Memoir of Francis Hodgson
Chapter XVII. 1820.
Notwithstanding the various duties incidental to the position of
Vicar of Bakewell, and Surrogate of that portion of the diocese of Lichfield, Hodgson found time for the education of many private
pupils, all of whom regarded him with feelings of sincere respect and affection. Nor were
lighter obligations disregarded. A constant correspondence was kept up with numerous
friends, old and new; the agreeable society of the neighbourhood was fully enjoyed; and
every branch of ancient and modern literature was eagerly explored. Denman, in a letter to Merivale, about this period, writes that he has lately met
Hodgson, ‘the picture of health, and with a stock of ![]()
learning (according to Bland) increased by his solitary life in the High Peak to a superhuman
extent.’ All movements which had for their object the improvement of the
intellectual, moral, or social condition of the poorer classes received cordial
co-operation from Hodgson, and the various Church Societies always
found in him an energetic supporter, his efforts being rendered more effectual by the ready
sympathy of faithful friends. In answer to an appeal in the cause of education,
Denman writes with that large-hearted liberality which ever
distinguished him:—
My dear Hodgson,—My donation is £10, my subscription £2. I
contribute from a strong desire to see the education of the people practically
carried into effect, from no minute comparison of the different schemes
suggested, but with a full conviction that any education is better than the
ignorance which now prevails—the fruitful source of profligacy, crime,
and suffering.
Yours ever,
Early in the same year Merivale
Drury is in remarkably high health and good
humour. Denman waiting to be let loose on the world
of ![]()
politics with the
ardour and impatience of the war-horse in Job, tempered, however, with so excellent a
judgment and discretion that I would stake fifty lives on the success of his first
display in Parliament.
In a few months from the date of this letter all England rang with
Denman’s name, and universal homage was paid
to that noble spirit of independence which characterised his speeches in the House of Lords
on the occasion of the trial of Queen Caroline.
Of nearly the same date is a letter from John
Bird Sumner, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, an old Etonian and
Cambridge friend of Hodgson, which is highly
characteristic of its writer’s pious, gentle disposition.
Mapledurham, near Reading: July 19, 1820.
My dear Hodgson,—Your letter was a very agreeable surprise to me. Not
that I had lost sight of you, for I heard with great pleasure of your
translation from the uncertainties of a curacy to the pleasant town of
Bakewell, and have often since attempted to strengthen my recollections of its
taper spire and the retired valley in which it stands—am I not right? We
passed through it many years ago, in ![]()
the course of a tour
to the Caves and the Lakes. Besides which, I heard of you more recently at
Kenilworth, my native place, where a sister of my mother still lives, the only
remaining link of those large and spreading branches of our family which
formerly grew together there. I heard of you, too, in a very agreeable way, as
preaching a sermon warm from the heart, and faithful to the Gospel: and allow
me to hope that the Gospel has brought rest to your own soul, and that you are
now preaching to others the same word of reconciliation. The title of your
volume, as well as the account which I heard of your sermon, leads me to
believe that you, who could never feel anything slightly, have now felt as it
deserves the importance of that office which we are called to discharge, and of
that salvation which we are empowered to make known. ‘
Sacred Leisure’
1 had struck me in the advertisement before I received your letter,
and I have provided for its meeting me at Eton, where I am going, as in duty
bound, to celebrate election on Saturday next. For you must be told, and will
hear with pleasure, that before I
had resided a year in the cloisters I came into possession of a very good and
well-conditioned living by
death—Mapledurham, four miles from Reading; and here we reside eight
months in the year in an excellent parsonage, and surrounded by a beautiful
country, the Thames flowing at the bottom of my garden. So that my lot is in a
fair ground, and I am amply repaid for the hateful trade
1 which I plied for fifteen years. Mrs. Sumner
is in excellent health, and delighted with our present life and place of
You desire me to mention old friends absent from Eton, but
I scarcely remember any mutual friends remaining to us except Ekins, who is living, as he always did, in
comfort and quiet between Salisbury and Chiddingford, and perhaps I might add
Thackeray (Provost of King’s).
But if there is anyone of whom you want a more particular account, I shall be
glad if it gives you a reason for writing again to me; when you may likewise
tell me something about your own family, to whom I should wish to be known, but
I fear without any immediate prospect of becoming so. However, though you are
fixed far in the wilds remote from
1 That of an assistant-master at Eton. |
public view, we are within easy reach of anyone who comes
towards London; and I shall be sincerely glad if you will at any time bend your
route to Mapledurham. In the meanwhile believe me, my dear
Most sincerely yours,
Dean Ireland also writes to acknowledge Hodgson’s latest poetical publication.
Islip, near Oxford: Monday, July 10, 1820.
My dear Sir,—Your letter found me in this retreat,
where I had been passing a few days in order to recruit myself for the expected
labours of London. The labours are now suspended, and I shall cling to the
retreat with more satisfaction, as six or seven continued months of a town life
have given me a more than usual relish for the satisfactions afforded me even
in this ‘Umbræ.’ It is a homely little
village, but there is a pretty garden and an excellent house for the rector.
Besides this, Oxford is within sight, an object which revives all the charms of
the time when Gifford and I were young
men and full of ardent expectations, which a kind Providence has realised to
both of us.
111 |
It is probable that some chapter business may call me for a
short time to Westminster, when I shall certainly obtain a sight of the
Leisure.’ If I am left here undisturbed it shall travel to me from
thence. But in truth the world is all too turbulent for such a subject, at
present at least; hereafter I hope we shall return to the usual enjoyment of
our literature, and there will be time once more for religion and morals to
I direct this to you somewhat at random. There is, I
believe, more than one Bakewell, but the post distance marked on your letter
seems to point to Derbyshire. I always wish for your happiness, and beg you to
believe me,
Very truly yours,
Some letters from Harry Drury
afford amusing insight into the conditions of foreign travel in the year 1820.
My dear Hodgson,—Adieu pro tempore. With a Roman friend I am off for Rome
on the 24th of this month (August) for two months. As I travel in an English
landaulet over the Alps; where, when
Italiam læti socii clamore salutant, |
the echo shall reverberate to the Peak in a letter from
your Drury. Seriously, all my arrangements are made, my
money and carriage arrangements particularly; and, as I was always of a roaming
disposition, I intend to stretch so far across the Pomptina Palus as to visit
the præceps Anio at Tivoli. Old
Heath supplies letters of credit to all the principal cities,
and my companion is Williams’s brother, of the
Ionian corps, who has resided abroad sixteen years, and who was my former
companion to Paris and the Low Countries. I can speak French fluently, and
Italian is all but his native tongue. If you write to me at Genoa,
poste restante (you must pay your postage, and the foreign post days in London are
Fridays and Tuesdays), on or about the 3rd August, I shall be sure to receive
your letter on my return, as also another, ten days afterwards, directed to me,
poste restante, at Lyons. This will be kind-hearted
and charitable, my
Narva, and on my
honour you shall hear from me while others are taking their siesta. Our
delightful tour is thus arranged. We have a very nice warranted landaulet, with
a seat behind that the view may not be incommoded. We post all the way to Rome
and back; and, as seven weeks are allowed us, shall be impudent enough to
| FOREIGN TRAVEL IN 1820. | 113 |
take eight (!) We dine with
Merivale at six next Monday, and get
to Dover, travelling all night; from Calais to Dijon, through Cambray and
Rheims, we shall go day and night without stopping, and cutting the often-seen
Paris. From Dijon over the Jura to Geneva. We then take slowly the north of the
Lake, for its views, Lausanne, Vevay, etc., till the roads join and conduct us
through the Vallais over the Simplon. Envy me in the Simplon.
Drury on an alp! Thence to the ‘
Te Lari maxime,’ the Lago Maggiore, on which
we are to sail to the Isole Borrome’e, sending our carriage round to
Arona, as one does from Whittlesea Mere to Yaxley Barracks. Milan, two days
allowed. Cross the Po over the bridge of boats at Piacenza; Bologna, and so
forth to Florence; thence the high road by Arezzo, Terni, &c., over the
Apennines to Rome. We shall return by Siena to Leghorn. From thence I must
either accompany my carriage through the Mediterranean in a felucca to Genoa,
or be carried in a
sedan chair the same distance. I am
not quite clear that I shall not prefer the latter. From Genoa I shall go
through the unhealthy rice grounds of Alexandria to Turin, thence by Mont Cenis
to Lyons, Paris, &c.
Do you pray for those who travel by land or by ![]()
water; and if the malaria, and its dreadful consequences
in the Campagna, with which I am threatened, and against which the
vox universa guards me, should carry me off,
Debita spargas lacryma favillam Pinguis amici. |
Adieu, but write for Heaven’s sake to Genoa and
Lyons, and eke to Paris a week after. I sincerely hope your new Poems sell
well, for though I love Bertram Risinghame
better than Cain, and Wilfrid better than Abel, yet that does not make me the less inclined to the
sobriety and elegance of the Muse of my oldest friend.
H. D.
I have had a most delightful tour; and by no means the
least pleasing part of my adventures was the receiving an epistle from you this
morning at the Post Office. I am staying here some days after a long sojourn
among the Apennines, over which I have been partly drawn in a wicker basket by
oxen. I have written my tour verbatim to my wife, who will retain the letters;
and, if you will flatter me so much, after my mother has perused it, you shall
have it for a long winter evening. I am ![]()
vain enough to think it will
please you; at all events it will bring back several classical reflections,
though, alas! I have not been at Rome. Heat, malaria, and revolution all
conspired to render that impossible: but it was not till after the entreaties
of friends and natives, who told me I was throwing myself into the jaws of
destruction, that I reluctantly abandoned my plan of visiting the Immortal
City, when within 150 miles of the Capitol! As I natter myself you will read my
tour, in which you are quizzed as an Improvisatore, I shall herein merely give you the
contents of the chapters. Two hours and a half changed my country from England
to France, and one week brought me to Geneva. The Palace of Compeigne and
Rheims Cathedral, which reminded me of your friend
Whittington, were new to me. Champagne and Burgundy I
completely traversed. The former is a flat, sterile, hideous country; the
latter is a country
Molliter acclivi qua viret uva jugo. |
It is indeed very beautiful, or, rather, appeared so before the grand
features of nature commenced their development. After leaving Dijon and Poligny
in Franche Compté, I entered on the Jura,
much as it has been surpassed since, yet was
magnificent with its pine forests and deep ravines. I went sixty miles over the
Jura, and from its last summit saw what is said to be the finest view in the
world: all Switzerland before me like a map. The Lake of Geneva (on the banks
of which I visited
Voltaire at Ferney,
Gibbon at Lausanne, and
Byron at Chillon, where he has cut his name on the
pillar), Mont Blanc, and the Alps of Savoy, covered with snow under an
exhausting sun, etc.
Turin: August 25.
A burning sirocco, which had been sweeping the sands of
Turin, confined me to my bed with languor and ennui, and
prevented my finishing my letter to you from Genoa. I wish, indeed, to say as
little now as possible, for you must peruse ‘A Tour on the Continent,’ on my
return. A few days carried me entirely through the Pays de Vaud and the
Vallais, where I coasted the Rhone, now magnificent from the melting of the
snows, nearly to its source. From the Simplon I looked down, like Hannibal, on
the plains of Italy. At Milan and Florence I have been highly entertained. I
have sailed eighty miles on the Mediterranean in a felucca, and to-morrow shall
pass Mont Cenis, in ![]()
my way through Savoy to Lyons. I shall be at Paris in less than a fortnight,
where I feel myself as much at home as at Exeter.
But I must go and see the Superga, so adieu. I really would
write the whole sheet full, but I wish you to read me fully.
Your affectionate friend,
The Po flows under my window, just about as broad as
the Thames at Richmond: would you were at the Po with me, or I at the
Thames with you!
Rue Rivoli, Paris: September 5.
My dear Hodgson,—I only arrived from the Southern clime late last
night, with a severe bilious attack upon me, caused by the Indian heats and
perpetual day and night work in a carriage. I am now staying
out,1 with my window looking over the garden
of the Tuileries. But what is Paris to me after
Tot congesta manu præruptis oppida saxis; Fluminaque antiques subter labentia muros. |
I have read your second letter; the first I answered
1 An Eton boy who is out of school in
consequence of illness, real or imaginary, is said to be ‘staying
out.’ |
from Piedmont. Before this you will have absolved me from
all neglect, and honoured the motive why I do not detail my travels. O that you
had been my companion! Our souls reciprocally Horatian,
Virgilian, Ovidian,
Claudianian, etc., sparks would have been mutually
elicited. I have seen no news from England yet, but garbled bits of trial in
the Italian paper. . . . . In a few days I shall again be in Old England, from
which I have now been absent nearly seven weeks. I have kept up a
correspondence daily with my family, and I hope it will have been the means of
teaching my elder children geography in an easy manner. I was thunder-struck at
Lyons—and in a short voyage I made down the Rhone to Vienne—with
the stupendous remains of Roman magnificence. The aqueduct at Lyons, did
nothing else remain to tell us of the people who planned and executed it, would
give an idea of Messieurs the Romans which no reading can possibly convey. At
Vienne there is a
perfect temple of the age of
Augustus. The very roof and entablature are now as
they were 1800 years back. But hush! you must read my tour at Christmas.
Although I shall dine to-day in the Palais Royal, yet not the dainties of
kidneys fried in champagne, or ortolans
garnished with
cocks’-combs; not the vintages of Chambertin and Lafitte, will give me
half so much pleasure as a beef-steak and a bottle of port at the Union Hotel,
Dover. When I return to my own dear country you shall hear again from your ever
sincere, etc.
Apropos of the practice of ‘staying out’ at school
alluded to above, a letter written to his father by Merivale’s eldest son, Herman,1 then a boy at Harrow, fourteen years of
age, proves that such periods need not always be unprofitable, and affords a remarkable
instance of an early development of the powers of discriminating criticism. The subject and
the writer of this essay must have been equally interesting to Hodgson, to whom Merivale immediately sent it.
I have not lost anything by staying out, for there were
three holidays last week, and almost every exercise otherwise excused, and I
have made amends by reading hard all the time I have stayed out. I have just
finished the fourth volume of Gibbon,
1 Herman
Merivale, C.B., afterwards fellow of Balliol, 1827;
Professor of Political Economy at Oxford, 1837; Permanent
Undersecretary for the Colonies, 1848, for India, 1859. Brother to the
present Dean of Ely. |
drawn up my remarks on it on paper, which I shall show
you when I see you next. I never was more amused by any book in my life; and I
must think that whatever is said of the duty of impartiality in an historian, a
controversial spirit, such as appears in his chapters, is much more
entertaining; for it exercises the mind in endeavouring to find replies to his
assertions, and keeps one’s attention alive, in a manner which a dry
recital of facts cannot do. I have been able perfectly to satisfy myself in
looking for answers to the charges he brings against Christianity, for, as I
get further in the book, his intention continually appears more plain, although
I could not perceive it at first. His notes are entertaining, and, as
Uncle Harry
1 possesses the greater part of his books of reference,
I can easily satisfy myself on that head. The thing that struck me as most
unjust is, that he passes over the apostasy of his favourite
Julian without offering a single word either in
its support or its condemnation. Yet in other instances he is sufficiently
severe against any disposition to turn with the tide of fortune. If I always
find as much pleasure as now in the relation of historical facts, I do not
think I shall ever
be disposed to turn to fiction for amusement.
By far the most interesting fact to me, of the history, is
that of the Arian controversy. For the review of the different sects and
heresies written by a sceptic is necessarily impartial, although he employs the
bitterness of his satire against all together. Before I read this I used to
think that the Arian system had some affinity to the Unitarian of the present
day; and indeed I do not trust thoroughly in Gibbon in his
description of it. He speaks of it as the belief that the Son was a part of the
Triune Deity, but that the Son and the Holy Ghost were reckoned as subservient
to the Father. As I do not thoroughly trust in this explanation of what I never
thoroughly understood, the creed of the Arian sect, I think I shall look into
Mosheim’s ‘Ecclesiastical History’
for it. I should like to be directed to a good and impartial history of the
various heresies that vary from the Catholic belief; it would be one of my most
pleasing studies to me. Gibbon touches
but lightly on the Manichees and philosophical sects. The extravagances of
their belief appear to have chiefly consisted in speculative creeds, and
originated in the uniting the Platonic system with the Christian faith.
122 |
Gibbon is exceedingly severe on the
animosity between the supporters of the
όμοούσιον of the Nicene Creed and
orthodox party, and the partisans of the Semi-Arian
όμοούσιον; and this difference of
a letter does certainly appear at first very ridiculous. But surely there can
be nothing more different than the ideas of consubstantiality and similarity,
which are the import of the two words, though I wish they could have invented
names which would seem to imply greater difference at first. The name of
όμοούσιον probably originated in
the compliance of a part of the Arian sect, and their wish to smooth the
difficulties which separated them from the Catholics; although the upshot was
very different. In one place he asserts that the Arians in adversity did not
probably display as much fortitude as the Homoousians, when the latter were in
subjection to their adversaries, because the Arians, who degraded the Son of
God, had not the same zeal and expectation of favour from Him as the Catholics,
who raised Him to equal dignity with the Father. But as this rests on mere
probability, none of the writings of Arians having been suffered to exist, I
should be disposed to reject the inference, particularly on recollecting that
the Dominicans of the fifteenth century, who rejected the Immaculate ![]()
Conception of the Virgin
Mary, showed at least as much zeal in their own cause as the Franciscans, who
asserted it. In your next letter, if you have leisure, I wish you would write
to me your thoughts on the subject of the divisions of the Church under
Constantine, or direct me to some book which you think might assist me in the
investigation. I have only one more thing to say on this subject; that
Gibbon appears particularly cautious on the subject of
miracles, which many zealous Protestant writers appear to have impugned without
any imputation of scepticism. I mean the miracles performed by the professors
of Christianity. Of course, as to myself, I have very little doubt that the
power of performing miracles was granted to several of its first professors,
after the age of the apostles, in order that the infant Church might be
propagated quicker, and I attribute its increase in great measure to this
power; but I certainly do not suppose that a power so dangerous was any longer
to be granted, when corruptions had begun to creep into the system of the
believers. Gibbon passes them over pretty fairly in
silence, until he comes to an age in which he can with safety attack them;
merely saying that it is dangerous either fully to receive or fully to reject
the accounts. ![]()
The artful manner in which the history of
some of the chief fathers of Christianity in the age of
Constantine and his successors is treated, is
truly wonderful. He begins by praising them as bulwarks of the Catholic faith,
etc., continues to praise them, but, as he descends into minutiae, carefully
bringing forward their most reprovable acts, while all the time he appears
either to defend them, or to impute them to the frailties of human nature. When
he finds nothing particular to find fault with, he generally characterises
them, though in a very covert manner, as artful, ambitious, and turbulent men,
disposed, in their writings, to give up always the truth and impartiality of
history to the interests of the Catholic Church.
I do not know whether you like to have the long letters I
write to you filled with this sort of observations on what I read, but I was
encouraged to write this letter, as when I first learnt Italian you desired me
to do the same, and were pleased with the long letters I used to write on that
subject. However, I shall not stay out any longer, and consequently shall not
read so much as I hitherto have, particularly as the fine weather seems to be
beginning again, and I shall be out a great deal; but I shall not give up
reading altogether, and shall be ![]()
much obliged to you if you will direct
me, as I said before, to some book concerning those sects. Tell me if I can be
of any service to you in finding out tracts respecting Devonshire antiquities.
I have sent you all I could find in the ‘Archæologia;’ anywhere else I will
look, if you will tell me of any books Uncle Harry has where I could find them.
As I wrote to you last Thursday I have not much else to say; but I think it
will be better for you as well as myself, if instead of sending you the
exuberance of my fancy twice a week in the shape of doubled half-sheet, I
should wait till they collect sufficiently to fill a whole one. The affairs of
the war will go on rather slower, but it will not be the worse for that.
I remain your affectionate son,
J. H. M.
During a visit to Chatsworth in the autumn of the following year
Hodgson was introduced to Elizabeth,
Duchess of Devonshire, best known to fame as ‘Lady Elizabeth Foster,’ who wrote to him soon after
her departure on the subject of a conversation on ancient and modern poetry.
Wortley Hall: October 27, 1821.
Sir,—I feel extremely obliged to you for the note
which I received from you on Thursday evening ![]()
previous to
my leaving Chatsworth. It would be fortunate for
Italicus if he was to be in such hands as yours. My own
inquiries went chiefly to information on the subject, and to know if there was
any Italian translation, that was reckoned good, but the opinion which you
expressed about the merit of his Poem rather weakened my zeal. I beg of you,
Sir, to be assured of the pleasure it gave me to have made your acquaintance at
Chatsworth, and to believe me much yours,
Nearly of the same date is an account by Hodgson of a tour in Yorkshire, in search of a sea-side resort. No easy
matter some fifty years ago.
On Monday the 24th we set forth in our carriage for Sheffield, uncertain
to what part of the Yorkshire coast to direct our way. Dr.
Knight, however, decided us, by recommending the waters as well as the
bathing of Scarborough; and we proceeded by Rotherham, Doncaster, and Ferrybridge to York.
The country about Rotherham is some of the richest both for pastures and cornfields in
England; and it has very beautiful views especially from Winnow-Hill on the Doncaster side.
The stout old Saxon ruin of
Conisborough Castle, celebrated in ‘Ivanhoe,’ rises boldly enough out of its surrounding wood, on the road
side. Doncaster, you know, is one of the neatest towns in England; for clean-swept
pavement, bright brass-knockers, houses looking all newly painted, and windows without a
speck, down a long broad street, it is perfection. We advanced, early morning of Tuesday,
for Ferrybridge, which you well recollect, and walked up the river side opposite
Brotherton. By Tadcaster we proceeded the same day to York, and I certainly was agreeably
surprised to find my first impressions of the Minster increased rather than diminished,
after an interval of so many years. We examined it thoroughly, and heard the anthem. I have
not seen Westminster Abbey since the last improvements in the interior; but, at present,
the grandeur of York predominates in my imagination. On Wednesday evening we got to Malton,
missing Castle Howard, Lord Carlisle’s seat,
which should be taken by the way. But we were eager to get to the sea, and there we arrived
on Thursday, a journey of a hundred and ten miles with one horse, in four days, and that
very leisurely executed, by means of early and late travelling, and resting in the middle
of the day. Scarborough entirely failed, ![]()
after an accurate search for
lodgings. Those on the Cliff, which are the only possible ones, if you wish a view and a
feel of the sea, require the strength of a Hercules to carry you Antæus-like up the hill from the beach; for as to walking it two or
three times a day, it is impossible for an invalid, with any advantage to health, or indeed
continuance to life. As we wished therefore to live, as much as possible, on the sea-shore,
and inhale sea-breezes all day long, we started again on Friday, and drove down the coast,
twenty miles, to Burlington. Here we took lodgings close to the pier, and had as much
sea-air as we could wish, with a very fine view of the vessels coming close under our
window into harbour. We stayed a fortnight at this place, and should have stayed still
longer, but the incessant noise of the loading and unloading of vessels actually drove us
away, with all the stoppages of all the sailors of Ulysses in our ears. There was literally
not another house in the place, with a view of the sea, the sine quâ non of a saltwater bathing-place, that was not equally noisy; and having before explored
Hornsea, the only tolerable place between Burlington and Hull, but too far from the water,
we directed our mare northward, up the coast, and, passing by Filey Bay, ![]()
where there is a noble
beach, illuminated with dead fish, we returned to Scarborough, only as a stage on our
journey farther north. Here we examined the ruins of the castle, which we had not done
before. They are more finely situated (on a rock, perpendicular and 300 feet high, jutting
into the sea,) than any I have seen; and, being at one end of the bay, form a striking
object in an evening view from the beach. The name of Oliver’s Mount is improperly
given to a hill on the opposite side of the bay; as if the cannon could have done execution
at such a distance! They did not do so, the wall being entire in that direction. We went
on, over a wild mountain road, but still in view of the sea, to Whitby, twenty miles
farther. The north wolds of Yorkshire are very like parts of the Peak of Derbyshire; but
are bolder, and have the great addition of the ocean. The approach to the ruins of Whitby
Abbey, standing on an eminence above the sea, is very beautiful. The town is closely and
singularly built, but the pier the finest I have seen after Ramsgate.
Here are large vessels engaged in the Greenland fishery, as large as 600
tons burden. The road is still over the wolds to within two or three ![]()
miles of Guisborough. We yet had the sea with us, and indeed were skirting the north-east
coast of Yorkshire very regularly. As you descend from the wolds into the valley of
Guisborough (which Camden compared to the country
about Puteoli) the contrast is most beautiful indeed: lovely wooded hills, and considerable
mountains beyond, with a pointed and varied outline. The ruin of the remaining east window
at Guisborough is very large and fine. From this place and its fallen priory we went on to
Redcar; the object of our pursuit, in this little ‘coasting tour, in search of a
sea-bathing place.’ Meanwhile, we were daily gaining health and strength, the
constant succession of new objects greatly refreshing us both. At Redcar our first entrance
was most ill-omened. The best inn was full, and the second-best ———, the
‘Black Swan,’ I do sincerely hope, is ‘rara avis in
terris.’ But, to prolong our horrors much of the same misery which
beset the ‘Swan,’ beset also all the lodging-houses at Redcar, and after the
struggle of a week (not to appear fastidious), we were forced to give up in despair; and,
after some delightful excursions on the unrivalled sands of this place, we turned our
horse’s head York-ward again, by a most enchanting route.
131 |
A barrister cousin, Richard
Whitcombe, was an occasional correspondent about this time.
There is nothing new (he writes) in the literary world. Is this so,
or have I lost my relish for modern productions? Somewhat of both, perhaps; though I
certainly do find that ‘ille ego qui quondam’ would have
hunted with pleasure after a new book, and with avidity after a new poem, have a senile
coldness to all the meretricious race and an abhorrence of the latter class. For whilst
I can idle with undiminished delight over the masters of my boyhood—over
Theocritus or Tibullus, Homer or Lucretius, Milton
or Shakespeare—I had infinitely rather
turn to the white volumes of legal crotchets and wire-drawing, than be doomed to the
best fare announced in the cartes of those
exquisite intellectual Deipnosophists, Mr. John
Murray or Mr Joseph Mawman. A propos of this Mr. Joseph Mawman (who,
experto crede, is a Deipnosophist, in
the original sense of the word, of no mean talent), do you know the singularly
appropriate compliment which he paid to Lord Byron?
At a venture, you shall have it. The Bibliopole and the Peer met at a feast. ‘My
Lord,’ said the man of foolscap, who had prepared himself for something worthy of
a meeting between
and the Sosii; ‘My Lord, I have been reading your poem (the “
Giaour,” peradventure, or the
Siege of Corinth”), and
your Lordship must allow me to say that in
my opinion you are a
perfect master of the English language.’
Robert Bland (1779 c.-1825)
Under-master at Harrow 1796-1805, where he taught Byron; he was a friend of Byron and of
Francis Hodgson. With John Herman Merivale he published
chiefly from the Greek Anthology (1806).
William Camden (1551-1623)
English antiquary, author of
Britannia (1586), a Latin history of
Britain; he founded a professorship of history at Oxford.
Queen Caroline of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1768-1821)
Married the Prince of Wales in 1795 and separated in 1796; her husband instituted
unsuccessful divorce proceedings in 1820 when she refused to surrender her rights as
Constantine I (272 c.-337)
Roman emperor who convened the Council of Nicea (325) and moved the imperial capital to
Thomas Denman, first baron Denman (1779-1854)
English barrister and writer for the
Monthly Review; he was MP,
solicitor-general to Queen Caroline (1820), attorney-general (1820), lord chief justice
(1832-1850). Sydney Smith commented, “Denman everybody likes.”
Henry Joseph Thomas Drury (1778-1841)
The eldest son of Joseph Drury, Byron's headmaster; he was fellow of King's College,
Cambridge and assistant-master at Harrow from 1801. In 1808 he married Ann Caroline Tayler,
whose sisters married Drury's friends Robert Bland and Francis Hodgson.
Charles Ekins (1779-1826)
Son of John Ekins, dean of Salisbury; he was educated at Eton and King's College,
Cambridge and was rector of Chiddingfold, Surrey (1803), curate of Deverill Hill, Wiltshire
(1803-10), and prebendary of Slape in Salisbury (1803).
Edward Gibbon (1737-1794)
Author of
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
William Gifford (1756-1826)
Poet, scholar, and editor who began as a shoemaker's apprentice; after Oxford he
The Baviad (1794),
The Maeviad
(1795), and
The Satires of Juvenal translated (1802) before becoming
the founding editor of the
Quarterly Review (1809-24).
John Heath (1749-1830)
Merchant of Geneva; his son John Benjamin attended Harrow with Byron and married Sophia,
sister of the poet Robert Bland.
Francis Hodgson (1781-1852)
Provost of Eton College, translator of Juvenal (1807) and close friend of Byron. He wrote
for the
Monthly and
Critical Reviews, and was
author of (among other volumes of poetry)
Childe Harold's Monitor; or
Lines occasioned by the last Canto of Childe Harold (1818).
Homer (850 BC fl.)
Poet of the
Iliad and
Horace (65 BC-8 BC)
Roman lyric poet; author of
Epistles, Satires, and the
Ars Poetica.
Frederick Howard, fifth earl of Carlisle (1748-1825)
The Earl of Carlisle was appointed Lord Byron's guardian in 1799; they did not get along.
He published a volume of
Poems (1773) that included a translation
from Dante.
John Ireland (1761-1842)
Dean of Westminster and a close friend of William Gifford; he published
Nuptiae sacrae, or, An Enquiry into the Scriptural Doctrine of Marriage and
Divorce (1801).
James Knight (1793-1863)
Of Lincoln College, Oxford; he was perpetual curate of St Paul's Church, Sheffield
Lucretius (99 BC.-55 BC c.)
Roman poet, author of the verse treatise
De rerum natura.
Joseph Mawman (1760 c.-1827)
Bookseller of York (1788) and London, where he purchased the business of Charles Dilly in
1800; he was an acquaintance of Samuel Parr.
Charles Merivale (1808-1893)
The second son of John Herman Merivale; he was Dean of Ely (1769-93) and author of
History of the Romans under the Empire (1850-64).
Herman Merivale (1806-1874)
The eldest son of the poet John Herman Merivale; he was professor of political economy at
Oxford (1837) and under-secretary for colonies (1847); he published
Lectures on Colonisation (1841) and wrote for the
John Herman Merivale (1779-1844)
English poet and translator, friend of Francis Hodgson, author of
Orlando in Ronscevalles: a Poem (1814). He married Louisa Drury, daughter of the
headmaster at Harrow, and wrote for the
Monthly Review while
pursuing a career in the law.
Louisa Heath Merivale [née Drury] (1787-1873)
The daughter of Joseph Drury, headmaster of Harrow; she married John Herman Merivale in
1805 and had a family of six sons and six daughters.
John Milton (1608-1674)
English poet and controversialist; author of
Comus (1634),
Lycidas (1638),
Areopagitica (1644),
Paradise Lost (1667), and other works.
John Murray II (1778-1843)
The second John Murray began the
Quarterly Review in 1809 and
published works by Scott, Byron, Austen, Crabbe, and other literary notables.
Silius Italicus (28 c.-103 c.)
Roman poet, author of the epic
Punica in seventeen books.
Edward Tew (1736-1818)
Of King's College, Cambridge; he was fellow of Eton (1781-1818) and vice-provost
(1802-1818), vicar of Mapledurham (1800-1818). He translated Gray's
Elegy into Greek.
George Thackeray (1777-1850)
He was assistant master at Eton College (1801), provost of King's College, Cambridge
(1814), and a notable book-collector.
Theocritus ( 300 BC c.-260 BC c.)
Greek pastoral poet whose Sicilian verse was imitated by Virgil and many later
Albius Tibullus (55 BC c.-19 BC)
Roman poet, friend of Horace and Ovid, author of two books of elegies.
Voltaire (1694-1778)
French historian and man of letters; author of, among many other works,
The Age of Louis XIV (1751) and
Candide (1759).
Richard Whitcombe (1794-1834)
Barrister of Lincoln's Inn, a cousin and correspondent of Francis Hodgson. He contributed
an article on Greek literature to the