LORD  BYRON  and  his  TIMES
Documents Biography Criticism
Charles Cuthbert Southey:
The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey


Vol. I Contents
Early Life: I
Early Life: II
Early Life: III
Early Life: IV
Early Life: V
Early Life: VI
Early Life: VII
Early Life: VIII
Early Life: IX
Early Life: X
Early Life: XI
Early Life: XII
Early Life: XIII
Early Life: XIV
Early Life: XV
Early Life: XVI
Early Life: XVII
Ch. I. 1791-93
Ch. II. 1794
Ch. III. 1794-95
Ch. IV. 1796
Ch. V. 1797
Vol. II Contents
Ch. VI. 1799-1800
Ch. VII. 1800-1801
Ch. VIII. 1801
Ch. IX. 1802-03
Ch. X. 1804
Ch. XI. 1804-1805
Vol. III Contents
Ch. XII. 1806
Ch. XIII. 1807
Ch. XIV. 1808
Ch. XV. 1809
Ch. XVI. 1810-1811
Ch. XVII. 1812
Vol. IV Contents
Ch. XVIII. 1813
Ch. XIX. 1814-1815
Ch. XX. 1815-1816
Ch. XXI. 1816
Ch. XXII. 1817
Ch. XXIII. 1818
Ch. XXIV. 1818-1819
Vol. IV Appendix
Vol. V Contents
Ch. XXV. 1820-1821
Ch. XXVI. 1821
Ch. XXVII. 1822-1823
Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825
Ch. XXIX. 1825-1826
Ch. XXX. 1826-1827
Ch. XXXI. 1827-1828
Vol. V Appendix
Vol. VI Contents
Ch. XXXII. 1829
Ch. XXXIII. 1830
Ch. XXXIV. 1830-1831
Ch. XXXV. 1832-1834
Ch. XXXVI. 1834-1836
Ch. XXXVII. 1836-1837
Ch. XXXVIII. 1837-1843
Vol. VI Appendix

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Titles Index: 
Garmann, Christian Friedrich, De miraculis mortuorum libri tres: quibus praemissa diss. de cadavere et miraculis in genere. Opus.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 24 December 1826  ¶ 3
Gessner, Salomon, Der Tod Abels.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: Mrs. Dolignon,” 19 Janury 1823  ¶ 5
Gibbon, Edward, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
Volume ,  Ch. XXVIII. 1824-1825  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 4 October 1824  ¶ 1
Gifford, William, The Baviad, a paraphrastic Imitation of the First Satire of Persius.
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 23 April 1809  ¶ 4
Gifford, William, An Examination of the Strictures of the Critical Reviewers on the Translation of Juvenal.
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 23 April 1809  ¶ 4
Gifford, William, “Ford's Dramatic Works, by Weber” in Quarterly Review.
Volume ,  Ch. XXVII. 1822-1823  ¶ n1
Gifford, William, The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis.
Robert Southey to Walter Savage Landor, 23 April 1809  ¶ 4
Gifford, William, The Mæviad. By the Author of the Baviad.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 23 October 1795  ¶ 6
Gifford, William, “Woman; or Ida of Athens” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to William Gifford, 6 March 1809  ¶ 1
Gifford, William, The Works of Ben Jonson in Nine Volumes: with Notes Critical and Explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 6 September 1818  ¶ 2
Gilbert, William, The Hurricane: a Theosophical and Western Eclogue. To which is subjoined, A Solitary Effusion in a Summer's Evening.
Volume ,  Ch. VI. 1799-1800  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Joseph Cottle, 22 September 1799  ¶ n1
Gisborne, John, The Vales of Wever: a Loco-descriptive Poem.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, [25 May 1797]  ¶ 4
Glover, Richard, Leonidas, a Poem.
Robert Southey to Horace Walpole Bedford, 13 November 1793  ¶ 1
Godwin, William, Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, the early English Poet: including Memoirs of his near Friend and Kinsman, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster: with Sketches of the Manners, Opinions, Arts and Literature of England in the Fourteenth Century.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 January 1804  ¶ 1
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, The Sorrows of Young Werther.
Volume ,  Ch. VI. 1799-1800  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to James White, 11 November 1814  ¶ 2
Robert Southey to Chauncey Hare Townshend, 5 June 1816  ¶ 2
Goldsmith, Lewis, The Secret History of the Cabinet of Bonaperte: including his Private Life, Character, Domestic Administration, and his Conduct to Foreign Powers, together with Secret Anecdotes of the different Courts of Europe, and of the French Revolution.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 20 February 1811  ¶ 2
Gooch, Robert, “The Co-operatives” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 9 July 1829  ¶ 1
Amelia Opie to Robert Southey, 24 November 1829  ¶ 3
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 5 January 1830  ¶ 1
Gooch, Robert, “Insanity” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 16 March 1830  ¶ 1
Gooch, Robert, “Plague, a Contagious Disease” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 16 March 1830  ¶ 1
Gooch, Robert, “Unlawful Disinterment of Human Bodies” in Quarterly Review.
Robert Southey to Margaret Holford Hodson, 16 March 1830  ¶ 1
Gordon, Thomas, The Works of Sallust.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 13 April 1805  ¶ 1
Gordon, Thomas, The Works of Tacitus: with Political Discourses upon that Author.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 13 April 1805  ¶ 1
Robert Southey to Messrs. Longman and Co., 5 June 1807  ¶ 2
Grahame, James, British Georgics.
Robert Southey to William Lisle Bowles, 30 June 1832  ¶ 2
Gray, Thomas, “Alcaic Ode” in The Poems of Mr. Gray.
Robert Southey to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 3 October 1799  ¶ 2
Grégoire, Henri, Bishop of Blois, Histoire des sectes religieuses.
Volume ,  Early Life: VII  ¶ n1
Robert Southey, “Memoir: At School,” 1821  ¶ 5
Robert Southey, “Memoir: At School,” 1821  ¶ n1
Robert Southey to Robert Gooch, 30 November 1814  ¶ 4
Robert Southey to Nicholas Lightfoot, 16 September 1822  ¶ 4
Grenville, George Nugent, second baron Nugent, A Letter to John Murray, Esq., touching an Article in the last Quarterly Review, on a Book called 'Some Memorials of Hampden, his Party, and his Times'.
Robert Southey to John Rickman, 19 August 1832  ¶ 5
Grenville, George Nugent, second baron Nugent, Some Memorials of John Hampden, his Party, and his Times.
Robert Southey to Grosvenor C. Bedford, 15 April 1832  ¶ 4
Grimm, Jacob, Kinder- und Hausmärchen.
Robert Southey, “Memoir: Mrs. Dolignon,” 19 Janury 1823  ¶ 11