The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey
Titles Index:
Bacon, Francis, first baron Verulam and viscount St Albans,
Essayes. Religious Meditations. Places of Perswasion and Disswasion. Seene and
Baillie, Joanna,
A Series of Plays: in which it is attempted to delineate the stronger Passions
of the Mind.
Ballantyne, John,
English Minstrelsy. Being a Selection of Fugitive Poetry from the best English
Authors; with some Original Pieces, hitherto unpublished.
Baillie [
née Wathen], Marianne,
Lisbon in the Years 1821, 1822 and 1823.
Bampfylde, John Codrington Warwick, “Sixteen Sonnets” in
Barante, Amable-Guillaume-Prosper Brugière, baron de,
Histoire de la Convention nationale.
Barante, Amable-Guillaume-Prosper Brugière, baron de,
Histoire des ducs de bourgogne de la maison de Valois, 1364-1477.
Barbauld [
née Aikin], Anna Laetitia, “Génie du christianisme by Chateaubriand” in
Annual Review.
Barbauld [
née Aikin], Anna Laetitia, “John Woodvil: a Tragedy. By C. Lamb” in
Annual Review.
Barbauld [
née Aikin], Anna Laetitia, “A Series of Plays. Vol II. By Joanna Baillie” in
Annual Review.
Barlow, Joel,
The Vision of Columbus; a Poem in Nine Books.
Barrett, William,
The History and Antiquities of the City of Bristol.
Barrow, Sir John, first baronet, “Anderson's Mission to Sumatra” in
Quarterly Review.
Barrow, Sir John, first baronet, “Inchiquen's Favourable View of the United States” in
Quarterly Review.
Barrow, Sir John, first baronet, “Life and Travels of John Ledyard” in
Quarterly Review.
Barton, Bernard,
Metrical Effusions, or Verses on Various Occasions.
Barton, Bernard,
Selections from the Poems and Letters of Bernard Barton.
Bazard, Saint-Amand,
Doctrine de Saint-Simon: exposition: première année, 1829.
Beale, Robert,
Rerum Hispanicarum scriptores aliquot, quorum nomina versa pagina
Beattie, James,
The Minstrel; or, the Progress of Genius. A Poem.
Beaumont, Francis,
The Knight of the Burning Pestle.
Beausobre, Isaac de,
Histoire critique de Manichée et du manichéisme.
Beaver, Philip,
African Memoranda: relative to an Attempt to establish a British Settlement on
the Island of Bulama, on the Western Coast of Africa, in the year 1792: with a Brief Notice
of the Neighbouring Tribes, Soil, Productions, &c. and some Observations on the
Facility of colonizing that part of Africa, with a View to Cultivation and the Introduction
of Letters and Religion to its Inhabitants, but more particularly as the Means of gradually
abolishing African Slavery .
Bedford, Grosvenor Charles, “The Rhedycinian Barbers, an Ode” in
Monthly Magazine.
Bedford, Grosvenor Charles,
Musaeus: The Loves of Hero and Leander.
Belfour, John,
Fables on Subjects connected with Literature. Imitated from the Spanish of
Tomas de Yriarte.
Bell, Andrew,
Elements of Tuition, Part III: Ludus literarius: the Classical and Grammar
School; or an Exposition of an Experiment in Education, made at Madras in the years
1789-1796: with a View to its Introduction into Schools for the Higher Orders of Children,
and with Particular Suggestions for its Application to a Grammar School.
Bentham, Jeremy,
Church-of-Englandism and its Catechism examined: preceded by Strictures on the
Exclusionary System, as pursued in the National Society's schools: interspersed with
Parallel Views of the English and Scottish established and non-established Churches: and
concluding with Remedies proposed for Abuses indicated.
Beresford, James,
The Miseries of Human Life, or, The Groans of Samuel Sensitive and Timothy
Berkeley, George, bishop of Cloyne,
Alciphron, or, the Minute Philosopher, in Seven Dialogues: containing an
Apology for the Christian Religion, against those who are called Free-thinkers.
Blair, Hugh,
Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres.
Bloomfield, Robert,
Rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs.
Boccaccio, Giovanni,
Bodmer, Johann Jakob,
Noah ein Helden-Gedicht.
Bolingbroke, Henry,
A Voyage to the Demerary: containing a Statistical Account of the Settlements
there, and of those on the Essequebo, the Berbice, and other Contiguous Rivers of
Bonaparte, Lucien,
Charlemagne; ou, L'église délivrée; poème épique, en vingt-quatre
Boucher, Jonathan,
Boucher's Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words: a Supplement to the
Dictionaries of the English Language, particularly those of Dr. Johnson and Dr.
Bowdler, Henrietta Maria,
The Family Shakespeare.
Bowles, William Lisle,
The Missionary: a Poem.
Bowles, William Lisle,
St. John in Patmos: a Poem.
Bray [
née Kempe], Anna Eliza,
A Description of the Part of Devonshire bordering on the Tamar and the Tavy;
its Natural History, Manners, Customs, Superstitions, Scenery, Antiquities, Biography of
Eminent Persons, &c. &c. in a Series of Letters to Robert Southey, Esq..
Brissot de Warville, Jacques-Pierre,
Mémoires de Brissot, sur ses contemporains, et la révolution française:
Publiés par son fils.
Britton, John,
The Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, represented and illustrated in
a series of Views, Elevations, Plans, Sections, and Details of various ancient English
Edifices; with historical and descriptive Accounts of each.
Brooks [
née Gowen], Maria,
Zóphiël, or, the Bride of Seven.
Brougham, Henry Peter, first baron Brougham and Vaux, “Don Pedro Cevallos on the French usurpation of Spain” in
Edinburgh Review.
Brougham, Henry Peter, first baron Brougham and Vaux, “Southey's Specimens of English Poetry” in
Edinburgh Review.
Browne, Sir Thomas,
Hydriotaphia Urne-buriall; or, a Discourse of the Sepulchrall Urnes lately
found in Norfolk. Together with The Garden of Cyrus, or the Quincunciall, Lozenge, or
Net-work Plantations of the Ancients, artificially, naturally, mystically
Browne, Sir Thomas,
Religio medici.
Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton, first baronet,
The Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries of Sir Egerton Brydges,
Burges, Sir James Bland, first baronet,
Richard the First, a Poem: in Eighteen Books.
Burnet, Gilbert, bishop of Salisbury,
Lives, Characters, and an Address to Posterity.
Burnett, George,
View of the Present State of Poland.
Burney, James,
A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean:
illustrated with Charts.
Burton, Robert,
The Anatomy of Melancholy, what it is. With all the Kindes, Causes, Symptomes,
Prognostickes, and severall Cures of it. In three maine Partitions with their severall
Sections, Members, and Subsections. Philosophically, medicinally, historically, opened and
cut up.
Buckminster, Joseph Stevens,
Sermons by the late Rev. Joseph Buckminster. With a Memoir of his Life and
Bulgarin, Faddeĭ,
Ivan Vejeeghen; or, Life in Russia, etc..
Bunyan, John,
The Pilgrim's Progress from this World to that which is to come: delivered
under the Similitude of a Dream.
Burn, Richard,
History and Antiquities of the Counties of Westmorland and Cumberland.
Burn, Richard,
The Justice of the Peace, and Parish Officer.
Butler, Charles,
The Book of the Roman-Catholic Church: in a Series of letters addressed to
Robt. Southey, esq., LL.D., on his Book of the Church.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Baron Byron,
Beppo a Venetian Story.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Baron Byron, “Cain: a Mystery” in
Sardanapalus: a Tragedy. The two Foscari: a Tragedy. Cain: a Mystery.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Baron Byron,
Don Juan.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Baron Byron,
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Baron Byron,
Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Baron Byron, “Reply to Blackwood's” in
Works of Lord Byron with his Letters and Journals.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Baron Byron, “Some Observations upon an Article in Blackwood's Magazine, no. xxiv, August,
1819” in
The Works of Lord Byron: with his Letters and Journals, and his Life.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Baron Byron, “The Vision of Judgment. By Quevedo Redivivus” in
The Liberal.
Byron, George Gordon, sixth Baron Byron,
The Works of Lord Byron: with his Letters and Journals, and his Life.
Bysshe, Edward,
The Art of English Poetry: containing, I. Rules for making Verses. II. A
Dictionary of Rhymes. III. A Collection of the most natural, agreeable, and noble