LORD  BYRON  and  his  TIMES
Documents Biography Criticism
Charles Cuthbert Southey:
The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey


Vol. I Contents
Early Life: I
Early Life: II
Early Life: III
Early Life: IV
Early Life: V
Early Life: VI
Early Life: VII
Early Life: VIII
Early Life: IX
Early Life: X
Early Life: XI
Early Life: XII
Early Life: XIII
Early Life: XIV
Early Life: XV
Early Life: XVI
Early Life: XVII
Ch. I. 1791-93
Ch. II. 1794
Ch. III. 1794-95
Ch. IV. 1796
Ch. V. 1797
Vol. II Contents
Ch. VI. 1799-1800
Ch. VII. 1800-1801
Ch. VIII. 1801
Ch. IX. 1802-03
Ch. X. 1804
Ch. XI. 1804-1805
Vol. III Contents
Ch. XII. 1806
Ch. XIII. 1807
Ch. XIV. 1808
Ch. XV. 1809
Ch. XVI. 1810-1811
Ch. XVII. 1812
Vol. IV Contents
Ch. XVIII. 1813
Ch. XIX. 1814-1815
Ch. XX. 1815-1816
Ch. XXI. 1816
Ch. XXII. 1817
Ch. XXIII. 1818
Ch. XXIV. 1818-1819
Vol. IV Appendix
Vol. V Contents
Ch. XXV. 1820-1821
Ch. XXVI. 1821
Ch. XXVII. 1822-1823
Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825
Ch. XXIX. 1825-1826
Ch. XXX. 1826-1827
Ch. XXXI. 1827-1828
Vol. V Appendix
Vol. VI Contents
Ch. XXXII. 1829
Ch. XXXIII. 1830
Ch. XXXIV. 1830-1831
Ch. XXXV. 1832-1834
Ch. XXXVI. 1834-1836
Ch. XXXVII. 1836-1837
Ch. XXXVIII. 1837-1843
Vol. VI Appendix

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Titles Index: 
Rabelais, Francçois, Les croniques admirables du puissant roy Gargantua, ensemble comme il eut à femme la fille du roy de Etopie nommée Badebec, de lequel fut roy des Dipsodes et des Amanrottes.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 13 April 1805  ¶ 1
Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford Bingley, The History of Java.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 5 October 1816  ¶ 1
Reed, Isaac, Biographia Dramatica, or, a Companion to the Playhouse: containing Historical and Critical Memoirs, and Original Anecdotes, of British and Irish Dramatic Writers, from the Commencement of our Theatrical Exhibitions.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 February 1804  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 8 March 1804  ¶ 7
Reed, Isaac, The Plays of William Shakspeare. With the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators. To which are added, notes by Samuel Johnson and G. Steevens. The fifth edition. Revised and augmented by I. Reed, with a Glossarial Index.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 16 February 1804  ¶ 3
Rickman, John, “On the Poor Laws” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Ch. XXIII. 1818  ¶ 6
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 1 January 1818  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 5 April 1818  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 11 April 1818  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 15 August 1827  ¶ 1
Ritson, Joseph, Ancient English Metrical Romances. Selected and published by Joseph Ritson.
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 14 March 1803  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to C. W. W. Wynn, 9 June 1803  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Edith Southey, 10 May 1804  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 12 September 1804  ¶ 2
Roberts, William Issac, Poems and Letters: with some Account of his Life.
Robert Southey to Neville White, 11 March 1810  ¶ 4
Robertson, William, The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. With a View of the Progress of Society in Europe, from the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 22 March 1805  ¶ 3
Roland, Madame , Appel a l'impartiale postérité, par la citoyenne Roland, femme du ministre de l'intérieur; ou Recueil des ecrits qu'elle a rédigés, pendant se détention, aux prisons de l'Abbaye et de Sainte-Pélagie.
Robert Southey to John May, 26 June 1797  ¶ 2
Roscoe, William, The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth.
Robert Southey to John May, 5 August 1805  ¶ 2
Rose, William Stewart, Amadis de Gaul, a Poem in Three Books, freely translated from the First Part of the French Version of Nicholas de Herberay, Sieur des Essars.
Robert Southey to Thomas Southey, 30 May 1803  ¶ 1
Rough, Sir William, The Conspiracy of Gowrie, a Tragedy.
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 25 July 1801  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 23 April 1809  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 12 February 1811  ¶ 1
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Emile, ou, De l'éducation.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: School Recollections,” 10 January 1823  ¶ 2
Rowe [née Singer], Elizabeth, “Letters Moral and Entertaining” in Friendship in Death: in Letters from the Dead to the Living: to which are added, Letters Moral and Entertaining, in Prose and Verse.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: Mrs. Dolignon,” 19 Janury 1823  ¶ 4
Robert Southey, “Memoir: Mrs. Dolignon,” 19 Janury 1823  ¶ 5
Rundell [née Ketelby], Maria Eliza, A New System of Domestic Cookery: formed upon Principles of Economy, and adapted to the use of Private Families.
Robert Southey to Henry Taylor, 2 December 1837  ¶ 3