LORD  BYRON  and  his  TIMES
Documents Biography Criticism
Charles Cuthbert Southey:
The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey


Vol. I Contents
Early Life: I
Early Life: II
Early Life: III
Early Life: IV
Early Life: V
Early Life: VI
Early Life: VII
Early Life: VIII
Early Life: IX
Early Life: X
Early Life: XI
Early Life: XII
Early Life: XIII
Early Life: XIV
Early Life: XV
Early Life: XVI
Early Life: XVII
Ch. I. 1791-93
Ch. II. 1794
Ch. III. 1794-95
Ch. IV. 1796
Ch. V. 1797
Vol. II Contents
Ch. VI. 1799-1800
Ch. VII. 1800-1801
Ch. VIII. 1801
Ch. IX. 1802-03
Ch. X. 1804
Ch. XI. 1804-1805
Vol. III Contents
Ch. XII. 1806
Ch. XIII. 1807
Ch. XIV. 1808
Ch. XV. 1809
Ch. XVI. 1810-1811
Ch. XVII. 1812
Vol. IV Contents
Ch. XVIII. 1813
Ch. XIX. 1814-1815
Ch. XX. 1815-1816
Ch. XXI. 1816
Ch. XXII. 1817
Ch. XXIII. 1818
Ch. XXIV. 1818-1819
Vol. IV Appendix
Vol. V Contents
Ch. XXV. 1820-1821
Ch. XXVI. 1821
Ch. XXVII. 1822-1823
Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825
Ch. XXIX. 1825-1826
Ch. XXX. 1826-1827
Ch. XXXI. 1827-1828
Vol. V Appendix
Vol. VI Contents
Ch. XXXII. 1829
Ch. XXXIII. 1830
Ch. XXXIV. 1830-1831
Ch. XXXV. 1832-1834
Ch. XXXVI. 1834-1836
Ch. XXXVII. 1836-1837
Ch. XXXVIII. 1837-1843
Vol. VI Appendix

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Titles Index: 
Sackville, Thomas, first earl of Dorset, A Myrrovr for Magistrates. Wherein maye be seen by example of other, with howe greuous Plagues Vices are punished: and howe frayle and unstable worldly Prosperity is founde, when of those whom Fortune seemeth most highly to fauour.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 6 May 1824  ¶ 4
Sadler, Michael Thomas, A First Letter to a Reformer, in reply to a Pamphlet lately published by Walter Fawkes, (late M.P. for the County of York,) entitled The Englishman's Manual.
Mark Robinson to Robert Southey, 13 January 1824  ¶ 4
Sadler, Michael Thomas, The Law of Population: a Treatise, in Six Books; in disproof of the Superfecundity of Human Beings, and developing of the real Principle of their Increase.
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 3 May 1830  ¶ 3
Sadler, Thomas, Wanley Penson; or, the Melancholy Man: a Miscellaneous History.
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, [August?] 1805  ¶ 2
Saint-Pierre, Jacques-Henri Bernadin de, Studies of Nature.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, October 1796  ¶ 4
Sarpi, Paolo, Historia del concilio Tridentino : Nella quale si scoprono tutti gl'artificii della corte di Roma, per impedire che ne' la riforma del papato & della chiesa si trattasse.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 December 1826  ¶ 3
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, Don Carlos: a Tragedy.
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 15 August 1798  ¶ 7
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, Kabale und Liebe.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 31 July 1796  ¶ 3
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, The Death of Wallenstein. A Tragedy in Five Acts.
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 28 March 1801  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 16 July 1823  ¶ 4
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, “Amadis de Gaul, by Southey and by Rose” in Edinburgh Review.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 31 January 1804  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Edith Southey, 10 May 1804  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Edith Southey, 10 May 1804  ¶ 2
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, “Chronicle of the Cid” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 6 November 1808  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 17 November 1808  ¶ 2
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, A Collection of scarce and valuable Tracts, on the most interesting and entertaining Subjects: but chiefly such as relate to the History and Constitution of these Kingdoms. Selected from an infinite number in print and manuscript, in the Royal, Cotton, Sion, and other public, as well as private Libraries; particularly that of the late Lord Somers.
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 6 July 1809  ¶ 4
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, “Eve of St John” in Tales of Wonder.
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 June 1803  ¶ 2
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, “John de Lancaster” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 6 August 1809  ¶ 4
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, The Lady of the Lake: a Poem.
Volume ,  Ch. XVI. 1810-1811  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 11 May 1810  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 11 May 1810  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 11 May 1810  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 11 May 1810  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, 30 May 1810  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 February 1811  ¶ 3
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, The Lay of the Last Minstrel: a Poem.
Volume ,  Ch. XI. 1804-1805  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 5 March 1805  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 5 March 1805  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 15 November 1805  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 27 September 1807  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 22 April 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 11 May 1810  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, 30 May 1810  ¶ 3
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, “Life of John Dryden” in The Works of John Dryden, now first collected.
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 8 December 1807  ¶ 7
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, The Lord of the Isles: a Poem.
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 24 December 1814  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 17 March 1816  ¶ 4
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, Marmion; a Tale of Flodden Field.
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 27 September 1807  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 8 December 1807  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 22 April 1808  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 June 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 11 May 1810  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, 30 May 1810  ¶ 3
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, consisting of Historical and Romantic Ballads, collected in the Southern Counties of Scotland, with a few of modern date, founded upon Local Tradition.
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 June 1803  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 June 1803  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 27 June 1804  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 30 July 1804  ¶ 2
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, Rokeby; a Poem.
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 13 January 1813  ¶ 1
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, “St Valentine's Day; or the Fair Maid of Perth” in Chronicles of the Canongate. Second Series.
Volume ,  Ch. XXI. 1816  ¶ 7
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, “Southey's Curse of Kehama” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Ch. XVI. 1810-1811  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 11 January 1811  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 February 1811  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 February 1811  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 February 1811  ¶ n1
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, Sir Tristrem; a Metrical Romance of the Thirteenth Century.
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 June 1803  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 22 April 1808  ¶ 5
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, The Vision of Don Roderick; a Poem.
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 15 July 1811  ¶ 1
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, Waverley: or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since.
Scott, Sir Walter, baronet, Waverley Novels.
Volume ,  Ch. XXXVII. 1836-1837  ¶ 16
Scudéry, Georges de, Alaric, ou, Rome vaincuë: poëme heroïque.
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, 11 August 1806  ¶ 3
Seward, Anna, “Anna Seward on Mr. Southey's Madoc” in Gentleman's Magazine.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 16 August 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 August 1808  ¶ 4
Shakespeare, William, As You Like It.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: School Recollections,” 10 January 1823  ¶ 3
Shakespeare, William, Coriolanus.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, July 1805  ¶ 2
Shakespeare, William, Cymbeline.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: School Recollections,” 10 January 1823  ¶ 3
Robert Southey, “Memoir: School Recollections,” 10 January 1823  ¶ 8
Shakespeare, William, The Life and Death of King John.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, July 1805  ¶ 2
Shakespeare, William, Julius Caesar.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: Mrs. Dolignon,” 19 Janury 1823  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 12 February 1811  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John Wood Warter, 27 December 1831  ¶ 8
Shakespeare, William, Macbeth.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, July 1805  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Richard Duppa, 23 February 1806  ¶ 5
Shakespeare, William, The Merchant of Venice.
Robert Southey to John Wood Warter, 27 December 1831  ¶ 8
Shakespeare, William, The Tempest.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, July 1805  ¶ 2
Shakespeare, William, Titus Andronicus.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: School Recollections,” 10 January 1823  ¶ 3
Shannon, Richard Quail, An Address to the Clergy of the United Church of England and Ireland, on behalf of the Roman Catholic Claims, exposing the Culpability and Danger of resisting those Claims and suggesting a Plan for their immediate Settlement.
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ 36
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Richard Quail Shannon, 2 March 1829  ¶ 1
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Adonais. An Elegy on the Death of John Keats.
Volume ,  Vol. V Appendix  ¶ n1
Robert Southey “To the Editor of the Courier” 8 December 1824  ¶ 9
Robert Southey “To the Editor of the Courier” 8 December 1824  ¶ n1
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Alastor or, the Spirit of Solitude, and other Poems.
Robert Southey “To the Editor of the Courier” 8 December 1824  ¶ 8
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, The Necessity of Atheism.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 4 January 1812  ¶ 3
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Queen Mab a Philosophical Poem, with Notes.
Volume ,  Ch. XXVI. 1821  ¶ 21
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, The Revolt of Islam: a Poem, in Twelve Cantos.
Robert Southey “To the Editor of the Courier” 8 December 1824  ¶ 5
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, The Critic: or a Tragedy rehearsed a Dramatic Piece in Three Acts.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: At School,” 1821  ¶ 4
Sidney, Sir Philip, Arcadia.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: Poetical Efforts,” 29 June 1824  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 6 September 1818  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 28 November 1828  ¶ 1
Silva, Feliciano de, La cronica de los muy valientes y efforçados y inuencibles caualleros dố Florisel de Niquea y el fuerte Anaxartes, hijos del muy excelẽte principe Amadis de Grecia.
Robert Southey to Henry Herbert Southey, 25 August 1800  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Richard Heber, 16 November 1807  ¶ 4
Silva, Feliciano de, Noveno libro de Amadís de Gaula, crónica del muy valiente y esforzado príncipe y caballero de la Ardiente Espada Amadís de Grecia, hijo de Lisuarte de Grecia, emperador de Constantinopla y de Trapisonda, y rey de Rodas.
Robert Southey to Henry Herbert Southey, 25 August 1800  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Richard Heber, 16 November 1807  ¶ 4
Simond, Louis, Journal of a Tour and residence in Great Britain: during the years 1810 and 1811.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 4 February 1816  ¶ 4
Smirke, Mary, Don Quixote de la Mancha.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 November 1807  ¶ 2
Smith [née Turner], Charlotte, Ethelinde: or, the Recluse of the Lake.
Robert Southey to Margaret Southey, [October 1800?]  ¶ 2
Smith, Elizabeth, Fragments, in Prose and Verse: by a Young Lady, lately deceased. With some Account of her Life and Character.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 10 October 1809  ¶ 3
Smith, Sydney, “Styles on Methodists and Missions” in Edinburgh Review.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 22 May 1809  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 6 July 1809  ¶ 3
Sotheby, William, Georgica Pulbii Virgilii Maronis hexaglotta.
Volume ,  Ch. XXXVI. 1834-1836  ¶ 4
Sotheby, William, Oberon, a Poem, from the German of Wieland.
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 21 February 1801  ¶ 6
Sotheby, William, Saul, a Poem in 2 Parts.
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 23 April 1809  ¶ 4
Soulavie, Jean-Louis, Historical and Political Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XVI from his Marriage to his Death.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 17 December 1803  ¶ 3
Southey, Henry Herbert, “Historical and Political Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XVI by John Lewis Soulavie” in Annual Review for 1802.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 17 December 1803  ¶ 3
Southey, Robert, “Periodical Accounts relative to the Baptist Missionary Society” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 17 November 1808  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 December 1808  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to William Gifford, 6 March 1809  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 14 March 1809  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Richard Duppa, 31 March 1809  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 22 May 1809  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Accounts of the Tonga Islands” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Acerbi's Travels” in Annual Review for 1802.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l17
Southey, Robert, “Address from the Society for the Suppression of Vice” in Annual Review for 1804.
Robert Southey to Nicholas Lightfoot, 8 February 1806  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l20
Southey, Robert, “The Alderman's Funeral, an English Eclogue” in Edinburgh Annual Register for 1808.
Volume ,  Ch. XV. 1809  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 6 July 1809  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 30 July 1809  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 30 July 1809  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 30 July 1809  ¶ n1
Southey, Robert, “Alfieri's Life and Writings” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, All for Love; and The Pilgrim to Compostella.
Volume ,  Ch. XXXI. 1827-1828  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Allan Cunningham, 24 February 1828  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 December 1828  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 December 1828  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 December 1828  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 19 January 1829  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 19 January 1829  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 19 January 1829  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 January 1829  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 17 March 1829  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 17 March 1829  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 17 March 1829  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John Wood Warter, 18 March 1830  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l4
Southey, Robert, Amadis of Gaul.
Volume ,  Ch. IX. 1802-03  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 3 April 1803  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 30 May 1803  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 8 September 1803  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 31 January 1804  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Edith Southey, 10 May 1804  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Edith Southey, May 1804  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 27 June 1804  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 30 July 1804  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 7 December 1805  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 22 November 1808  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l8
Southey, Robert, “The Apocalypse of the Sister Nativité” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “A Ballad: Shewing how an old Woman rode Double, and who rode before her” in Poems: by Robert Southey. The Second Volume.
Volume ,  Ch. VI. 1799-1800  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 5 January 1799  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 21 January 1799  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 21 January 1799  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 29
Southey, Robert, “Barante—Histoire des Ducs de Bourgogne” in The Foreign Review.
Robert Southey to John May, 15 September 1827  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 31 October 1827  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Barrow's Travels in Southern Africa” in Annual Review for 1804.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l17
Southey, Robert, “Barrow's Travels in China” in Annual Review for 1804.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l18
Southey, Robert, “Bayley's Poems” in Annual Review for 1803.
Robert Southey to Edith Southey, 16 May 1804  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l13
Southey, Robert, “Bell and Lancaster's Systems of Education” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 15 July 1811  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John May, 2 November 1811  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, The Book of the Church.
Volume ,  Ch. II. 1794  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. II. 1794  ¶ n2
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, 31 December 1811  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 10
Robert Southey to Neville White, 6 July 1820  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 July 1820  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 April 1821  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Neville White, 25 April 1821  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Chauncy Hare Townshend, 6 May 1821  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to an anonymous correspondent, 8 February 1822  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 December 1822  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 23 February 1823  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 16 July 1823  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to John Jebb, 22 October 1823  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825  ¶ n1
Bishop William Howley to Robert Southey, 25 February 1824  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John May, 7 March 1824  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 27 April 1824  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 6 May 1824  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 June 1824  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 June 1824  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 10 January 1825  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to John May, 16 March 1825  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XXX. 1826-1827  ¶ n1
Second Earl of Radnor to Robert Southey, 10 July 1826  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 8 December 1828  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 January 1829  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l31
Southey, Robert, “Botany Bay Eclogues” in Poems.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 November 1796  ¶ 5
Southey, Robert, “Bowles’s Spirit of Discovery” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l38
Southey, Robert, “Boyd’s Penance of Hugo.” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l40
Southey, Robert, “British Monachism” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Britton's Cathedral Antiquities” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 10 February 1829  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Bruce’s Travels to the Source of the Nile” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l28
Southey, Robert, “Burnet—History of his Own Times” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Burney's Discoveries in the South Sea” in Annual Review for 1803.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 18 November 1803  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l23
Southey, Robert, Carmen triumphale, for the Commencement of the Year 1814.
Volume ,  Ch. XIX. 1814-1815  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 17 December 1813  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 15 January 1814  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Lander, 9 March 1814  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 27 April 1814  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 16 June 1814  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l20
Southey, Robert, “Capt. Pasley on the Military Policy of Gr. Britain” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 11 January 1811  ¶ 5
Southey, Robert, “Cayley’s Life of Sir Walter Raleigh” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l33
Southey, Robert, “Cemeteries and Catacombs of Paris” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 28 November 1818  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Chalmers's English Poets” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 16 February 1815  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 1 January 1806  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 July 1806  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, 11 August 1806  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 13 October 1806  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 13 October 1806  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, April 1807  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Messrs. Longman and Co., 13 June 1807  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Messrs. Longman and Co., 25 August 1807  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 27 September 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 November 1807  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 November 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Richard Heber, 16 November 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 8 December 1807  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Ch. XIV. 1808  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XIV. 1808  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XIV. 1808  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 11 February 1808  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 13 June 1808  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 August 1808  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 13 September 1808  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 13 October 1808  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 13 October 1808  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 13 October 1808  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 13 October 1808  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 6 November 1808  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 17 November 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 November 1808  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 November 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 November 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 November 1808  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 November 1808  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 November 1808  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 22 November 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 3 February 1809  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Richard Duppa, 31 March 1809  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 2 October 1809  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 December 1822  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 27 March 1824  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l15
Southey, Robert, “Chronological History of the West Indies” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Church of England Missions” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John May, 16 March 1825  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Churchill's Poems” in Annual Review for 1804.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l25
Southey, Robert, “Clarke's Maritime Discovies” in The Annual Review for 1803.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 29 October 1803  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l24
Southey, Robert, “Clarke’s Naufragia” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l29
Southey, Robert, “September 1812” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Coxe—Life of Marlborough” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 1 January 1819  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Neville White, 14 October 1819  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 22 December 1819  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Cupid turned Volunteer” in Annual Review for 1804.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l23
Southey, Robert, The Curse of Kehama.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: Childhood Acquaintances,” 1 August 1820  ¶ 4
Robert Southey, “Memoir: School at Bristol,” 20 August 1823  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 23 July 1800  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 28 March 1801  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 19 August 1801  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 28 November 1802  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 3 April 1803  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 12 June 1803  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 5 March 1805  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 15 February 1806  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 17 June 1806  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 July 1806  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, 11 August 1806  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 22 April 1808  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 2 May 1808  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 2 May 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 20 May 1808  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 20 May 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 20 May 1808  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 16 August 1808  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 6 November 1808  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 26 November 1808  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Ch. XV. 1809  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 6 January 1809  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 6 January 1809  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 6 January 1809  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 6 January 1809  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 9 February 1809  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 12 February 1809  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 23 April 1809  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 30 July 1809  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 2 October 1809  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 25 November 1809  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 25 November 1809  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XVI. 1810-1811  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 21 January 1810  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Sharon Turner, 20 March 1810  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 26 March 1810  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 11 May 1810  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 17 September 1810  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 11 January 1811  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 11 January 1811  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Ebenezer Elliott, 7 February 1811  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Ebenezer Elliott, 7 February 1811  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 2 April 1811  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 9 June 1811  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 15 July 1811  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John Martyn Longmire, 4 November 1812  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. XIX. 1814-1815  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John May, 25 April 1814  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John May, 25 April 1814  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XX. 1815-1816  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John May, 13 October 1817  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John May, 13 October 1817  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 1 January 1818  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l16
Southey, Robert, “Curtis's Travels in Barbary” in Annual Review for 1803.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l1
Southey, Robert, “D'Israeli's Calamities of Authors” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 25 January 1813  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Davis's Travels in America” in Annual Review for 1803.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l3
Southey, Robert, The Doctor &c..
Volume ,  Ch. XV. 1809  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 25 November 1809  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 25 November 1809  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 June 1814  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 4 October 1824  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 12 October 1824  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 12 October 1824  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 12 October 1824  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 30 October 1824  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ 10
Volume ,  Ch. XXXIV. 1830-1831  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. XXXV. 1832-1834  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Ch. XXXV. 1832-1834  ¶ 7
Volume ,  Ch. XXXV. 1832-1834  ¶ 9
Volume ,  Ch. XXXV. 1832-1834  ¶ 12
Volume ,  Ch. XXXV. 1832-1834  ¶ 13
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 8 July 1834  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Ch. XXXVI. 1834-1836  ¶ 26
Robert Southey to John Miller, 20 July 1835  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, jun., 2 April 1836  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Ch. XXXVII. 1836-1837  ¶ 14
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 12 August 1837  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 27 October 1837  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. XXXVIII. 1837-1843  ¶ 16
Robert Southey to John Miller, 21 July 1838  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l9
Southey, Robert, “Doctrine de Saint Simon; New Distribution of Property” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Henry Southey, 27 June 1831  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Dominion of the Moors in Spain” in The Foreign Review.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 January 1829  ¶ 4
Southey, Robert, “Dorbrizhoffer—Account of the Abipones” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 11 November 1821  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Dr. Sayers's Works” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Dwight—Travels in New England and New York” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 16 July 1823  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 30 December 1824  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Dymond, On the Principles of Morality” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John Wood Warter, 25 August 1830  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Neville White, 21 March 1831  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Elementary Teaching” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 January 1829  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Ellis’s Specimens of Early Metrical Romances” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l36
Southey, Robert, “Emigration Report” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 31 October 1827  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 30 March 1828  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “English Eclogues” in Poems: by Robert Southey. The Second Volume.
Volume ,  Ch. V. 1797  ¶ 22
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 29 August 1798  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 January 1799  ¶ 2
Southey, Robert, “Epistle from Robert Southey, Esq. to Allan Cunningham” in  The Anniversary; or, Poetry and Prose for MDCCCXXIX.
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 14 August 1828  ¶ 6
Southey, Robert, Essays, Moral and Political.
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ 18
Volume ,  Ch. XXIII. 1818  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 15 August 1827  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 13 February 1831  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Henry Southey, 27 June 1831  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John May, 1 October 1831  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John Wood Warter, 27 December 1831  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 28 December 1831  ¶ 2
Southey, Robert, “Evelyn's Memoirs” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, The Expedition of Orsua; and the Crimes of Aguirre.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l29
Southey, Robert, “Expeditions on the Amazon” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Falconer’s Shipwreck” in Annual Review for 1804.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l24
Southey, Robert, “Fischer's Travels” in Annual Review for 1802.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l16
Southey, Robert, “Forbes's Oriental Memoirs” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 16 February 1815  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “French Revolution; conspiration de Babeuf” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “The Funeral” in Poems: by Robert Southey. The Second Volume.
Southey, Robert, “A Funeral Song for the Princess Charlotte” in  Annual Register of the Year 1827.
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 6 December 1817  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 6 December 1817  ¶ n1
Southey, Robert, “Garci Ferrandez” in Edinburgh Annual Register for 1809.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 25 November 1809  ¶ 3
Southey, Robert, “Grandpre's Voyage to Bengal” in Annual Review for 1803.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l2
Southey, Robert, “Gregoire—History of Religious Sects” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Nicholas Lightfoot, 16 September 1822  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Gebir; a Poem” in Critical Review.
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 23 April 1809  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ n1
Southey, Robert, “Godwin's Life of Chaucer” in Annual Review for 1803.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 January 1804  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, February 1804  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l10
Southey, Robert, “Grahame's British Georgics” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Greswell’s Memoirs of Angelus Politianus” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l35
Southey, Robert, “Griffith’s Travels in Europe, Asia Minor, and Arabia” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l31
Southey, Robert, “Hallam's Constitutional History of England” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Hayley's Ballads” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l39
Southey, Robert, “Hayley's Life and Writings” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 6 May 1824  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 26 May 1824  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Head and Miers on Buenos Ayres and Chile” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, History of Brazil.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 23 December 1806  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Nicholas Lightfoot, 24 April 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Messrs. Longman and Co., 25 August 1807  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 November 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Richard Heber, 16 November 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 11 February 1808  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 12 February 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 13 June 1808  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 August 1808  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 6 November 1808  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 6 January 1809  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 10 January 1809  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Richard Duppa, 31 March 1809  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 22 May 1809  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 19 September 1809  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XVI. 1810-1811  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Sharon Turner, 20 March 1810  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 26 March 1810  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 11 May 1810  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, 30 May 1810  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, 30 May 1810  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, 30 May 1810  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 17 September 1810  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Messrs. Longman and Co., 3 September 1814  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 24 December 1814  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 March 1815  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 20 May 1815  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XX. 1815-1816  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 4 February 1816  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 4 February 1816  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 17 March 1816  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 April 1816  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 September 1816  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, 28 February 1817  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 11 April 1818  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Taylor Coleridge, 8 September 1818  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 28 November 1818  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 December 1818  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 11 March 1819  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Chauncy Hare Townshend, 20 July 1819  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Edith Southey, 7 July 1825  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to John May, 11 December 1828  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 2 March 1832  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 18 May 1833  ¶ 8
Volume ,  Ch. XXXVI. 1834-1836  ¶ 46
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l27
Southey, Robert, “History of Dissenters, &c.” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 January 1814  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “History of Lope de Aguirre” in  Edinburgh Annual Register for 1810.
Robert Southey to John May, 14 August 1812  ¶ 3
Southey, Robert, “History of the Dominion of the Arabs and Moors in Spain” in  Foreign Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 5 May 1827  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 10 June 1827  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 31 October 1827  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, History of the Peninsular War.
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 March 1815  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 March 1815  ¶ 8
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 20 May 1815  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John May, 13 October 1817  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 28 November 1818  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 11 March 1819  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 10
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 July 1820  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Neville White, 25 April 1821  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 11 November 1821  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 11 November 1821  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to an anonymous correspondent, 8 February 1822  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 December 1822  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 December 1822  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 27 January 1823  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 16 July 1823  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John May, 7 March 1824  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 26 May 1824  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 10 October 1824  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 30 October 1824  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 13 November 1826  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 14 August 1828  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 8 December 1828  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ 25
Robert Southey to John May, 19 September 1829  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John May, 19 September 1829  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 20 January 1830  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 15 May 1830  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Henry Southey, 27 June 1831  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Kenyan, 11 September 1831  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to John May, 1 October 1831  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XXXV. 1832-1834  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to James White, 6 February 1832  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 2 March 1832  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 2 March 1832  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 April 1832  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l2
Southey, Robert, “History of the Vaudois” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “The Holly Tree” in Morning Post.
Volume ,  Ch. VI. 1799-1800  (verse)
Robert Southey to John May, 18 February 1800  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John May, 18 February 1800  (verse)
Southey, Robert, “Holmes' American Annals” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 14 March 1809  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Neville White, 10 October 1809  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Home tours—Mrs. Bray's Letters on Devonshire” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Katharine Southey, 8 February 1837  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Huntington, S. S. Works and Life” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 25 April 1821  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Hymn to the Penates” in Poems.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: At School,” 1821  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Ch. III. 1794-95  ¶ 25
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 May 1796  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 November 1796  ¶ 5
Southey, Robert, “Ignatius Loyola” in The Foreign Review.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 December 1828  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 January 1829  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 6 August 1829  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Robert Gooch, 8 August 1829  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “The Inchcape Rock” in Morning Post.
Robert Southey to John May, 14 August 1812  ¶ 3
Southey, Robert, “Inquiry into the Poor Laws, &c.” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Ch. XVIII. 1813  ¶ 12
Volume ,  Ch. XVIII. 1813  ¶ 13
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 17 January 1813  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Neville White, 25 January 1813  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 8 September 1816  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to James White, 17 September 1816  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Sharon Turner, 24 February 1817  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Inquiry into the Copyright Act” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 28 November 1818  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 11 December 1818  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Inscription for the Apartment in Chepstow Castle, where Henry Martin, the Regicide, was imprisoned thirty years” in Poems.
Volume ,  Vol. V Appendix  ¶ 29
Southey, Robert, Joan of Arc: an Epic Poem.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: School at Bristol,” 20 August 1823  ¶ 8
Volume ,  Ch. I. 1791-93  ¶ 20
Volume ,  Ch. I. 1791-93  ¶ 21
Volume ,  Ch. I. 1791-93  ¶ 25
Volume ,  Ch. I. 1791-93  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 October 1793  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 October 1793  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 14 December 1793  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Ch. II. 1794  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Horace Walpole Bedford, 20 July 1794  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Horace Walpole Bedford, 20 July 1794  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Horace Walpole Bedford, 20 July 1794  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. III. 1794-95  ¶ 27
Volume ,  Ch. III. 1794-95  ¶ 28
Volume ,  Ch. III. 1794-95  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 27 May 1795  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 21 November 1795  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 21 November 1795  ¶ 7
Volume ,  Ch. IV. 1796  (verse)
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 February 1796  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 February 1796  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 February 1796  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 February 1796  (verse)
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 12 June 1796  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 June 1796  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 June 1796  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 August 1796  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. V. 1797  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 January 1797  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 24 December 1797  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 24 December 1797  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 24 December 1797  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, October 1800  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. VIII. 1801  ¶ 7
Volume ,  Ch. IX. 1802-03  (verse)
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 14 March 1803  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 14 March 1803  (verse)
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 3 April 1803  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 7 December 1805  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, 20 April 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Mr. Ebenezer Elliott, 3 February 1809  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Humphrey Senhouse, 22 March 1817  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to William Smith, M.P., 1817  ¶ 13
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 January 1821  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 10 July 1830  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Ch. XXXVII. 1836-1837  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Charles Swain, 27 October 1836  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Katharine Southey, 8 February 1837  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to William Lisle Bowles, 25 April 1837  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Edward Moxon, 19 July 1837  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l2
Southey, Robert, “King Charlemagne” in  The Annual Anthology.
Volume ,  Ch. V. 1797  ¶ n2
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 4 April 1798  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 4 April 1798  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 4 April 1798  ¶ n2
Southey, Robert, “Koster's Travels in Brazil” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “La Roche Jaquelein—La Vendée” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 April 1816  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 April 1816  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 3 May 1816  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Landt's Description of the Feroe Islands” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, The Lay of the Laureate. Carmen Nuptiale.
Volume ,  Ch. XX. 1815-1816  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 4 February 1816  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 April 1816  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 30 April 1816  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 May 1816  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 May 1816  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John May, 12 June 1816  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l22
Southey, Robert, A Letter to William Smith from Robert Southey.
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ 18
Robert Southey to Humphrey Senhouse, 22 March 1817  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. XXIII. 1818  ¶ 11
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l26
Southey, Robert, Letters from England: by Don Manuel Alvarez Espriella. Translated from the Spanish.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 6 December 1805  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 7 December 1805  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Ch. XII. 1806  ¶ 11
Volume ,  Ch. XII. 1806  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 January 1806  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 January 1806  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 1 January 1806  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 July 1806  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 13 October 1806  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 23 December 1806  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Richard Duppa, 27 March 1807  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to John May, 30 March 1807  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 May 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Richard Duppa, 23 May 1807  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Messrs. Longman and Co., 25 August 1807  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Messrs. Longman and Co., 13 November 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 November 1807  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 November 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 November 1807  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 November 1807  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 December 1807  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 12 February 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 13 June 1808  ¶ 11
Robert Southey to Richard Duppa, 11 July 1808  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 13 October 1808  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 14 May 1812  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Sharon Turner, 24 February 1817  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Kenyan, 11 September 1831  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l13
Southey, Robert, Letters written during a short Residence in Spain and Portugal: by Robert Southey. With some account of Spanish and Portugueze Poetry.
Volume ,  Ch. IV. 1796  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Ch. IV. 1796  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 June 1796  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 June 1796  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 17 July 1796  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 17 July 1796  ¶ 8
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 November 1796  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. V. 1797  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. V. 1797  ¶ 18
Volume ,  Ch. V. 1797  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 January 1797  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 31 March 1797  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 29 August 1798  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 29 August 1798  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 29 August 1798  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 5 January 1799  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Ch. VII. 1800-1801  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. VII. 1800-1801  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 6 October 1800  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 6 October 1800  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 6 October 1800  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Ch. XII. 1806  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Messrs. Longman and Co., 13 November 1807  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l3
Southey, Robert, “Lewesdon Hill” in Annual Review for 1804.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l26
Southey, Robert, “Lewis and Clarke's American Travels” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 16 February 1815  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey.
Southey, Robert, “Life and Services of Captain Beaver” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Life and Writings of Camoens” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Life of Admiral Lord Howe” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 20 November 1837  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 December 1837  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Life of Cromwell” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 25 April 1821  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 13 May 1821  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 9 September 1821  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “The Life of Dr. Watts” in Horae Lyricae: Poems, chiefly of the Lyric Kind.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 2 October 1834  ¶ 6
Southey, Robert, The Life of Nelson.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 9 June 1811  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John May, 14 August 1812  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John May, 3 January 1813  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 13 January 1813  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, 1 February 1813  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 15 January 1814  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XXXI. 1827-1828  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 8 December 1828  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 8 December 1828  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 8 December 1828  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXXIV. 1830-1831  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Allan Cunningham, 3 June 1833  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. XXXVI. 1834-1836  ¶ 43
Volume ,  Ch. XXXVIII. 1837-1843  ¶ n2
Robert Southey to Robert Shelton Mackenzie, 25 January 1838  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Robert Shelton Mackenzie, 25 January 1838  ¶ n2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l18
Southey, Robert, The Life of the Rev. Andrew Bell, comprising the History of the Rise and Progress of the System of Mutual Tuition.
Robert Southey to Philip Henry Stanhope, 22 October 1833  ¶ 2
Southey, Robert, “Life of Thomas Telford” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, October 1838  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Life of Wellington” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 10 July 1815  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, The Life of Wesley; and the Rise and Progress of Methodism.
Robert Southey to John Jebb, 6 December 1817  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 1 January 1818  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 28 November 1818  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 December 1818  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 December 1818  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Neville White, 14 October 1819  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 22 December 1819  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 10
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 28 January 1820  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 11 February 1820  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 March 1820  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 March 1820  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to his younger daughters, 26 June 1820  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Neville White, 6 July 1820  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 July 1820  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Bernard Barton, 24 November 1820  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Nicholas Lightfoot, 13 May 1821  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825  ¶ n1
Mark Robinson to Robert Southey, 13 January 1824  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 23 February 1824  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 23 February 1824  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Vol. V Appendix  ¶ 26
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 September 1835  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l28
Southey, Robert, “Lisbon” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John May, 16 March 1825  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, Lives of the British Admirals: with an Introductory View of the Naval History of England.
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 20 January 1830  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 8 July 1834  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 2 October 1834  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to William Wordsworth, 9 May 1835  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 September 1835  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Charles Cuthbert Southey, 16 December 1835  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to John May, 30 January 1836  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John May, 30 January 1836  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 10 September 1836  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Katharine Southey, 8 February 1837  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 20 November 1837  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Elizabeth Charter, 11 April 1838  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l8
Southey, Robert, “Lives of Nelson” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 21 January 1810  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XXXVI. 1834-1836  ¶ 43
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Lives of the French Revolutionists” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 14 May 1812  ¶ 9
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 17 May 1812  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 18 May 1812  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John May, 14 August 1812  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Lord Holland's Life and Writings of Lope de Vega” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John May, 13 October 1817  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Chauncy Hare Townshend, 12 April 1818  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Lord Nugent's Memorials of Hampden” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 April 1832  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Lord Strangford's Translation of Camoens” in Annual Review for 1803.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l15
Southey, Robert, “Lord Valentia's Travels” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Lord William” in Morning Post.
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 4 April 1798  ¶ 1
Southey, Robert, “Love Elegies of Abel Shufflebottom” in  The Annual Anthology.
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 29
Southey, Robert, “[Lucretia Davidson]” in London Review.
Robert Southey to John May, 19 September 1829  ¶ 2
Southey, Robert, “Mackenzie's Voyages” in Annual Review for 1802.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l15
Southey, Robert, “M'Kinnen's Tour through the British West Indies” in Annual Review for 1804.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 26 December 1804  ¶ 1
Southey, Robert, Madoc.
Volume ,  Ch. III. 1794-95  ¶ 30
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 27 May 1795  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 October 1795  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 February 1796  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 June 1796  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 17 July 1796  ¶ 8
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 31 July 1796  ¶ 7
Volume ,  Ch. V. 1797  ¶ 17
Volume ,  Ch. V. 1797  ¶ 18
Volume ,  Ch. V. 1797  (verse)
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 January 1797  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, February 1797  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, February 1797  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, 13 March 1797  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 31 March 1797  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, [25 May 1797]  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, [25 May 1797]  (verse)
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 29 August 1798  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. VI. 1799-1800  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 12 July 1799  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, [1799?]  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 25 October 1799  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1 April 1800  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1 May 1800  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 21 February 1801  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 28 March 1801  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 25 July 1801  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 3 August 1801  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 3 August 1801  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 22 December 1802  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 3 April 1803  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 8 September 1803  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 29 October 1803  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 10 November 1803  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 10 November 1803  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Richard Duppa, 14 December 1803  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 31 December 1803  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 31 December 1803  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 9 January 1804  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 31 January 1804  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 17 February 1804  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 19 February 1804  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 14 March 1804  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Rickman, March 1804  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 23 April 1804  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 11 June 1804  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 27 June 1804  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 27 June 1804  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Ch. XI. 1804-1805  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Ch. XI. 1804-1805  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XI. 1804-1805  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XI. 1804-1805  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 30 July 1804  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 30 July 1804  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 30 July 1804  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 12 September 1804  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 12 September 1804  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 January 1805  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 January 1805  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 January 1805  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 5 March 1805  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 6 April 1805  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 16 April 1805  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 25 June 1805  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 25 June 1805  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 25 June 1805  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 25 June 1805  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 5 July 1805  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 5 July 1805  ¶ 
Robert Southey to John May, 5 August 1805  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John May, 5 August 1805  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John May, 5 August 1805  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, [August?] 1805  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 6 December 1805  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 7 December 1805  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Ch. XII. 1806  ¶ 8
Volume ,  Ch. XII. 1806  ¶ 9
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 January 1806  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 January 1806  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 15 February 1806  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, 11 August 1806  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, 11 August 1806  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, 11 August 1806  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Ch. XIII. 1807  ¶ 14
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 21 April 1807  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 November 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Richard Heber, 16 November 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 12 February 1808  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 16 August 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 August 1808  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 6 November 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 22 November 1808  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XVI. 1810-1811  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Ebenezer Elliott, 9 February 1810  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Ebenezer Elliott, 9 February 1810  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Ebenezer Elliott, 9 February 1810  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 20 September 1813  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Robert Gooch, 30 November 1814  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Humphrey Senhouse, 22 March 1817  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. XXX. 1826-1827  (verse)
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 24 January 1827  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 8 December 1828  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l10
Southey, Robert, “Malthus's Essay on Population” in Annual Review for 1803.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 January 1804  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Edith Southey, 10 May 1804  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 11 June 1804  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Nicholas Lightfoot, 8 February 1806  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l7
Southey, Robert, “The March to Moscow” in The Antijacobin Review.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 16 June 1814  ¶ 4
Southey, Robert, “Mary the Maid of the Inn” in The Oracle.
Volume ,  Ch. V. 1797  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, February 1797  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 13 October 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Edith Southey, 28 September 1813  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Charles Swain, 9 March 1838  ¶ 3
Southey, Robert, “Medwin and Byron” in The Courier.
Volume ,  Ch. XXVI. 1821  ¶ 23
Southey, Robert, “Memoir of Felix Neff” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John Miller, 16 November 1833  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Memoirs of Bayard” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Memoirs of Oberlin” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John Wood Warter, 25 August 1830  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to John Miller, 16 November 1833  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, Metrical Tales and other Poems.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 12 September 1804  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 16 February 1805  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l9
Southey, Robert, Minor Poems.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: At School,” 1821  ¶ 7
Volume ,  Ch. V. 1797  (verse)
Robert Southey to Bernard Barton, 19 December 1814  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 18 June 1815  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 June 1815  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l21
Southey, Robert, “Miot's Mémoires de l'Expédition en Egypte” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Miss Baillie's Series of Plays” in Critical Review.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 17 December 1803  ¶ 3
Southey, Robert, “Missionaries' Letters on the Nicobar Islands” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 18 March 1814  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Montgomery's Poems” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Montgomery's World Before the Flood” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 14 June 1813  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Neville White, 18 March 1814  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Moore's Life of Lord Edward Fitzgerald” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John May, 1 October 1831  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Moral and Political State of the British Empire” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Ch. XXXIV. 1830-1831  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to John Wood Warter, 12 January 1831  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 7 February 1831  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 13 February 1831  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Mr. Southey and Lord Byron” in The Courier.
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 10 January 1825  ¶ 4
Southey, Robert, “Muirhead's Travels in the Low Countries” in Annual Review for 1803.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l4
Southey, Robert, “Myles's History of the Methodists” in Annual Review for 1803.
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 11 June 1804  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Nicholas Lightfoot, 8 February 1806  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l9
Southey, Robert, “New Churches” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 22 December 1819  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “New Testament in the Negro Tongue” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John Wood Warter, 25 August 1830  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “A Non-military Journal” in Annual Review for 1803.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l5
Southey, Robert, “Ode for St. George's Day” in A Vision of Judgement.
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 January 1821  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 January 1821  ¶ n1
Southey, Robert, “Ode on a Gridiron” in The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey.
Robert Southey to Allan Cunningham, 24 February 1828  ¶ 3
Southey, Robert, Oliver Newman: a New-England Tale (unfinished): with other Poetical Remains.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 16 February 1815  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 December 1818  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 28
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 July 1820  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XXVI. 1821  ¶ 26
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 19 August 1821  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 30 December 1824  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 31 January 1827  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 17 March 1829  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l13
Southey, Robert, Omniana; or, Horæ otiosiores.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 13 October 1806  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Messrs. Longman and Co., 5 June 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 21 January 1810  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Henry Southey, 16 February 1815  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l17
Southey, Robert, “Ode written in January 1814” in The Courier.
Volume ,  Ch. XIX. 1814-1815  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 17 December 1813  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, 28 December 1813  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, 28 December 1813  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, 28 December 1813  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 15 January 1814  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Lander, 9 March 1814  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 April 1821  ¶ 1
Southey, Robert, “Ode on the Portrait of Bishop Heber” in The Life of Reginald Heber, D.D., Lord Bishop of Calcutta. With selections from his Correspondence, Unpublished Poems, and Private Papers, together with a Journal of his Tour in Norway, Sweden, Russia, Hungary, and Germany, and a History of the Cossaks.
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 28
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to his younger daughters, 26 June 1820  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to his younger daughters, 26 June 1820  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 15 May 1830  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 10 July 1830  ¶ 2
Southey, Robert, Odes to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia, and His Majesty the King of Prussia.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 16 June 1814  ¶ 1
Southey, Robert, “Olivier's Travels” in Annual Review for 1802.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l20
Southey, Robert, “On the Means of Improving the People” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “On the Evangelical Sects” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 2 October 1809  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XVI. 1810-1811  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 February 1811  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 February 1811  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “On the Corn-Laws” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Philip Henry Stanhope, 22 October 1833  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to John Miller, 16 November 1833  ¶ 6
Southey, Robert, The Origin, Nature, and Object, of the New System of Education.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: Childhood,” 26 July 1820  ¶ 8
Volume ,  Ch. XVII. 1812  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 18 May 1812  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 18 May 1812  ¶ n1
Southey, Robert, “Pallas's Travels” in Annual Review for 1802.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l19
Southey, Robert, Palmerin of England.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 13 October 1806  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 23 December 1806  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 23 December 1806  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 21 April 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Richard Duppa, 23 May 1807  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Messrs. Longman and Co., 29 June 1807  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Messrs. Longman and Co., 25 August 1807  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 27 September 1807  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 November 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Richard Heber, 16 November 1807  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Richard Heber, 16 November 1807  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l11
Southey, Robert, “Parliamentary Reform” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. IV Appendix  ¶ 7
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “The Pauper's Funeral” in Poems.
Volume ,  Ch. III. 1794-95  ¶ n2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 January 1795  ¶ n2
Southey, Robert, “Periodical Accounts relative to the Baptist Missionary Society” in Annual Review for 1802.
Robert Southey to Nicholas Lightfoot, 8 February 1806  ¶ 5
Southey, Robert, The Pilgrim's Progress: with a Life of John Bunyan.
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 20 January 1830  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l6
Southey, Robert, “The Pilgrim to Compostella” in All for Love; and The Pilgrim to Compostella.
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 17 March 1829  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 17 March 1829  ¶ n1
Southey, Robert, Poems: containing The Retrospect, Odes, Elegies, Sonnets, &c. By Robert Lovell, and Robert Southey.
Volume ,  Ch. II. 1794  ¶ 38
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 21 November 1795  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l1
Southey, Robert, Poems.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 November 1796  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 24 December 1797  ¶ 1
Southey, Robert, Poems: by Robert Southey. The Second Volume.
Volume ,  Ch. V. 1797  ¶ 18
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 29 August 1798  ¶ 2
Southey, Robert, The Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo.
Volume ,  Ch. XX. 1815-1816  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Ch. XX. 1815-1816  ¶ 
Volume ,  Ch. XX. 1815-1816  (verse)
Volume ,  Ch. XX. 1815-1816  (verse)
Volume ,  Ch. XX. 1815-1816  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 2 October 1815  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 2 October 1815  (verse)
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 4 February 1816  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Sharon Turner, 2 April 1816  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 April 1816  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 April 1816  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 April 1816  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 April 1816  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 December 1822  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l24
Southey, Robert, The Poetical Works of Robert Southey.
Volume ,  Ch. III. 1794-95  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. VI. 1799-1800  ¶ 18
Robert Southey to Charles Swain, 27 October 1836  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Katharine Southey, 8 February 1837  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 December 1837  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Charles Swain, 9 March 1838  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Elizabeth Charter, 11 April 1838  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to an anonymous correspondent, 16 April 1838  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l11
Southey, Robert, “The Poetical Works of Thomas Warton” in Annual Review for 1803.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l12
Southey, Robert, “Poetry by Mary Colling” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to William Lisle Bowles, 30 June 1832  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Poetry by the Author of Gebir” in Annual Review for 1802.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l22
Southey, Robert, “Political and Moral State of Portugal” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 6 August 1829  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Polynesian Researches” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 20 January 1830  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 15 May 1830  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “The Poor” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Robert Gooch, 30 November 1814  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Chauncy Hare Townshend, 17 August 1816  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Portugueze Literature” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “The Portugueze Observer” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Present State of Peru” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l30
Southey, Robert, “Prince Polignac—Revolution of the Three Days” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 19 August 1832  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Progress of Infidelity” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Ch. XXVII. 1822-1823  ¶ 13
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Queen Orraca” in  Edinburgh Annual Register.
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 June 1803  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 30 July 1809  ¶ 4
Southey, Robert, “Remains of Lucretia Davidson” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Report on the Poems of Ossian.” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l41
Southey, Robert, “Residence at Tongataboo” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Rise and Progress of Popular Disaffection” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Herbert Hill, 28 February 1817  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Humphrey Senhouse, 22 March 1817  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XXIII. 1818  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “[Reply to Lord Byron]” in The Courier.
Volume ,  Ch. XXVI. 1821  ¶ 22
Volume ,  Ch. XXVI. 1821  ¶ n1
Southey, Robert, “The Retrospect” in Poems: containing The Retrospect, Odes, Elegies, Sonnets, &c. By Robert Lovell, and Robert Southey.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: At School,” 1821  ¶ 7
Volume ,  Ch. IV. 1796  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 February 1796  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 February 1796  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 February 1796  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXXVII. 1836-1837  ¶ 6
Southey, Robert, “Ritson's Ancient English Romances” in Annual Review for 1803.
Robert Southey to Edith Southey, 10 May 1804  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l11
Southey, Robert, “Roberts's Letters and Miscellaneous Papers” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Robin Hood” in Robin Hood, a Fragment by the late Robert Southey and Caroline Southey: With other Fragments and Poems.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 25 November 1809  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 25 November 1809  ¶ 3
Southey, Robert, Roderick: the Last of the Goths.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: Westminster School,” 16 March 1825  ¶ 14
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 5 July 1805  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 13 June 1808  ¶ 11
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 16 August 1808  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 6 November 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 26 November 1808  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 25 November 1809  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 25 November 1809  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 21 January 1810  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 26 March 1810  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 11 May 1810  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 17 September 1810  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 11 January 1811  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 February 1811  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 15 July 1811  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John May, 14 August 1812  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XVIII. 1813  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John May, 3 January 1813  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XIX. 1814-1815  (verse)
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Lander, 9 March 1814  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Neville White, 18 March 1814  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 27 April 1814  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Neville White, 29 April 1814  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 June 1814  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, 17 October 1814  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Robert Gooch, 30 November 1814  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 22 December 1814  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 24 December 1814  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 3 February 1815  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Henry Southey, 16 February 1815  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 March 1815  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 March 1815  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 March 1815  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 March 1815  (verse)
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 20 May 1815  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XX. 1815-1816  (verse)
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 April 1816  (verse)
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 January 1821  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 January 1821  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Ch. XXVI. 1821  ¶ 8
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 December 1822  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 25 May 1823  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 2 May 1825  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Edith Southey, 7 July 1825  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to John Jebb, 17 April 1826  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 8 December 1828  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l19
Southey, Robert, “The Roman Catholic Question—Ireland” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ 36
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 January 1829  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 January 1829  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 January 1829  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Roscoe’s Life of Leo X” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l32
Southey, Robert, “Rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs by Robert Bloomfield” in Critical Review.
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 4 August 1802  ¶ 1
Southey, Robert, “Sauer’s account of Commodore Billing’s Expedition” in Annual Review for 1802.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l14
Southey, Robert, “Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds of N. America” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 20 January 1830  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Scott's Sir Tristrem” in Annual Review for 1804.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l22
Southey, Robert, Select Works of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Jonson, with Biographical Sketches.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l7
Southey, Robert, Selections from the Poems of Robert Southey: chiefly for the use of Schools and Young Persons.
Robert Southey to John May, 1 October 1831  ¶ 4
Southey, Robert, Selections from the Letters of Robert Southey.
Southey, Robert, “Seward's Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Darwin” in Annual Review for 1804.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l21
Southey, Robert, “Sir John Froissart’s Chronicles” in Annual Review for 1804.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l19
Southey, Robert, Sir Thomas More, or, Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society.
Volume ,  Ch. I. 1791-93  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 March 1793  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 March 1793  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. II. 1794  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XI. 1804-1805  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XX. 1815-1816  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 25 August 1816  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 25 August 1816  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXIII. 1818  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Ch. XXIV. 1818-1819  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Wade Browne, 15 June 1819  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Wade Browne, 15 June 1819  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 10
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 22
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 31
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 July 1820  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to William Westall, 8 December 1820  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Neville White, 14 December 1820  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Neville White, 25 April 1821  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Chauncy Hare Townshend, 6 May 1821  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to John Jebb, 22 October 1823  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 30 October 1824  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 9 November 1824  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 22 October 1825  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 12 April 1827  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Neville White, 5 May 1827  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XXXI. 1827-1828  (verse)
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 14 August 1828  (verse)
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ 21
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ 46
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 January 1829  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 17 March 1829  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 8 July 1829  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 8 July 1829  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Robert Gooch, 8 August 1829  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Neville White, 21 August 1829  ¶ 2
Amelia Opie to Robert Southey, 8 June 1829  ¶ 2
Amelia Opie to Robert Southey, 8 June 1829  ¶ 3
Amelia Opie to Robert Southey, 8 June 1829  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Amelia Opie, 30 August 1829  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John May, 19 September 1829  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. XXXIII. 1830  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 3 May 1830  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 3 May 1830  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Neville White, 3 June 1832  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l1-5
Southey, Robert, Southey's Common-place Book.
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ 33
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l12
Southey, Robert, Specimens of the Later English Poets, with Preliminary Notices.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 August 1796  ¶ 7
Volume ,  Ch. X. 1804  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. X. 1804  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Messrs. Longman and Rees, 26 January 1804  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 February 1804  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 19 February 1804  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 14 March 1804  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 31 March 1804  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, March 1804  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, March 1804  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 12 September 1804  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XII. 1806  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 July 1806  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 July 1806  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XIII. 1807  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John May, 30 March 1807  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 21 April 1807  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 21 April 1807  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 November 1807  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Richard Heber, 16 November 1807  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 November 1807  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 December 1807  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 11 January 1808  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l12
Southey, Robert, “St. Juan Gualberto” in  The Annual Anthology.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 16 February 1805  ¶ 1
Southey, Robert, “St. Romuald” in  The Annual Anthology.
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 29
Southey, Robert, “Surtees, History of Durham” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 December 1828  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 January 1829  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, A Tale of Paraguay.
Robert Southey to Robert Gooch, 30 November 1814  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 22 December 1819  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Neville White, 25 April 1821  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 20 December 1822  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John May, 7 March 1824  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 26 May 1824  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 30 October 1824  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to George Ticknor, 30 December 1824  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 31 December 1825  ¶ 8
Robert Southey to Neville White, 5 May 1827  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 January 1829  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John Wood Warter, 18 March 1830  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XXXVIII. 1837-1843  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 18 February 1839  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l32
Southey, Robert, Thalaba the Destroyer.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 31 July 1796  ¶ 11
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 29 August 1798  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Ch. VI. 1799-1800  ¶ 17
Robert Southey to Edith Southey, 9 May 1799  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 12 July 1799  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, 22 September 1799  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, 22 September 1799  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 25 October 1799  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 21 December 1799  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 27 December 1799  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 8 January 1800  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1 April 1800  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. VII. 1800-1801  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. VII. 1800-1801  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 1 May 1800  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1 May 1800  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Margaret Southey, 23 May 1800  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 15 June 1800  ¶ 8
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 22 June 1800  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 23 July 1800  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 23 July 1800  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Margaret Southey, 21 August 1800  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Margaret Southey, 21 August 1800  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to John Rickmon, 22 August 1800  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Henry Herbert Southey, 25 August 1800  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John Rickman, October 1800  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Rickman, October 1800  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Margaret Southey, [October 1800?]  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Margaret Southey, [October 1800?]  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Margaret Southey, [October 1800?]  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 21 February 1801  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 21 February 1801  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 28 March 1801  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. VIII. 1801  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. VIII. 1801  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 11 July 1801  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 25 July 1801  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 3 August 1801  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 November 1801  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 22 December 1802  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 22 December 1802  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 9 January 1804  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 31 January 1804  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Edith Southey, May 1804  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 27 June 1804  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 30 July 1804  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynne, 25 June 1805  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John Rickman, July 1805  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, July 1805  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 7 December 1805  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 January 1806  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 1 January 1806  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 27 May 1806  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XIII. 1807  ¶ 14
Volume ,  Ch. XIII. 1807  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 December 1806  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 December 1806  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 December 1806  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Neville White, 3 February 1807  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 21 April 1807  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. XIV. 1808  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 12 February 1808  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 April 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 2 May 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 20 May 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 6 November 1808  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 November 1808  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 November 1808  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 3 February 1809  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Walter Scott, 2 October 1809  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 25 November 1809  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XVII. 1812  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to John Martyn Longmire, 4 November 1812  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 16 June 1814  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Chauncy Hare Townshend, 31 October 1817  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 1 January 1818  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ n2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 January 1821  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 January 1821  ¶ n2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 8 December 1828  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 10 July 1830  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to John Miller, 21 July 1838  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l6
Southey, Robert, “Thiebault’s Anecdotes of Frederic the Great” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l34
Southey, Robert, “Todd’s Works of Edmund Spenser” in Annual Review for 1805.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l37
Southey, Robert, “Tracts on the Spanish and Portugueze Inquisitions” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Transactions of the Missionary Society” in Annual Review for 1804.
Robert Southey to Nicholas Lightfoot, 8 February 1806  ¶ 5
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l8
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l27
Southey, Robert, “Transactions of the Missionary Society in the South Sea Islands” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Travels in Iceland” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Travels in the Crimea” in Annual Review for 1802.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l18
Southey, Robert, “Travels of Ali Bey” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Robert, “Triumph of Woman” in Poems.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 November 1796  ¶ 5
Southey, Robert, “A True Ballad of the Pope, the Devil, and St. Antidius” in Minor Poems.
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 29
Southey, Robert, Vindiciæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ: Letters to Charles Butler, comprising Essays on the Romish Religion and vindicating The Book of the Church.
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 10 January 1825  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to John May, 16 March 1825  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to William Lisle Bowles, 19 March 1825  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to William Lisle Bowles, 19 March 1825  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 28 March 1825  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 December 1826  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 22 November 1827  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 8 December 1828  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 January 1829  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l1
Southey, Robert, “The Vision of the Maid of Orleans” in Poems: by Robert Southey. The Second Volume.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 29 August 1798  ¶ 2
Southey, Robert, A Vision of Judgement.
Volume ,  Ch. XXIV. 1818-1819  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 December 1818  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 December 1818  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 12
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ n3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 11 February 1820  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 1 March 1820  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Neville White, 14 December 1820  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 January 1821  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 January 1821  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 January 1821  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 January 1821  ¶ n3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 26 January 1821  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Ch. XXVI. 1821  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Ch. XXVI. 1821  ¶ 3
Volume ,  Ch. XXVI. 1821  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Ch. XXVI. 1821  ¶ 9
Volume ,  Ch. XXVI. 1821  ¶ 12
Robert Southey to Nicholas Lightfoot, 13 May 1821  ¶ 4
Volume ,  Vol. V Appendix  ¶ 15
Volume ,  Vol. V Appendix  ¶ 27
Volume ,  Vol. V Appendix  ¶ 29
Robert Southey “To the Editor of the Courier” 5 January 1822  ¶ 8
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l30
Southey, Robert, Wat Tyler, a Dramatic Poem.
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ 6
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ 9
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ 11
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ 14
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ 17
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ 18
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ 20
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ n2
Volume ,  Ch. XXII. 1817  ¶ 1
“Jack Straw” to Robert Southey, 11 January 1817  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 February 1817  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Messrs. Longman and Co., 15 February 1817  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 19 February 1817  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to the Editor of the Courier, 28 February 1817  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to the Editor of the Courier, 28 February 1817  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Humphrey Senhouse, 22 March 1817  ¶ 1
Volume ,  Vol. IV Appendix  ¶ 8
Volume ,  Vol. IV Appendix  ¶ 9
Robert Southey to William Smith, M.P., 1817  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to William Smith, M.P., 1817  ¶ 5
Robert Southey to William Smith, M.P., 1817  ¶ 7
Robert Southey to William Smith, M.P., 1817  ¶ 9
Robert Southey to William Smith, M.P., 1817  ¶ 11
Robert Southey to William Smith, M.P., 1817  ¶ 13
Robert Southey to William Smith, M.P., 1817  ¶ 19
Volume ,  Ch. XXV. 1820-1821  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Vol. V Appendix  ¶ 23
Volume ,  Vol. V Appendix  ¶ 29
Volume ,  Ch. XXXII. 1829  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Robert Shelton Mackenzie, 27 October 1837  ¶ 4
Southey, Robert, “Wittman's Travels in Turkey” in Annual Review for 1803.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l6
Southey, Robert, “Wrangham's Poems” in Annual Review for 1802.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l21
Southey, Robert, “White's Clifton Grove” in Annual Review for 1803.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l14
Southey, Robert, “Works of Richard Owen Cambridge” in Annual Review for 1803.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ l16
Southey, Robert, “Works on England” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Vol. VI Appendix  ¶ 
Southey, Thomas, Chronological History of the West Indies.
Volume ,  Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825  ¶ n1
Volume ,  Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825  ¶ n2
Robert Southey to John May, 7 March 1824  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John May, 7 March 1824  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 6 May 1824  ¶ n2
Spenser, Edmund, The Faerie Queene.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: Mrs. Dolignon,” 19 Janury 1823  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 11 January 1811  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Chauncey Hare Townshend, 22 July 1816  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Chauncy Hare Townshend, 31 October 1817  ¶ 4
Stackhouse, Thomas, The Miseries and Great Hardships of the Inferior Clergy in and about London: and a Modest Plea for their Rights and better Usage. In a Letter to a right reverend Prelate.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 28 January 1820  ¶ 2
Stackhouse, Thomas, A New History of the Holy Bible: from the Beginning of the World to the Establishment of Christianity.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: Recollections of Corston,” 28 December 1821  ¶ 5
Stanhope, Philip Dormer, fourth earl of Chesterfield, Letters written by the late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. late Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Dresden: together with several other Pieces on Various Subjects.
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 8 March 1830  ¶ 4
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, Life and Correspondence of Thomas Arnold.
Volume ,  Ch. XXX. 1826-1827  ¶ 7
Staveley, Thomas, The History of Churches in England: wherein is shewn the Time, Means, and Manner of Founding, Building, and Endowing of Churches, both Cathedral and Rural, with their Furniture and Appendages.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 28 January 1820  ¶ 2
Sterne, Laurence, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 9 January 1804  ¶ 2
Volume ,  Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 12 October 1824  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 12 October 1824  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to John Miller, 20 July 1835  ¶ 4
Stoddart, Sir John, “Conversations of Lord Byron” in New Times.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 9 November 1824  ¶ 2
Surtees, Robert, The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, compiled from Original Records.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 29 December 1828  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Neville White, 20 January 1829  ¶ 4
Symmons, Charles, Inez, a Tragedy.
Robert Southey to John Adamson, 12 August 1808  ¶ 4
White, Joseph Blanco, “Spain” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John Jebb, 22 October 1823  ¶ 3