The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey
Titles Index:
Mabillon, Jean,
Acta Sanctorum Ordinis S. Benedicti.
Mackenzie, Henry,
The Man of Feeling.
Mackenzie, Henry, “The Old Batchelor. After the Manner of Spenser” in
Town and Country Magazine.
Mackinnon, Daniel,
A Tour through the British West Indies, in the years 1802 and 1803: giving a
particular Account of the Bahama Islands.
Mackinnon, Henry,
A Journal of the Campaign in Portugal and Spain, containing Remarks on the
Inhabitants, Customs, Trade, and Cultivation, of those Countries, from the year 1809 to
Macpherson, James,
The Works of Ossian, the Son of Fingal: translated from the Galic
Mallet, David,
Amyntor and Theodora: or, the Hermit; a Poem in Three Cantos.
Malory, Sir Thomas,
Le Morte Darthur.
Malory, Sir Thomas,
The byrth, lyf, and actes of Kyng Arthur; of his noble knyghtes of the Rounde
Table, theyr merveyllous enquestes and aduentures, thachyeuyng of the Sanc Greal; and in
the end le Morte Darthur, with the dolourous deth and departying out of thys worlde of them
Mangles, James,
Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria, and Asia Minor; during the years 1817 &
Mant, Richard, bishop of Down and Connor,
The Simpliciad: a Satirico-didactic Poem, containing Hints for the Scholars of
the New School, suggested by Horace's Art of Poetry, and improved by a Contemplation of the
Works of the First Masters.
Mariner, William Charles,
An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands in the South Pacific Ocean:
with an original Grammar and Vocabulary of their Language.
Marracci, Luigi,
Refutatio Alcorani in qua ad Mahumetanicae superstitionis radicem securis
apponitur & Mahometus ipse gladio suo jugulatur.
Marsh, Hebert, bishop of Peterborough,
An Address to the Senate of the University of Cambridge: occasioned by the
Proposal to introduce in that place an Auxiliary Bible Society.
Maurice, John Frederick Denison,
Subscription no Bondage, or, the Practical Advantages afforded by the
Thirty-nine Articles as Guides in all the Branches of Academical Education: with an
Introductory Letter on the Declaration which it is proposed to substitute for Subscription
to the Articles at Matriculation.
Maw, Henry Lister,
Journal of a Passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic: crossing the Andes in
the Northern Orovinces of Peru, and descending the River Marañon or Amazon.
Medwin, Thomas,
Conversations of Lord Byron: noted during a Residence with his Lordship at
Pisa, in the Years 1821 and 1822.
Merry, Robert,
The Pains of Memory. A Poem.
Mickle, William Julius,
The Lusiad, or, the Discovery of India: an Epic Poem.
Miller, John,
The Divine Authority of Holy Scripture asserted, from its Adaptation to the
Real State of Human Nature, in Eight Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, in
the year MDCCCXVII, at the Lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton.
Miller, John,
Sermons intended to show a Sober Application of Scriptural Principles to the
Realities of Life: with a Preface addressed to the Clergy.
Miller, John, “Internal Policy” in
Quarterly Review.
Milman, Henry Hart,
Samor, Lord of the Bright City: an Heroic Poem.
Milton, John, “Epitaphium Damonis” in
Poems of Mr. John Milton, both English and Latin.
Milton, John,
Paradise Lost. A Poem written in Ten Books.
Milton, John,
Poems upon Several Occasions, English, Italian, and Latin, with
Milton, John,
Pro populo Anglicano defensio, contra Claudii Anonymi, alias Salmasii,
defensionem regiam.
Milton, John, “Samson Agonistes” in
Paradise Regained. A Poem written in Four Books.
Mitford, John, “On Spanish Literature—Francisco de Olivarez” in
New Monthly Magazine.
Mitford, William,
The History of Greece.
Montgomery, James,
The West Indies, and other Poems.
Montgomery, James,
The World before the Flood, a Poem, in Ten Cantos: with other Occasional
Moore, Edward, “The Lover and the Friend” in
Poems, Fables, and Plays.
Moore, Henry,
The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M.: including an Account of the great
Revival of Religion in Europe and America, of which he was the first and chief
Moore, Thomas,
Letters and Journals of Lord Byron with Notices of his Life.
Moore, Thomas,
The Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald.
Moraes, Francisco de,
Le premier livre du preux, vaillant et tres victorieux chevalier Palmerin
d'Angleterre, filz du roy Dom Edoard.
Mordaunt, Charles, third earl of Peterborough, “I said to my heart” in
The British Journal.
More, Sir Thomas,
Libellus vere aureus nec minus salutaris quam festivus de optimo reip. statu,
deque nova Insula Utopia.
Morgan [
née Owenson], Lady Sydney,
Woman; or, Ida of Athens.
Mosheim, Johann Lorenz von,
An Ecclesiastical History, Antient and Modern, from the Birth of Christ, to
the Beginning of the Present Century.
Müller, Johannes von,
An Universal History, in Twenty-four Books.
Murray II, John,
Notes on Captain Medwin's Conversations of Lord Byron.
Murray, Lindley,
English Grammar: adapted to the different Classes of Learners. With an
Appendix, containing Rules and Observations for promoting Perspicuity in Speaking and