The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey
Titles Index:
Hagen, Friedrich Heinrich von der,
Der Nibelungen Lied: in der Ursprache mit den Lesarten der verschiedenen
Hallam, Henry,
The Constitutional History of England from the Accession of Henry VII. to the
Death of George II.
Hamilton, Francis,
A Journey from Madras through the Countries of Mysore, Canara and
Hawkesworth, John,
Edgar and Emmeline: a Fairy Tale in a Dramatic Entertainment of Two
Hayley, William,
Ballads: founded on Anecdotes relating to Animals, with Prints designed and
engraved by William Blake.
Hayley, William,
The Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper, Esqr..
Hayley, William,
Memoirs of the Life and Writings of William Hayley, esq. the Friend and
Biographer of Cowper.
Hays, Mary,
Memoirs of Emma Courtney.
Head, Sir George,
Forest Scenes and Incidents, in the Wilds of North America: being a Diary of a
Winter's Route from Halifax to the Canadas, and during four Months' Residence in the Woods
on the Borders of Lakes Huron and Simcoe.
Heber [
née Shipley], Amelia,
The Life of Reginald Heber, D.D., Lord Bishop of Calcutta. With selections
from his Correspondence, Unpublished Poems, and Private Papers, together with a Journal of
his Tour in Norway, Sweden, Russia, Hungary, and Germany, and a History of the
Heber, Reginald, bishop of Calcutta, “Lord Byron's Dramas” in
Quarterly Review.
Heber, Reginald, bishop of Calcutta, “Morte d'Arthur. A Fragment” in
The Life of Reginald Heber, D.D., Lord Bishop of Calcutta. With selections
from his Correspondence, Unpublished Poems, and Private Papers, together with a Journal of
his Tour in Norway, Sweden, Russia, Hungary, and Germany, and a History of the
Heber, Reginald, bishop of Calcutta,
Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta to
Bombay, 1824-1825.
Heber, Reginald, bishop of Calcutta,
Palestine, a Prize Poem, recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 15, 1803.
Heber, Reginald, bishop of Calcutta,
The Personality and Office of the Christian Comforter asserted and explained,
in a Course of Sermons on John XVI. 7., preached before the University of Oxford, in the
Year MDCCCXV, at the Lecture founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A., Canon of
Hélyot, Pierre,
Histoire des ordres monastiques, religieux et militaires, et des congrégations
séculières de l'un & l'autre sexe, qui ont esté establies jusqu'à présent.
Herbert, George,
Herbert's Remains: or, Sundry Pieces of that Sweet Singer of the Temple, Mr.
George Herbert, sometime Orator of the University of Cambridge.
Heywood, Thomas,
The Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells, their Names, Orders and Offices, the
Fall of Lucifer with his Angells.
Hill, Aaron,
Merope: a Tragedy.
Hobbes, Thomas,
Behemoth, or, an Epitome of the Civil Wars of England, from 1640 to
Hobbes, Thomas,
Leviathan, or, the Matter, Forme, and Power of a Common Wealth,
Ecclesiasticall and Civil.
Hobhouse, John Cam, baron Broughton, “Dallas's Recollections and Medwin's Conversations” in
Westminster Review.
Holcroft, Thomas,
Anna St. Ives: a Novel.
Holland, John,
The Tour of the Don: a Series of Extempore Sketches made during a Pedestrian
Ramble along the Banks of that River, and its Principal Tributaries.
Holmes, Abiel,
American Annals: or, a Chronological History of America, from its Discovery in
Home, John,
Douglas: a Tragedy.
Hone, William,
The Every Day Book, or, a Guide to the Year: describing the Popular
Amusements, Sports, Ceremonies, Manners, Customs, and Events, incident to the three hundred
and sixty-five Days in past and present Times.
Hone, William,
The Table Book; or, Daily Recreation and Information concerning remarkable
Men, Manners, Times, Seasons.
Hope, Thomas,
An Essay on the Origin and Prospects of Man.
Howard, Sir Robert,
The Great Favourite, or, The Duke of Lerma.
Howard, Sir Robert, “The Indian Queen” in
Four New Plays, viz: The Surprisal, Committee, Comedies. The Indian-Queen,
Vestal-Virgin, Tragedies.
Howard, Sir Robert, “The Vestal Virgin” in
Four New Plays, viz: The Surprisal, Committee, Comedies. The Indian-Queen,
Vestal-Virgin, Tragedies.
Hughes, John,
An Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone, made during the year 1819. With
Etchings by the Author.
Hughes, Thomas Smart, “Washington Irving's Tales” in
Quarterly Review.
Humboldt, Alexander Freiherr von,
Voyage de Humboldt & Bonpland : voyage aux régions équinoxiales du nouveau
Hunt, James Henry Leigh,
Foliage, or: Poems original and translated.
Huntington, William,
God the Guardian of the Poor, and the Bank of Faith: or, a Display of the
Providences of God, which have at sundry time attended the Author.
Hutcheson, Francis,
Philosophiae moralis institutio compendiaria, ethices et jurisprudentiae
naturalis elementa continens. Lib. III.
Hutchinson [
née Apsley], Lucy,
Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson.