almost
It is not to be denied, however, that The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border has derived a
very large accession of interest from the subsequent career of its Editor. One of the
critics of that day said that the book contained “the elements of a hundred
historical romances;” and this critic was a prophetic one. No person who has
not gone through its volumes for the express purpose of comparing their contents with his
great original works, can have formed a conception of the end-
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