LORD  BYRON  and  his  TIMES
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Lord Byron and his Times
 General Indexes

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Persons Index for Letter A
A'Court-Repington, Edward Henry (1783-1855)
A'Court [née Bouverie], Lady Maria Rebecca (1783-1844)
A'Court, William, first baron Heytesbury (1779-1860)
Abbot, Charles, first baron Colchester (1757-1829)
Abbott, Charles, first baron Tenterden (1762-1832)
Abbott, Hon. Charles (1803-1838)
Abbott, George, archbishop of Canterbury (1562-1633)
Abbott, William (1790-1843)
Abel, Clarke (1780 c.-1826)
Abelard, Peter (1079-1142)
Abella, Manuel (1763-1817)
Abercrombie, John (1780-1844)
Abercromby, Alexander (1784-1853)
Abercromby, George, second baron Abercromby (1770-1843)
Abercromby, James, first baron Dunfermline (1776-1858)
Abercromby [née Leigh], Lady Mary Anne (d. 1874)
Abercromby, Sir Ralph (1734-1801)
Abercromby, Ralph, second baron Dunfermline (1803-1868)
Abercromby, Sir Robert (1740 c.-1827)
Abershaw, Louis Jeremiah (1773 c.-1795)
Abington [née Barton], Frances (1737-1815)
Abraham, Charles John, bishop of Wellington (1814-1903)
Abraham, J. H. (1777-1846)
Abud, William (1764 c.-1827)
Abū al-Ḥasan Khān (1776-1845 c.)
Accius (170 BC-86 BC)
Accum, Friedrich Christian (1769-1838)
Acerbi, Giuseppe (1773-1846)
Achard [m.n. Constant], Anne Louise Renée (1776-1830)
Achard [née de Bontems], Anne-Renée (1752-1831)
Acheson, Archibald, second earl of Gosford (1776-1849)
Acheson, Archibald, third earl of Gosford (1806-1864)
Acheson, Arthur, first earl of Gosford (1742 c.-1807)
Acheson [née Pole], Millicent, countess of Gosford (1750 c.-1825)
Ackermann, Rudolph (1764-1834)
Acklom [m.n. Spencer], Lady Esther (1788-1818)
Acland [m.n. Hoare], Lady Frances Anne (d. 1800)
Acland [née Hoare], Lady Lydia Elizabeth (1786-1856)
Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke, tenth baronet (1787-1871)
Adair, James Makittrick (1765-1802)
Adair, Sir Robert (1763-1855)
Adam, Alexander (1741-1809)
Adam, Sir Charles (1780-1853)
Adam [née Palatino], Lady Diamantina (d. 1844)
Adam [née Brydone], Elizabeth (d. 1871)
Adam [née Wyllie], Emily Elizabeth (d. 1906)
Adam, Sir Frederick William (1784-1853)
Adam, John (1721-1792)
Adam, John (1779-1825)
Adam [m.n. Clerk], Susannah (1808 fl.)
Adam, William (1751-1839)
Adams the younger, George (1750-1795)
Adams, John (1758-1804)
Adams, Joseph (1756 c.-1818)
Adams [née Flower], Sarah (1805-1848)
Adams the younger, Thomas (1785-1858)
Adams, Sir William (1783-1827)
Adams, William Bridges (1797-1872)
Adamson, John (1787-1855)
Adanson, Michel (1727-1806)
Addenbrooke, John Peter (1753-1821)
Addington, Anthony (1713-1790)
Addington, Henry, first viscount Sidmouth (1757-1844)
Addington, John Hiley (1759-1818)
Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Addison, Robert (1824 fl.)
Addison, William Innes (1857-1912)
Adelaide, Queen (1792-1849)
Adelung, Johann Christoph (1732-1806)
Aders, Charles (1780-1846)
Aders [née Smith], Elizabeth (1785-1857)
Adkin, Thomas (1760-1809 fl.)
Adolphus Frederick, first duke of Cambridge (1774-1850)
Adolphus, John (1768-1845)
Adolphus, John Leycester (1794-1862)
Aelian (175 c.-235 c.)
Aeschines (389 BC-314 BC)
Aeschylus (525 BC c.-456 BC c.)
Aesop (620 BC c.-564 BC)
Aethelstan, king of England (893 c.-939)
Agar-Ellis, Henry, third viscount Clifden (1825-1866)
Agar, Hon. Emily Anne (1766 c.-1821)
Agar, James Charles Herbert Welbore Ellis, third earl of Normanton (1818-1896)
Agar, Jean-Antoine-Michel, comte de (1771-1844)
Agar, John Samuel (1770-1835)
Agar, Welbore Ellis, second earl of Normanton (1818-1896)
Agis IV, king of Sparta (265 c.-241 BC)
Aglietti, Francesco (1757-1836)
Agricola (40-93)
Agrippa, Cornelius (1486-1535)
Agrippina, Julia (16-59)
Aguesseau, Henri-François d' (1668-1751)
Aguirre, Lope de (1510 c.-1561)
Agüelles, Augustín (1776-1844)
Aigle, Constance Louise Sophie, comtesse de l’ (1782-1866)
Aiguillon, Armand de Vignerot du Plessis de Richelieu, duc d' (1750-1800)
Aikin [m.n. Barbauld], Anna Laetitia (1743-1825)
Aikin [m.n. Le Breton], Anna Letitia (1808-1885)
Aikin, Arthur (1773-1854)
Aikin, Charles Rochemont (1775-1847)
Aikin, John (1747-1822)
Aikin, Lucy (1781-1864)
Ainger, Alfred (1837-1904)
Ainslie, George Robert (1776-1839)
Ainslie, Henry (1760-1834)
Ainslie, John (1745-1828)
Ainslie, Philip Barrington (1785-1869)
Ainslie, Sir Robert, first baronet (1730 c.-1812)
Ainslie, Robert (1766-1838)
Ainsworth, Robert (1660-1743)
Ainsworth, William Francis (1807-1896)
Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882)
Aird, Thomas (1802-1876)
Airey, Lady Catherine (d. 1852)
Airey, Sir George (1761-1833)
Airy, Sir George Biddell (1801-1892)
Aitken, John (1793-1833)
Aitken [m.n. Carlyle], Mary Carlyle (1848-1895)
Aiton, William Townsend (1766-1849)
Aitzema, Lieuwe van (1600-1669)
Akenside, Mark (1721-1770)
Al Hamadani, Abulfadhi Ahmed (d. 398)
Alam II, emperor of Hindustan (1728-1806)
Alamanni, Luigi (1495-1556)
Alan, lord of Galloway (d. 1234)
Alaric I, king of the Visigoths (370 c.-1843)
Alava, Miguel de (1770-1843)
Alba, Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, duque de (1507-1582)
Alberoni, Cardinal Giulio (1684-1752)
Albert, prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1819-1861)
Albert, Adam, comte de Neipperg (1775-1829)
Albert [née Vernet‏], Marie Charlotte Thérèse (1805-1860)
Alberti, Leon Battista (1404-1472)
Albertus Magnus, Saint (1193 c.-1280)
Albin, Eleazar (1759 fl.)
Alborghetti, Count Giuseppe (1821 fl.)
Albuquerque, Afonso de (1453-1515)
Alcaeus of Mytilene (640 BC fl.)
Alcibiades (450 BC c.-404 BC)
Alciphron (200? fl.)
Alcman (650 BC fl.)
Alder, William (1823 fl.)
Alderson [m.n. Opie], Amelia (1769-1853)
Alderson, Sir Edward Hall (1787-1857)
Alderson [m.n. Milman], Lady Elizabeth Hurry (1792 c.-1854)
Alderson, James (1742 c.-1825)
Alderson, John (1757-1829)
Aldis, Sir Charles (1776-1863)
Aldred, William (1830 fl.)
Aldrich, Henry (1648-1710)
Alembert, Jean le Rond d' (1717-1783)
Alemán, Mateo (1547-1614 c.)
Alexander I of Russia, Emperor (1777-1825)
Alexander II, king of Scotland (1198-1249)
Alexander III, king of Scotland (1241-1286)
Alexander Polyhistor (105 BC c.-35 BC c.)
Alexander VI, Pope (1241-1286)
Alexander of Hales (1185 c.-1245)
Alexander the Great (356 BC-323 BC)
Alexander [née Yorke], Catherine Freeman, countess of Caledon (1786-1863)
Alexander, Claud, first baronet (1831-1899)
Alexander [née Keatinge], Elizabeth Georgina (d. 1843)
Alexander [m.n. Smyth], Henrietta Frances (d. 1885)
Alexander, Henry (1763 c.-1818)
Alexander, James, first earl of Caledon (1730-1802)
Alexander, James (1823 fl.)
Alexander [née Douglas], Lady Margaret (d. 1660)
Alexander, Monsey (1756 c.-1790)
Alexander, Nathaniel, Bishop of Meath (1760-1840)
Alexander, Robert (1823 fl.)
Alexander, William, first earl of Stirling (1577-1640)
Alexander, William, Lord Alexander (d. 1638)
Alexander, Sir William (1755-1842)
Alexander, William Maxwell (1790-1853)
Alfieri, Vittorio (1749-1803)
Alfonso V, king of Aragon (1396-1458)
Alfonso VII, king of Castile (1105-1157)
Alfonso X, king of Castile (1221-1284)
Alfonso XI, king of Castile (1311-1350)
Alfred, king of England (849 c.-899)
Algarotti, Francesco (1712-1764)
Ali Bey al-Abbasi (1766-1818)
Ali Khan, Vizir, Nawab of Oudh (1781 c.-1817)
Ali Pasha of Yannina (1740-1822)
Alighieri, Dante (1265-1321)
Alison, Archibald (1757-1839)
Alison, Sir Archibald, first baronet (1792-1867)
Alison [née Gregory], Dorothea (1754-1830)
Alison [m.n. Gerard], Dorothea Montagu (1787 c.-1819)
Alison [m.n. Burge], Margaret Ann Forbes (1880 fl.)
Allan, David (1744-1796)
Allan, George (1832 fl.)
Allan, Thomas (1777-1833)
Allan, Sir William (1782-1850)
Allen [m.n. Mackintosh], Lady Catherine (1765-1830)
Allen [m.n. Wedgwood], Elizabeth (1764-1846)
Allen [m.n. Sismondi], Jessica de (1777-1853)
Allen, John (1733-1803)
Allen, John (1771-1843)
Allen, Joshua William, sixth viscount Allen (1782 c.-1845)
Allen, Lancelot Baugh (1775-1845)
Allen, Matthew (1783-1845)
Allen, Ralph (1694-1764)
Allen, Robert (1772-1805)
Allen, Stephen (1767-1852)
Allen, William (1770-1843)
Allestree, Richard (1621-1681)
Alleyn, Edward (1566-1626)
Allgood [m.n. Glasse], Hannah (1708-1770)
Allibone, Samuel Austin (1816-1889)
Allies, Thomas William (1813-1903)
Allingham, John Till (1810 fl.)
Allison, David (1757-1809)
Allott, Richard (1782 c.-1858)
Allsop [née Dean], Ann (d. 1877 c.)
Allsop, Thomas (1795-1880)
Allston, Washington (1779-1843)
Alsager, Thomas Massa (1779-1846)
Alten, Sir Charles von (1764-1840)
Alvares, Francisco (1465 c.-1541)
Ambrogietti, Giuseppe (1780-1833 fl.)
Ambrose [m.n. Palmer], Lady Eleanor (1718 c.-1818)
Amelia, Princess (1711-1786)
Amelia, Princess (1783-1810)
Ames, Fisher (1758-1808)
Ames, Joseph (1773-1857)
Amherst, William Pitt, first earl Amherst (1773-1857)
Amillet de Sagrie, Pierre Hippolyte (1785-1830)
Ammirato, Scipione (1531-1601)
Amory, Thomas (1691-1788)
Amyot, Jacques, bishop of Auxerre (1513-1593)
Anacharsis (550 BC fl.)
Anacreon (582 BC.-485 BC)
Anagnostaras, Christos (1760-1825)
Anaxagoras (500 BC. c.-428 BC)
Ancillon, Johann Peter Friedrich (1767-1837)
Anderden, J. H. (1833 fl.)
Anderdon, John Lavicount (1792-1874)
Anderson, Charles, first baron Yarborough (1749-1823)
Anderson, James (1739-1808)
Anderson, James Maitland (1852-1927)
Anderson [m.n. Hamilton], Janet Hamilton (1785 c.-1871)
Anderson [née Dalrymple], Jean (1763-1831)
Anderson jun., John (1841 fl.)
Anderson, Robert (1749-1830)
Anderson, Samuel (1756-1821)
Anderson, Thomas (1846 fl.)
Andrea del Sarto (1486-1530 c.)
Andreini, Giovan Battista (1576-1654)
Andrewes, Gerrard (1750 c.-1825)
Andrewes, Gerrard Thomas (1795-1851)
Andrews, Francis (1718-1774)
Andrews, John (1736 c.-1809)
Andrews, John (1857 fl.)
Andrews, Joseph (1827 fl.)
Andrews, Miles Peter (1742-1814)
Androutsos, Odysseas (1788-1825)
André, Johann Anton (1775-1842)
Andréossy, Antoine-François (1761-1828)
Andrés, Giovanni (1740-1817)
Aneirin (d. 600 c.)
Angelo, Henry Charles William (1756-1835)
Angerstein, John (1774 c.-1858)
Angerstein, John Julius (1732 c.-1823)
Angoulême, Louis Antoine d'Artois (1775-1844)
Angoulême, Marie Thérése Charlotte, duchesse d' (1778-1851)
Anguish [m.n. Osborne], Catherine (1764-1837)
Annand, Adam (1789-1818)
Anne, queen of Great Britain (1665-1714)
Annesley, Arthur, first earl of Mountnorris (1744-1816)
Annesley, Arthur, tenth viscount Valentia (1785-1863)
Annesley [m.n. Webster], Lady Frances Caroline (1793-1837)
Annesley, George, second earl of Mountnorris (1769-1844)
Annesley [née Lyttelton], Lucy (1743-1783)
Annesley [née Cavendish], Sarah, countess of Mountnorris (d. 1849)
Anquetil-Duperron, Abraham-Hyacinthe (1731-1805)
Anselm, Saint, archbishop of Canterbury (1033 c.-1109)
Anson [née Coke], Lady Anne Margaret (1779-1843)
Anson [m.n. Primrose], Anne Margaret, countess of Rosebery (1796-1882)
Anson, George, baron Anson (1697-1762)
Anson, Sir George (1769-1849)
Anson, George (1797-1857)
Anson, George Edward (1812-1849)
Anson [née Forester], Hon. Isabella Elizabeth Annabella Weld (d. 1858)
Anson [née Philips], Louisa Catherine, countess of Lichfield (d. 1879)
Anson [m.n. Tenison], Louisa Mary Anne (1819-1882)
Anson [m.n. Ward], Mary Ann (1803-1875)
Anson, Thomas, first viscount Anson (1767-1818)
Anson, Thomas William, first earl of Lichfield (1795-1854)
Anster, John (1793-1867)
Anstey, Christopher (1724-1805)
Anstruther-Paterson, Sir Philip, third baronet (1752-1808)
Anstruther-Thomson, John (1776-1833)
Anstruther, Sir John, fourth baronet and first baronet (1753-1811)
Anthony, Saint (251 c.-356)
Antier, Benjamin (1787-1870)
Antimachus (400 BC fl.)
Antinous (111-130)
Antisthenes (445 BC c.-365 BC fl.)
Anton [m.n. Cary], Christiana, viscountess Falkland (d. 1822)
Antonio, Nicolás (1617-1684)
Antonmarchi, François (1789-1838)
Antony, Mark (83 BC-30 BC)
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697-1782)
Apelles (350 BC fl.)
Apicius, Marcus Gavius (50 AD fl.)
Apollonius Rhodius (295 BC c.-246 BC fl.)
Apollonius of Tyana (15 c.-100)
Apostolis, Nikolis (1770-1827)
Apperley, Charles James (1778-1843)
Applebee [m.n. Williams], Grace Joanna (d. 1871)
Applegath, Augustus (1788-1871)
Appleton, Daniel (1785-1849)
Appleton, William Henry (1814-1899)
Apsley [m.n. Hutchinson], Lucy (1620-1681)
Apuleius, Lucius (125 c.-180 c.)
Aquinas, St. Thomas (1225 c.-1274)
Arabin, William John (1750-1828)
Arabin, William Saint Julien (1775-1841)
Arago, François (1786-1853)
Arago [née Carrier-Desombes], Lucie (d. 1829)
Aram, Eugene (1704-1759)
Arber, Edward (1836-1912)
Arblay, Alexandre Jean Baptiste Piochard, comte d' (1754-1818)
Arbuthnet, Alexander (d. 1585)
Arbuthnot, Charles (1767-1850)
Arbuthnot [née Fane], Harriett (1793-1834)
Arbuthnot, Dr. John (1667-1735)
Arbuthnot, Sir William, first baronet (1766-1829)
Arch, John (1838 fl.)
Archdale, George (1787-1871)
Archdall, John (1816 fl.)
Archdall, Richard (1746 c.-1824)
Archer, Charles Maybury (1862 fl.)
Archer [m.n. Schoales], Clementina (1831 fl.)
Archer, John (d. 1811)
Archimedes (287 BC c.-212 BC)
Arden [née Wilbraham-Bootle], Lady Anne Dorothea (d. 1825)
Arden, Hon. Catherine Emma (d. 1875)
Arden, Joseph (1799-1879)
Arden, Richard Pepper, first baron Alvanley (1744-1804)
Arden, William, second baron Alvanley (1789-1849)
Arenberg, Prosper Louis, duc d' (1785-1861)
Aretaeus of Cappadocia (150 fl.)
Aretino, Pietro (1492-1556)
Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d' (1704-1771)
Argenson, René-Louis de Voyer, marquis de (1694-1757)
Ariosto, Ludovico (1474-1533)
Aristarchus (220 BC c.-143 BC c.)
Aristides (530 c.-468 BC)
Aristippus (435 BC c.-356 BC)
Aristophanes (445 BC c.-385 BC c.)
Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC)
Arius (250 c.-336)
Arkwright [née Kemble], Frances Crawford (1787-1849)
Arkwright, Sir Richard (1732-1792)
Arkwright, Robert (1783-1859)
Arminius (18 BC c.-21)
Arminius, Jacobus (1560-1609)
Armour [m.n. Burns], Jean (1765-1834)
Armstrong of Gilnockie, John (d. 1530)
Armstrong, Archibald (d. 1672)
Armstrong, John (1709-1779)
Armstrong, Thomas (1837 fl.)
Armstrong, William (1709-1603 fl.)
Arne [m.n. Cibber], Susannah Maria (1714-1766)
Arne, Thomas Augustine (1710-1778)
Arnold [m.n. Ayrton], Marianne (d. 1836)
Arnold [née Pye], Matilda (d. 1851)
Arnold, Matthew (1822-1888)
Arnold, Samuel James (1774-1852)
Arnold, Thomas (1742-1816)
Arnold, Thomas (1795-1842)
Arnot, Hugo (1749-1786)
Arnot, John (1836 fl.)
Arnot [m.n. Fyler], Margaret (1775 c.-1855)
Arnott, Archibald (1772-1855)
Arnott, Neil (1788-1874)
Arnould-Plessy, Jeanne (1819-1897)
Arnould, Sir Joseph (1813-1886)
Arrian (86 c.-160)
Arrowsmith the elder, Aaron (1750-1823)
Artapanus of Alexandria (150 fl.)
Artaxerxes I (d. 424 BC.)
Artemisia I of Caria (480 BC fl.)
Artevelde, Philip van (1340 c.-1382)
Arthur, prince of Wales (1486-1502)
Asbury, Jacob Vale (1790 c.-1871)
Ascham, Roger (1515-1568)
Asgill, Sir Charles, second baronet (1762-1823)
Asgill [née Ogle], Lady Jemima Sophia (1770-1819)
Ashburner, John (1793-1878)
Ashburnham, Bertram, fourth earl of Ashburnham (1797-1878)
Ashburnham [née Percy], Charlotte, countess of Ashburnham (1776-1862)
Ashburnham, George, third earl of Ashburnham (1760-1830)
Ashburnham, John (1603-1671)
Ashburnham [née Baillie], Katherine Charlotte, countess of Ashburnham (1819-1894)
Ashe, Thomas (1770-1835)
Ashhurst, Sir William Henry (1725-1807)
Ashley Cooper, Hon. William (1803-1877)
Ashmole, Sir Elias (1617-1692)
Ashton, Nicholas (1742-1833)
Askew, Adam (1758 c.-1844)
Askew, Anthony (1722-1774)
Aspasia (470 BC c.-400 BC c.)
Aspinwall, Samuel (1792 fl.)
Aspinwall, Thomas (1786-1876)
Aspland, Robert (1782-1845)
Astley, John Conway Philip (1768-1821)
Astor, John Jacob (1763-1848)
Atcherley, David Francis (1783-1845)
Atcheson, Nathaniel (1771-1825)
Atchison [m.n. Cogan], Mary (1769 c.-1850)
Athanasius, Saint (293 c.-373)
Athenaeus of Naucratis (192 fl.)
Atherstone, Edwin (1788-1872)
Atkins [m.n. Macready], Catherine Frances (1804 c.-1852)
Atkins, John (1760 c.-1838)
Atkinson, Charles Caleb (1793-1869)
Atkinson, Joseph (1743-1818)
Atkinson, William (1774-1839)
Atterbury, Francis, bishop of Rochester (1663-1732)
Attila the Hun (406-453)
Attwood, John (d. 1792)
Attwood, Matthias (1779-1851)
Attwood, Thomas (1765-1838)
Attwood, Thomas (1783-1856)
Aubrey, John (1626-1697)
Aubrey, Sir John, sixth baronet (1739-1826)
Aucher, Father Pasquale (1774-1827)
Audiganne, Armand (1814-1875)
Audubon, John James (1785-1851)
Augereau, Pierre (1757-1816)
Auguié [m.n. Ney], Aglaé Louise, princess de la Moskowa (1782-1854)
Augusta, duchess of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1737-1813)
Augusta, princess of Bavaria (1788-1851)
Augustine, Saint (354-430)
Augustine, archbishop of Canterbury (d. 604)
Augustus Frederick, Prince, duke of Sussex (1773-1843)
Augustus, Emperor of Rome (63 BC-14 AD)
Auldjo, John (1805-1886)
Aumale, Henri d'Orléans, duc d' (1822-1897)
Aurelian, Emperor of Rome (215 c.-275)
Austen, Benjamin (1789 c.-1861)
Austen, Jane (1775-1817)
Austen [née Rickett], Sara (1796 c.-1888)
Austin, Alfred (1835-1913)
Austin, Charles (1799-1874)
Austin, Gilbert (1753-1837)
Austin, Henry (1811-1861)
Austin, John (1790-1859)
Austin [m.n. Gordon], Lucie Duff (1821-1869 fl.)
Austin, Samuel (1796-1834)
Austin [née Taylor], Sarah (1793-1867)
Austin, William (1802-1849)
Awdry, John (1766-1844)
Axford [née Lightfoot], Hannah (1785-1851)
Aylmer, William (1778-1820)
Ayrton [m.n. Paris], Elizabeth (1762 c.-1847)
Ayrton, William (1777-1858)
Ayrton, William Scrope (1804-1885)
Ayscough [m.n. Cockburn], Augusta Anne (1749-1837)
Ayscough, Samuel (1745-1804)
Azara, Félix de (1742-1821)
Azeglio, Massimo d' (1798-1866)