Rabelais, Francçois,
Les croniques admirables du puissant roy Gargantua, ensemble comme il eut à
femme la fille du roy de Etopie nommée Badebec, de lequel fut roy des Dipsodes et des
Reed, Isaac,
Biographia Dramatica, or, a Companion to the Playhouse: containing Historical
and Critical Memoirs, and Original Anecdotes, of British and Irish Dramatic Writers, from
the Commencement of our Theatrical Exhibitions.
Reed, Isaac,
The Plays of William Shakspeare. With the Corrections and Illustrations of
various Commentators. To which are added, notes by Samuel Johnson and G. Steevens. The
fifth edition. Revised and augmented by I. Reed, with a Glossarial Index.
Robertson, William,
The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. With a View of the Progress
of Society in Europe, from the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to the Beginning of the
Sixteenth Century.
Roland, Madame ,
Appel a l'impartiale postérité, par la citoyenne Roland, femme du ministre de
l'intérieur; ou Recueil des ecrits qu'elle a rédigés, pendant se détention, aux prisons de
l'Abbaye et de Sainte-Pélagie.
Rose, William Stewart,
Amadis de Gaul, a Poem in Three Books, freely translated from the First Part
of the French Version of Nicholas de Herberay, Sieur des Essars.
Rowe [née Singer], Elizabeth, “Letters Moral and Entertaining” in Friendship in Death: in Letters from the Dead to the Living: to which are
added, Letters Moral and Entertaining, in Prose and Verse.