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Having previously engaged to contribute to the ‘Monthly’ and ‘Critical’ Reviews, Hodgson was reluctantly compelled to terminate his connection with the
‘Quarterly’ after the
publication of its first few numbers. The similarity of the subjects discussed, and the
arduousness of his other avocations, rendered this step necessary, although the almost
immediate success of the ‘Quarterly’ must have made
such a step doubly distasteful. But in the ‘Critical’
and ‘Monthly’ Reviews of this period nearly all the
articles on classical subjects, and very many others on English and French literature, were
written by Hodgson, and display impartial criticism, an extensive and
profound erudition, and a correct, cultivated taste. Girdlestone’s edition of the ‘Odes’ of Pindar, for instance; Butler’s
‘Æschylus’ and
In the article on the ‘Musæ Cantabrigienses’ there are some curious criticisms of contemporary scholarship at Cambridge. The early effusions of the great Dr. Keate are there characterised by his old pupil as ‘boyish;’ but it is also admitted that a bold and original spirit pervades his poems, and that, if they be not correctly classical in their flow, they must be forgiven for their unborrowed harmony and for that first of poetical virtues—
Wild Nature’s vigour stirring at the root. |
But while Dr. Keate is pronounced to
possess more fire than any other contributor, both he and Dr.
Butler are found guilty of a fault which, to modern head-masters, will
appear sufficiently astonishing. Each of them, more than once, uses a final vowel short
before ‘sp’ and ‘sc’! The ode of C. J.
Blomfield (afterwards Bishop of London) on the assassination of the
Duc d’Enghien, is declared to be below
criticism. ‘Who but his French assassins,’ it
But the Greek ode of this poet is said to redeem his Latin peccadilloes, and he is understood to be a very promising scholar of Trinity College. Other contributors are commemorated as follows: J. Lonsdale, of King’s College, 1807, elegantly and forcibly bewails the death of Pitt. Rennell’s (King’s College, 1808) Greek ode on ‘Spring’ is a very spirited and elegant production; and Joseph Goodall, the present Provost of Eton, commemorates the earthquake in the West Indies, in an ode dated 1781, with much poetic spirit; while of the epigrams, the ‘Bellus Homo Academicus,’ by the last-named author, both in Latin and Greek, is tame mediocrity—one of those cheap displays of wisdom which nobody values because everybody possesses it, yet, in point of expression, these are perhaps two of the best in the epigrammatic collection. Keate on a ‘Donkey Race,’ ϋστερον προτερον, is not bad. Frere on a ‘Dumb Beggar’ is excellent. B. Drury on the ‘Mutilated Statue of Ceres’ demands praise. Silence best describes the rest.
In his review on ‘An Essay
on Plato by M. Combe-Dounous,’ Hodgson writes a masterly vindication of
Arise in judgment against your false historian, ye poor and humble
propagators of the Gospel of Christ, and bid him blush for that philosophy which can
condescend to advocate its cause by unmanly misrepresentations. Who but St. Paul was learned among you? Who were the deep and
plotting philosophers, who, after the death of their Master, met at Jerusalem to lay
the doctrines of Plato, and Pythagoras, and Zeno
under contribution; and by this eclectic method to form a syncretism of moral and
religious opinions for the learned, and of prodigies and miracles for the vulgar? Where
is the record, the history, the hint of such a proceeding? Who were the actors in this
drama? What secondary causes, in a word, supposing all the unwarrantable assertions of
this fanatic Platonist (for in charity we must suppose
On English literature Hodgson’s
reviews are so numerous and extensive as to render even the most partial reproduction
impossible; but there are a few concluding remarks in that one which treats of Scott’s ‘Lady of the
Lake,’ which, from the world-wide celebrity of the poem, and from the
interest which belongs to contemporary criticism, may well be quoted here. The various
imitators of Scott, who copied his style without sharing
his genius, are mentioned with becoming severity. Numerous verbal and grammatical lapses
are pointed out, and are attributed to the glowing haste with which the poem was composed;
and then, after many eulogistic remarks expressive of
We may just observe that the notes contain some amusing stories, with others that are dull, and shall now take our leave of Mr. Scott, expressing a most sincere wish that his farewell address to his harp may not be more serious than the farewell addresses of poets usually are; and adding that we hope our specified objections to parts of his poem, whether they be faults in the conduct of the plot, or inaccuracies of diction, will induce his numerous imitators at least to pause ere they contribute further to the wide corruption of our taste which is occasioned by such servility. We wish that we might reasonably hope that their great original himself, animated by the noble hope of living in the praises of posterity, would, even now, in the full tide of his present fame, lend an ear to our admonitions. Then might he soar like his own eagle,1 and silence all his contemporaries.
Hodgson’s first original poems were published in 1809, under the title ‘Lady Jane Grey, a Tale in Two Books, with Miscellaneous Poems in English and Latin,’ which were, on the whole, very favourably
1 Lady of the Lake, canto iii. 55-60. |
For ourselves, we have always been, and still are, Mr. Hodgson’s friends, however he may despise our goodwill; willingly, therefore, we dismiss his satire from our recollection, and pass to a more grateful subject, the gentle Lady Jane.
A comparison follows with the ‘Force of Religion; or, Vanquished Love,’ by Dr. Young.
The subject is indeed very differently treated by the two poets. The
plan adopted by Mr. Hodgson has one great
advantage over that of the earlier author, since, by carrying back the scene to those
hours of peace and love which were passed by Lady
Jane in company with her books and her beloved Dudley, before the fatal ambition of a father had involved her in the
final miseries of her existence, he has not only gained the advantage of much natural
and pleasing description and many moral reflections of a stamp less awfully affecting
than those to which the sad catastrophe of the tale
‘Dignified’ and ‘elegant’ are the epithets applied by the ‘Monthly’ to ‘Sir Edgar,’ which it considers to be remarkable for a pleasing solemnity both of thought and cadence.
The rest of these volumes, which is made up of short poems on various
subjects, and translations of the classics, is said to exhibit something not very unlike
the inside of the study of a statuary or painter, which usually contains a whimsical
collection of fragments and sketches, of designs half executed and then thrown aside, of
forms just struggling for deli-
But if [adds the reviewer] the severer order of critics may condemn the total absence of arrangement and connection apparent in the formation of this motley group, those who are more indulgent may pardon the author in consideration of the superior amusement which the reader will derive from this very want of order. Mr. Hodgson literally appears to think in verse,1 and to set down every thought in his book as fast as it occurs to his imagination. But all whose minds are in any degree imbued with the same love of rhyme and the same variety of fancy which distinguished the author, will follow him with infinitely more satisfaction than they would the gravest and most methodical of his lecturers. Many of these poems exhibit uncommon powers of versification, and a fancy strongly occupied by all those enchanting impossibilities which
Of ‘An Answer to the Question of a Critic,’ the ‘Critical Review’ writes:—
If any inducement were wanting to treat Mr. Hodgson in the most liberal spirit of criticism, the following excellent criticism of his own would supply us with it:—
Where lies the charm ungovern’d Scott
In the wild vigour of his lawless lays—
And sudden bursts of tenderness are there,
And warlike valour’s animating air;
Castle and convent fill the glowing scene,
Rocks tow’r around, and rivers roll between;
The deeds of other days entranced we see,
Heraldic pomp, and pride of chivalry;
The plundering inroad, the tumultuous fight,
Hail! minstrel, feast, fair dame, and gallant knight.
Of the shorter poems in this collection two were addressed to Lord Byron immediately before his first departure from England. The concluding lines of the former contain timely admonitions respecting religion, elicited, doubtless, by previous conversations and correspondence: the latter appeals to the poet’s sense of responsibility as an hereditary legislator. After a comparison between England and various foreign countries, and an allusion to the duties of patriotism, the first poem continues:—
Yet if pleasing change allure thee
O’er the roughly swelling tide,
May the one great Guide secure thee—
Byron, ne’er forget thy Guide.
Mark Him, in the whirlwind riding,
O’er the darken’d billows sweep;
Mark Him, through the calm air gliding,
Bid th’ obedient ocean sleep.
See Him fill yon arch of Heav’n,
Glitt’ring with the gems of night;
See, nor hope to be forgiv’n
Doubtful of His sacred light.
See Him spread, in bright profusion,
Varied wealth o’er ev’ry land;
See, nor rest in blind delusion,
Doubtful of His bounteous hand.
But, if Nature fail to move thee
With her rich external charms,
Raise thy thoughts to Him above thee
From thy conscious soul’s alarms.
Feel that soul’s most deep recesses
Touch’d by inspiration’s pen;
Feel, nor trust in impious guesses
Of the thankless sons of men.
Then as o’er the midnight ocean
Moves thy steady bark along,
On the deck, in calm devotion,
Breathe to Heav’n thy secret song.
With the pure and holy feeling,
Friendship in thy breast shall rise;
And Remembrance, o’er thee stealing,
Softly paint thy native skies.
Byron! since rank’s discordant tone
Allows the friendly sound—
Byron! in energy alone
Can genuine bliss be found.
He who exerts his native powers
Can ne’er be long deprest;
Young hope shall chide his loit’ring hours,
Glad triumph cheer his breast;
But hope, but triumph far have fled
From love’s despondent slave,
Whose dream of rhapsody is dead
In disappointment’s grave.
Oh! then awake to glory’s voice,
Last of thy noble line!
Be eloquent renown thy choice,
Be tuneful sorrow mine.
’Mid listening senates boldly stand
Thy country’s firm support—
Foe to rude faction’s slavish band,
And flattery’s slaves at court.
This appeal received a satisfactory answer in that eloquent speech upon the Frame-Breaking Bill, of which the speaker sent the first account to his no less wise than considerate mentor, Francis Hodgson.
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