LORD  BYRON  and  his  TIMES
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Lord Byron and his Times
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  Select from the alphabetical list above, or perform a string search: Enter one or two strings (whole or partial words).
“Hajji Baba in England”, Quarterly Review (January 1829) [Scott]
Half-Hours with the Best Authors: selected and arranged with Short Biographical and Critical Notices ([1847-?]) [Knight]
Halidon Hill: a Dramatic Sketch from Scottish History (1822) [Scott]
“The Hall of my Fathers”, Poetry of the College Magazine (1819) [Moultrie]
“Hallam's Constitutional History”, Edinburgh Review (September 1828) [Macaulay]
“Hallam's Introduction to the Literature of Europe”, Quarterly Review (February 1837) [Milman]
“Hallam's Constitutional History of England”, Quarterly Review (January 1828) [Southey]
“Stanzas [“Hallowed Ground”]”, New Monthly Magazine (October 1825) [Campbell]
“Hamilton's Method of Teaching Languages”, Edinburgh Review (June 1826) [Smith]
Hamlet (1603) [Shakespeare]
A Handbook for London, Past and Present (1849) [Cunningham]
Handbook for Travellers in Spain (1844) [Ford]
Handbook to the Public Galleries of Art in and near London: with Catalogues of the Pictures accompanied by Critical, Historical, and Biographical Notices, and copious Indexes to facilitate Reference (1842) [Jameson]
“Hans Carvel”, A Collection of Poems (1701) [Prior]
Hard Times: for these Times (1854) [Dickens]
Hardyknute, a Fragment (1719) [Wardlaw]
Harlequin's Invasion: a New Pantomine (1770) [Garrick]
Harmonies de la nature (1815) [Bernadin]
Harold the Dauntless: a Poem in Six Cantos (1817) [Scott]
“The Harp: a Tale from the German of the Poet Körner”, New Monthly Magazine (June 1821) [Benger]
The Harp of Zion: a Series of Lyrics, founded upon the Hebrew Scriptures (1825) [Knox]
The Harp of the Desert, containing the Battle of Algiers with other Pieces in Verse (1818) [Macken]
“Harrington, a Tale”, Harrington, a Tale: and Ormond, a Tale (1817) [Edgeworth]
Harry and Lucy concluded: being the last part of Early Lessons (1825) [Edgeworth]
“Harry Gill”, Lyrical Ballads with a few other Poems (1798) [Wordsworth]
“Hart-leap Well”, Lyrical Ballads with a few other Poems (1800) [Wordsworth]
“Haslam, Arnold, &c. on Insanity”, Quarterly Review (August 1809) [Young]
Hau Kiou Choaan, or, the Pleasing History: a Translation from the Chinese Language: to which are added, I. The Argument or Story of a Chinese Play, II. A Collection of Chinese Proverbs, III. Fragments of Chinese Poetry (1761) [Percy]
The Haunted Tower: a Comic Opera in Three Acts ([1790]) [Cobb]
“A Haunted Stream”, Literary Gazette (24 October 1818) [Procter]
“Hayley's Ballads”, Annual Review for 1805 (1806) [Southey]
“Hayley's Life and Writings”, Quarterly Review (March 1825) [Southey]
The Hazard of the Die: a Tragic Drama in Two Acts (1835) [Jerrold]
“Hazlitt's Round Table”, Quarterly Review (April 1817) [Coleridge]
“Hazlitt's Characters of Shakespeare's Plays”, Quarterly Review (January 1818) [Gifford]
“Hazlitt on Shakespeare”, Edinburgh Review (August 1817) [Jeffrey]
“Hazlitt Cross-questioned”, Blackwood's Magazine (August 1818) [Lockhart]
“Hazlitt's Table Talk”, Quarterly Review (October 1821) [Matthews]
“Hazlitt in Switzerland: a Conversation”, Fraser's Magazine (March 1839) [Medwin]
The Head of the Family: a Novel (1852) [Craik]
“Head and Miers on Buenos Ayres and Chile”, Quarterly Review (January 1827) [Southey]
“Health to Lord Melville”, Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, bart. (1837-38) [Scott]
Heart of the World (1896) [Haggard]
The Heart of Mid-Lothian: a Musical Drama in Three Acts (1819) [Terry]
“The Heart of Mid-Lothian”, Tales of my Landlord, second series (1818) [Scott]
“Heaven and Earth, a Mystery”, The Liberal (January 1823) [Byron]
Hebrew Melodies (1815) [Byron]
The Hebrew Concordance, adapted to the English Bible; disposed after the Manner of Buxtorf (1754-1757) [Taylor]
“Byron’s Hebrew Melodies”, Memoir of Rev. F. Hodgson (1878) [Hodgson]
Heir followeth the coppie of the ressoning which was betuix the Abbote of Crosraguell and John Knox, in Mayboill concerning the Masse, in the yeare of God, a thousand fiue hundreth thre scoir and two yeares (1812) [Boswell]
The Heir at Law, a Comedy in Five Acts (1800) [Colman]
“The Heirs of the Stuarts”, Quarterly Review (June 1847) [Dennistoun]
Helen, a Tale (1834) [Edgeworth]
“Helen repentant too late”, John Woodvil; a Tragedy. To which are added Fragments of Burton, the Author of the Anatomy of Melancholy (1802) [Lamb]
Hellas, a Lyrical Drama (1822) [Shelley]
“Helvellyn”, A Collection of Scottish Airs (1806) [Scott]
“Hemans's Tales and Historic Scenes”, Literary Gazette (18 September 1819) [Jerdan]
Henri III et sa cour, drame historique en 5 actes (1829) [Dumas]
La Henriade (1728) [Voltaire]
Henrietta Temple: a Love Story (1885) [Disraeli]
Henry IV Part I (1600) [Shakespeare]
Henry IV Part II (1600) [Shakespeare]
Henry VI (1594) [Shakespeare]
Henry V (1600) [Shakespeare]
“Her Eyes are wild”, Lyrical Ballads with a few other Poems (1798) [Wordsworth]
The Herald of Literature: or, a Review of the most considerable Publications that will be made in the course of the ensuing Winter: with Extracts (1784) [Godwin]
Heraline; or, Opposite Proceedings (1821) [Hawkins]
Herbert Lacy (1828) [Lister]
“Herbert's Miscellaneous Poetry”, Edinburgh Review (October 1806) [Scott]
Herculanensia; or Archaeological and Philological Dissertations (1810) [Drummond]
Hereward the Wake: "Last of the English" (1866) [Kingsley]
Herman and Dorothea: a Poem (1801) [Goethe]
Hermes: or, A Philosophical Inquiry concerning Language and Universal Grammar (1751) [Harris]
Hermilda in Palestine: the First Canto, and Part of the Second: with other Poems (1812) [Thurlow]
L'hermite de la Chaussée d'Antin: ou Observations sur les mœurs et les usages français au commencement du XIXe siècle (1815-18) [Jouy]
The Hermit of Guiana; or Observations upon the French Manners and Customs at the beginning of the Nineteenth Century (1816) [Jouy]
The Hermit in London, or, Sketches of English Manners (1821) [MacDonogh]
The Hermit of Warkworth, a Northumberland Ballad: in Three Fits (1771) [Percy]
Hermsprong: or Man as he is not. A Novel (1796) [Bage]
Hernani ou l'honneur castillan: drame (1830) [Hugo]
“Hero and Leander”, Hero and Leander, and Bacchus and Ariadne (1819) [Hunt]
An Heroic Epistle to Sir William Chambers Knight, Comptroller General of His Majesty's Works, and author of a late Dissertation on Oriental Gardening. Enriched with Explanatory Notes, chiefly extracted from that elaborate Performance (1773) [Mason]
“Hester”, The Works of Charles Lamb (1818) [Lamb]
“Heude's Voyage and Travels”, Edinburgh Review (July 1819) [Smith]
Hide and Seek (1854) [Collins]
The Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells, their Names, Orders and Offices, the Fall of Lucifer with his Angells (1635) [Heywood]
The Highland Smugglers (1832) [Fraser]
“The Highland Widow”, Chronicles of the Canongate (1827) [Scott]
“The Highlandman's Pistol, a Fable for the Present Time”, The Sun (28 February 1817) [Jerdan]
Highways and Byways; or Tales of the Roadside, picked up in the French Provinces, by a Walking Gentleman (1823) [Grattan]
“Hildebrand”, Edinburgh Review (1845) [Stephen]
The Hill of Caves: in Two Cantos, with other Poems (1818) [Read]
The Hind and the Panther. A Poem, in Three Parts (1687) [Dryden]
“Hints from Horace”, The Miscellaneous Works ([1831]) [Byron]
“Hints respecting the Education of a Young Princess”, Edinburgh Review (October 1805) [Drummond]
Hints, &c. submitted to the Serious Attention of the Clergy, Nobility and Gentry, newly associated (1789) [Fitzroy]
Half a Dozen Hints on Picturesque Domestic Architecture: in a Series of Designs from Gate Lodges, Gamekeepers' Cottages, and other Rural Residences (1825) [Hunt]
“Hints on Toleration”, Edinburgh Review (February 1811) [Smith]
Hippolytus (429 BC) [Euripides]
“His Majesty's Visit to Scotland”, Gentleman's Magazine (August 1822) [Scott]
Histoire de la Convention nationale (1851-53) [Barante]
Histoire des ducs de bourgogne de la maison de Valois, 1364-1477 (1824) [Barante]
Histoire critique de Manichée et du manichéisme (1734-1739) [Beausobre]
Histoire de dix ans: 1830-1840 (1842-1844) [Blanc]
Histoire de l'homme au masque de fer (1825) [Delort]
Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière des mollusques : animaux sans vertèbres et a sang blanc (1801-05) [Denys de Montfort]
Histoire de la Ligue faite à Cambray entre Jules II., pape; Maximilien I., Empereur; Louis XII., Roy de France; Ferdinand V., Roy d'Arragon, & tous les Princes d'Italie contre la Republique de Venise (1709) [Dubos]
Histoire littéraire d'Italie (1811-35) [Ginguene]
Histoire des sectes religieuses (1796) [Gregory]
Histoire de Bertrand du Guesclin, comte de Longueville, connétable de France (1767) [Guyard]
Histoire des ordres monastiques, religieux et militaires, et des congrégations séculières de l'un & l'autre sexe, qui ont esté establies jusqu'à présent (1714-1719) [Helyot]
Histoire du Concile de Pise (1724) [Lenfant]
Histoire de la révolution française, depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1814 (1824) [Mignet]
Histoire de la peinture en Italie (1817) [Stendhal]
Histoire de Charles XII (1731) [Voltaire]
Histoire de l'Empire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand (1759-63) [Voltaire]
Histoires des amans fortunez (1558) [Marguerite]
Historia de Abiponibus, equestri, bellicosaque Paraguariae natione, lucupletata copiosis barbararum gentium etc. observationibus (1784) [Dobrizhoffer]
Historia vinetiana. Divisa in dve parti (1605) [Paruta]
Historia de los vandos, de los Zegries y Abencerrages, cavalleros moros de Granada, de las civiles guerras que huvo (1595) [Perez]
Historia del concilio Tridentino : Nella quale si scoprono tutti gl'artificii della corte di Roma, per impedire che ne' la riforma del papato & della chiesa si trattasse (1619) [Sarpi]
Clavdii Salmasii De Hellenistica Commentarius: Controversiam De Lingua Hellenistica decidens, & plenissime pertractans Originem & Dialectos Græcæ Linguæ (1643) [Saumaise]
Historic Anecdotes and Secret Memoirs of the Legislative Union Great Britain and Ireland (1809) [Barrington]
Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third (1770) [Walpole]
An Historical Display of the Effects of Physical and Moral Causes on the Character and Circumstances of Nations: including a Comparison of the Ancients and Moderns in regard to their Intellectual and Social State (1816) [Bigland]
An Historical Review of the Spanish Revolution: including some Account of Religion, Manners and Literature (1822) [Blaquiere]
Historical Sketches of Statesmen who flourished in the Time of George III (1839-1843) [Brougham]
The Historical Memoirs of the Church of France: in the Reigns of Lewis the Fourteenth, Lewis the Fifteenth, Lewis the Sixteenth and the French Revolution (1817) [Butler]
Historical Illustrations of the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold: containing Dissertations on the Ruins of Rome; and an Essay on Italian Literature (1818) [Hobhouse]
An Historical Outline of the Greek Revolution: with a few Remarks on the present State of Affairs in that Country (1826) [Leake]
An Historical Research into the Nature of the Balance of Power in Europe (1817) [Leckie]
A Historical & Philosophical Sketch of the Discoveries & Settlements of the Europeans in northern & western Africa, at the close of the eighteenth century (1799) [Leyden]
Historical Account of the most celebrated Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries, from the time of Columbus to the present period (1796-1797) [Mavor]
An Historical View of the English Government, from the Settlement of the Saxons in Britain to the accession of the House of Stewart (1787) [Millar]
An Historical Account of the Campaign in the Netherlands, in 1815, under His Grace the Duke of Wellington, and Marshal Prince Blucher: comprising the battles of Ligny, Quatre Bras, and Waterloo: with a detailed Narrative of the Political Events connected with those memorable Conflicts, down to the Surrender of Paris, and the Departure of Bonaparte for St. Helena (1817) [Mudford]
Historical Memoires on the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth, and King James (1658) [Osborne]
Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe (1823) [Sismondi]
Historical and Political Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XVI from his Marriage to his Death (1802) [Soulavie]
“Historical and Political Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XVI by John Lewis Soulavie”, Annual Review for 1802 (1803) [Southey]
An Historical Dissertation concerning the Antiquity of the English Constitution (1768) [Stuart]
Historical Memoirs of Irish Bards: interspersed with Anecdotes of, and occasional Observations on, the Music of Ireland: also, an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Musical Instruments of the Ancient Irish (1786) [Walker]
Historical Memoir on Italian Tragedy: from the earliest period to the present time: illustrated with Specimens and Analyses of the most celebrated Tragedies and interspersed with occasional Observations on the Italian Theatres and Biographical Notices of the principal Tragic Writers of Italy (1799) [Walker]
An Historical Essay on the Real Character and Amount of the Precedent of the Revolution of 1688; in which the Opinions of Mackintosh, Price, Hallam, Mr. Fox, Lord John Russell, Blackstone, Burke, and Locke, the Trial of Lord Russell, and the Merits of Sidney, are critically considered (1838) [Ward]
An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Bengal Native Infantry, from its first formation in 1757, to 1796 when the present Regulations took place (1817) [Williams]
Historical Memoirs of my own Time, from 1772 to 1784 (1815) [Wraxall]
An Historical Account of the Ancient Culdees of Iona and of their Settlements in Scotland, England, and Ireland (1811) [Jamieson]
“Historical Sketch of the Enneabionians”, Literary Gazette (4, 11 October 1817) [Jerdan]
“Historicall Description of the Island of Britain”, The First and Second Volumes of Chronicles comprising 1 The Description and Historie of England, 2 The Description and Historie of Ireland, 3 The Description and Historie of Scotland (1587) [Harrison]
Historien von des Ehrwirdigen in Gott seligen thewren Manns Gottes Doctoris Martini Luthers Anfang, Lehr, Leben und Sterben: alles ordendlich der Jarzal nach wie sich alle sachen zu jeder zeyt haben zugetragen (1566) [Luther]
History of Europe, from the Commencement of the French Revolution in M. DCC. LXXXIX, to the Restoration of the Bourbons in M. DCCC. XV (1833-1842) [Alison]
“History of Europe”, Annual Register (1806) [Allen]
History of the War with America, France, Spain, and Holland; commencing in 1785 and ending in 1783 (1785-86) [Andrews]
The History of the Life and Reign of the Czar Peter the Great, Emperor of all Russia (1740) [Banks]
The History and Antiquities of the City of Bristol (1789) [Barrett]
The History of the Orkney Islands: in which is comprehended an Account of their present as well as their ancient State: together with the Advantages they possess for several Branches of Industry, and the Means by which they may be improved (1805) [Barry]
The History of all Religions, with Explanations of the Doctrines and Order of Worship, as held and practised by the Denominations of professing Christians (1812) [Bellamy]
The History of Herodotus, translated from the Greek, with Notes (1791) [Beloe]
The Family Shakespeare (1807) [Bowdler]
The History of the University of Edinburgh: chiefly compiled from Original Papers and Records (1830) [Bower]
An History of the Government of the Primitive Church: for the Three First Centuries, and the Beginning of the Fourth (1712) [Brokesby]
The History of Melbourne, in the County of Derby, including Biographical Notices of the Coke, Melbourne, and Hardinge Families (1852) [Briggs]
History of the Highlands & of the Highland Clans (1834-1838) [Browne]
Bishop Burnet's History of his own Time. From the Revolution to the Conclusion of the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht, in the Reign of Queen Anne (1723-34) [Burnet]
History and Antiquities of the Counties of Westmorland and Cumberland (1777) [Burn]
History of Friedrich II of Prussia, called Frederick the Great (1858-1865) [Carlyle]
The History of the Rise, Progress, and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave-trade by the British Parliament (1808) [Clarkson]
The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England begun in the Year 1641 (1702-1704) [Clarendon]
A History of the Protestant “Reformation,” in England and Ireland showing how that Event has impoverished and degraded the main body of the People in those countries, in a Series of Letters, addressed to all sensible and just Englishmen (1824) [Cobbett]
“History of the Chevalier Bayard”, Knight's Quarterly Magazine (1825) [Coleridge]
The History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset (1791) [Collinson]
The History of English Dramatic Poetry to the Time of Shakespeare; and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration (1831) [Collier]
The History of John Gilpin, as related by the late Mr. Henderson. Shewing how he went farther than he intended, and came home safe at last (1785) [Cowper]
The History of the Maroons, from their Origin to the Establishment of their chief Tribe at Sierra Leone (1803) [Dallas]
The History of Sandford and Merton, a Work intended for the use of Children (1783-1789) [Day]
The History and Remarkable Life of the truly honourable Colonel Jaque, vulgarly call'd Colonel Jack (1724) [Defoe]
The History of the Devil, as well ancient as modern (1727) [Defoe]
The History of King Philip's War; also of Expeditions against the French and Indians in the eastern parts of New-England, in the years 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696 and 1704. With some Account of the Divine Providence towards Col. Benjamin Church (1825) [Drake]
The History of Fiction: being a Critical Account of the most Celebrated Prose Works of Fiction, from the Earliest Greek Romances to the Novels of the Present Age (1814) [Dunlop]
History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge including Notices relating to the Founders and Eminent Men (1814) [Dyer]
The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies (1793) [Edwards]
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (1749) [Fielding]
The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews, and his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams. Written in Imitation of the Manner of Cervantes, Author of Don Quixote (1742) [Fielding]
A History of the early Part of the Reign of James the Second; with an introductory Chapter (1808) [Fox]
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth (1856-1870) [Froude]
The History of the Worthies of England (1662) [Fuller]
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776-1783) [Gibbon]
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1838-1839) [Gibbon]
A History of the Political Life of the Right Honorable William Pitt; including some account of the Times in which he lived (1809) [Gifford]
The History of Ancient Greece, its Colonies and Conquests: from the earliest Accounts till the Division of the Macedonian Empire in the East: including the History of Literature, Philosophy, and the Fine Arts (1786) [Gillies]
The History of England. For the use of Schools and Young Persons (1806) [Godwin]
History of Greece: from the Earliest Records of that Country, to the time in which it was reduced into a Roman Province (1822) [Godwin]
History of Rome: From the Building of the City to the Ruin of the Republic. Illustrated with Maps and other Plates. For the use of Schools and Young Persons (1809) [Godwin]
History of the Commonwealth of England. From its Commencement, to the Restoration of Charles the Second (1824-28) [Godwin]
The History of the Life of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham (1783) [Godwin]
An History of England, in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son (1765) [Goldsmith]
History of the Greek Revolution (1832) [Gordon]
A History of English Rhythms (1838) [Guest]
History of the English Revolution. From the Accession of Charles I (1838) [Guizot]
“History and Languages of the Indian Islands”, Edinburgh Review (April 1814) [Hamilton]
The History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, sirnamed, the Great (1759) [Harte]
The History of Ancient Wiltshire (1810-1821) [Hoare]
The History of the Houses of Douglas and Angus (1643-1644) [Hume]
The History of England: from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688 (1754-1770) [Hume]
The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine, of Durham (1785-1794) [Hutchinson]
A History of New York, from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty (1807-1808) [Irving]
A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (1828) [Irving]
History of the English Language. First, or Anglo-Saxon Period (1834) [Kemble]
The History of Ireland from the Invasion of Henry II., with a preliminary Discourse on the antient State of that Kingdom (1773) [Leland]
The History of Philip, King of Macedon; the Father of Alexander (1758) [Leland]
The History and Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane (1725) [Lesage]
The History of Herodotus (1709) [Littlebury]
A History of Eton College, 1440-1875 (1875) [Lyte]
The History of the Life of King Henry the Second, and of the Age in which he lived, in Five Books (1767-71) [Lyttelton]
The History of England from the Accession of James II (1849-61) [Macaulay]
History of the Lands and their Owners in Galloway: with a Historical Sketch of the District (1870-1879) [Mackerlie]
The History of England (1830-1840) [Mackintosh]
The History of Persia, from the most early Period to the present Time: containing an Account of the Religion, Government, Usages, and Character of the Inhabitants of that Kingdom (1815) [Malcolm]
The History of England during the thirty years' Peace: 1816-1846 (1849-1851) [Martineau]
The History of Hindostan, its Arts and its Sciences, as connected with the History of the other Great Empires of Asia, during the most Ancient Periods of the World (1795-1798) [Maurice]
History of the late War in the Western Country comprising a full Account of all the Transactions in that Quarter, from the Commencement of Hostilities of Tippecanoe, to the Termination of the Contest at New Orleans on the Return of Peace (1816) [McAfee]
The History of the Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero (1741) [Middleton]
The History of Mary, Queen of Scots (1851) [Mignet]
The History of the Turkish, or Ottoman Empire, from its Foundation in 1300, to the Peace of Belgrade in 1740 (1787) [Mignot]
The History of the Church of Christ (1794-1809) [Milner]
The History of Britain, that part especially now call'd England: from the first traditional Beginning, continu'd to the Norman Conquest (1670) [Milton]
The History of the Small Pox (1815) [Moore]
The History and Practice of Vaccination (1817) [Moore]
The History of Ireland (1835-1846) [Moore]
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from the Year 1807 to the Year 1814 (1828-1840) [Napier]
The History of the Puritans or Protestant Non-conformists, from the Reformation to the Death of Queen Elizabeth (1732-1738) [Neal]
A History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan: from the Year MDCCXLV (1763) [Orme]
A History of the Court of Chancery: with Practical Remarks on the Recent Commission, Report, and Evidence, and on the means of Improving the Administration of Justice in the English Courts of Equity (1828) [Parkes]
A History of England from the First Invasion by the Romans to the End of the Reign of George III (1823) [Penrose]
History of the Conquest of Mexico: with a preliminary View of the ancient Mexican Civilization: and the Life of the Conqueror Hernando Cortés (1844) [Prescott]
History of the Conquest of Peru, with a Preliminary View of the Civilization of the Incas (1848) [Prescott]
The History of the Royal Residences of Windsor Castle, St. James's Palace, Carlton House, Kensington Palace, Hampton Court, Buckingham House, and Frogmore (1819) [Pyne]
The History of the Revolution in France (1793) [Rabaut]
The History of Java (1817) [Raffles]
The History of the World (1614) [Raleigh]
A History and Description of Modern Wines (1833) [Redding]
The History of Lynn, Civil, Ecclesiastical, Political, Commercial, Biographical, Municipal, and Military, from the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time (1812) [Richards]
The History of Sir Charles Grandison (1754) [Richardson]
The History of Modern Europe. With an Account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and a view of the Progress of Society. From the Rise of the Modern Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris, in 1763. In a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son (1779-1786) [Russell]
The History of the Thirty Years War in Germany. Translated from the Original (1799) [Schiller]
A True History of several Honourable Families of the Right Honourable Name of Scot, in the Shires of Roxburgh and Selkirk, and others adjacent. Gathered out of Ancient Chronicles, Histories, and Traditions of our Fathers. (Satchelo's Post'ral, etc.) (1688) [Scott]
History of the Expedition to Russia, undertaken by the Emperor Napoleon, in the year 1812 (1825) [Segur]
The History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People called Quakers, intermixed with several Remarkable Occurrences: written originally in Low-Dutch (1722) [Sewel]
History of a Six Weeks' Tour through a part of France, Switzerland, Germany and Holland with Letters descriptive of a Sail round the Lake of Geneva, and of the Glaciers of Chamouni (1817) [Shelley]
The History of Little Henry and his Bearer (1814) [Sherlock]
The History and Adventures of an Atom (1769) [Smollett]
The History of Great Britain during the Reign of Queen Anne. With a Dissertation concerning the Danger of the Protestant Succession; and an Appendix, containing Original Papers (1798) [Somerville]
History of Brazil (1810-1819) [Southey]
“History of Dissenters, &c.”, Quarterly Review (October 1813) [Southey]
“History of Lope de Aguirre”, Edinburgh Annual Register for 1810 (1812) [Southey]
“History of the Dominion of the Arabs and Moors in Spain”, Foreign Quarterly Review (1812) [Southey]
History of the Peninsular War (1823-1832) [Southey]
“History of the Vaudois”, Quarterly Review (December 1825) [Southey]
The History of Churches in England: wherein is shewn the Time, Means, and Manner of Founding, Building, and Endowing of Churches, both Cathedral and Rural, with their Furniture and Appendages (1712) [Staveley]
“The History of Santon Barsisa”, The Guardian (31 August 1713) [Steele]
The History of the Scottish Church, Rotterdam. To which are subjoined Notices of the other British Churches in the Netherlands; and a brief View of the Dutch Ecclesiastical Establishment (1833) [Steven]
The History of the Establishment of the Reformation of religion in Scotland (1780) [Stuart]
The History of Scotland, from the Establishment of the Reformation, till the Death of Queen Mary (1782) [Stuart]
The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham, compiled from Original Records (1816-1840) [Surtees]
An Impartial History of Ireland from the Period of the English Invasion to the Present Time (1809-10) [Taafe]
A History of the Right Honorable William Pitt, earl of Chatham: containing his Speeches in Parliament; a considerable portion of his Correspondence, when Secretary of State, upon French, Spanish, and American Affairs, never before published (1827) [Thackeray]
The History of Henry Esmond, Esq., a Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Q. Anne (1852) [Thackeray]
History of the Conquest of England by the Normans: with its Causes from the earliest Period, and its Consequences to the present Time (1825) [Thierry]
History of Spanish Literature (1849) [Ticknor]
The History of the Anglo-Saxons, from their first Appearance above the Elbe, to the Death of Egbert: with a Map of their ancient Territory (1799-1805) [Turner]
History of England, from the Norman conquest to the reign of Henry VII (1814-1823) [Turner]
The History of the Reign of Henry the Eighth comprising the Political History of the Commencement of the English Reformation (1826) [Turner]
History of Scotland (1828-1843) [Tytler]
The History of the Knights of Malta (1728) [Vertot]
The History of the Revolution in Portugal, in the Year 1640 (1700) [Vertot]
The History of the Revolutions in Sweden (1696) [Vertot]
The History of Switzerland, from the Irruption of the Barbarians to the present time (1840) [Vieusseux]
The History of the Life and Reign of George the Fourth (1831-1832) [Walker]
A History of England: from the Conclusion of the Great War in 1815 (1878) [Walpole]
The History of English Poetry from the Close of the 11th to the Commencement of the 18th Century, to which are prefixed two Dissertations: 1, On the Origin of Romantic Fiction in Europe; 2, On the Introduction of Learning into England (1774-1781) [Warton]
The History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain (1777) [Watson]
The History of the Reign of Philip the Third, King of Spain (1783) [Watson]
“History of Cyclopaedias”, Quarterly Review (April 1863) [Watts]
The History of Ned Evans: a Tale of the Times (1796) [West]
The History of Manchester. In Four Books (1771, 1775) [Whitaker]
The History of Agathon (1773) [Wieland]
History of the Persecutions endured by the Protestants of the South of France, and more especially of the Department of the Gard during the years 1814, 1815, 1816, etc. (1817) [Wilks]
History of the British Expedition to Egypt; to which is subjoined, a Sketch of the Present State of that Country and its Means of Defence (1802) [Wilson]
“The History of Rasselas”, Ballantyne's Novelist's Library (1821-1824) [Scott]
The History of Napoleon Buonaparte (1829) [Lockhart]
The History of Matthew Wald (1824) [Lockhart]
The History of the ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha (1822) [Lockhart]
The History of America (1777) [Robertson]
The History of British India (1817) [Mill]
The History of Christianity from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire (1840) [Milman]
History of European morals from Augustus to Charlemagne (1869) [Lecky]
The History of Greece (1784-1818) [Mitford]
The History of India (1841) [Elphinstone]
The History of Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy (1753) [Haywood]
History of Latin Christianity: including that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicolas (1854-1855) [Milman]
The History of Pendennis. His Fortunes and Misfortunes, his Friends and his Greatest Enemy (1849-50) [Thackeray]
The History of Scotland, during the Reigns of Queen Mary and of King James VI: till his Accession to the Crown of England (1759) [Robertson]
The History of Scotland (1829) [Scott]
The History of the Jews (1829) [Milman]
The History of the Life and Reigne of Richard the Third. Composed in five Bookes (1646) [Buck]
History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic (1838) [Prescott]
The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V. With a View of the Progress of Society in Europe, from the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century (1791) [Robertson]
Hobhouse Pamphlet (1825) [Medwin]
“Hodgson's Translation of Juvenal”, Edinburgh Review (April 1808) [Pillans]
“Hogg's Queen's Wake”, Edinburgh Review (November 1814) [Jeffrey]
“Hohenlinden”, Pleasures of Hope, with other Poems (1800) [Campbell]
“Holford's Wallace”, Monthly Review (May 1810) [Hodgson]
“Holiday Children”, The Indicator (1820-1821) [Novello]
“Holland-tide”: or, Munster Popular Tales (1827) [Griffin]
Holland House (1874) [Leland]
“Holland's Travels into Albania, Etc.”, Edinburgh Review (October 1815) [Playfair]
The Holland House Circle (1908) [Sanders]
“The Holly Tree”, Morning Post (17 December 1798) [Southey]
“Holmes' American Annals”, Quarterly Review (November 1809) [Southey]
A Holy Commonwealth, or, Political Aphorisms opening the True Principles of Government: with a Preface to them that have caused our Eclipses since 1646: and a sounder answer to the Healing Question: and the Jesuites Method for restoring Popery (1659) [Baxter]
“The Holy Fair”, Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (1786) [Burns]
The Holy Land: a Poem (1800) [Wrangham]
The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments with original Notes (1788-1792) [Scott]
Home Letters written by the late Earl of Beaconsfield in 1830 and 1831 (1885) [Disraeli]
“Home tours—Mrs. Bray's Letters on Devonshire”, Quarterly Review (October 1837) [Southey]
Homer travestie: being a new Translation of the four first Books of the Iliad (1762) [Bridges]
“L'Homme au Masque de Fer”, Quarterly Review (June 1826) [Palgrave]
The Honest Whore: with the Humours of the Patient Man and the Longing Wife (1604) [Dekker]
The Honey Moon: a Comedy, in Five Acts (1805) [Tobin]
The Honourable Prentice: or, this Taylor is a man. Shewed in the Life and Death of Sir John Hawekwood (1615) [Vallans]
A Tale of Two Swannes. Wherein is comprehended the Original and Increase of the River Lee commonly called Ware-River: together, with the Antiquitie of sundrie Places and Townes seated upon the same. Pleasant to be read, and not altogether unprofitable to bee understood (1590) [Vallans]
Hope, an Allegorical Sketch, on recovering slowly from Sickness (1796) [Bowles]
Q. Horatii Flacci opera, cum variis lectionibus, notis variorum, et indice locupletissimo (1792-1793) [Combe]
Horace. Book III. Ode III. Imitated (1690 c.) [Walsh]
Horace in London: consisting of Imitations of the first two Books of Horace (1813) [Smith]
“The Hour when we shall meet again”, The Watchman (17 March 1796) [Coleridge]
The Hour and the Man. A Historical Romance (1841) [Martineau]
Hours of Idleness, a Series of Poems, original and translated (1807) [Byron]
The Political House that Jack built: with thirteen Cuts (1819) [Hone]
The House of Mourning: a Poem, with some Smaller Pieces (1817) [Scott]
“House of Aspen, a Tragedy”, The Keepsake for MDCCCXXX (1830) [Scott]
The House of Colberg: a Tragedy in Five Acts (1833) [Serle]
The Housekeeper, or, the White Rose: a Comedy in Two Acts (1833) [Jerrold]
“How many Bards gild the Lapses of Time!”, Poems by John Keats (1817) [Keats]
“Howes’ translation of Persius”, Monthly Review (January 1809) [Hodgson]
“Hoyle's Exodus: a Poem”, Edinburgh Review (January 1808) [Campbell]
Hudibras (1663-1680) [Butler]
“The Human Seasons”, Literary Pocket-Book (1819) [Keats]
Human Life: a Poem (1819) [Rogers]
Human Nature in its four-fold State of Primitive Integrity, Entire Depravation, Begun Recovery, and Consummate Happiness or Misery (1720) [Boston]
Humane Nature: or, the Fundamental Elements of Policie. Being a Discoverie of the Faculties, Acts, and Passions of the Soul of Man, from their Original Causes, according to such Philosophical Principles as are not commonly known or asserted (1650) [Hobbes]
“Humboldt, Essai Politique sur la Nouvelle Espagne”, Edinburgh Review (April 1810, November 1811) [Allen]
The Hunchback: a Play in Five Acts (1832) [Knowles]
A Hundred a Year (1800 ca.) [Hunt]
Hungarian Tales (1829) [Gore]
The Hungarian Brothers (1808) [Porter]
“Hunt's Story of Rimini”, Edinburgh Review (June 1816) [Hazlitt]
“Hunter on The Tempest”, Quarterly Review (March 1840) [Harness]
The Huntingdon Peerage: comprising a detailed Account of the Evidence and Proceedings connected with the recent Restoration of the Earldom to which is prefixed a history of the House of Hastings (1820) [Bell]
“Huntington, S. S. Works and Life”, Quarterly Review (January 1821) [Southey]
Hurlothrumbo: or, the Super-Natural ([1729]) [Johnson]
The Hurricane: a Theosophical and Western Eclogue. To which is subjoined, A Solitary Effusion in a Summer's Evening (1796) [Gilbert]
The Provok'd Husband; or, a Journey to London. A Comedy (1728) [Vanbrugh]
Hydriotaphia Urne-buriall; or, a Discourse of the Sepulchrall Urnes lately found in Norfolk. Together with The Garden of Cyrus, or the Quincunciall, Lozenge, or Net-work Plantations of the Ancients, artificially, naturally, mystically considered (1658) [Browne]
“Hymn, “When Jordan hush'd””, Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell (1849) [Campbell]
“Hymn before Sun-rise, in the Vale of Chamouny”, Morning Post (11 September 1802) [Coleridge]
“A Hymn on Contentment”, Poetical Miscellanies, consisting of original Poems and Translations. By the best Hands (1714) [Parnel]
“Hymn to the Penates”, Poems (1797) [Southey]
“Hymn to Intellectual Beauty”, The Examiner (19 January 1817) [Shelley]
“Hymn to Mercury”, Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley (1824) [Shelley]
“Hymn to Pan”, Poems by John Keats (1817) [Keats]
Hymns in Prose for children by the author of Lessons for Children (1781) [Barbauld]
“Hymns to the Deities of India”, Poems, Epistolary, Lyric, and Elegiacal, in Three Parts (1800) [Maurice]
Hypatia: or, New Foes with an Old Face (1853) [Kingsley]
“Hyperion, a Fragment”, Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes and other Poems (1820) [Keats]
Hyperion, a Romance (1839) [Longfellow]
Hypocrisy: a Satire, in Three Books. Book the First (1812) [Colton]
Hypocrisy unveiled, and Calumny detected: in a Review of Blackwood's Magazine (1818) [Napier]
“The Hypocrite”, The Examiner (1, 2 August 1819) [Lamb]